Chapter Three

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Dipper ran as fast as he could towards the back of the Mystery Shack, the zombies following him.

"Dipper, what was the one thing I told you not to do, tonight?" Mabel scolded.

"Raise the dead."

"And what did you do?"

"Raise the dead."

Dipper and Mabel screamed as the zombies rounded the corner. They ran inside, shutting the door behind them. Dipper pulled out Journal 3, searching for something, anything that could help them.

"I can't believe this, we're all gonna die and it's all my fault!" the window near Dipper crashed open, a zombie grabbing Dipper by the arm and pulling him away from Mabel, "Mabel, I'm sorry!"

Dipper was dropped suddenly, and turning around, the male found that it was his Grunkle. After being ordered to run upstairs the twins did just that. Stan punched away at the zombies left and right with his brass knuckles. Finding their way to the twins' room, the door was quickly shut behind them.

After finding out what Grunkle Stan's intentions were, and finding out that there was some secret ink hidden within the pages of the journal, the group found that large sound waves were the way to end everything.

Through some terrible singing the zombies, excluding Soos, were dead. But the worst part of the night was Dipper getting his journal taken away. He had the thing memorized, but there were new secrets to unlock within the pages. But there was nothing that could be done about it now, and Dipper drifted off to sleep.

Upon entering the mindscape, Dipper found that the clearing no longer had a piano, but instead had a portal open in place of it. Bill was standing to the side of it and turned around with a smile.

"Pinetree! How were the zombies?"

Dipper sighed, "I don't wanna talk about it."

Bill laughed as he motioned for Dipper to come to the portal. Without a moment's notice, Bill shoved Dipper through the portal, following him in.

Dipper fell face-first into the forest grass. The world was full of color once again, and Dipper sat up with wonder filling his eyes. The portal closed and Dipper turned to Bill who smirked down at him.

"Welcome to Reverse Falls, Pinetree!"

Dipper saw something pop up in front of him to find that his journal, his personal one, was laying in the grass, along with a pen. Dipper had already written a few things inside of the journal, printing his name on the cover and on many pages to start with. But other than a few descriptions of who he was and what the journal was about, Dipper had nothing in it. On the top of the next page, Dipper wrote at the top 'Reverse Falls', and was ready to listen to what Bill had to teach.

Instead of talking, Bill began to walk out of the forest they spawned in. The town looked the same as Gravity Falls, but the people walking around seemed to be the opposite of their other selves, Dipper wrote all this in his journal.

"Here we are!" Dipper looked up from writing to see that we were in front of the Tent of Telepathy, "Get ready to have your mind blown, Pinetree!"

Bill grabbed the cover of the tent and opened it, the sound of music filling the air. There was a crowd of townspeople sitting on the benches, and on the stage stood two people.

One had long brown hair, all held back by a blue headband with a blue gem on it. Her black undershirt was tucked into a black shirt, a blue top covering her arms, and black tights covering her legs. Her hands were covered in black gloves and her shoes consisted of light blue heels.

The male next to her had on a black undershirt with a blue vest on top of it. At his neck was a string tie with a blue gem in the center. His black pants and shoes made him look taller than his partner, and his matching black gloves waved in the air. His hair revealed a Big Dipper birthmark, the male showing it off with pride.

"Bill, they look like me and Mabel," Dipper whispered.

"They are your reversed selves. In this dimension, the Gleeful twins run the Tent of Telepathy with lots of adoring fans."

Dipper's eyes shined in amazement as the twins on the stage performed their magical act. The reversed version of Mabel smiled at the crowd while reverse Dipper held his composure until he made eye contact with the original Dipper.

The two locked eyes for what seemed like forever, time stopping in an instant and the noise around them disappearing. A small smile rested on Dipper's face as the reversed Dipper's eyes widened. He showed an expression of amazement, pure awe at what he was seeing.

It was the original Dipper who broke the eye contact, leaning over to whisper to Bill something that the reversed Dipper couldn't hear. Getting back to the show, the two never meet their eyes again.

"Don't worry, unlike you, that Dipper knows of other dimensions. We'll be meeting them after the show," Bill informed.

Dipper opened his journal and began to take notes. The show ended and the townspeople began to exit the tent, Bill and Dipper making their way to the back of the tent where the Gleeful twins emerged.

"So, you're the visitors from the Gravity Falls dimension Will was telling us about," Mabel crossed her arms over her chest as she popped her hip.

"Hello," Dipper shyly waved.

A flash came from nearby and formed into a blue version of Bill's human form. He was shaking as he walked over to the twins' side, bowing as he spoke, "I'm glad your journey was safe, brother."

"Will, it's good to see you again!" Bill quickly took his brother by the arm and pulled him close to him, wrapping his arm around his brother's shoulder.

