Chapter 35.

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"So Brutus how are you?" Afzal asked.

Raiyan smiled before asking,"will you stop calling me that?"

"No, I don't think so."

"How are you Raiyan?" Zeeshan asked.

"I'm good. It's nice to see you two decided to give it a shot."

Zeeshan smiled and handed him a glass of juice.

"Thank you." Raiyan said before taking it from him.

"How is your dad now?" Afzal asked.

"Not so good. Pray for him."

"We will. Don't worry he will be fine soon." Zeeshan said.

Raiyan smiled before taking a sip from his glass. They were quiet for some time before​ Noor came in the room.

"So Raiyan how is school? By the way, what's your age?" Noor asked.

"It's fine and I'm eighteen."

"Wow. Eighteen and so wise? That's impressive." Afzal said.

"Thank you once again for helping Raiyan." Noor said.

"How many more years are you going to thank me? Just forget about it."

"Going against your own brother is not easy, especially when you are so young. We will forever be grateful to you." Zeeshan said.

Noor looked at Zeeshan for some time and then smiled,"I hate to say it but he is right."

"Noor and Zeeshan come on we are your guests! You should not keep us hungry for so long! Food is here right? Then set the table!" Afzal said.

"Ok." Noor stood up.

"Zeeshan go and help her." Afzal ordered.

Zeeshan rolled his eyes,"why do you keep forgetting I'm the elder one." Zeeshan then stood up and went to the kitchen leaving Raiyan and Afzal alone.

"So you are staying here just to irritate him?" Raiyan asked after some time.

"No. I know Noor very well. She might not like it if I stay in a hotel instead of her house. She loves guests. And we have a very special relationship. She is my baby sister and also she has the ability to brainwash my wife. So before she does that and I get in trouble I thought it would be better to stay here."

Raiyan smiled,"that's good."

"For the first time I did not thought of irritating him. But ultimately I'm doing that so it's fine."

Raiyan laughed,"why do you always do that? I remember how much you used​ to tease him."

"That's how I'm. And when we were kids we were neighbours and he was also my best friend's Cousin so I use to meet him almost everyday. He was not so rude,quiet and weird that time. He was a sweet guy who use to enjoy and play with me. I'm trying to bring that boy out of him with all these teasing but he is really stubborn and just refuses to give up on his rude act!"

"Why did he change?"

"tragic life, bad company and some wrong decisions."

"Life ... can change Any day or any time and change you to an extend that you never knew you could."

"True. But we all have our shares of problems. I feel we should not give up on life. Why to change ourselves when things around us are already changing?"

"But it's difficult to stay the same old self."

"I know. But still I feel its wrong to change. See my mom was my dad's second wife and our house was ruled by his first wife. One day suddenly she announced she wants to go back to our homeland and My father followed her blindly. I don't understand why he was like that. Anyway, he left me and my mom here and just felt. He use to send us money but he was not here physically. It was heart breaking and even I was depressed for a long time because my mom was suffering a lot but then I realised they don't deserve my attention or tears. Why should I change myself for them? They are selfish"

"Why didn't you guys go with them?"

"Because his first wife said no."

"Wow I never though you had such a sad story."

Afzal smiled,"I have a really delightful face and people think handsome people don't have sad stories to tell. But unfortunately we have many stories to tell."

Raiyan smiled,"How can you still joke while telling me that sad story?"

"I would say I'm blessed with a very good and adjustive nature. I don't give a damn about what is happing around me."

"We all should have such nature."

"You should be lucky for that."

Raiyan smiled,"yeah."

"See raiyan I didn't tell you this to show how great I'm but for you to understand that whatever is happening will pass with time. You will be left with regret if you let the situation around you rule your way of living. So just go with the flow and be yourself. Already many things are changing so at least stay the old you.Your dad will be more disappointed if he sees you stressed or with a sad face. Your old self will also give him strength. Do this for him. If not possible every time then at least around him."

