Chapter 3 - Finale: Quantum Break

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(The episode begins looking down on a college campus. The camera zooms into one of the campus buildings as we hear the voice of the Dean of the college.)

Dean: Well, Mr. Joyce, you certainly have quite the resume. (We cut into the Dean's office to see him sitting at his desk. Across from the desk, Jack Joyce sits in a chair facing the Dean.) But with your... ahem... condition...

Jack: That won't be an issue, sir. I will keep my powers under control. (There's a knock at the door. We see Dr. Light (Mega Man) poke his head through the door.)

Light: Excuse me, Dean Vanders. I just came to grab my papers.

Dean: Yes, yes, come in, Thomas. (Dr. Light enters and rummages through a pile of papers on a nearby desk.)

Jack: Please, I really need a job. I can be a cook or a janitor or...

Dean: (Interrupting.) I'm sorry, Mr. Joyce. These chronon abilities...

Light: (Looking up.) Hm?

Dean: I cannot risk the lives of any students here from your condition. I hope you understand my decision, Mr. Joyce. (Jack gets up, visibly frustrated.)

Jack: I understand. Thank you for your time. (Jack leaves the room. We cut to him walking down the hallway as Light quickly exits the Dean's office and hurries after Jack.)

Light: Excuse me, sir! Wait! (Jack stops and turns around. Light reaches Jack.)

Jack: Is there a problem?

Light: Excuse me for eavesdropping, but those chronon abilities of yours, what are they?

Jack: Oh, they... (He pauses to think about it.) help me control time. Kinda.

Light: Fascinating. How did you acquire these powers?

Jack: I don't think that's any of your d*mn business. Look, if you're just gonna question me... (He begins walking away.)

Light: Wait! (Jack stops.) Just hear me out. A few colleagues of mine are working on an experiment involving time manipulation. If we had someone experienced in that regard, we could very well change the world! Perhaps even solve our current crisis.

Jack: (He thinks it over.) Does it pay?

Light: (Chuckles.) I'll make sure you're well-endorsed for your time. If you'll follow me, I'll introduce you to the rest of our team. (Light begins walking away as Jack follows. The POV changes as we see Jack and Dr. Light through a telescope. A voice is heard.)

???: Ugh! I can't believe this! (The POV changes again as we cut to see N. Trance holding a large telescope on the roof of a campus building.) Seems those chumps down at the lab found a new member of the team. They shut me out but hire any random shmup they find on the street. (He clenches his fist.) Two can play at that game. (He holds up his telescope again and glances around the area. He spots Jimmy de Santa (Grand Theft Auto) sitting on a bench and smoking.) No, too slow. (He swings the telescope around again and spots E. Gadd (Super Mario) walking down the sidewalk holding a stack of books.)

E. Gadd: Hehehe!

N. Trance: No no no! Too old. (The telescope swings around once more as he spots Blinx next to a large brick building, holding his TS-1000 Vacuum Cleaner up against it.) Hmmm, now that could work. (We cut to see N. Trance looking directly at the camera as he lowers his telescope and laughs.) Nyehehehe... (We cut to Blinx entering the building he was sweeping. We see a few people inside, not noticing him. Blinx quickly dives behind a sofa in the building, hiding.)

Blinx: It's quiet... too quiet. (He looks at his vacuum.) No Time Monsters though. (A voice is suddenly heard.)

???: Oh, hello there, little guy. (Blinx's eyes open wide in shock. He looks up from his vacuum to see a middle-aged woman with gray hair tied in a bun. She's wearing glasses and formal clothing.) What brings you to our university?

Blinx: I... uh... well...

???: Oh! You can talk! You'll have to forgive me. I've seen many new animals recently and not all of them are capable of speech. (She holds her hand out.) My name is Charlotte Walters. You? (Blinx gets up and shakes her hand.)

Blinx: I'm Blinx.

Charlotte: Lovely name. (She notices his vacuum.) I don't suppose you're here to clean up the place. Lord knows we could use a deep clean. (She leans down and whispers to Blinx.) I think the janitors may be on strike. (She winks.) Don't tell them I said that though. (She giggles.)

