Chapter 22.

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"So what are you going to do next?" Aman asked still look at his phone. He is actually staring the wallpaper. He wanted to ask her this question since a long time but Noor and kehara won't stop talking.

"What do you mean?"

"What are you going to do now? For mom?"

Kehara raised her eyebrow in surprise.

"Didn't you promise to stop helping her?"

"Yeah. But you didn't. So tell me what is your plan?"

"I don't have a plan. At least not now. But InshaAllah I will come up with something soon."


"Kehara come let's go." Noor said coming in the room.


Noor went to the kitchen to tell her mom she is going and kehara stood up and started to leave before truing around.

"AllahHafiz. I will let you know about the plan."

"Okay thanks. AllahHafiz. May Allah protect you from Noor." As Aman said that Noor entered the room and said.

"I heard that bro."

"I don't care sis."

"Get lost. Kehara come let's go."
With that they left.


"Okay now tell us fast why are we having this urgent meeting?" Eman asked.

"Yeah I was sleeping." Sarah said rubbing her eyes with her fingers.

"I left my phone at home." Zulaikha said.

"Even I left my husband at home." Yasmin said sadly.

"Okay enough now tell what's the matter." Kehara said.

"Yeah fast I have home work to do." Wafa said.

"That's why your mom refused to sent you. What are you doing here?" Yamina asked and wafa hugging Eman who is rolling her eyes now.

"I convinced her mom that I will help her to do homework if she let her go with me. Please don't think it was my idea. I was blackmailed."

"Okay so the news is...." -Yamina stopped mid sentence. Not sure how to say it.

"Just tell them Yamina. " -Yalina said who is looking out of the window since the time they all came.

"Fine. Yusuf is going to propose someone tonight." Yamina said.

"What!?" Everyone screamed together.

"That's true." Yalina said still looking out of the window.

"Who told you?" Kehara asked.

"Well actually I heard him talking to Yunus." Yalina said with tears in her eyes.

"Yunus didn't say me that." Yasmin complained.

"That's because he made him promise not to tell anyone." Yalina said.

"Do you know who the girl is?" Eman asked.

"No. All I know is that it's definitely not me." Yalina said.

"Oh Yalina." Yasmin hugged her and said "I'm sorry." A fresh tear fall from Yalina's eyes.

"Wait a minute. Tonight! Did she say tonight?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah. Why what's wrong?" Noor asked.

"Tonight we all are having dinner together remember!"
Everyone's eyes widened in realisation.

"Oh my God yes! That means..." Zulaikha said.

"That means he is proposing her in front of me!" Yalina exclaimed.

"This is going to be bad." Yamina said.


from past few Sundays Masjid group was  not able to have lunch together as they always do. So they decided to have dinner together today. As usual girls are standing together in one corner and boys in the left corner. And parents are standing together.

"What's up with all of them?" Yusuf asked pointing towards where girls were standing.

"What do you mean?" Azhar asked.

"When I was coming here I saw Wafa was standing alone waiting for someone. So I offered her to come with me in my car but she refused not only did she refused her eyes were accusing me for some crime I did. And then when I reached here I saw Noor and Sarah standing near the door. I greeted them with a salam and all they did was replying and walking away. Have I done something wrong which I'm not aware of?"

"Maybe you are just over thinking." Adnan said.

"Yeah. You don't have sisters so you have no idea how much moody they are." Dawood said.

"I totally agree Dawood. And when you have two sisters to deal with. Oh My Allah protect us." Yunus joked and everyone laughed.

"Well yeah they are right. Girls and their moods! " Aman said.

"Actually. One second they want to eat something and next second they don't even want to see it." Sufyaan said.

"That makes me thank Allah for not giving me a sister." Afzal said.

"But they are the biggest blessing Afzal." Yunus said.

"Yeah! My sister helps me with my homework." Rashid said making everyone laughed.

"And when they leave our house and go....I can't explain that feeling. I hate you Yunus for that!" Dawood said and Yunus bend down to his level and said.

"Dawood you know even I have two sisters. I know what their happiness means. I promise I will never hurt her."

"Okay now I hate you less. But I still hate you." Dawood said and Yunus laughed.

"Okay coming back to my topic. Why are they behaving like this with me." Yusuf asked.

"Maybe you should just ask them instead of stressing out." Azhar said.

"Okay. But after my announcement."

"Announcement?" Adnan asked.

"He is going to make the biggest announcement of the century!" Yunus exclaimed.

"Okay. So what are you waiting for Eid? Go ahead and make it." Afzal said.

"Now?" Yusuf asked.

"Now or never bro." Yunus said and he nodded. Yusuf came in the middle of the room.

"May I have your attention please."


"It does not matter what he is going to do Yalina. Trust Allah. Have faith." Kehara said smiling and Yalina smiled weakly. Everyone is trying to console Yalina. They decided not to come for the dinner but Yalina made them all come. According to her he cannot rule her life any more. He is proposing someone else and she won't let him affect her or her actions now.

"Someone why better than him is waiting for you." Yamina said.

"Yes! And I hope he has a cute brother so that we will officially become sisters." Zulaikha said hugging her and she chuckled.

suddenly Yusuf came in the middle of the room and said.

"May I have your attention please."

"Ya Allah." Yasmin said.

"Can we just walk out?" Zulaikha asked.

"Yeah we can do that." Yamina said.

"We can do that Yalina. Do you want to?" Kehara asked.

"No. I have to face it one day. Then why not now." Yalina said.

"I'm proud of you girl." Eman said.

