Chapter 5.

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"Noorrrrrrrr"- zyva.

"Zyva!!!!!!!!"- Noor.

"Look what Noor did to my wife. She was a normal girl when I met her and now she is hyper like Noor." -Sufyaan.

"Sufyaan Bhai is the happiest human being on earth as I'm not there."- Noor.

"Noor it's not like that."-Afzal.

"Afzal <3" -Noor.

"We all are are equally happy." -Afzal.

"Afzal!"- Noor.

"Hahahaha. Exactly." - Sufyaan.

"Sufyaan and Afzal back to work!"-Aman.

"And my brother only cares about his work!"- Noor.

"Noor darling how are you?" -Kehara.

"Alhumdulillah. How are my kids!?"- Noor. 

"Alhumdulillah but I'm dead."- Kehara.

"Aww. Wait I will come back soon."-Noor.

"Please come! We all are missing you."- Zyva.

"I will talk to you all later. Bye!"- Noor.

Noor kept her phone on the couch before turning her face towards the window. Since morning she was missing her family and friends a lot. She was missing her mom the most. Although now it has been years but Noor still could not forgive herself for how she use to treat her mother. Noor closed her eyes but opened them again in few seconds.

Zeeshan was going to his room when his eyes fell on Noor sitting quietly on the couch. It was not normal for Noor to be quiet and when she was near Zeeshan her voice increases ten times more. Zeeshan stood there for a minute before going in the room. He cleared his throat and she looked at him.

"What's wrong?" Zeeshan asked.

"Nothing." Noor said looking down.

"I promise I won't tell Bambam about it."

Noor instantly smiled widely before looking at him,"You remember Bambam?"

"How can I forget the him? Only that ghost had the power of scaring Miss. Noor Khan. I respect that man the most!"

Noor smiled again before looking down.

"Noor tell me Why were you scared of a ghost called Bambam?"

"Bambam was my version of a name of some ghost in a movie. I don't remember the name now. I don't even remember the movie."

Zeeshan shook his head as if he knew there was a silly reason for it and Noor narrowed her eyes.

"So What happened?" Zeeshan asked after some time.

"I'm missing my kids."

Zeeshan raised his eyebrows and started thinking if his mom ever mentioned about Noor  getting married. After thinking for some time when he could not recollect anything related to Noor's wedding he said, "Huh?"

"Keyaan and Amal. Aman bhai's twins."


"Have you seen them?" Noor asked.


"Why will you do something that stupid? Wait."

Noor immediately unlocked her phone. After few seconds she handed him her phone. Zeeshan took it from her before looking at the screen. After few seconds he smiled and Noor's eyes became wide.

"Wow. At least there is someone who can make you smile.Who is it? Keyaan or Amal?"

"Amal. She looks like you."

"I know!" Noor said proudly. 

Zeeshan was going through the pictures of the twins and Smile never left his face.

"Amal is very naughty! Our Poor Keyaan is a quiet baby."

"Who is the third one?"

"Manal! Afzal's daughter. You remember Afzal,right?"

"Even Afzal got married?"


"How is everyone there?"

"Alhumdulillah. You remember everyone?"


"Why did you all move here? And why did Wildan's family shift?"

"Baba got a transfer and as you know Wildan's  Baba died and his mom was already dead so he shifted here with his grandparents."

"Oh. How is his sister? I don't remember her name."

"Urfi. She is fine."


Zeeshan gave Noor her phone back and Noor took it.

"So what will you do now?"Zeeshan asked.

"About what?"

"Missing your kids."

"I don't know."

"Go and Video call them."

"It's sleeping time for them."

"Ok.Then talk to your mom or dad."

"Dad must be at work and my mom is Keyaan,Amal and Manal's babysitter. So probably she is busy as well."


"Zeeshan can I ask you something?"


Noor thought for some time before saying, "No, Nothing."

"What happened?"

"Nothing." Noor said before standing up and leaving the room. 

Zeeshan frowned before raising his eyebrows.

"What wrong with her?"


"And This?" Zynah asked.

"Wait let me first finish my work and then I will check it." Zeeshan said.

"Ok. So Can I go?" 

"Yeah sure."

Zynah smiled before turning around.She was about to open the door when the door opened itself and someone came in. Zynah looked up and saw Wildan standing in front of her.

"Sorry." Wildan said moving aside.

Zynah gave a nod to her head and walked out of the room. Wildan closed the door before walking towards Zeeshan. 

