Chapter 32.

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Sorry! I was at my grandma's house last week and at present all my cousins are at my place. So I'm very busy now. This chapter is not at all edited. It took me ten days to write this chapter. Hope you all like it:)







"Yes yes yes!"

"No no no!"

"Stop!" Kehara shouted to stop her friends who are fighting for Allah knows what reason.

"Kehara she started!"

"No Kehara! Addy started the fight!"

"No she did."

"No you did."






"Kehara..." Amy tried to defend herself but kehara stopped her and said.

"I don't want to know who started. Just stop it!"

"Fine!" Both exclaimed together. dissatisfied by the judgement passed by Kehara.

"Thank you! May Allah bless and reward you for this kindness."

Amy and Addy laughed which made Kehara roll her eyes.

"Now if you both please, take some effort and time to tell me why were you both fighting?"

"Ahh because..." Addy said.

"Because..."  Amy tried to remember why they started fighting.

"Why were we fighting?" Addy asked Amy.

"I don't remember."

"Same here."

Kehara stared them in disbelief. 

"I don't believe this! What wrong did I do to get friends like them!" Kehara exclaimed looking towards the sky and her friends laughed.

"Millions and millions of Good deeds!" Amy exclaimed happily and Kehara rolled her eyes.

Amy was going to ask about Aman when she saw Noor coming towards them.

"Hello guys!"Noor exclaimed and sat next to Kehara. They are sitting next to college cafeteria area on the grass. 

"Hey Noorie!"Amy said cheerfully.

"Hey Amy. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Thank you. How are you?"

"Fine as well."

" How is your brother? Kehara don't give us update about him anymore."

Instantly Kehara's eyes opened widely and Addy rolled his eyes.

"Why Kehara? We give information  about our siblings to our best friends!" Noor teased.

"Aman is not my sibling."

"But he is my sibling and Amy is my best friend as well!" 

Kehara rolled her eyes before saying "No she is not! I don't like to share! I'm very possessive."

"I pity your husband." Addy said. Kehara rolled her eyes and the girls laughed. 

"That reminds me About Aman. What is he and Sufyaan up to?" Amy asked and Kehara raised her hands in the air almost getting a heart attack .

"Their office is almost ready. InshaAllah few more days."

"Oh that's awesome." Amy said clapping her hands together.

"Yeah! Now tell me did you watch yesterday's episode?" Noor asked happily.

"Why? God why? Just why!?"

"What?" Girls asked together.

"What wrong did I do to be trapped with three girls!?" He asked and girls laughed.

"Ignore him! Amy tell me what happened in yesterday's episode?"


Aman , Afzal and sufyaan are discussing about their new office. They are at Afzal's house. Sufyaan got up and walked few steps to get water and Afzal instantly bend towards Aman and whispered.

"What happened with your istekhara?" He said it in a great speed and Aman gave him a confused look. quite shocked by his action. 

"Fast! he will return!!!" Aman was too confused and before he could reply Sufyaan returned and Afzal gave him an angry look.

"What's wrong?" Sufyaan asked looking at Afzal's angry expressions.

"Nothing!" Aman replied instead. He no more trusts Afzal.

"No now you both have to tell me what are you both up to."

Aman and Afzal looked at each other and then looked back at sufyaan.

"Don't give me that look! I know you guys are hiding something from me." 

Aman and Afzal did not say a word. They cannot tell Sufyaan the truth but the point is they cannot lie to him as well. When Sufyaan understood they are not going to say he said.

" Fine. It's okay. I can understand. Bye I have some work."

"Sufyaan listen." Aman said but Sufyaan did not wait and left the room. Aman turned to Afzal.

"Now what?"

"I don't know. Maybe we should tell him the truth."

"What are you talking Afzal!"

"Aman if you want to Marry Kehara you have to tell her father and her brother who unfortunately is Sufyaan."

Aman turned around not willing to look at Afzal. He knows Afzal is right but as of now Aman is not ready to risk his friendship.

"Calm down Aman. Now tell me what happened after istekhara?"

Aman did not move and Afzal is annoyed now.

"Aman reply."

Aman turned and made his way towards Afzal. He sat next to Afzal and looked at him for few moments before saying.

"I saw a dream."

"Did Kehara killed you in the dream?"


