Chapter 40

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"Congratulation Kehara!" Amy said hugging her. 

Kehara laughed and said "Thank you Amy." 

"You are no longer a single independent girl enjoying her life. Now You will have to take Aman's permission even before breathing. And now you cannot enjoy your life as it will revolve around Aman and your future kids..."

"AMY!" Kehara shouted not allowing her to continue and she started laughing. 

"If you want to scare me,you can leave!" 

Amy started laughing again. It is 10 pm. Only Amy,Addy and Kehara and Aman's family are still here. Everyone else left few hours ago. 

"Yeah I'm going it's already 10." 

"How will you go now? Stay here for the night."

"Don't worry Addy will drop me." 

"Are you sure? Stay." 

"Naah I don't have my clothes and brush here! And in case you forgot we need to submit our projects tomorrow.Hey is your project ready?" 

"Yes it is ready. I completed it yesterday.Is your project ready?" 

"Yeah almost. We were completing it when you called us."


Amy and Kehara were talking about their projects when Noor came in the room.

"Amy ,Addy is calling you."

"And it's time for me to go!" Amy exclaimed standing up. 

"By the way Keharaaaaaaa." Noor said.

Amy and Kehara looked at each other and then looked at Noor.

"What?" Kehara asked narrowing her eyes.

"Bhai is coming to meet you!" Noor said clapping her hands and Kehara started panicking.


"Seriously Kehara why?" Amy said rolling her eyes. 

"Kehara don't you think he should be allowed to see his wife at least on their Nikha!" Noor said. 

"Yeah but My dress! And makeup. I'm not even wearing a hijab!" 

Amy and Noor exchanged a glance and then looked at Kehara. 

"He is your husband!" Both shouted together.

"And plus you have that dupatta covering most of your hair. Only your neck is visible. And again he is your husband!" Amy said. 

"A very short notice husband! It is scary." Kehara said and her friends rolled their eyes. 

"Kehara what will you do when you will shift with him!?" Amy asked in disbelief.

" Exactly!" Noor exclaimed. 

"Shut up! We will think about that when the time comes.It is so awkward! I don't even remember when was the last I was not wearing a hijab with a boy in the same room!"

"That boy is your Husband!" Amy exclaimed  and Kehara rolled her eyes. 

"Kehara chill you guys are only allowed to be alone in this room for ten minutes." Noor said and Kehara gasped.

"Wait a sec. Alone!" 

"So what were you expecting Kehara? He will come with the American Army?" Amy said and Noor laughed. 

Suddenly Amy's phone started ringing. 

"Ok girls, Addy is calling me. so I need to go now."  

Amy came and hugged Kehara. 

"Amy don't leave." Kehara whispered.

"Don't worry Kehara. Everything will be fine. He will not eat you. I promise." Amy laughed saying that and Kehara chuckled. 

"Bye Amy." Noor said.

"Bye Noor. Bye Kehara." 

Saying that she left. Kehara sat down on her bed and Noor did the same.

"We are officially sisters now!" Noor said slowly and hugged Kehara. 

Kehara laughed  and said "Yes!"

"Soooo It's time for Bhai to come." 

"Is it necessary?"

"Yes! Kehara calm down." 


Noor helped Kehara redo her makeup which was washed away due to wudu she did to pray isha. After that they were sitting quietly when there was a knock on the door. Kehara looked up and her heart started running. 

"One minute bhai." Noor got up and looked at Kehara one last time."You are looking beautiful MashaAllah! May Allah bless my brother." 

Kehara blushed and said " Don't go." 

"Kehara shh. All the best. And now bye." 

Before Kehara could say anything Noor ran out of the room. After few seconds the door opened again. Kehara looked down immediately. As soon as Aman opened the door he saw Kehara was sitting on her bed looking down. He smiled and came in, closing the door. The sound of the door closing made Kehara's heart beat so fast that she thought it will come out. He slowly started walking towards her increasing her heart beats. In few seconds he was standing in front of her. He smiled when he saw she was playing with her fingers nervously. 

