Chapter 27.

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Ramadan Mubarak!!!! May Allah accept our fasts and prayers.

This is the last chapter for this month. InshaAllah I will update after Ramadan! Keep everyone in your dua!


Urfi kept the bowl of popcorn on the table and run to open the door. After many days Urfi finally decided to be happy. Leslie and Urfi were going to watch as many Harry potter movies as possible. She taking popcorn in the living room when someone knocked the door.

"Urfi, what took you so long?" Asked Urfi's angry friend.

"Sorry Leslie."

"Sorry Leslie." Leslie mimicked Urfi.

Urfi shook her head before smiling. Leslie came in and Urfi closed the door.

"We will start with something funny." Leslie said.

"Harry potter is funny. 0.05 %."

"Ha ha very funny."

"You decide." Urfi said before sitting on the couch with her popcorn bowl.

"Ummmmmmm. Funny movie? Let's go for funny TV show that will be better."

"As you wish Miss. Leslie Ray."

Leslie was going to say something when the door bell rang. Leslie instantly sat on the couch indicating Urfi that she won't open the door. Urfi narrowed her eyes. Keeping the bowl on the couch she stood up to open the door. She was smiling after a long time. She was finally over Zeeshan's sudden Nikkha but she didn't know she will be back to square one after opening the door.

"Salam Urfi." Noor said smiling.

Urfi's smile vanished instantly,"walekum assalam."

"How are you?"

"Good. What brings you here?" Urfi asked still not opening the door wide to let Noor in.

"I was bored at home all alone so I thought it would be good to come here."

"Where is your mother in-law and your Husband?" Urfi asked stressing on the word husband.

"Zeeshan is at work and Phuphu is busy with something."

"Phuphu? She always wanted her daughter in-law to call her mom." Urfi said.

"Yeah she told me that but it will take time."


Noor smiled awkward. She was confused why her sweet friend was behaving so odd. She was feeling unwanted and that was making her uncomfortable. But Urfi refused to be nice to her.

"You are busy?" Noor asked awkwardly.

"Yeah I'm very busy."

"Oh. Then I will come back some other day."

"Yeah that would be great."

"Ok! Bye AllahHafiz." Noor said smiling.


Noor smiled again before walking away. Urfi instantly closed the door with a bang. She turned around and saw Leslie frowning.

"That was rude ,Urfi."

"I don't care."

Leslie frowned deeper. Urfi was a very sweet and good natured girl. Seeing her like that broke Leslie's heart for two reasons, one because she was being rude and two because her friend was totally shattered which changed her completely​. She didn't know what to say or do but she knew one thing for sure, this new Urfi will cause many problems.


"No, that's​ not needed. We have ten orders​ for tomorrow so we need just two people to help." Naaz said...."Yes that would help....... Ok...... That's perfect........ Yeah, sure...... Bye." 

Naaz disconnected the call and started going through the list in her hand. She cancelled few things and add few others​. Soon her list was ready so she took a picture and sent it to her partner. 


Naaz looked up and saw her son. She  smiled before saying,"Yeah. We have ten orders for tomorrow."

"Oh, you are going back to baking." 

"Yeah. I was on a break for almost two months. I cannot ignore it any more and also I miss baking."

"You need any help?"

Naaz looked up,"You are going help?"

Zeeshan raised his eyebrows,"Ah no I was trying to be polite."

Naaz smiled before rolling her eyes.

"If you need help then I'm here." Zeeshan said.

"JazakAllahu Khairan but I don't need any help. If in future I require help then I will let you know."

Zeeshan nodded,"Ok."

"Where is Noor?" 

"She went to meet Urfi."

"Urfi? They are friends?"

"Yeah. They were friends when they were young so I guess things are still the same."


 Naaz started working again. Zeeshan looked at his mother. He wanted to say something but he was hesitating. It has been really long since he last asked her permission for doing anything so it was difficult for him. He stared her for few more seconds before saying,"Ah Baba is in town."