Dipper opened his journal once again, only to have his journal taken from him by his opposite self.

"Why do you have my journal?"

Dipper narrowed his eyes and lunged for his journal as he spoke, "It's my journal! Give it back!"

The reversed version of himself was taller than him, and Dipper knew that once the book was hanging above his head that he wouldn't get it back without force. Dipper growled and kicked his reversed self in the shin, causing the book to fall into Dipper's awaiting hands.

"Agh! You little brat!" reverse Dipper's eyes glowed a light blue.

"Master, please!" Will cried.

The other Dipper let out a deep sigh, his eyes going back to normal. The original DIpper smiled to himself and felt Bill take off his hat to rub his hair.

"Well, let walk and talk, shall we!" Bill began, walking with his brother no longer trapped underneath his arm, "Let's begin with proper introductions. As Mabel said, we are from the universe Gravity Falls. Name's Bill Cipher, and this is my apprentice Dipper Pines."

Dipper turned around from his spot beside Bill and gave a nonchalant salute. However, his heart flew at hearing Bill call him his apprentice. Bill smiled down at Dipper before gesturing for his brother to talk.

"Um, I'm Will Cipher. These are my master's, Dipper, and Mabel Gleeful. We are in the dimension Reverse Falls."

Dipper scribbled away at his notes, his pen going slower than what his brain wanted it to.

"Wait, wait, wait. I'm not getting this whole 'two Dipper's' thing confused. What's your real name?" Mabel commanded.

Without looking up Dipper spoke, "Call me Mason."

Mabel smirked, "Now I get the excuse to call my dear twin Tyrone for the rest of his life!"

The name didn't slip Mason by, his thoughts going back to the copy version of himself. Mason shook off the feeling of loneliness and continued to write in his journal. The group had made their way to the Gleeful mansion, the building taking Mason's breath away. The expression didn't go unnoticed by Tyrone.

The first room was larger than life, it reminded Mason of the first room of the Northwest household. A large chandelier hung from the ceiling, the floor carpeted in a deep blue. A staircase laid in the middle of the room, two doors at the bottom of the stairs and two at the top.

"Now then, Pinetree, let's begin," Bill turned towards the Gleeful twins, "We'll be taking Will for a while, so get ready to do things on your own for once."

Mabel growled and Tyrone snapped his fingers. A glowing, blue chain wrapped around both of Will's wrists while the other end was in Tyrone's hand.

"Sorry, but we're not giving up our puppet that easily," Tyrone smirked as he spoke.

"Oh, please!" Bill snapped his fingers in return, the chains breaking and Will being teleported underneath Bill's arm again, "You may be half-demon, but that's nothing compared to a full demon. Nothing from your little deal is being broken, just borrowing my brother for a bit."

"You can't do that without our permission!" Mabel stomped her foot.

"Yes. I. Can."

"Oh my God!" all attention was turned to Mason, who snapped his journal closed, "Can any of you be more pathetic? We'll all just go together. The twins stay by Will's side and I get a lesson in before I wake up. Cool? Cool. Will, could you show me to the backyard?"

Everyone remained silent, and it took Mason until getting to the backyard to stop panicking on the inside. He spoke his mind! He got everyone to listen to him for once! They followed his direction without saying another word. Being Bill's apprentice is already starting to show an impact on him. In a good way, if you asked Mason.

"Thank you, Will," Mason smiled up at the blue demon, "Now, Bill, can we get to the lesson?"

Bill smirked, "Of course, Pinetree."

Mason sat in the grass, the twins standing back with scowls on their faces. As Bill taught Dipper about Reverse Falls and other dimensions, the twins mumbled to each other.

"I never thought that your reverse self would be so outspoken," Mabel spoke to her twin.

"Agreed, it's not like I keep my mouth shut when it comes to confronting situations. However, his outspokenness seems to come from the heart and mind, not just one."

"Hmm, and that journal of his. It seems that he's writing at the beginning of it, meaning that couldn't have had it that long. More proof that the journal isn't yours after all."

"And his magical abilities. You sense them too, correct?"

"I'm not an idiot, of course, I noticed. But it seems as though he hasn't learned any of them yet."

"How do you know?" Tyrone rolled his eyes as he spoke.

"You mastered your powers quickly, meaning that it should take a while. Not only that, but they won't be mastered easily. His powers are strong, stronger than you and I combined."

Mason stood up, his body fading in and out. The twins heard him mumbling 'goodbye' as well as 'thank you', something Will was not used to hearing.

With the portal open Bill and Mason left, the portal closing behind them. The twins turned to one another, a devilish smirk riding on their lips.

"Will," the demon shrunk as he turned towards his masters, "tell us more about this Gravity Falls universe."

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