"Okay I will try to be serious now. But I won't promise more than five minutes so hurry up."

Aman rolled his eyes. He hesitated for few seconds before taking a deep breath

"Okay. So I will not tell you what exactly was the dream." Afzal raised his eyebrows "But I can say I was smiling when I opened my eyes." Aman said smiling.

"That's okay but what was the dream!?" Afzal asked surprise to see his friend turning red for the very first time.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh nothing. She was just standing there looking towards the rising sun. when she noticed  me,she turned towards me and smiled. I smiled back and went near her. I started walking towards her and when I reached near her I realised she had red rose in her hand."

Afzal was confused when realisation hit him.

"Oh My Allah! Red rose! You always wanted to gift your wife a red rose on your wedding! That means it was your wedding day! Congratulations!! Afzal said beaming with happiness. Aman laughed.

" shut up. "

Afzal laughed before asking "But Aman why were you hesitating to say me this and why did you refuse to tell me your dream earlier?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhh why do you want to know everything."

"Just tell me."

"Okay because this means I will propose Kehara and I'm scared to lose Sufyaan. And what if..."

"She rejects you." Afzal completed for him rolling his eyes.

"Yeah! And about the dream I think it was a bit private. You know right."

"No, I don't know?" Afzal said giving him a weird look.

"I don't care."

"Whatever. And Aman even if this includes risk you need to ask her father and brother."

"Yeah I know. But I was thinking of first finding out if she has feelings for me or not."

"Aman! You know life will be more simple if you stop thinking! Why do you always have to complicate every situation?"

"What did I do now?"

"You tell your parents about Kehara and your parents will go and ask her father on behalf of you. And then we will wait for her reply. Even if she don't have feelings for you she might  accept your proposal."

"But that should not happen. If she does not love me she should not accept me."

" why are you Jumping directly on love. It starts with infatuation then crush then like and then love! And Aman let's assume she does not love you. But she will pray istekhara. And let's assume even she saw a dream like you or she feels good about you. Then she will say yes. Now it's your responsibility to make her fall for you. With your love, care and support."

"Hmmm. Why are you always right Afzal?" 

Afzal smirk on the compliment.

"Afzal the great." Afzal said and Aman rolled his eyes.

"So, how will we know what kehara feels?"


Kehara is sitting in the living room, lost in her thoughts. She did not notice Sufyaan coming and sitting next to her. To get her attention Sufyaan put her index finger in his hot tea. After few seconds Kehara screamed and pulled her finger out.


"Where are you lost girl?"

"Nowhere! You tell me why did you burn me?"

Sufyaan rolled his eyes and said "burn you? Seriously?"


Sufyaan was quiet for some time. Trying to find out how to speak to his sister on such a super irritating topic. Her marriage.


"Hmm."  Kehara said rubbing her finger.



"Look up!"

Kehara left her finger and looked up.

"What's wrong?"

"I want to talk to you." Sufyaan said uncomfortably.

"Okay. Go ahead."





"Okay fine. Just don't judge me please."

"Bhai. Come on why will I judge you?"

"Because I'm going to say something that will make you angry."

"Bhai just say it!"

"Yeah. So you know dad wants you to get married soon."


"So you know our last experience was horrible."

Kehara chuckled and said "Our?"

"Yeah! So I was thinking of listing all the good boys I know and then.."

Kehara panicked before asking "then what..."  Her eyes wide open.

" Then I don't know. I just want to be sure that we don't go through all that again."

Kehara rolled her eyes "Bhai! Don't worry. Okay I have an idea. Instead of listing all the good boys and then waiting for their proposal we can do one thing."

"What?" Sufyaan asked like a baby.

"Trust Allah. What ever he has written for me is good for me. InshaAllah we won't go through all that again."

Sufyaan did not say anything. Kehara waited for few minutes for him to speak. But when he did not say anything kehara decided to speak.

" Bhai!" Kehara tried to shake Sufyaan but he did not move instead kehara was moving back and forth now. Sufyaan smiled and started laughing.

"Stop now."

Kehara instantly stopped.

"Bhai Thank you for always being there for me. Love you." Kehara hugged him and Sufyaan smiled.

"Love you too Kehara."

Aman is watching TV with his mom.  Mrs Khan is trying not to ask Aman something that is bothering her. Aman turned to his mother to ask what they will have for  lunch when he noticed she is looking lost.

