Chapter 1.

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Noor closed the zip of her bag before sitting on her bed. Due to business deal Noor is going to Arizona for few weeks. Her aunt, Naaz lives there so she will stay with her. Noor was close to her aunt and she loved her a lot earlier. But due to her attitude and strictness Noor was now scared of her. But to her relief, Dadajaan decided to come with her.

Noor was leaving in three days, one day after two months anniversary of Sufyaan and Zyva. Noor was very sad about leaving so to meet everyone before leaving she decided to celebrate their anniversary. Sufyaan and Zyva thought it was waste of time and money but Noor did not pay any attention to them. Noor Khan never listens to anyone! She does whatever she wants.

Noor looked up at the wall clock.It was almost twelve at midnight. Then she checked her phone and replied to few messages. After five minutes she opened the window of her room and looked up. Looking at stars has always been Noor's favourite part of night.

According to her stars represents courage. In the darkness of night star still dares to shine. It also gives her hope that even in the darkness one can shine and look so beautiful. Stars have a very special place in her heart. She wish she had one.

She closed the window and went to her bed. Trying to think of all the positive things that can happen in Arizona, she slept.


"Keyaan." Noor softly said.

Keyaan looked up at her and smiled widely. He started jumping up and down which made Noor smile. She picking him up from the floor and started walking in the room.

Noor's mother, Mehrunisa babysits her brother's twins, Keyaan and Amal and also his best friend's daughter, Manal.

"Noor, please take him out. He will make noise and wake up Manal or Amal."

"Ok." Noor said nodding her head.

Noor opened the sliding door and went outside.

"Keyaan will play with Noor Phuphu? You want to play?"

Keyaan kept jumping in her hands making Noor laugh. He just had his lunch and Noor knows now he will sleep soon. So she started rocking him up and down. But he kept on laughing and shaking his head, so Noor thought he was not tired. She stopped rocking him and just kept walking.

Noor was worried for this deal. It's an important deal. But to get an appointment with the company is next to impossible. Noor will have to work really hard to get an appointment and once she gets that then she needs to impress them with her presentation.

There was one more thing that was bothering Noor,her aunt and her son. She will still manage with her aunt but living with her cousin is difficult for her. When they were small kids, they use to fight a lot. That's why her aunt use to avoid coming to their house. Aman use to try his best to make them friends but they use to trouble Aman a lot. So he stopped wasting his time.

It was not just her cousin but also his best friend. Wildan was always nice to Noor. He never said something bad or mean to her unlike her cousin who always use to say something that would make her cry. But Wildan's sweet nature use to irritate Noor a lot because of only one reason, he was Zeeshan's best friend. What Noor failed to understand was, why he was always nice to her when she was so rude to him.

Noor was lost in her thoughts when Keyaan started banging his head on her shoulder indicating that he was sleepy. Noor smiled before she started rocking him up and down. Soon he fell asleep and Noor went inside.

"Look at them. My angels." Mrs.Khan said looking at the three babies who were sleeping in front of them.

Noor smiled before saying,"I will miss them."

"They will also miss their Noor Phuphu. Who will spoil them now?"

"I only have three babies mom! Why won't I spoil them?"

"I wonder what you will do with your children."

Noor raiser her eyebrows before looking outside the window.



"I don't want to get married."


"Ok?" Noor said after turning her face to her mom.

"It's ok Noor."

"You won't scold me like a typical desi mother?"


"Why?" Noor asked frowning.

"You look really upset because I did not scold you."

" Because it's not normal."

Mrs. Khan smiled before saying,"From my experience I have only learned that one should never be forced to get married. That will destroy two lives."

Noor looked down before looking away. She was still guilty of her behaviour. She knows what she did was wrong and even today at times she cannot look in her mother's eyes.

"But One day you will have to get married Noor. Because that's how things work. But till then I won't force you. Unfortunately I cannot change your destiny."

Noor frowned again before asking,"What do you mean?"

"I can fight with the whole world Noor. I can protect you from everything but I cannot change your destiny. What is written for you will happen no matter what."

"That's why I'm scared."

Mehrunisa smiled before saying,"Noor trust Allah. Even if things turn bad, it will still bring good to you. Allah will never do something that is not good for you."

"Ammi." Noor said before resting her head on her mother's lap.

"Ammi? When did I become Ammi from mom?"Mrs. Khan asked Smiling.

"I'm sorry Ammi."

"Noor. Darling from past five years you have apologised me many times. You don't have to apologise now. It's ok. I have forgiven you."

"But I'm still sorry. I don't know what was wrong with me."

"Noor darling you need some sleep."

"I know."

"Then close your eyes fast. It's time for babies to sleep."

Noor smiled before closing her eyes. Mrs. Khan started massaging her head and soon she fell asleep.


Noor folded her prayer mat and kept it on her bed. Someone had rang the bell when she was praying,So noor decided to check who it was. She was walking down the stairs when she realised it was her brother and sister- in-law. She came in the room and saw her mother,Brother,sister-in-law and their kids playing on the floor.

"Assalamu alayekum." Noor said.

"Walekum assalam Noor." Kehara said smiling.

"Kehara." Noor said before sitting next to her and resting her head on her shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to go."

"Just for few days Noor."

"I'm scared."

"Noor, Dad is not sending you to India-Pakistan border." Aman said.

"You can never think good for me.right?" Noor said rolling her eyes."He wants me to go there." Noor complained looking at Kehara.

Kehara smiled before wrapping her hands around Noor.

"I will miss you." Kehara said

"I will miss my kids more."

Kehara narrowed her eyes and Noor smiled,"No. I will miss you the most."

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Mrs. Khan asked Aman.

"Tomorrow is sunday so nothing."

"But We will meet everyone in the evening to celebrate Bhai and Bhabhijaan's two months anniversary." Kehara said.

"Who celebrates that?" Aman asked shaking his head.

"Noor!" Noor said raising her right hand in the air.

Aman shook his head before saying,"When we were newly married Sufyaan use to come home on every sunday before nine and now when we need him the most he seems to have forgotten our address!"

"He is married now Aman."Mrs.Khan said smiling.

"The world is mean." Aman said.

Kehara raised her eyebrows and looked at him. Aman winked at her and she rolled her eyes.

"I don't want to go!"Noor shouted.

"Attention seeker." Aman said.

"You will miss me the most." Noor said to Aman.



"I have four kids." Kehara said shaking her head.

"And your favourite is?"Noor asked.

"My twins of course."

"The world is really mean bhai."

"I know." Aman said.

Everyone except Noor started laughing. For the next ten minutes they were talking about the kids and how much Sufyaan has changed after his wedding. Kehara checked the time and instantly her eyes became wide.

"Aman we should leave now. It's late."Kehara said.

"Yeah, you are right." Aman said.

"No wait!" Noor exclaimed.

"Noor it's really late and now it's time for them to sleep." Kehara said pointing at her kids.


"Come on let's go." Aman said standing up.

He took Amal in his hands and kehara picked up Keyaan. They said their AllahHafiz before leaving the house. Noor turned to her mother before saying,

"She took my babies."

Mrs.Khan smiled,"You can have your own babies."

"You only love them!"

Noor stamped her foot before leaving the room. Mrs.Khan started laughing before saying,

"Noor when will you grow up?"

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