Chapter 1.

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I want you all to trust me! Ok?


"If that's what they want, that's what they get. I want you to find those centerpieces by hook or by crook. Ok?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Now go and start looking for them. And can you please ask Janet to come in."

"Sure ma'am."

After her assistant left the room, she picked up her phone in her hand and dialed a number.

"Can I come in?" A voice came after someone knocked the door.

"Come in Janet." Janet came in with a smile on her face. "Can you please call Miss Ria? She called me yesterday and I forgot to call her back. Just ask her what she wants."

"Sure ma'am." 

"Thank you."

Janet left the room soon after that. She removed the phone from her ear as no one answered. She again dialed the same number before her eyes fell on the papers on her desk. She took them in her hands and started arranging them.

"Hello beautiful."

She smiled before rolling her eyes,"this does not suit you."

"And it's awkward."


"Why did you call?"

"Where is daddy? He is not answering my calls."

"I don't know. Probably at home busy with kids."

"It's Friday today. They don't come there on Fridays."

"Then maybe he is sleeping."

"Try calling him. I tried three time."

"Why are you calling him again and again?"

"I first called to ask if he took his medicines or not. And then I called him because he didn't answer the first time."

"He will be fine. I will call him wait."


"I will call you later than."

"Bye. AllahHafiz."

"Hey, Zyva wait."


"You are beautiful."

Zyva smiled widely before keeping her phone on the table. Sufyaan was not a type to say sweet things to his wife regularly. But whenever he did, he meant it with all his heart.

"Woah woah woah! Why are you blushing?" Said a lady in her mid twenties when she entered the room.

Zyva smiled wider,"nothing."

"Was that your husband?"


"Wow!"  She said while sitting on the chair across from Zyva. "I love it when My husband makes me smile. But that happens once a year when he gives me his credit card on my birthday."

Zyva started laughing,"My husband never did that!"

"But he makes you smile every now and then."

"He makes me angry more than he makes me smile."

"But you two are really cute."

Zyva shook her head,"I need your help."

"What can I do for you madam?"

Zyva rolled her eyes,"you always call me that. Stop teasing. We are partners."

"But I like it that way."

"It's impossible to win from you. So for now let it be. You tell me what are we going to do about Mrs. Roy and her son? We need to find a new solution."

"I will talk to her. Don't worry."

"But she wants red theme and her son wants white. How will this conflict end? They both are being stubborn and they both are forcing us to follow them."

"Mahnunach me sanggat ho...."

"Hey stop! Talk in Hindi or English. Why do your start talking in Marathi?"

"Your husband is fluent in Marathi and here you are who cannot even understand this simple sentence."

"He is from Mumbai! It's not my fault that I'm not from Maharashtra."

"You should learn now."

"With you and my husband I guess I will learn it soon."

"Perfect! I have to come to your house to talk to someone in Marathi! That's the only time I regret marrying a Jain. Other than that he is amazing but he understands nothing!"

"Poor guy is not from Maharashtra and he was born and raised here. You cannot have such high expectations."

"He should learn now."

"Start Marathi classes."

"I would love that!"

Zyva smiled,"Ok, can we focus now?"

"I will talk to her and also to her son. Let's see what they decide together. "

" But Shrutika they are being really stubborn.  It's not easy."

"I'm more stubborn. You don't worry about that. You just worry about the lunch I will have with you this week."

"Lunch? Where and when?"

"At your house!"

Zyva frowned,"when did I invite you?"

"You didn't. I did."

Zyva smiled," ok. So when are we having the lunch at my place?"


Zyva shook her head,"ok."

"Now you sit and smile. I have a lot to do."

"Yeah as if I have nothing else to do."

"Byeeeeee." Shrutika said as she left the room.

Zyva smiled and started working again. Zyva meet Shrutika two years ago. She was and still is Zynah's neighbour. Wildan had rented a new house so that they could move in after they got married. Sufyaan and Zyva helped them to set their house so that they don't have problem after moving in. That's when Zyva met Shrutika.  Shrutika used to help them by giving them water and food sometimes.