"I will keep that in mind."

"Good boy. Where is the food! Noor and Zeeshan you can have your romantic time later! We are hungry!"


"Why are you here?" Noor asked when Zeeshan came in the kitchen.

"To help you."

Noor's eyes popped out,"What?"

"Don't make that face. I help you whenever you ask."

"Yeah, right. When will you start helping me without being asked?"

"Be happy with what you have. Don't be greedy."

Noor narrowed her eyes before taking a plate in her hand. Zeeshan started helping her. He wanted to tell her something but His ego was stopping him. But then he gathered courage and said,"I'm sorry."

Noor's eyes popped out again. She slowly looked to her left with her eyebrows high up,"Hai?"

"Don't overreact."

"You call this overreacting? One day I will show you what is overreacting."


"Sorry for what?"

"That day when you were giving Aman's example I overreacted and shouted at you for no reason."

"Yeah that was overreacting."

Zeeshan shook his head and kept on working. Noor smiled,"It's ok. Even I crossed my line that day so I guess we are even."


Noor smiled again. She was suddenly feeling  happy and excited. In the past few months many things changed between them. They never use to share their thoughts like this. They were busy fighting earlier but now they share their feelings and thoughts with each other without any hesitation. Now they don't feel awkward to share their feelings. They were very comfortable around each other. They still fight a lot but they were now friends....good friends.



"You are not how I imagined you."

"Now explain what that means."

"I mean I thought you were rude,careless,Irritating and what not. No doubt you are everything but you are also a good human being."

"Should I take it as a compliment?"

"Yes, you should."

"Thank you for your weird compliment."

Noor smiled,"I have one question now."

"This is exactly why I don't like to be nice to you. Then you become happy and ask many questions. what's that love for questions​?"

Noor smiled again,"Just one this time."


"Why exactly did you marry me? You didn't like me then why did you stop me form doing that stupid thing?"

"Because you are family. Even if you are a headache I cannot change the fact that you are my cousin. And if it was for anyone else I would have helped them,too. Yeah I would have not sacrificed myself like that." Zeeshan took a pause before saying,"When Raiyan told me about what his brother was planning the first thing that came in my mind was how much your father use to protect you. After knowing the truth he would have shattered into pieces. He did a lot for me. He was standing with me even when I was at my weakest point. I cannot see him hurt. That's why."

Noor stared him for some time before smiling,"You should have stopped talking after saying because you are family,"

Zeeshan frowned,"Why?"

"Nothing.Let's go out. They are waiting for us." Noor started walking

"Noor wait." Zeeshan held her hand and stopped her.


"Even you are not same as I thought you were." He looked in her eyes,"You are a caring person who is always ready to help. You are a good person. When my sister died instead of creating a problem you accepted her daughter and now even though you are struggling a lot you are still not complaining. You are a very good mother. Thank you for doing everything."

Unknowingly a lump formed in her throat.Noor never accepted Zeeshan to say her such words. For the first time she noticed his eyes. They were black in colour. Then her eyes fell on his eyelashes. They were perfect, just the way Noor wanted for herself.

"Thank you." Noor said unknowingly.


"Noor and Zeeshan you can have your romantic time later. we are hungry."

Noor looked away immediately​ and Zeeshan left her hand. She turned around and left. Even if they both deny the truth but they both had started feeling something for each other. It was not magic which made them so comfortable around each  other, It was something else.

"Afzal when are you going back?" Noor asked. 

It was eight in the morning and they were having their breakfast. Zeeshan and and Afzal were all ready to leave for work after eating their breakfast.

"You want me to leave?"

"no! I just want to know."

"I'm leaving in two days."

"Oh wow."

Afzal smiled,"Talk to yamina. She was saying you didn't answer her call."

"Yeah I was busy that time and later I forgot."

"Afzal let's leave now. I have some meeting in the hospital today."

"Even I'm getting late. Bye Noor. Bye Iiman." Afzal waved at IIman and then they left. 