"Kehara." He said and she stopped playing with her fingers. He smiled seeing that. With the way she was looking down Aman knew she was not planning to look up any time soon. So he bend down and is now standing on his knees. Kehara was confused what he was doing so she looked up and saw Aman's face was just few inches away. Their eyes locked for few seconds before Kehara looked down again. 

"You are looking beautiful."

After gathering courage Kehara finally said "Thank you. You are looking good as well."   

Aman smiled. Silence consumed the room. After few awkward seconds Aman said "Kehara I'm sorry." 

Kehara instantly looked up "Sorry for what?" 

"Because of my family..."

Kehara didn't allow him to continue and said "Aman Don't be sorry. It is not your fault."

"Yeah but still my dadajaan.."

"He is my dadajaan as well now." 

Aman smiled before continuing "Ok. So I didn't like that our dadajaan forced you to drop your condition. That was the only thing you asked for."

"We cannot do anything about it now. so it is better you stop feeling guilty. I did this Nikha for Dadajaan and I don't regret it." Kehara looked down saying that and Aman smiled. 

They were silent for few seconds before Aman decided to speak again. "Let's talk about something good."

"Ok." Kehara nodded.

They were again quiet for few seconds.

"Well to be honest I don't know what to say." Aman admitted and Kehara smiled. 

They were quiet for few more seconds before Noor shouted "YOU BOTH ONLY HAVE FIVE MORE MINUTES." Aman rolled his eyes and Kehara started laughing. 

"Why are you laughing?" 

"You look funny." 

Aman narrowed his eyes and said "You don't call your husband funny." This made Kehara laugh harder. Aman waited for few seconds and when she did not stop he pulled her closer and she instantly stopped. "Now laugh." 

Kehara is so nervous that she is unable to breath. Kehara tried to move back but he pulled her more closer. Gathering all her courage she looked up to see Aman smiling. She blushed and looked down again.

"My wife looks beautiful blushing." Aman said and Kehara blushed more. "Say something." Kehara shook her head. "Come on at least say something." Kehara shook her head again. "Kehara."

"You are making me nervous." she whispered and Aman smiled.

"It feels great to hear that I make you nervous." Kehara looked up and narrowed her eyes and Aman laughed.  After few seconds Aman stopped laughing and his face had a serious expression on it. He slowly started moving his face towards Kehara. More he moved forward more Kehara got nervous. She wants to run but She don't want to run. Aman moved closer to her cheeks. He was about to kiss her cheek when suddenly the door opened. 

"Time is up!" Noor screamed but when she saw them she turned around and closed her eyes. 

Instead of kissing her he rested his face on her face and closed his eyes. Kehara could not help it and started laughing. 

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!" Noor shouted and Aman moved back.

"None of your business." Aman said standing up. 

"Whatever. Now Bhai we need to go. So if you are done let's go!" Noor said turning around. 

"Yeah let's go."

 Aman started walking towards the door and Kehara shouted with all her energy "ALLAH HAFIZ!" Aman turned around with his eyebrows raised and mouth slightly open. Kehara smiled mischievously  and looked down. 

"Bhai! Where are you!? Come on you can meet your wife tomorrow." 

"I will see you tomorrow."  Aman said narrowing his eyes and Kehara laughed as he left the room. 


Next morning Kehara was running around her room getting ready and picking up all her things so that she could leave for college. She was unable to sleep last night. She was constantly thinking about Aman. After three she finally slept. So she overslept and now she is late for the university. She Looked last time in the mirror making sure she is looking decent and left her room. She did not have time for the breakfast so she shouted AllahHafiz and went near the main door. She opened the door when her phone started ringing. She pulled her phone out of her bag and closed the door behind her. She saw the caller ID and froze. Aman was calling her. She was deciding whether she should answer it or not when the call ended. Kehara was disappointed so she dropped her phone in her bag and started walking and froze again. Her husband is standing there smiling. She smiled back and started walking towards him.

"What are you doing here Mr Aman?" 

"I don't think so a husband needs a reason to meet his wife Mrs Aman."

Kehara shook her head blushing. Suddenly she remembered she is late for the university. "Aman actually I'm really late for the university so I need to run now." 

