Chapter 25.

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"Did he call?"


"Maybe he did. Where is your phone? And where is my phone?"

"No I didn't receive any call. And you have your phone check it. Did he call?"

"No. Maybe he messaged check."

"Dad I checked it one minute ago."


"Dad! Stop freaking out! He will call when he will get his result!"

"But results were out at 11 and now it's." Checking his wrist watch. "10:55" Kehara rolled her eyes.

"See! Why are you so nervous!? Trust bhai and trust Allah whatever will happen is what Allah has written for him so just chill!"

"It's easy for you kids to say chill. When you will have your own kids then you will realise their results scare you more than yours."

"Typical Indian dialogue!" Kehara chuckled and continue chatting with her friends.

It's the day when finally Aman,Sufyaan and Afzal will come to know whether they passed the entrance exam for London Business school or not. Just like any other parents Khurshid is freaking out. He wants best for his son. All parents wants. Not only Khurshid but also Aman and Afzal's parents are nervous. Waiting for even five minutes is difficult for them.

"It's eleven!" Khurshid screamed loudly  which made Kehara fall from the couch.


"Oh Sorry. Please get up and call Sufyaan. Even I'm trying. Get up fast!"

"I'm not calling him!" Kehara said sitting back on couch.

"Okay your wish. Pass me your phone I will call."

"Abbajaan can you please calm down. Just wait for five minutes."


"Just five."



"Okay fine. But two minutes."



"Fine four."

"No. Three."

"Four is final."



"Fine four minutes. Even My mother never controlled me like this."

"Good for you."

Khurshid's phone started ringing.

"Oh My Allah." Answering the phone. "Hello."

Kehara is nervous now. She is observing her father's facial expression closely to get an idea, if he is sad or happy.

"Salam sir. No no Sufyaan didn't call. Did Aman call? No. These boys I tell you sir..."

Kehara rolled her eyes.

"All parents are the same." She checked the time and it is eleven five. She thought she should call. But she don't want to disturb him in case he didn't get to know his result yet. But she is dying to know the result. After two minutes of internal fight she decided to call. But Sufyaan called her before she could even unlock her phone. She hurriedly answered the call.

"Assalamu alaikum! What happened?"

"Walekum assalam. First tell me with whom is dad talking from past five minutes."

"Aman's dad. You tell me, did you get the scholarship?"

"I will tell dad first."

"No you will tell me first!"




"What's wrong with you two today!?"

"Who two?"

"That's not important! Tell me your result!"


"Fine don't say."

"Hello...Hello hello. Kehara wait I'm telling."

"Good boy. So?"



Sufyaan laughed before replying

"Okay sorry. We are going to London Business Schoollllll."

Kehara started screaming and Sufyaan laughed.

"Alhumdulillah! Congratulations bhai. We are so proud of you!"

"What's wrong kehara why are you screaming!"

"Bhai is going to London Business school!!!"

"Alhumdulillah! Give me the phone now!"

"Wait I need to ask one last question. Bhai when are you leaving?"

"In seven days."



"Seven days! That's so not done!" Mrs khan exclaimed sadly.

"I know mom. Bhai just seven days and then we won't see you for next two years." Noor said eating her chocolate. 

"Who told you two years?" Mr khan asked.

"He will be coming for the summer break?" Mrs khan asked.

"No. Coming back is in his hands now."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean now I won't be financially supporting him. Yes I will pay his fees but that's it. He has to earn for his living. And as soon as he can arrange for his ticket he can come back."

"You must be joking dad." Noor said in disbelief.

"Not at all."

"But how can you do that to our son! How will he survive?"

"How Sufyaan and Afzal will. They don't have a rich dad like Aman. They have no option but to take care of their own expenses. And I want Aman to do that as well. This will teach him to survive in this world."

"You are right but."

"But nothing Mehru. It's high time he learns to survive."

"He is right mom. Don't worry I'm your son. I can survive in any situation."

Mrs khan's eyes filled with water. No one in this world can love you as much as your mom does. We can clearly see that.Mrs khan Who did so much for her kids and never complained.

"Don't cry mom I will come back soon." Aman said as he went and sat next to her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"But bhai we will miss you. And we only have seven days with you and then Allah knows when we will be able to see you."

"Noor I'm not going on a war. We can video chat."

