Chapter 5 - Interlude

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(The episode begins in Zeke's laboratory. We see papers scattered around his desk as Zeke sits at his desk with his head in his hands. Charlotte then walks in and sees Zeke.)

Charlotte: Zeke? Is everything alright?

Zeke: They're… they're cutting our funding, Charlotte. (He takes his head out of his hands.) Everything we worked towards… destroyed.

Charlotte: No… they can't do this. (She runs over to Zeke.) This is everything you've been working towards. It's… it's not fair. (Zeke gets up.)

Zeke: I know. I don't even know what to do now. I mean, we were… we were this close to figuring it out. (Zeke walks over to a large machine.) It was so close to completion.

Charlotte: I know, Zeke. I'm sorry. (Charlotte hugs Zeke. Zeke gets lost in thought for a moment.)

Zeke: Unless… (Charlotte looks up at him.)

Charlotte: Unless?

Zeke: I… I can still finish this. There's not much more that I need. I can just finish it without anyone knowing.

Charlotte: Imagine what'll happen if you get caught. This could cost you everything.

Zeke: They've already taken this away from me. What else do I have to lose?

Charlotte: (Hesitant.) I don’t know about this…

Zeke: Charlotte, do you trust me?

Charlotte: I do, Zeke.

Zeke: Do you love me?

Charlotte: (Blushing.) You know I do.

Zeke: Then just give me a few days. I'll get the rest of what I need and can do my first test run. (Charlotte hesitates for a moment.)

Charlotte: Okay. Okay, just a few days. Just… just be careful, okay? (Zeke puts an arm around Charlotte.)

Zeke: Of course.

(We cut to the present day. Master Mind is in the shadows of a town at night. In his hands, he holds Majora’s Mask.)

Master Mind: I hold before you a key to unlimited power. This mask can unlock your full potential. (The camera turns to reveal Sephiroth.)

Sephiroth: And you wish to give it to me? Why?

Master Mind: I am no stranger to your endeavors, Sephiroth. I've heard stories of you, and I wish to help you. With this, you could send destruction to this entire world with a flick of your wrist. That's your destiny, not mine.

Sephiroth: And I should just take you at your word? (He holds up his sword.) I could kill you where you stand.

Master Mind: But you haven't. I sympathize with you, Sephiroth. I simply wish to help you. (He walks closer to Sephiroth.) After all, I wouldn't want you to be just a memory. (Sephiroth pauses for a moment. He then sheathes his sword and reaches out for Majora’s Mask. Master Mind hands it to him.) I promise you, this won't disappoint.

Sephiroth: For your sake, I hope you're right.

Master Mind: I always am. (Sephiroth studies the mask as the camera slowly pulls back. Everything fades to black.)

End of Episode

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