Chapter 5 - Episode 3: Gravity Rush

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(The episode begins looking at a circus in a small town. We cut to the circus to see people milling about. MC Ballyhoo (Super Mario) then flies in wearing Big Top (Super Mario) as he exclaims to all the guests.)

MC Ballyhoo: Hahaha! Welcome! (The camera pans around as we see Pietro (Animal Crossing) getting a rabbit-shaped balloon from Adam MacIntyre (Dead Rising). The camera continues through the carnival as we see Razputin Aquato tying up a bag of garbage and using his telekinesis to lift it.)

Raz: Great, I finally become a Psychonaut and the sky goes dark. Now I’m… (He sighs.) back at the circus. And they have me taking out the garbage! (He looks around at all the people.) At least this reminds me of home. (MC Ballyhoo flies over to Raz.)

Big Top: Hello!

Raz: Gah! (The garbage bag falls onto the ground.) Don’t sneak up on me like that.

MC Ballyhoo: Hey, Raz! Once you’re done over here, we need you over at the freak show tent to pick up some trash. Got that?

Raz: (He sighs.) Sure thing.

MC Ballyhoo: Thanks, superstar!

Big Top: Woop! Woop! (MC Ballyhoo flies away. Raz uses his telekinesis to pick the garbage bag up again.)

Raz: Welp, back to work it is.

(We cut to a large tent in the circus with a sign above it that says “Freak Show”. We cut inside to see a Machamp (Pokemon) behind a cage curling a dumbbell in each hand. The camera pans more to see Mumbo (Banjo-Kazooie) behind a different cage.)

Mumbo: Eekum bokum! Mumbo not freak! (We cut to the other side of the tent as we see the Space Core (Portal) behind a cage.)

Space Core: What’s your favorite thing about space? Mine is space. (The camera finally pans to the final cage as we see Kat sitting in the corner, noticeably sad. We cut to the inside of the cage as Dusty (Gravity Rush) walks up next to her. Kat smiles weakly.)

Kat: Hi, Dusty. (She strokes his fur. She then looks up and sees a group of onlookers. Kat sighs.) Looks like they want a show. (Kat stands up and picks up Dusty. She then turns red and begins to float. She flips upside down as the onlookers applaud. She flips back and returns to normal.) Well… at least they like us, huh Dusty? (A voice is suddenly heard.)

???: Pretty impressive. (The camera pans to see Raz looking at Kat’s cage, discarded garbage in his hands.) How’d you do that? (Kat walks up to her cage bars and looks at Raz.)

Kat: Oh… I’m a shifter. (She holds Dusty up to the bars.) Dusty here lets me control gravity.

Raz: (Smiling.) Wow! That’s incredible. (Raz puts his hand through the bars.) My name is Razputin, but everybody calls me Raz. (Kat puts Dusty down and shakes Raz’s hand.)

Kat: Everyone calls me Kat. (Her smile fades slightly. They stop shaking hands.) Thanks for coming to see me. It gets a little lonely here. (Raz looks sad before getting a determined look across his face.)

Raz: Stand back.

Kat: (Confused.) Excuse me?

Raz: Just back up a bit. (Kat complies.) Now, watch this! (Raz uses his pyrokinesis on the cage door’s lock, causing it to burst into flames. The fire eventually dissipates and the door swings open.)

Kat: You… you let me go?

Raz: Yeah! (He grabs Kat’s hand and begins to lead her out.) Now let’s go have some real fun! (Raz leads Kat out of the tent as they pass a large box that says “Do Not Open”.)

(We cut to the small town next to the circus as we see Link, Ike, and Mii strolling through the area. A few people are also walking around the area, but not as many as at the circus.)

Ike: (To Link.) Perhaps this Master Mind that you speak of is working with Nightmare. We must remain vigilant as we continue to track him.

Link: Who knows what other dangers may be lurking around here. I’ve seen too much destruction as it is. (A voice is heard.)

???: Danger, you say? (Our heroes look around.)

Mii: Who said that? (The camera pans to see Solaire (Souls) standing next to an antiques shop. He approaches our heroes.)

Solaire: My apologies, I do not mean to startle you. I am Solaire of Astoria, an adherent to the Lord of Sunlight.