Noor cleaned the table before washing the dishes. Then gave Iiman a bath and got all wet. Iiman always tries to move while taking a bath due to which Noor always end up being wet at the end. Once Iiman was in fresh clothes they came in the living room. Noor was going to the kitchen when someone knocked the door. At first she thought of leaving Iiman on the couch but she was scared that she might fall down so she took her in her hand and went to open the door. 

"Salam Noor."

"Walekum assalam Urfi. come in!"

Urfi smiled and came inside. 

"How are you urfi?"

"I'm good. How are you?"


"And what about this cute girl?"

"IIman tell her how are you?"

Iiman stared her for some time and then looked away. Noor smiled before closing the door.

"She is very moody."

"Zeeshan's niece after all."

Noor started laughing,"Exactly."

"You had your breakfast?" Noor asked.

"Yes. What about you?"


"That's good. Then have lunch with me." 

"Oh no no. I have to go home and study.I came here because I was not feeling well."

"Why what happened? You are not well?"

"I was feeling depressed again."

"Someone said something to you?"

They sat down on the couch before Urfi replied,"No But I know I have disappointed my brother. He had expected a lot from me."

"Wildan loves you a lot Urfi. He will not make you feel bad or taunt you."

"I know but I still find it difficult to look at him. He is behaving  normal but I'm ashamed of myself."

"We all make mistakes. Don't think so much."

"I'm trying. Now let's not talk about that."

"Yeah. Let's talk about Iiman."

"She is crying a lot since morning." 


"I don't know.  I don't understand why she cries."

"Don't worry you will understand it. She is just new to you that's why."

"I still feel bad. I just want to know what is wrong."

"Maybe her stomach hurts." Someone said.

Noor and Urfi turned and saw little Zubiya standing.

"You should tap on her stomach lighting and if the sound is like an empty box then it means there is something wrong with her stomach."She climbed up and sat between Urfi and Noor while saying all that.

"How do you know?"Urfi asked.

"I have a baby sister. I never met you. Who are you?"

Noor's eyes became wide,"Wow."

"I'm Urfi. Noor's friend. Who are you?"

"I'm Zubiya Imran. I'm Noor's new neighbour."

"How are you Zubiya? What brings you here?" Noor asked.

"I was bored at home so I thought of meeting your baby. cute baby? What is his name?"

"Her name is Iiman."

"She is a girl as well. That's sad."

"Why is that sad?That's a good thing."Urfi said. 

"No my father says being a girl is bad. He doesn't like girls."

"Zubiya being a girl is not bad. You should be proud that you are a girl. Not everyone is lucky to be a girl."

"Really? I have never heard of that before."

"Now this is sad." Urfi whispered.

"How old is she? She looks same as my sister."

"She is three months old."

"My sister is six months."

"What's her name?" Urfi asked.

"My mom said we should not talk to strangers. Why will I tell you her name."

Noor and Urfi laughed,"But we are not stranger any more. See you know my name and also that I'm Noor's friend."

"So that means we are not strangers?" 

"No we are not." Urfi said.

Noor bit her upper lips,waiting for Her to reply.

"Ok.Her name is Asbha." 

"Wow that's a good name." Noor said.

"I named her. It was my best friends name."

"Oh wow. You have a best friend."  Urfi said.

"Yes. Normal humans have best friends."

"What is her age Noor?"

"three or four."

"She sounds like eighty."

"I'm hungry. Can I get something to eat?" Zubiya asked Noor.

"Sure darling."

"Give her to me." Urfi said extending her hands. 

Noor gave Iiman to Urfi and went in the kitchen. There she saw her phone on the kitchen counter. She picked it up and saw a message from Zeeshan. She thought of checking the message first and then find something to eat. SHe opened his chat and smiled. 

"Be ready by seven. We are going out for dinner."


Yeah many of you guessed it right. It's Haajar and Raiyan's story.....

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