"What happened Wildan?" Zeeshan asked frowning.

"Jaza is getting married."

Zeeshan's eyes became wide and he stood up instantly.



"Yamina!" Afzal exclaimed and Yamina looked up.

"Afzal? What are you doing here in my office?"Yamina asked.

"That should be my question! It's Sunday!"

"This is a very important project."

"Ok. I'm waiting do fast."

"Just fifteen minutes."


Yamina smiled at her husband before resuming her work. Yamina was working for the next thirty minutes and Afzal was continuously typing something on his phone.Yamina was observing him from past ten minutes and when she could not take it anymore she frowned before asking,

"What are you typing?"

"Nothing. I'm just chatting with Sufyaan."

"About what?"


"Are you sure?"


Yamina started woking again and Afzal was busy in his phone the whole time.

"Done!" Yamina exclaimed after five minutes.

"Then let's go."

"Just a minute. I will show this to my boss and come."


Yamina went to a cabin to show her boss the presentation. After few minutes she came back and smiled.

"Now fast." Afzal took Yamina's hand and started running.

"Afzal what happened?"

"Just run!"

Afzal and Yamina ran to the parking area and soon they were in the car. Afzal Immediately started driving and Yamina was confused.

"Afzal what happened?"

Afzal did not reply and just smiled.

"Afzal you are so evil!"

"I feel bad for you."

"Why?" Yamina asked frowning.

"Because you married an evil man. Your daughter's father is an evil man!" Afzal whispered the last part and Yamina narrowed her eyes.

"I really feel bad for Manal! What kind of a father she has!"

"She will blame you for getting involved with an Evil man!"

Yamina shook her head before smiling. For a minute Yamina was looking at the sky and Afzal was driving.

"Where are we going?" Yamina asked.

"Yamina you lack patience!"

"As if you have a lot of patience!"

"Of course I have! I'm married to a neat freak!"

Yamina rolled her eyes and again looked out. Soon Afzal stopped a car in front of a restaurant. Yamina frowned and asked,


"We can go to Mars if you want. I thought you like staying low-key!"

Yamina smiled again before they came out of the car. Afzal had already reserved the table so without wasting any time the waiter took them to their table.

While walking towards the table suddenly Yamina laughed and Afzal smiled. She saw Aman and Kehara in one corner of the room. Kehara was talking on phone and Aman was looking at her. She also saw Zyva and Sufyaan on one of the tables. She shook her head before sitting down on her chair.

"What is this Afzal?"

"Thank you."  Afzal said to the waiter before looking at his wife,"Me and my best friends were discussing how work was keeping us busy and how much we are missing our respective wives. So we decided to have dinner together. But then Sufyaan said we won't get time to spend with our wives alone. So we decided to have dinner separately and then have dessert together."

Yamina chuckled before saying,"ok."

"Someone needs to bring Sufyaan out of his honeymoon phase!"

"No! Let them be happy."

"Why are we talking about him!? Anyways so let's talk about something good."

"I'm tired of work. I just want to run away from it "

"Ok then. Pack your bags! We will drop Manal at my mom's house and secretly leave the country."

"Afzal." Yamina scolded

"I'm damn serious woman."

Yamina leaned forward before saying,

"Then let's run to Paris."


"Jee Ammi. Yeah we will be back soon. Jee jee. Yeah ok. AllahHafiz." Kehara said before disconnecting the call.

"Kehara, you are here on a date with me or your phone?" Aman asked.

Kehara smiled before saying,"We have kids now. We should know if they are fine or not. And I feel terrible for leaving them with Ammi. Poor Ammi is old now."

"We don't do this daily. We are parents I agree but we should give time to each other." Aman said.

Kehara looked down. After few seconds she shook her head before saying,

"Yeah, you are right. Now no more phones."

"Give me your phone." Aman said extending his hands.

Kehara thought for a second before giving him, her phone.

"Now like a good girl talk to me."

"Aman did you confuse me with Amal?"


"Sorry sorry. What do you want me to say."

"Something good."


Kehara thought for few seconds before saying,"You say something."

Aman narrowed his eyes before saying,

"You have changed a lot."

"I know. I'm sorry. Work and then kids then hardly any energy is left in me. I'm sorry." Kehara said looking down. 

Aman stared her for some time before taking her hands in his.Kehara looked at him and he smiled.

"It's ok. I understand. Even I'm busy with work. It's  not our fault it's our situation. At this point we both cannot leave our work so we need to have patience. We need to understand each others situation and adjust."