Ike: Greetings, Solaire. What can we do for you?

Solaire: Well, the lot of you seem like the adventuring types. Am I incorrect in my assumption?

Link: Not at all.

Mii: We’re searching for a swordsman. He’s wreaking havoc everywhere he goes.

Solaire: Ah, then it seems we have a common goal. I too have been following such a swordsman. He appears to be demonic, but with the signs of the heavens above. I fear he may be here, and I humbly ask your assistance in finding him. (Link looks at Ike.)

Ike: We shall assist. (Ike looks at Link.) Perhaps this will reveal some answers to us.

Solaire: Haha! Thank you very much. (He gestures towards the circus.) The townsfolk are having some sort of celebration over there. Perhaps you should check there. (He begins walking the opposite way.) I will continue searching for leads in town. (Solaire makes a gesture with both hands towards the sun.) And may the Lord of Sunlight guide you. (He leaves.)

Mii: Another swordsman? How many of these guys are around here?

Ike: Perhaps this swordsman is a member of the Knights of the Demon that Nightmare is a part of.

Link: Then we cannot waste anymore time. Come on! (The three of them make their way towards the circus.)

(We cut back to the circus as Raz and Kat are seen playing a game where they throw balls at stacks of cups. Carnival Bob (Carnival Games) is seen manning the station. Raz and Kat laugh together.)

Raz: Almost got it…

Kat: I’m gonna win! (Kat throws her ball and completely knocks her stack of cups over. She celebrates as Carnival Bob hands her a plush Snorlax doll.) Aw, it’s so cute.

Raz: You’re pretty good at this! (We cut to another part of the circus as we see a mysterious figure walking through. The camera pans around to see that the figure is Sephiroth. He looks around, disgusted by what he’s seeing.)

Sephiroth: Truly pathetic… (A carny runs over to Sephiroth to greet him.)

Carny: Hey there, pal! The ren faire actually isn’t happening this week. (He laughs, then notices Sephiroth’s unchanging mood.) Uh…yeah. Seriously though, you need to leave that big sword behind. Can’t risk any accidents happening. (Sephiroth takes out his Masamune.)

Sephiroth: This isn’t some “big sword”. This is the Masamune.

Carny: Uh… okay… (Sephiroth suddenly plunges his sword into the carny. Blood begins to trickle out as bystanders gasp in shock. Raz and Kat turn towards the carnage. Kat puts her hands to her mouth in shock.)

Raz: What’s going on? (We cut back to Sephiroth as he removes the Masamune. The carny falls to the ground, dead.)

Sephiroth: Let this be a lesson to you all! I have been chosen as the God of your world! Let these actions mark the beginning of humanity’s downfall. (Sephiroth casts Flare at a nearby circus tent, causing it to set fire. Everyone in the area runs around screaming. We cut to Adam MacIntyre juggling large knives as he hears the screams. He begins to gasp and step backwards.)

Adam: The… the screams… the children… (He starts swinging his knife wildly at anyone nearby.) I won’t let you take them! (We cut back to Sephiroth as we hear Ike’s voice.)

Ike: Hey! (The camera pans to see Link, Ike, and Mii with their swords readied.) This ends now.

Sephiroth: This planet is my birthright. If you stand against me, you will be slaughtered like animals.

Link: (Pointing his sword at Sephiroth.) You give us no choice. (The camera pans behind Link to see the crate from before that says “Do Not Open”.)

Sephiroth: Very well. (Sephiroth casts Flare towards Link. Link dives out of the way, holding his shield in front of him. The Flare hits the crate and destroys it. We hear a voice.)

???: Freedom at last! (Our heroes look back at the crate to see Mr. Patch (Banjo-Kazooie). He inflates until he’s towering above the circus. He looks down at everyone below.) You stuffed me in that crate like yesterday’s garbage! Now you’ll pay! (Mr. Patch begins stomping around the area.)

Mii: (To Link and Ike.) I’ll take care of that… thing. You guys handle the swordsman. (Mii runs off. We see Link, Ike, and Sephiroth ready their blades.)