Blinx: (Laughs.) No no, this is used for time sweeping. Ya see, I worked at a Time Factory. (He proudly holds up his vacuum.) These babies help us keep time moving steadily forward.

Charlotte: Oh, how nice. (Recognition suddenly flashes across her face.) Actually, some of our staff here are working on a time-related problem. Maybe you can help them out. One second. (She moves away to a desk on the other side of the room. We cut to see Blinx smiling as N. Trance peaks his head out from behind the doorway corner.)

N. Trance: Hey, kitty cat. (Blinx turns towards him.) Yeah. Got something for you. (Blinx walks up to him.)

Blinx: Uh... do I know you?

N. Trance: Uh... yeah, sure. Just look right here. (N. Trance opens up his claw hand to reveal a watch. It begins ticking.)

Blinx: A watch?

N. Trance: Shh! Just keep looking at it. (The camera shifts between Blinx and the watch, with the transitions becoming faster each time. As we cut back to Blinx for the last time, we see his eyes become spirals as he wavers back and forth. He is now hypnotized.) Egg-cellent! Now listen closely. You will find the lab of that dull Dr. Thomas Light. Then, you will nab that ruby they've been studying and hand it directly to me. Understood?

Blinx: (Monotone.) I understand.

N. Trance: Nyehehe! Perfect. (We hear the voice of Charlotte.)

Charlotte: Blinx?

N. Trance: (Surprised.) Gah! (We see N. Trance quickly run outside as he jumps off of the side of the staircase into nearby brush. We cut back to see Charlotte walk up to Blinx.)

Charlotte: There you are! I got us clearance to see that time experiment I told you about. Just follow me.

Blinx: (Monotone.) Okay. (We see the two of them walk down the stairs of the building as N. Trance pokes his head out of the brush. Leaves cover his face.)

N. Trance: Everything is going as planned. Nyehehehe...

(We cut to see Jack and Dr. Light walking down a basement staircase. Dr. Light leads Jack to a door.)

Light: Now, let me introduce you to our team. (Light opens the door. We see the underground laboratory, the same exact laboratory used by Master Mind during the prologue of the series. A large, unfinished machine is being worked on. A glowing gem of some kind, not the Shadow Crystal, is set on a table. The Professor (Ape Escape) walks up to Jack and Dr. Light.) This is our expert on time. We simply call him the Professor.)

Professor: How do you do?

Jack: Fine, thanks.

Light: Dr. Freeman, care to introduce yourself? (A figure who was studying the machine stands up, revealing himself to be Gordon Freeman. Gordon walks up to Jack and holds out his hand.)

Gordon: Gordon Freeman, theoretical physicist. (Jack shakes his hand.)

Jack: Jack Joyce, happy to be here.

Light: Mr. Joyce here has worked on time-altering devices before. I thought it would be wise to acquire his help for this experiment of ours. (To Gordon.) Dr. Freeman, would you like to catch Mr. Joyce up on what we know so far?

Gordon: (Pointing to the gem on the table.) That's what's called the Phantom Ruby. Theoretically, it should give one the ability to travel through both time and space. (He moves over to the Phantom Ruby.) It was experimented on decades ago by someone who used to work here until they disappeared.

Jack: Disappeared?

Gordon: No one knows where he went. (He holds up the Phantom Ruby, showing a small chunk of it is gone.) They only used a small portion of the ruby for his experiment, but that hasn't been found either.

Light: (Turning to Jack.) So we've been tasked to continue this experiment, especially with our collective background. (A knock is suddenly heard at the door.) Hmm? (We cut to see Charlotte and Blinx enter the lab.)

Charlotte: Sorry to bother you, gentlemen.

Professor: Ms. Walters! What brings you down to our humble basement?

Charlotte: This is Blinx. (She gestures to the hypnotized cat.) Blinx here is a time sweeper. I thought he'd be interested in what you bunch are working on. (She walks slowly around the room, more somber.) I haven't been down here in a long, long time.

Jack: (To Gordon.) Is she okay?