Her eyes widened but she did not turn her face. Soon she started working again but she was lost this time. She remembered what mehrunisa told her few days back. From last many days she was thinking about that but there was something that was stopping her. Absentmindedly she cancelled vanilla extract which was the most important ingredient.

"Mom!" Zeeshan said loudly.

Naaz turned to face Zeeshan,"Ha."

"Are you ok with that?"

"Ok with what?" 

"Baba coming for dinner."

"He is coming for dinner?"

"Yeah. Like I said I have invited him for dinner." 


"You are ok with that?"

" Yeah."


Zeeshan stood up after some time to go back to his room. On his way he saw Noor coming. She smiled at him and he nodded. 

"You are early." Zeeshan said.

"Urfi was busy."


Noor nodded her head this time. Then Zeeshan continued walking towards his room. Noor frowned as she watched him going to his room. 

"It was visible that I'm upset! How did he not notice?"


"What are you doing?" Naaz asked coming in the kitchen,

"Coffee. You want some?"

"No thanks."

"Phuphu what will we make for dinner?" Noor asked after some time.

"I don't know."

"I will make something Phuphajaan​ likes." Noor said.

"That's a good idea but the point is Zeeshan dislikes everything his father likes."

"That's perfect."

Naaz smiled making Noor smile.

"Phuphu!"Noor exclaimed​,"What should I wear today?"

Naaz kept her hand on her chest,"Uff Noor. It's your husband's father coming not your husband."

"But I want to wear a new dress! I have so many new dresses."

"It's not a bad idea! I will do your makeup and hair."

"Phuphu it's a normal dinner."

"But you are a new bride. You should not be so dull."

Noor looked down at her dress and raised an eyebrow,"It's ok phuphu."

"No it's not. Now come with me."


"Do you know how dangerous it can be to go against your mother in-law?"

"Ah but."

"Noor! Come with me."

"Let's prepare the dinner first. It won't make sense to get ready and then get dirty."

Naaz narrowed her eyes,"Ok. But fast."

They started making Dinner. As planned they made Mehmood's favourite dishes. But Naaz was worried for Zeeshan so Noor with a very heavy heart made pasta for him. Soon after they were done Naaz took noor to her room. Zeeshan was not at home so there was no one to disturb them. After protesting for some time Naaz finally agreed to keep the makeup simple. Once she was done with Makeup she started to work on her hair.

"MashaAllah." Naaz said once she was done. 

"Now it's my turn."

"What do you mean?" Naaz asked keeping the straightener away.

"My father in law is coming and still I got ready, Your husband is coming so you should get ready."

Naaz smiled,"At this age?"

"Age ? Seriously? I never expected this from you phuphu."Naaz smiled again."Phuphu come, you are getting ready."


"No no no! Come with me." 

Noor did not let Naaz protest and forced her to go in her room. Unlike Naaz,Noor did not listen to her and did whatever she wanted. Soon Noor was done and they went to the living room. 

"You go and open the door." Noor said when doorbell rang. 


"Because he is your husband."

"What if it's your husband?"

"Your​ son. So you should open the door anyway."

Naaz knew arguing with Noor is useless so she stood up and open the door. Noor went to the kitchen when she heard Mehmood's voice. She wanted to give them some time alone. As she had nothing else to do she sat on the kitchen counter and started chatting. Soon Zeeshan came and Noor started to set the table. After ten minutes they were ready to eat dinner.

"You are looking beautiful." Mehmood said.

"Thank you." Noor said softly.

"Where is Zeeshan?" Naaz asked to no one in particular.

"In his room." Mehmood said. 

"There he is." Naaz said when he came in the room.

Zeeshan frowned while sitting down on the chair,"You look...." He thought for an appropriate word.,"different mom."

Naaz smiled,"Good different?"

"Yeah." He said slowly.

"Now, can we eat please? I'm starving." Mehmood said.