"That's why I'm here."

Kehara gave him a confused looked. 

"I'm here to drop you and unfortunately Noor to your university." 

Kehara smiled and her heart again started running. "But..."

"Don't worry I have taken your dad's permission and My parents know about it so." 

Kehara nodded in relief. 

"So let's go." Aman said and  started moving to the driver's seat. Kehara was going to open the back seat door when Aman said "Sit in front." Kehara raised her eyebrow and Aman narrowed his eyes. She smiled widely and did as she was instructed. 

As soon as she entered the car Noor screamed "Assalmu alayekum Bhabhi."

Kehara laughed " walekum assalam. so Bhabhi ha?" 

"Yup! Mom said you are my elder brother's wife, I can't take your name." 

Kehara and Aman both laughed and Kehara said "You can call me Kehara when she is not around." 

"Deal!" Noor exclaimed and all started laughing.

"So let's go." Aman said and Kehara nodded. 

They were sitting quietly for few minutes when suddenly Noor decided to speak "Ok so let me make it clear I want to become phuphu (paternal Aunt) as soon as possible."

Kehara's eyes widened like never before. She was all red and she just wanted to jump out of the car. Aman on the other hand was shocked as well. He was also turning red. They both did not move. Aman was driving the car and Kehara was looking outside the window.  

"Did you guys listen? I will name them! I want like three nieces and two nephews."

Kehara closed her eyes. 

"Noor shut up!" Aman said loudly which Noor totally ignored and continued her talking.

"Aman please stop the car and Noor get out!" Kehara finally said not able to take it anymore. 

"So that you guys can be aloneeee?" Noor teased.

"Fine then I will get down." 

"Fine! I will keep my mouth shut for now." 

"Thank you." Aman said sarcastically and Noor laughed. 

They finally reached and Kehara was out of the car the very second the car stopped. Noor and Aman came out few seconds later. 

"So AllahHafiz." Aman said smiling. 

Kehara smiled and said "AllahHafiz." 

"Bhai you can say AllahHafiz to me as well." 

In response Aman sat in the car and left. Noor's jaw dropped and she turned to see Kehara."How rude!" 

"You deserve that." Kehara said and started walking. 

Noor started walking as well. "You are not angry. are you?" 

"Noor that was too much!" 

"Ok fine I'm sorry." Kehara did not reply and just started walking faster to avoid her. 

Noor started running and once she reached Kehara she said "At least don't run." Still no response. "Sorry Bhabhijaan."  Noor said holding her ears. Kehara looked at her and after few seconds smiled. 

"You won't do that again?"

"I won't do that again."


"No promise." Noor said and started running. 


Aman is sitting in his office room working on a file. It is hard for him to concentrate but he is trying. This is a very important file and he has to complete it today any how. After few hours he was finally done and he decided to take a small break. He asked Sufyaan and Afzal to come in his room and he ordered coffee. After few minutes Afzal ,Sufyaan and coffee all came.

"Aman what are you doing in the office one day after your nikha?" Afzal asked drinking his coffee.

Aman rolled his eyes and said " Shut up." 

"No Aman this is not right! You should be at home with your wife planning your future!" Afzal teased and Sufyaan laughed. "Oh I forgot! Kehara did not shift. That's so sad."

Sufyaan and Afzal started laughing. 

"Enough now. It was not that funny." 

"It was!" Sufyaan exclaimed laughing. 

After few more minutes of teasing Afzal stopped.

"Today's teasing quota is over." Afzal said.

"Thank you." Aman said rolling his eyes. 

"How is dadajaan now?" Sufyaan asked.

"He is fine now Alhumdulillah." 

"Alhumdulillah." Both Sufyaan and Afzal said together.

"Today all his test reports will come ,then doctor will say what is wrong." 

"InshaAllah everything will be fine." Sufyaan said. 

"Yeah. Don't worry." Afzal said placing his hand on Aman's shoulder. 

"InshaAllah." Aman said. 

"Ok now tell me Kehara....." Afzal stared again going away from Aman but Aman did not let him complete his sentence.

Throwing a paperweight Aman said "Afzal just shut up." 

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