Gordon: (Not removing his eyes from a set of blueprints on the table.) The person who disappeared decades ago was her boyfriend. It's a sore subject around campus.

Jack: You don't say... (The sound of a vacuum is suddenly heard.) Huh? (We cut to Blinx as he uses his vacuum. It's pointed at the table with the Phantom Ruby on it. To Blinx.) Hey, cat, what's with the vacuum? (Blinx says nothing as the Phantom Ruby suddenly flies through the air.) Gah!

Gordon: Hey! That's not a toy! (We see the Phantom Ruby fly into the vacuum as it jams into its opening. N. Trance's voice is heard.)

N. Trance: Excellent work, my pet! (N. Trance bursts into the room as Blinx shoots the Phantom Ruby into his open hand.)

Light: You! I thought I told you to never come back to this lab!

N. Trance: That you did, doctor. However, I, N. Trance, refuse to give up my quest to travel through time and space! (Blinx snaps out of his trance.)

Blinx: Huh... what happened? (N. Trance puts the Phantom Ruby in the center of his suit.)

Charlotte: Put that down! (Charlotte, Light, and the Professor all run towards N. Trance. We see N. Trance extend his arm to a nearby bookcase and knock it over. Books spill everywhere as Charlotte and the scientists fall to the ground.) Oof!

N. Trance: See you all in the past! Nyehehehe! (A negative field begins emanating from N. Trance. Blinx is caught in it. We cut to see Gordon and Jack grab a crowbar on the table and a handgun respectively.)

Jack: Stop! (The two of them run into the field as a white light flashes in the lab. As the light fades, we see that N. Trance, Blinx, Jack, and Gordon have disappeared.)

Light: They're gone!

Charlotte: No... not again...

(The scene changes to a prehistoric jungle. A stegosaurus is seen feeding on leaves in the background. A pterodactyl flies down from above as our heroes and villain appear in the middle of the jungle. They woozily examine their surroundings.)

N. Trance: It worked...

Blinx: Wh-what happened?! Where am I?

Gordon: Jurassic period. Approximately 163 million years ago. (Jack points his gun at N. Trance.)

Jack: What the f*ck did you do?!

N. Trance: Nyahahaha! I've taken us to the past so that I can rule this world before any of the current leaders can get in my way!

Jack: You're insane! (To Gordon.) Doctor, crack that egg. (Gordon approaches with his crowbar as a roar is suddenly heard. Everyone looks towards the source of the roar as an allosaurus sticks its head out from the jungle trees. It spots everyone and roars again.)

N. Trance: Mommy...

Blinx: Run! (Everyone begins running through the jungle as the allosaurus gives chase. The allosaurus quickly begins to catch up as Gordon takes out his Gravity Gun and uses it to pick up and shoot nearby rocks at the allosaurus. This slows it down slightly, but it still keeps a good pace.)

Gordon: I can't stop it!

Jack: (Pointing up ahead.) We gotta think of something quick! (The camera pans to see them running towards a large fallen tree, blocking their path.)

N. Trance: I'm too young to die! (Blinx holds up his vacuum and pushes buttons on it. A pink aura glows around the fallen tree. It suddenly stands back upright, sprouting leaves. The path is now unblocked.)

Blinx: (To the others.) Come on! (They run through as Jack turns around and fires at the allosaurus. The bullet hits next to its eye, making it stop and roar in pain. Our heroes and villain quickly dive into the jungle brush.)

Jack: We're hidden. Now what?

N. Trance: Now I escape! (The Phantom Ruby activates again as the negative field surrounds everyone. White light flashes again as they've all disappeared.)

(The scene changes again to ancient Egypt. Our heroes and N. Trance all appear on the side of a pyramid as the sudden shift knocks them all down the side of it. As they hit the ground, a group of Egyptians surround them.)

Egyptian: Min hawula'?

N. Trance: (Gets up.) Silence! (His copter pack activates as he takes to the skies. The Egyptians run away in fear.) Nyahaha! (A bullet ricochets off of his metal suit.) Huh? (He sees Gordon with a gun pointed at him.) You gotta be yolking me. (N. Trance shoots his mechanical arm at Gordon. It hits his chest as he falls to the ground.)

