Chapter 4 - Interlude

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(The episode begins in the campus laboratory that we saw in Ch3E7. We see Zeke and Charlotte studying books and writing in a notebook respectively.)

Zeke: Fascinating. Utterly fascinating.

Charlotte: You understand what these books are saying?

Zeke: (Blushing.) Y-Yeah, kinda. It's not the easiest to understand, but it's kinda like my own secret language.

Charlotte: (Laughing.) I'm only understanding about half of this. Guess I'm lucky to have you here.

Zeke: Oh yeah?

Charlotte: (Blushing.) Yeah, I'd consider myself pretty lucky. (There's a pause before Bill bursts into the laboratory.)

Bill: Zeke the geek! How're ya doing, buddy?

Zeke: (Surprised.) B-Bill! What're you doing here?

Bill: Heard you were slaving away in your lab again, so I came down here to give you a brain break. (Bill pulls out a small handheld gaming device.) Baboom! The new PlayAway Omega with the brand new Knights of Grimm game.

Zeke: (Excited.) You got it?! I thought they were sold out.

Bill: Scooped up the last one this morning. You're welcome. (Charlotte walks over, also visibly excited.)

Charlotte: Woah! I love Knights of Grimm, my brothers and I would take turns playing it when we were little.

Zeke: Y-You're a Knights of Grimm fan too?

Charlotte: How could I not be? (She takes on a galant pose and does a posh voice.) Where be the way to Grennfern Castle? (She drops the impression.) I played that game to death.

Bill: Well, then we better see what the Knights of Grimm have been up to in their new adventure. (He hands Zeke the PlayAway Omega.) Zeke, you're the expert here, so you get to play first. (Zeke smiles as he looks at his friends.)

Zeke: I guess a little break won't hurt anything. (We see Zeke, Bill, and Charlotte smile as Zeke turns on the game.)

(We go back to the present day as we see Master Mind. He stands in front of Cortex and Specter in the helm of the Helghan Cruiser.)

Master Mind: I need the two of you to search for the shards of the Shadow Crystal.

Cortex: Master Mind, don't you think that geniuses of our calibur would be more helpful in the technical area of your master plan?

Master Mind: Geniuses of your calibur have proven to be weak and unreliable. Your enemies consist of animals and children.

Cortex: Crash is no mere animal.

Master Mind: Which is why I'm sending him with you. (The door to the room opens as Crash and Aku-Aku, both covered in shadow with yellow eyes, enter the room.)

Specter: You're sending us with that simple-minded bandicoot?! (He studies Crash.) My apes have more brain power in their pinky toe than this animal holds in its entire body.

Master Mind: It wouldn't hurt to have more fodder. (Crash begins looking up at the ceiling. He suddenly falls onto his back.)

Crash: Oof!

Master Mind: Even if he's an idiot. (To Cortex and Specter.) Now, go and retrieve the shards of the Shadow Crystal.

Cortex/Specter: Yes, Master Mind. (Cortex, Specter, Crash, and Aku-Aku leave the room.)

Master Mind: Now, my next order of business. (The door opens again as Kratos enters the room with a dark aura and yellow eyes.)

Kratos: What shall you have me do, Master Mind?

End of Episode

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