Sephiroth: Death awaits you. Soon your energy will join with the planet’s. (Sephiroth lunges forward and strikes against both Link’s and Ike’s swords. Sephiroth then slashes at Link who blocks with his shield. Ike runs up behind Sephiroth, but Sephiroth turns to Ike and slashes across his chest. Sephiroth then casts Shadow Flares, creating three orbs of darkness around Link.)

Link: Huh? (The orbs hit him one at a time as Link is knocked backwards. We cut to Raz and Kat as they watch the destruction around them.)

Kat: Raz, we need to do something! (They watch as Mr. Patch stomps past them.)

Raz: You’re right. (Adam then runs past holding two cleavers.) I’ll handle the clown, you get the dinosaur, got it? (Kat nods. She then turns red and begins floating as Raz puts his goggles over his eyes.) Then let’s get to work. (They go off in separate directions. We cut to the Mii as he slashes at Mr. Patch’s foot with his sword, not doing anything.)

Mii: For a balloon, this guy is resilient. (Kat suddenly flies past him.) Woah! (He runs after her.) Hey! Lady! Back here! (We cut to Kat lifting up tables and chairs with her gravity abilities and throwing them at Mr. Patch to no avail.)

Mr. Patch: You better stop that right now! I’m bursting with rage! (Mr. Patch shoots a beachball out of his mouth at Kat, which hits her onto the ground. The Mii runs up to her.)

Mii: Hey, lady, think you could help me out? (He pulls out a bow and arrow.)

Kat: Yeah! Hope your aim is good, and that you didn’t have a big lunch.

Mii: A big lunch? Whaddya me- (Kat lifts the two of them into the air as the Mii begins screaming. They begin flying and spinning through the air around Mr. Patch.)

(We cut back to Sephiroth and Ike as their swords clash. The fire spreads on the tent behind them. Sephiroth’s blows slowly push Ike back. Sephiroth unleashes a flurry of blows that knocks Ike into a popcorn stand behind him. We see blood begin to trickle from cuts on Ike’s arms.)

Sephiroth: Stop this foolish revolt. It will only end in your demise. (We see Link run up to Sephiroth and slash at him. However, Sephiroth blocks the blow. He pushes Link back with his sword before cutting him across the chest. He then hits him again, knocking him back onto the ground.) A miserable display of swordsmanship.

(We cut to Adam as he runs around the circus. He grabs a running passerby and plunges his cleaver into his chest.)

Adam: I won’t let you take them! (He begins running again until he’s hit by a sack of garbage and tumbles onto the ground. He looks up to see Raz.)

Raz: Uh… hey there, Adam. It’s Raz. We kinda work together. Remember? (Adam breathes heavily while staring at Raz.)

Adam: I still hear the screams, and that’s not very fun, is it? (Adam takes out a bottle and swigs its contents before lighting a match.)

Raz: Uh… Adam? (Adam spits out the liquid at the match and towards Raz as it catches fire.) Woah! (Raz jumps out of the way.) Alright then… we’ll do this the hard way. (Raz takes out a psycho-portal and tosses it at Adam’s head. The portal opens as a red aura surrounds Raz and he’s sucked inside.)

(We cut back to Kat and the Mii as they soar around Mr. Patch. The Mii shoots arrows, but they don’t do anything.)

Mii: What is this guy made of?

Mr. Patch: Hey! Stop that! You might hit my patches if you’re not careful.

Kat: Patches? (Kat looks at the patches all over Mr. Patch’s body. To the Mii.) Aim for those!

Mii: (He salutes.) Yes, ma’am! (We see an arrow hit one of the patches as Mr. Patch yells in pain and gets a little smaller.)

Mr. Patch: Ow! That smarts! (We see the Mii hit more patches as Mr. Patch gets smaller and smaller. The Mii then nocks an enchanted arrow.)

Mii: Hearken to me, o light! (He shoots the enchanted arrow as it plunges into one of Mr. Patch’s patches. Mr. Patch suddenly starts blowing air and flying around the circus.)

Mr. Patch: Nooooooo! I just got aired up! (He soars across the skyline, out of sight. Kat and the Mii land.)

Kat: That’s one problem solved.

(We cut back to Raz, who is now in Adam’s mind. The area is dark around him.)