Gordon: Gah! (More gunshots are heard as N. Trance looks over at Jack. N. Trance flies over and stops his copter pack.)

N. Trance: Stomp! (He drops towards Jack. As it looks like he's about to crush Jack, Jack activates his Time Dodge to quickly disappear and reappear nearby.) What?!

Gordon: (Noticing.) How'd you do that?

Jack: (Holding up his hand.) Chronon powers. (The ground around N. Trance begins to distort as Jack performs a Time Blast. The area explodes, sending N. Trance up into the air and landing hard on the ground.)

N. Trance: Ow! No fair! (We see Blinx suck up a medium-sized stone with his vacuum. He shoots it at N. Trance.)

Blinx: Take that! (N. Trance punches through the brick with his mechanical hand. He then picks up a chunk of it and throws it into Jack's chest, knocking him over.)

Jack: F*ck! Oh, I'm gonna feel that in the morning. (N. Trance activates the Phantom Ruby again.)

N. Trance: Bye bye! (The negative field forms around him. Gordon and Blinx run into it. Blinx uses his vacuum to suck Jack into the field before a white flash appears, with all of them gone.)

(We cut to all of them appearing on the campus at night, seemingly still in the past. We see Blinx, now with a green aura, run towards N. Trance as N. Trance shoots his mechanical arm at Blinx, knocking him down.)

N. Trance: Haha- (A VCR effect appears on screen as the scene reverses himself. When it stops, we see a green Blinx run towards N. Trance as the real Blinx runs a different direction. We see N. Trance knock the copy down.) Hahaha! (A vacuum sound is suddenly heard.) Huh? (N. Trance flies out of his mechanical suit as he becomes lodged in Blinx's vacuum.)

Blinx: Not so powerful now, are you?

N. Trance: I'm not done yet! (The mechanical suit extends its arm and punches Jack down.)

Jack: Agh! (Gordon runs up and hits the suit with his crowbar. The suit spins around with its arms out and flings Gordon away. The arms then extend to grab N. Trance's head as it runs towards a building.)

N. Trance: I win again!

Blinx: Catch him! (Blinx runs off as Jack and Gordon follow. We cut to see N. Trance going down the same stairs to the lab as before. We see our heroes reach the top of the stairs as time suddenly slows. A yellow aura surrounds Blinx as he slows time. Jack also slows time, causing cracks in the environment. They quickly run towards N. Trance as they block the door in front of him. Time goes back to normal.)

Jack: (Holding up his gun.) Stop your games, egg head!

N. Trance: Egg head?! You'll pay for tha- (A thud is suddenly heard as N. Trance stops talking. His eyes go wide as he falls to the side, revealing Gordon holding his crowbar behind him. Gordon holds his crowbar with both hands.)

Gordon: That shut him up. (The camera pans to see Jack and Blinx as a sound is heard from the lab.)

Jack: Huh? (Jack opens the door to see Master Mind's pod. Purple and black energy surround it as it suddenly disappears.) Was that...?

Gordon: The guy who disappeared. Except...

Jack: (Interrupting.) He didn't just disappear. He used that Phantom Ruby.

Gordon: But he never came back. (We cut to Blinx next to N. Trance's body.)

Blinx: Messing with time ain't no joke. This bozo is lucky we were here before he did something really stupid. (Blinx kicks N. Trance as the Phantom Ruby suddenly activates again.) Uh oh... (Negative energy surrounds all of them. White light covers the screen as the scene changes. As the light dissipates, we see our heroes now in Hell. A fiery landscape surrounds them. Our heroes look around.) Where are we?

Gordon: (Studying the environment.) The Phantom Ruby can not only travel through time, but through different areas in space.

Jack: Okay. So where does that put us? (Gordon moves to N. Trance's body, leans down, and rips out the Phantom Ruby from the suit. He holds it as he takes in the vast landscape.)

Gordon: We're in Hell. (The camera pans out as the screams of Hell echo around our heroes.)

End of Episode

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