"I know." 

"So now smile."

Kehara smiled which made Aman smile. 

"I feel bad for all girls."

"Why?" Aman asked.

"Because I have stolen the best husband on earth."

Aman smiled before saying,

"You are one lucky woman." 

Kehara smiled before saying,

"Yes I am."


"And that's all." Sufyaan said.

"Ok."The waiter said before leaving.

"So." Sufyaan said turning to his wife.

Zyva smiled before saying,"So?"

"How are you Miss.Zyva abbas?"

"I'm fine. How are Mr.Sufyaan Shaikh?"

"Not as good as you but I'm fine."

Zyva smiled before saying,"Why are we here?"

"Because I wanted to have a good romantic dinner with my wife."

"Like yesterday." 

Sufyaan gave a small nod before say."Like yesterday."

Zyva laughed making Sufyaan smile.

"You are unbelievable."

"I know."

"We will bring daddy next time." Zyva said.

"Yeah,even I'm thinking that. He is all alone with  Amal."

"He is a superman.After working he is always babysitting someone."

"Yeah he is. And also Kehara and her mother-in-law and all the mothers out there. Hats off to all of them."


"Now if we are done with the world can we concentrate on us."

Zyva narrowed her eyes and Sufyaan smirked,

"Sufyaan Shaikh behave."

"What am I doing?"

"I know what you are thinking."

"What am I thinking?" Sufyaan asked leaning forward.

"Sufyaan." Zyva scolded.


"You know when we first met,I thought you are the a very serious person who is very reserve."

"Now what you think?"

"I think you are a mad human being. I mean you can do anything. You told my father on his face that you love me. Who does that?"

"What else was I suppose to do? I told him directly that I love you instead of kidnapping you and getting married."

"You were planning to do that?"

"When I met your 'so much interested in you' cousin,yes I was planning for that."

Zyva smiled,"He got engaged yesterday."

"What? really? Who is the poor girl?"Sufyaan asked.

"His some cousin. I don't know her."

"Ya Allah,please keep everyone safe."

"Ameen."Zyva said smiling.

"Talking about him on a romantic date. Amazing."

Zyva giggled before saying,"You never fail to amaze me."

"To be honest ever since I have fallen in love with you I amaze myself daily.I'm now a totally different human being."

"for me?" Zyva asked smiling.

"Only for you."

Soon their food arrived and they started eating. Sufyaan was saying something every now and then making Zyva laugh. After some time they all were done ,so they all sat together for their dessert.

"We should do this more often." Afzal said.

"Well Afzal as of now we cannot afford it." Sufyaan said.

"Yeah. This loss is really taking away everything."Aman said.

Kehara​ frowned before placing her hand on his hand,"InshaAllah everything will be fine soon." 

"Now sufyaan will not attack you Aman. He does the same thing." Afzal said.

Sufyaan shook his head before saying," Even if I try to ignore it you people remind me! Aman leave her hand!"

Aman took her other hand in his hand and Sufyaan raised his left eyebrow.

"Ok back to we cannot afford dinners." Kehara said trying to change the topic.

"InshaAllah soon this time will end."Zyva said.

"Yeah InshaAllah! And we girls can afford it." Yamina said.

"Exactly."Zyva said.

"Zyva you are not even working." Sufyaan said.

"That's because we cannot afford one more employee now." Aman said.

"Yeah but I can still afford such dinners."Zyva said.

"Your father still gives you pocket money?" Afzal joked.

Zyva smiled before saying," Yeah actually." Afzal's eyes instantly became wide ,"Just before our Nikha my father said he will continue to send me the same amount he use to give me before our nikha. So he gives me some money. It's just a normal pocket money a student gets but we can still have a dinner out in every three months."

Everyone started laughing and Sufyaan looked down. Zyva saw that and instantly shook his hand. He looked at her and she winked at him. Sufyaan stared her for a second before smiling. 

"I miss Noor!" Kehara exclaimed.

"I miss her too!" Zyva said.

"I hope she is fine and happy!" Yamina said.

"I think she is better not here."Sufyaan said.

"Yeah I think the same." Afzal said.

"Why?" Kehara asked.

"We all are here with our partners. She would have been left alone." Aman explained.

"And that would have made her sad."Sufyaan added.

"You are right."Zyva said.

"I hope she gets a righteous husband soon." Yamina said.

"Allah please bring her husband to her soon and please made her happy." Kehara said.

Everyone said together,


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