Chapter 2 - Interlude

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(The episode starts in a classroom with large four-person tables seating teenagers in it. Science equipment is seen on tables and shelves on the sides of the room. Ezekiel and Billy are seated at a table, now much older than before. Billy leans over to Ezekiel.)

Bill: (Whispering.) Hey, Zeke, you have my homework?

Zeke: (Sighs.) Yeah. (He reaches into a backpack sat next to his chair and pulls out a sheet of homework. He gives it to Bill.) I can't keep doing your homework Bill. I have my own things to do after school.

Bill: What things? We both know you just play video games until your parents make you leave your room and eat dinner. (Bill grabs the homework.)

Zeke: And I can't play video games if I'm doing your homework. (He pauses.) Besides, you're smart enough to do it yourself.

Bill: You're fooling yourself.

Zeke: I'm serious. You just gotta apply yourself. (He pokes Bill's head.) You've got a smart brain in there, Bill, you just have to use it for homework instead of the arcade. (The camera cuts to see a teenage girl sitting at a nearby table. She's average height with brown hair and glasses. Her clothes are well-kept, and she's sat by another girl who starts talking to her.)

Bill: Speaking of using your brain for better things.

Zeke: What are you talking about?

Bill: We both know you have heart-eyes for Charlotte Walters.

Zeke: (Blushing.) You're crazy.

Bill: Go talk to her, man. Heard she spends her nights at the arcade. You'd know if you played video games there instead of at home.

Zeke: Mom says money is tight right now.

Bill: C'mon, Zeke. Zeke the geek. Go say hi or something.

Zeke: Fine. Just so you'll shut up. (Zeke gets up as we cut to Charlotte. We see Zeke slowly approach the table as neither Charlotte or the other girl notice. Zeke looks back towards Bill to see him giving a thumbs up. Zeke clears his throat. Charlotte and the other girl look up at him.)

Charlotte: Oh, hey, Ezekiel. What's up?

Zeke: W-Well, uh... I, uh, just wanted to... (The camera cuts to see the teacher of the classroom walk in as he addresses the class.)

Teacher: Sorry I'm late, class. Had to help the culinary teacher with a taste test. Some of those students can't follow recipes. Everyone get your homework from last night out. (We cut back to Charlotte as she looks up to where Zeke was. We see he's now gone as we pan to see him sitting next to Bill, still blushing.) So, let's start with question one...

(A flash of white appears as we go back to the present day. A now-repaired Halberd is seen flying through the air, with metal surrounding many areas of the ship. A crack is seen on the mask on the front of the ship. We cut to Master Mind on the bridge of the ship.)

Master Mind: I see your ship has been repaired. (The camera pans around to see Meta Knight and Bowser Jr..)

Meta Knight: It wasn't easy. Luckily, we had no need for the Egg Carrier anymore.

Bowser Jr.: (Downtrodden.) Yeah.

Master Mind: (To Meta Knight.) I trust that you and your fellow warriors have been fruitful on your journeys?

Meta Knight: (Nods.) We have made ourselves known. However, Nightmare ran into one of yours.

Master Mind: One of those brainwashed heroes?

Meta Knight: Attacked a swordsman he was after. He didn't stay to check if he finished the job. If he escaped your brainwashing-

Master Mind: It doesn't matter. Your work has been excellent. I was right to put my trust in you, Meta Knight. You may return to your quarters. (Meta Knight and Bowser Jr. start walking back towards the back end of the Halberd.) Not you, Koopa Prince. I have something to ask of you. (Bowser Jr. looks towards Meta Knight who nods. Bowser Jr. walks towards Master Mind.)

Bowser Jr.: Yessir?

Master Mind: You look sad. What is the matter?

Bowser Jr.: Is it true what the princess said about my papa? Is he...

Master Mind: No, no. Your father is a valuable member of my team. He's out there doing very important work.

Bowser Jr.: Oh... (Smiling a bit.) Okay.

Master Mind: Now, I must ask you, do you have any siblings?

Boswer Jr.: Yeah, seven of 'em! Why?

Master Mind: Perhaps we should get in touch with them. (We cut to another shot of the Halberd as we see a small portal open on it. Master Mind and Bowser Jr. walk through it.)

End of Episode

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