"You have this facility of video chat I didn't see my parents for five years because I could not arrange for my tickets. But see those five years are the reason where I'm today. This is my grandfather's idea to make your son strong. I'm doing this for you Aman. Even I will miss you but I know what is right for you. And your career and life is more important than my emotions. So son go and win the world."

Aman got up from the couch and hugged his dad.

"Thanks dad. I love you. You are the best dad in the would."

"Enough. My sugar is already high don't increase it." Mr khan joked and everyone laughed.

"Okay so I have a plan. We will enjoy this seven days and will create memories for the years you won't come back. So the party starts today evening!" Noor exclaimed.

"That's perfect. What are we going to do?" Mrs khan asked.

"I don't know. Let me call and ask Kehara." Noor said as she pulled out her phone from her pocket.

"Kehara is the new plan maker ha. When ever we need to plan something your mom and Noor are like oh wait let me call Kehara." Mr khan said laughing

"She is amazing in making plans. So we are just taking advantage of it. Now keep quiet I'm calling kehara." After few seconds kehara picked up the call. "Hello kehara we need to make a plan!"


"Why are you making such sad faces?"

"My wish."



"You know going to London will help me a lot. Then Why are you so sad?"

"I know it is best for you but."


"But I came here just a year back. Before that we didn't see each other for two year. I don't want to miss you again. You know I'm addicted to your torture."

Sufyaan laughed before replying.

"I know you will miss me. I will miss you as well. But just think how important it is for me to go. And do you want me to stay back just because we will miss each other?"


"Then we need to be strong. You have dad with you. Just imagine I'm all alone. Trust Allah. This is best for both of us."

"Stop using my dialogues. I have a copyright of dialogues related to trusting Allah."

Sufyaan rolled his eyes first but then gave a short laugh.

"You are okay with me going right?"

"What if I'm not?"

"Then I won't go. Nothing is more important than you for me."

Kehara smiled widely.

"I will see if you will still say the same thing when you meet your wife."

"Shut up."

Kehara chuckled. They were silent for few minutes before kehara looked at Sufyaan. She was staring for a good time for Sufyaan to notice.


"I will miss you big brother."

"I will miss you too sweetheart."

They were quiet again. After some five minutes Kehara said.

"Okay enough of being sad. Let's make plans for your farewell week."

"Let's Go!"


"So you all know we are here to celebrate the victory of our boys and enjoy their last day with us..." Yunus said starting his speech.

"Why do we have a speech session in every meeting? Yunus is always ready with a speech. Is this some kind of tradition you all follow?" Kehara asked Noor as she fail to understand the need for a formal speech every time they meet.

"You are right this is a tradition made by Yunus." Adnan said laughing who is sitting on the chair right in front of Keraha .

"Yes a speech is a must if you have Yunus with you. He can give speech on anything and everything." Zulaikha joked.

"Okay I didn't realise I was so loud." Kehara said nervously.

"Yunus and speeches are inseparable." Eman said.

"Yeah! I doubt who he loves more my sister or speech." Dawood said.

"Hey! Don't be mean. And he loves me more. Ahh maybe." Yasmin said making everyone laugh.

"We are not being mean. We are just telling the truth!" Wafa said.

"He gave a speech on my birthday!" Rashid said sadly.

"What was the topic of the speech? We are glad its your birthday!?" Kehara said in disbelief.

"Naah. we are proud of you and we are glad its your birthday!?" Noor said and everyone laughed.

"I still remember Sufyaan's face when he heard Yunus's speech for the very first time." Aman said who is not able to control and is laughing continuously.

"Can you blame me? He gave a twenty minutes welcome speech and I was not habitual to speeches."

"Yunus can give speech even if you wake him at 3 in the morning." Yusuf said and everyone laughed again.

"Hey! He is my brother. You cannot insult him!" Yalina said.

"Yes bro. If you want to live happy never insult her family." Sarah said.

"I'm not insulting you brother,I'm insulting my best friend."

"Okay now enough of insulting our brother. We know he is defective but we can't really do anything." Yamina said and Yasmin hit her hand.

"Yeah Yeah. So Kehara get use to it. Yunus can give speech anytime irrespective of the event." Afzal said.

"And never ever think it will be fun. His speeches are boring!" Azhar said.

"Shut up." Yamina throw a pillow towards Azhar which was in her hand. 