Raz: Okay, this doesn’t look too promising. (Suddenly, lights engulf the area.) Ah! (We see a space rollercoaster surrounding Raz. A cart flies wildly around and around it. Inside the cart are black blobs that scream with children’s voices. Raz plugs his ears.) What is this? (We hear Adam’s voice.)

Adam: I couldn’t help them. (Raz turns around to see a much calmer Adam watching the rollercoaster.) My audience… killed in front of my eyes. It changes a man.

Raz: But you don’t have to let that happen again. You can be their hero.

Adam: It’s too late for me, kid. I thought coming here was a do-over for me, but now… (Raz puts a hand on Adam’s shoulder.)

Raz: You don’t have to do this alone. C’mon, (Raz strikes a heroic pose.) let’s go save some people! (Raz holds out his hand. Adam stares at Raz for a few seconds before taking his hand into his. The screen goes white as we go back to the real world. Raz and Adam look around at the screaming people.) Everyone! Follow the clown!

Adam: This way! (Adam helps an adult and a few children from the growing fire as he ushers them away from the circus.)

(We cut back to Sephiroth as he points his sword at Ike, who is bloodied and bruised on the ground.)

Sephiroth: You fought hard. Pity. (Sephiroth prepares to strike before he is suddenly hoisted into the air. Kat flies in as they both fall upwards.)

Kat: This is madness!

Sephiroth: I won’t stop until humanity is no more! (Sephiroth reveals his one wing as he slashes at Kat. Blood gushes from her wound as they both begin to fall back to the ground. We cut to the ground as Raz notices Kat falling.)

Raz: Kat! (He begins running to where she’ll drop. We cut to Raz running up to the Mii as he uses his telekinesis to catch Kat right before she hits the ground.) I gotcha! (Sephiroth falls on his feet behind the Mii and Raz. Sephiroth slashes at Raz, sending him flying as Kat drops gently to the ground.) Ah! (The Mii takes out boxing gloves and swings at Sephiroth.)

Sephiroth: Using your fists? How bold. (Sephiroth casts Flare as the Mii is flung backwards onto the ground. We see all five heroes bloodied on the ground in front of Sephiroth. Fire dances around them as Sephiroth approaches Link. He raises his sword above Link.)

Link: Why? Why are the Knights of the Demon doing this? (Sephiroth looks at Link confused.)

Sephiroth: I haven’t the slightest idea what that means. (Sephiroth plunges his sword forward as we see Link close his eyes. Everything is silent. Link slowly opens his eyes to see Solaire standing in front of him protectively, Sephiroth’s sword in his stomach.)

Solaire: May the light… guide you all… (We see Kat slowly stand as she uses her powers on all five heroes. They take flight as they soar far from the circus.)

(We cut to our heroes sitting in an alley, all of them bloodied.)

Ike: He wasn’t working with Nightmare at all. He…

Kat: He just wanted the world to burn. (Kat pets Dusty.)

Raz: We can’t let him do that. We have to do something.

Link: Master Mind… the Knights of the Demon… and now him…

Mii: Everybody wants to rule the world, and if they can’t, they’ll break it instead. (Ike turns to Kat.)

Ike: Thank you for rescuing us.

Kat: I had to do something. We can’t let him win. We have to find him again, put an end to this.

Raz: He’ll kill us.

Kat: I can’t stand aside and let him destroy humanity.

Link: She’s right. (Link stands up.) Last time, we were separated. We need to fight him as one unit. If we don’t… (Link trails off as Ike gets up.)

Ike: It’s up to us now. Who’s with us? (Kat gets up and picks up Dusty. She stands next to Link and Ike. The Mii then gets up and joins them. Finally, Raz stands up.)

Raz: Lead the way. (Ike smiles as the scene fades out.)

(We cut to Sephiroth watching the fires of the circus. His wing is no longer visible. We suddenly hear a voice.)

???: You must be Sephiroth. (Sephiroth turns around to see Master Mind.)

Sephiroth: Another challenger?

Master Mind: Not a challenger. Think of me more as an investor. Someone who wants to make your dreams come true. (Master Mind pulls out Majora’s Mask.) How about you and I have a chat?

End of Episode

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