The beginning of terror {Origin chapter}

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{First, I am dedicating this chapter to you BellaSH13 Your cover is totally amazing!! I really love this one, The book cover. Thanks for making this one for me}


A Women in her 20's who was dressed in all light blue who looked really injured was running through a forest in the middle of the night. Not once looking back to check if anyone or anything was chasing her. She was carrying an almost 4/5 Month old baby girl which was wrapped in a towel in her arms.

That night was one of the quitest nights in ages but here? Right now silence could kill. The wind swiftly passing by and the autoum leaves rustling was supposed to be calming but now it's just terrifying. There was absolutely nothing chasing her from any side but she wouldn't stop running, Running for her life of course. She didn't stop for anything until she reached a stream . That river which was moving fast and reflected the moonlight. There was trash surrounding the stream and the woman stumbled on to something.

It was a wooden basket. It was only a bit bigger then the baby itself.

She finally heard something. She knew it was the time. She put the baby in the basket and took of her necklace with a heart charm made of jade and diamond and tied it to the baby's neck. She put the basket in the river. The basket started moving as the stream flowed.

The woman wasted no time and swiftly grabbed a towel she found laying on the ground. She filled it with all the soft trash she could find. She wrapped the trash in the towel and carried it in her arms like a baby and ran towards the forest.

Soon there was a large voice and then a monstrous creature with burning red eyes and Huge long pointy ears whom was 25feet long appeared and before she knew it there were four if them surrounding her. She  knew she could now do nothing but accept her fate. She tightly held on to her bracelet which had the same heart made of jade and diamond and closed her eyes shut. She couldn't stop herself from opening her eyes, It Was as if there was a Mystikal force that was forcing her to open her eyes. She couldn't stop. She had to, So she did. She opened her eyes and as soon as she did? She made eye contact with that creature and then a person from behind grabbed her bracelet, She turned back to see who It was, She moved her left hand upwards to take back her bracelet but then suddenly She Froze and turned into a stone statue.

The creature's Went a bit closer to see if the thing she was carrying was the baby but it wasn't so after realizing that they were fooled and they had failed their mission they skereched and vaporized into thin air. The man who had taken the bracelet now grabbed the statue of the woman and went into the woods.

The basket that has been Floating and moving with the stream now came to an end and it stopped. It stayed there for a few hours till Morning when fiannly two people saw the baby. A blonde frizzy haired woman in her mid 20's who had a stern look in her face took the baby up. She turned towards a man with brown messy  hair who wore purple glasses and a lab coat and she worriedly said to him

"Is it to late Elliot?"
"No its not Mary but it will be to late if we stay here to long and something goes wrong" said Elliot
"When are we leaving?Are Samuel and Alex coming?" Asked Mary
"Sadly no, Alex and Samuel aren't coming. We are leaving in an hour after saying bye to them and are you sure you're holding the right thing?'" Said Elliot
Mary looks at the necklace tied to the baby's neck, Its chain is made of gold while the heart charm is of pure jade and diamond. Mary then looked at the baby's eyes which were pure jade green in colour.
"Stop calling the baby a thing professor, Her names going to be jade"
After that Mary went back inside a car and Elliot followed her into the car and sat at the last seat. Mary drove the car towards a small rode which lead to a small house. Mary and Elliot left jade inside and went towards the house and knocked once, Nobody answered. They knocked twice and then Mary took 5 Steps back while Elliot moved to the side, Mary ran to the door and kicked it hard which broke the door and then Mary and Elliot entered, As soon as they did they saw the front wall had a sign written in blood and Samuel lied dead on the couch, The scene was terrible.
Mary and Elliot rushed out and swiftly entered the car and drove out of that area as fast as they could. They drove for days and it was getting hard to take care of a baby in a car but 5 days later they fiannly made it.

They reached a large snow filled cold forest whit a frozen lake to the side and there was a huge cave hidden with creeper's.

Mary got out and of the car and so did Elliot. They stepped inside a red borderline surrounding a whole huge mansion. Elliot hurriedly went inside and Mary did the same. The walked inside the mansion to realize that there wasn't a single round thing in the whole place. Not one, Everything was in different shapes but not one round thing. The floor was made of wood and there was a huge glass diamond shaped  Chandler hanging from the ceiling. That mansion was  really elegant and looked really expensive. Elliot hurriedly went to the left area towards the lab and Mary took the baby and went to a room to get the baby ready.

{This is how the sign made of blood looks like}

Thanks for reading the first chapter! It's my first time actually writing something serious so if it's horrible then forgive me. Leave suggestions in the comments and believe me I read all of them. Until next time stay safe and stay Hydrated.

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