it's party time

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dear diary,

the school dance is on Saturday and i am really excited. I already have a date. I already told you about him. Gosh he just does the Nice's things. last week he gave me his Jersey for his game and his friends are so nice. they said I'm way sweeter than his last girlfriend, OH did i tell u about her, she just basically told me her whole relationship with was really weird.



is it weird that i've been going out with this girl for 2 weeks and i haven't kissed her yet. I really want to but our dates have mostly been like coffee shops and stuff nothing fancy enough for me to kiss her. am i a total perv for wanting to or is that just normal teenage boy hormones? "Jake this girls here to see you" i heard my mother say from downstairs. I rushed downstairs hoping it was Katie, and it was. my mom quickly hinted "she is so hot" i closed my eyes in shame as Katie laughed. "well i know your mom likes me" she said while giggling. i smiled at her and then asked her why she came over.


i went over to jake"s house and met his mom. she is really funny. well ok i did not really talk to her that much but i think she likes me. "so why'd you come over" jake asked me. the truth is my foster mom and her boyfriend were having sex in the room next to me and it did not sound to pleasentso thats why i came over but i cant tell him that.....should i. "so i can't come over to see my boyfriend." when i said boyfriend jacobs eyes widened and he looked compleatly frozen. i had to change the topc and fast."so i hope you where a tux to the dance saturday. "Oh yea sure" he said obviously distracted I wonder what's going on in that tiny little head of his.


I could not help but wonder if she really meant what she said. I mean I really like her but I don't know if I wanna be exclusive yet. I know I know I sound like a jerk but there is No garantee that it would work between us I mean I only know a few things about from our previous dates. After a long series of akward quietness I decided to continue the conversation. "You want something to drink" I asked her but she politely said no thus ending our conversation again. Their was literly nothing I could really say to restart this conversation.


It was really akward between us and then he asked me the strangest thing. He said and I quote 'wanna makeout.' Of course I said yes and we fiercely started to make out.


I couldn't help myself I plus I had to break the silence plus I really wanted to mekout with her so it was a win win situation. I would be more than happy to give you the details.... As her soft pink lips pressed against mine I tuged my toung on her lip looking for an entrance into her mouth. When let me in deepen the plesure. I could tell that she did this before. I kissed her neck and went straight down to her color bone. I could here breathing get louder and louder I began to unbotton her shirt but she stopped me before I could unbotton her third bottom. "I'm not gonna have sex with you while your mom is in the house" she said while rebottoning her shirt. I was a bit disappointed but I knew she had a point. I whispered in her ears and said "let's get out of here"


After about an 20 minute makeout session he took me to the park. As we walked through the wet green grass hand in hand we talked about our families and were I had lived it was the best and most intristing conversation we ever had.


I was having a perfectly good day passing out vote for nadalee fliers and buttons you know for the dance, when that bi*tch who stole my boyfriend came walking my way. Actually I felt kinda sorry for her because I happen to know for a fact does this same thing with all of his girlfriends first bring them to the park ride to the top of the fairest wheel and kiss her while the fireworks are lighting up the sky. I would love nothing more than to break those to break them up but it turns out she is just like me.......she'll figure it out.

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