"Yes please." Noor said. 

"MashaAllah Noor you have long hair." Mehmood said.

"Thank you!" Noor exclaimed cheerfully.

Zeeshan looked up to see Noor. This was the first time he noticed Noor's hair although she had been without hijab for two days now. After her hair he noticed that just like his mom even she was looking different

"Phuphajaan take this.I have made this for the very first time for you."

Mehmood smiled,"That's so sweet of you and Noor I always wanted a daughter but unfortunately we didn't have any other choice so now that I have a daughter I will prefer you calling me baba."

Noor smiled," Ok."

"Why am I punished?" Zeeshan asked pointing at his plate of pasta. 

"Because you have many tantrums." Noor said.

"Excalty. Who in their right sense hates fish?"

"Zeeshan mehmood malik!" Noor said rolling her eyes.

"Let's pretend he is not here." Mehmood said.

"I would love to do that." Noor said.

"Enough. Eat your food quietly." Naaz said.

"Possessive mother." Mehmood whispered to Noor.

They ate quietly for next ten minutes. After they were done they all went in the living room . After talking for some time Noor went to the kitchen to get ice cream for everyone. After some more time Ever Zeeshan went in the kitchen leaving Naaz and Mehmood alone.

"I'm so happy. No one else would have been a better choice for Zeeshan." Mehmood said.

"I totally agree."

"But they are not together. I mean they are but."

"I know what you are trying to say and I agree. Noor was more excited about you tasting her food than Zeeshan tasting her pasta."

"And Zeeshan noticed you but he didn't even look at her. What kind of a husband he is?"

"At times they scare me  alot."

"don't worry everything will be fine with time."


"We will bring them together don't worry." Mehmood said.

Naaz and Mehmood, after many years were talking normally without any fights or hesitation. They were not enjoying but they were at peace. But on the other hand the other couple of that family was dealing with another fight.

"Zeeshan!" Noor exclaimed

"Why are you standing in the way?" 

"You are the one who pushed me and you are complaining."

"Noor, you are standing at the wrong place. There is no place to walk! How am I suppose to go to the other side?"

"By politely asking me to move."

"You saw me coming you should have moved aside."

"So you are not going to admit your mistake?"

"What mistake?"

"Zeeshan you are so irritating."

"Trust me you are no less."

"You deserve that."

"Oh so you accept that you are irritating?"

Noor narrowed her eyes and Zeeshan raised his eyebrows confidently.Noor bent down to clear the ice cream which fell down from Noor's hand when by mistake Zeeshan pushed her.  Zeeshan stood there till the time she was done. Once she was done she took the ice cream bowls and started walking towards the living room. She stopped when she saw Naaz and mehmood talking. She didn't want to disturb them so she didn't go inside the room. After some time Zeeshan also came and stood next to her. He automatically smiled. Noor looked at him and smiled as well.

"They look good together." Noor said.

"I know."

"I don't know about you Zeeshan But I really want them to patch up."

"I want the same."

Noor looked at Zeeshan,"really?"

Zeeshan frowned before looking at her,"They are my parents. What else you expect?"

"I'm not shocked but I just want to be sure."

"Noor, you are not making sense."

"I lost all my senses when I got married to you. Can't help."

"Can't we have a normal discussion without insulting each other?"


"Thank you." Zeeshan said.

"We should do something!"


"I don't know but something! Look how cute they look together."

"Noor they are not small kids. They are mature adults we cannot force them to do anything."

"But we can help them."

Zeeshan frowned,"how?"

"Why I'm responsible for everything! You can also use your brain."

Zeeshan rolled his eyes,"Normal response Noor."

"I'm trying my best."

"This is your best?"

"Now you are starting a fight."

Zeeshan looked away. He saw his parents smiling. Their smiles gave him hope. Hope for better tomorrow. He always wanted them to come together and forget all their differences. That was the only thing he wanted from his life.


You know both the main leads.......

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