Nine: More Drama

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Time: ?


Eventually I came out of the bathroom. Not because I wanted to, but because Nia literally carried me out. Not kidding here, she crawled under the stall and unlocked it, then she scooped me up bridal-style and carried me out. It was really embarrassing, actually. But whatever. We continued pyramid.

"So now that everyone's out here, we can get to the assignments for the week." Abby said, particularly looking at me. I gulped. "I have 2 solos and a trio and the group." Abby said. We nodded. "My first solo was originally for Kendall, but after the fight her mother put up, I have decided to give it to someone else. Elle, you have Kendall's solo. It is a jazz number called All Eyes On Me." I nodded and Kendall frowned. "But Abby that's not fair! You can't just take my solo because my mom yelled the truth," Kendall said flatly. "Well sweetie why don't you tell your mom not to open her big mouth again? Maybe next time you'll get your solo." Abby replied. Kendall opened her mouth to say something, but she refrained from doing so. "My next solo is a contemporary piece called Say Something, Say Anything and it is for Kalani." Abby said. Kalani smiled. "My trio is called Somebody Told Me and it's a lyrical/contemporary piece for Maddie, Brynn, and Kendall." Kendall smiled. 'At least she got the trio,' I thought. "And that leaves us with the group. It's a hip hop number." No one said anything but they all shot nervous glances at each other. Except me, as there was no one I felt like glancing at for the moment. "It's called Boss Ladies." Abby said. Still silence. "So girls, start stretching, moms, out!" Abby called. Their wasn't any more drama, well at least for now.

A/N: So sorry it's so short, I guess it was more of a filler. Anyway I hope you guys like it and don't forget to comment, vote, and follow me! Byee!

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