"Thanks to kehara. I learned that from her." Yalina said and everyone looked at kehara.

"Just shut up." Kehara said rolling her eyes and everyone chuckled.

"Okay ladies please. I'm trying to say something." Yusuf said  grabbing their attention.

"Sorry. You can continue." Sarah said.

"Okay so I have a very important announcement to make."

"Go for it Yusuf." Yunus shouted.

"Someone remind him he is my brother." Yalina said.

"Yalina that innocent soul don't even know about your feelings." Noor said.


Yamina gave her a side hug and said "everything will be fine soon."

"InshaAllah." Wafa said making Yalina smile. After few seconds Yalina who was leaning on Yamina smiled and said

"Okay now I'm ready for it."

"Yusuf we don't have the whole night. Hurry up." Yusuf's father teased.

"Dad you are making me more nervous."

"Girls I can't see any other girl other than us. Where is she?" Noor said and everyone's eyes widened in shock.

"Oh shoot!" - Zulaikha.

"I don't believe this." - Yamina.

"This is going to be bad." -kehara. 

"Really bad." -Eman.

"Can anyone do the honour to explain me what you guys are talking about." -Noor.

"Noor there is no one except us." Sarah tried to explain.

"So?" -Noor.

"Noor that means that girl is one of us." - kehara

"Except me." - Yasmin.

"Me too." - Wafa.

"Me three." - Yalina said looking in other direction.

"Yalina I don't mean to increase your hopes but you do have a chance." - Kehara

"Yes just have faith in Allah." Zulaikha said.

"Oh My God ! Ladies! what is more important than this? Please don't distract me." Yusuf scolded.

"Sorry sorry. Continue." Yamina said.

Yusuf was silent for few seconds. Every girl is praying he won't propose her. Except Yamina, Wafa and....Yalina.

"Okay so....okay I don't know how to say this." Yusuf was smiling nervously. Trying hard to say what he wants to say.

"Yusuf!" Yusuf's mom scolded.

"Okay okay. there is a girl I love. I love her more than my life. I love her since I was a small kid. That's a totally different thing I realised that few years ago. I hated when some boy use to talk to her or even stand next to her. I never liked when she was going home alone from school. As if she was my property and it is my duty to protect her."

"Okay who all were in the same school?" Kehara asked.

"We all went to the same school."  Eman said.

"Okay." Kehara said.

"But only Yalina,Yasmin,Zulaikha and Yamina were with him. We all were still small kids then." Noor said.

"Oh no." Kehara said closing her eyes.

"Best friends battle it is." Eman said.

Yalina,Yamina and Zulaikha are best friends since childhood. They went to the same school, then same college and now even works together. They are always together. So much that people think they are triplets. They know each other in and out. If Yusuf proposes Anyone other than Yalina their friendship is going to suffer.

"Okay let me make it clear. Who ever he proposes we are friends and will always remain no matter what. This idiot can never come between us." Zulaikha said.

"Yes she is right. We are sisters for life. And I love you both." Yamina said and the three of them hugged each other.

"Okay now enough of being emotional. He is going to say her name." Wafa said.

"I wanted to propose her the moment I realised I love her. But there were some complications. I didn't have job back then and the biggest problem was she is my best friend's sister." Everyone turned to look at Yalina and Yamina.

"And I'm out." Zulaikha said.

"I never wanted to spoil my relation with Yunus. And there were billion questions in my mind. What if he didn't like this? What if he stop talking to me? What if she says no? He is my best friend. The brother I never had. So I decided to sacrifice for him."

"You are an idiot." Yunus said and everyone laughed including Yusuf and excluding all girls. They are way to stressed to laugh at it.

"Now that I finally have enough courage. Today I will propose the girl I love the most. please Pray that she says yes."

"Don't worry I have poison ready in case it's a no." Adnan joked and everyone laughed again. Yusuf turned to look towards where girls are standing.

"I love you a lot. Will you complete half of my Deen? Will you be my life partner? Would you like to grow old with me? Will you Marry me Yalina Ahmed? Please?"

"Alhumdulillah I'm out as well." Yamina said and literally jumped to the other side. Yalina was crying now. She closed her eyes and started weeping heavily and Yamina hugged her.

"Yalina? If you don't want to marry me that's fine. But please don't cry." Yusuf said his voice line with concern. Kehara chuckled and one by one everyone did that before laughing loudly. Everyone in the room are confused.

"Yalina sweetheart.  We will never force you into this. It's your decision." Yalina's father said.

Everyone came closer to Yalina and Yusuf asked again.

"Yalina Ahmed will you Marry me?"

Yalina looked up with tears in her eyes.


Immediately Yusuf's smile vanished. He looked down.

"That's okay. That's okay. But can you please tell me the reason."

"Because you made me wait for a really long time."

Yusuf looked up so fast that he hurt his neck.

"What does that mean?"

"And because you are stupid."

"Yalina talk straight! What do you want to say?"

"She is ready stupid." Yunus said.



"Alhumdulillah." Yusuf said closing his eyes. After few seconds he opened his eyes and said. "So when can we get married?"  Everyone laughed.

"What's the hurry?" Yalina asked.
"There is no reason to waste time."

Everyone laughed again.

"We will decide that soon kids. But for now you guys can exchange the rings." Yusuf's mom said pulling out a ring.


Aman is watching TV. It is two days after Yalina and Yusuf got engaged. His phone started ringing. He saw the name on the screen and smiled before answering it.

"Salam kehara. How are you?"

"Your mom is in the hospital."

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