"You guys are supposed to concentrate here!" and very irritated Yunus said.

"Your speech is over. Come here." Yusuf said and Yunus came and sat next to Yasmin.

"You guys were making fun of my speech right?"

"Of course yes!" Zulaikha said.

"The day I stop you will miss them."

"Yeah right!" Yalina said rolling her eyes.

"I don't know about others but I'm definitely going miss them." Aman said.

"Me too." Sufyaan said,

"Me three!" Afzal said.

"We are going to miss you guys!" Adnan exclaimed. 

"Yeah! And you guys have to buy your return ticket yourself. This will just increase your time of return."

"I know."Noor said looking at the floor.

"Hey come on! You guys want to say us good bye crying?" Aman said as he placed his hand on Noor's shoulder.

"We are taking this memory with us. Do you guys want us to remember your crying faces?" Sufyaan said and looked towards Keraha who gave him a big smile.

"Exactly! This is all we are taking with us. Come on lets enjoy this day to the fullest." Afzal said.

"Its already worst that I'm leaving  on my 22nd birthday so lets enjoy today. In fact lets celebrate my birthday today." Aman said.

"Yes lets celebrate our last party together till you guys return!" Yusuf said standing up.

"Lets celebrate our friendship, our bond, our Life!" Azhar said.

"Let the party begin!" Yunus shouted.

That day was the most memorable day for everyone. They enjoyed every second of it. They know they can't be together for three to four years so they made memories which will last that long. They played game, teased each other, laughed and of course insulted Yunus's speech. It was the day they will remember forever.


"Come on son its almost time." Khurshid said.

"Yes dad coming." Sufyaan shouted from his room.

Kehara is sitting on his bed. She has not said a single word since the time she came in the room. She just want to be around him. She was going to miss him. how can she not. He is not only her brother but best friend, adviser and her biggest support. She is watching Sufyaan do his last minute packing. She wants to cry but she hate to cry in front of others although she happen to cry a lot in front of others but she still hates it and try to control as much as she can.

"So Kehara lets go. I'm done."

"Yeah." is all she could say.

"You are my brave sister. I know you can handle everything without me. Don't be sad. Just few years and then we will live together. unless you decide to get married before i come back." Kehara looked up and punched his stomach and sufyaan laughed. "I will miss you Kehara. Take good care of daddy. He needs you the most. Now that even I'm leaving things will be difficult for him. Be strong for him. You have to take care of him and of my baby sister. Smile come on." Instead of smiling she started crying. "Hey trust me I'm not going on a war. Kehara stop come on be a good girl." 

"I will miss you." was all Kehara could say.

"Me too." Sufyaan hugged her. They stayed in that position for some five minutes before Khurshid said.

" Kids come down now. Trust me the pilot is not my Father in law to wait for you. Come down now!" 

Kehara and Sufyaan smiled before Sufyaan said.

"Lets go." 

It took them some five minutes to bring all the luggage down. After that Sufyaan came near Khurshid for the final good bye.

"Take care daddy. I will miss you. And I give you the responsibility of my eighteen year old sister take good care of her." 

"I will try my best sir." Khurshid said and everyone laughed.

"Take care son. Remember Allah is always with you. we are proud of you. And now lets go before I start crying."

"I love you dad." sufyaan hugged his dad.

"I love you too son" Khurshid said wiping his tears.


"How was the final good bye?" Aman asked Sufyaan.

"Emotional and very difficult. what about yours?"

"Same. I'm excited for this journey but I'm scared as well."

"Don't worry everything will be fine." 


Aman, Sufyaan and Afzal came to meet their family last time before they leave.

"Bye dad." Aman said hugging his father.

"Bye son. remember what i said."

"I will. Bye mom" Aman now hugged his mom.

"Take care of my son. I will miss you meri jaan(my life)."

"I will miss you more. Bye Noori."

"Bye big brother." Noor hugged him before wiping her tears.

"Come on guys lets go." Afzal said and Aman and Sufyaan nodded.

while going towards the entrance  Aman saw Kehara and Khurshid and said Salam to them.

"Go make us proud son." Khurshid said to Aman and Aman laughed and said.

"I will try my best uncle." he then landed his eyes on Kehara and she smiled before saying.

"Happy birthday Aman.'

"Thank you Kehara." 

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