"Mom what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Nothing is wrong."

"Then why do you look so stressed?"

"I'm not stressed Aman."

"Yes you are. You cannot lie to me mom."

"People change."

"Yeah but we will never change."

"But you changed."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing." Mrs Khan turned towards the TV trying to avoid him.


"Yes Aman?"

"Tell me why do you think I have Changed?"

"Because you changed."

"Okay. What changed in me?"

Mrs Khan turned to face him. She stared him for some time. Deciding if she should ask Aman or not. Aman looked at her suspiciously and took a sip from his coffee.

"Aman do you like someone." Mrs Khan asked. Aman's eyes widened.

"Mom what do you mean?" Aman whispered in shock.

"What it sounds like! Aman are you interested in someone? If yes then tell us we will talk to her parents so that you can marry her."

"Woahhhhh mom calm down! I'm not interested in anyone."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes mom I'm sure."

Mrs Khan smiled widely and Aman was shocked to see her reaction.

"What are you up to lady?"

Mrs Khan raised her eyebrow.

"Language Mister."

"Mom why are you so happy? You don't want me to get married?"

"No it's not like that. I just want you to marry this girl I like and I'm sure she is best for you. And don't worry it's not Zara."

Aman closed his eyes feelings irritated that his parents has decided girls for him and he is on a totally different track. Track which is filled with danger.

"You have a girl as well. Good."

"She is such a nice girl."



"Is it necessary to get married. Why can't I just remain single and happy."

"What rubbish is that? You have to get married."


"Because I'm telling you. And don't be so sad first listen her name. I'm sure your mood will change after that."

"Yeah from irritated to angry." Aman whispered so that his mother could not hear him. "What is her name?"


Aman thought kehara came in the room so he looked up but did not find her.

"Mom kehara is not here. Why did you say her name. Oh My Allah! Mom do you mean what I think?"

"How will I know what you think?"

"Mom you very well know what I'm trying to say."

"No." Mrs Khan teased.


Mrs Khan started laughing.

"So what do you say? Kehara?"

Aman's whole face turned red mostly out of excitement. He waited for few seconds to decide what to say.

"Well I don't think so I mind." Aman said with a weird smile and Mrs Khan gave him a angry look.

"Oh you don't mind. Shut up. I know you like her."

"And where did that come from?"


"Mom you don't make sense."

"Shut up. I'm you mother Aman. What makes you think I would not discover this!"

"Mom whatever."

"At first when you father said that you are in love I was so upset. I always wanted kehara to be my daughter in law. But I always knew you have feelings for her. Your behaviour and body language changes when she is around. I was just hoping it is not a crush. But I was sure you love her."

"You were not sure mom! That's why you were upset when Dad said about Zara. And I don't understand why Zara! She is so irritating!"

"Aman! Behave. You should never talk bad about a girl." When Aman was trying to open his mouth to protest she did not allow him and said instead "even if that girl is really bad. You should never say bad things about a girl Aman. This is what I taught you. Did you forget it?"

"Sorry." Aman said looking down,feeling guilty for insulting Zara. Moms can make you feel guilty for anything and everything!

"So Kehara?"

Aman did not look up trying to avoid her and Mrs Khan smiled because she knows very well what this action means!

"Kehara it is!" Mrs Khan exclaimed and Aman laughed.

"Mom calm down."

"Why should I? My son is getting married to the girl of my choice!"

They both started laughing. After few seconds something happened and Mrs Khan's smile dropped. Aman noticed it and asked.

"Mom what happened?"

"There is one problem son."

"And that is?"

"Your dad?"

"Dad?" Aman asked his heart beat rising.

"Yeah. Kehara is his employee's daughter and at present his employee as well. And he sees it as a problem."

"What!?" Aman said his anger rising.

"I will tell you the whole conversation. When I told him I was thinking about Kehara for you. He said he never thought about it. So I said why will you she is your employee's daughter. He said according to him it is a problem but he never thought about it."

Aman was quiet for some time. Trying to understand what his father meant before saying.

"That's horrible mom. Why is money and status always important for him?"

"Aman he is your father."

"And he always disappoint me."


"Mom I don't want to talk."

Aman got up and left the room.

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