At first the only common things between them was India, but slowly they realised they had a lot in common. They soon found out they both loved planning parties and weddings. And also that they both had organised few weddings. After thinking and talking for months they are now wedding planners. They organise Desi weddings. In this one year they organised few weddings and had created a good name in the market. Earlier they only organised family's or friend's wedding but now they even started planning strangers wedding.

They both were good at their work and also they love it. With every wedding they try to do something new. This wish and need to do something new everytime helped them come close and now they were best friends.

Zyva looked up from her laptop when her phone started ringing. She smiled before answering it.

"Salem kehara. How are my babies?" Instantly Zyva's smile vanished. "What? When? No! Which hospital?" Without wasting any new second Zyva stood up and ran out of her room.

"Shrutika I'm going!"

"Why? What happened? Zyva!"

Zyva was already out of their office when Shurtika asked all those questions. She quickly unlocked her car and started driving. She was trying to keep calm but she was failing miserably.  She also tried hard to keep her eyes water free but she could not help it. She was shocked and scared. There was nothing in her mind other than reaching the hospital as soon as possible. 

It did not took her a lot of time to reach as her office was near to the hospital. She quickly parked the car and came out. While walking towards the hospital she called kehara and asked where she was. There was an elevator and stairs right next to it. As it was first floor she decided to take stairs but just before she started climbing the stairs she stopped. She was too scared to go up and hear what happened. One and a half year ago she claimed the same stairs and the news she got after that broke her into pieces. She didn't want that to happen again. She was not ready to lose someone.

After few minutes she somehow gathered carriage and started climbing the stairs. It was scary but she wanted to know how he was. She was walking very slow.she wanted to go but she didnt want to go. After five minutes of slowly walking Zyva finally saw Kehara. She was looking miserable. She was sitting on a chair, staring at the floor. She was not crying but her nose was red which meant she had cried earlier.  Looking at her condition Zyva started walking faster.

"Kehara." She said while walking towards her.

Kehara slowly looked up. She stared her for some time before her eyes filled with water. Zyva sat next to her and took kehara's hand in her hand and rubbed it gently.

"Everything will be fine."

"I don't know."

"He will be fine." Zyva said before she broke down. She was calm for a long time and now it was difficult for her. She hugged kehara trying to make herself and Kehara feel better.

" Kehara!" Aman exclaimed.

Kehara and Zyva looked up and saw sufyaan, Aman and Afzal walking towards them. Sufyaan started walking faster when he saw his sister cry. Kehara and Zyva slowly stood up. Sufyaan quickly hugged his sister.

"Don't cry. He will be fine."

"What happened to him?" Afzal asked.

"We don't know." Zyva said.

"Sit down." Sufyaan said before making his sister sit on the chair Again. "Calm down. You know he hates when you cry."

"I will go and check what is happening. " Aman said after some time.

"Wait I will come with you." Sufyaan said.

Sufyaan was slowly standing up when his eyes fell on Zyva. He bend towards her and kissed her forehead before saying,"everything will be fine." Zyva nodded and tried to smile.

Sufyaan and Aman went to see the doctor. Afzal went to get some water for Kehara and Zyva. Kehara and Zyva on the other hand sat quietly. They both were holding each others hands. They wanted to talk about the situation but they thought silence was better for now. Afzal soon came back with water in his hand. Kehara didn't want to drink but Afzal and Zyva forced her to drink some water . After that Afzal tried to distract the girls but they both were not paying any attention to what he was saying. After another ten minutes Sufyaan and Aman came back. As soon as Kehara saw them she stood up.

"What happened?"

"It was a minor attack." Aman replied.

Zyva gasped instantly. Kehara had guessed that so she didnt react to that. She went closer to her brother instead. " he is fine now?"

"He is." Sufyaan said nodding his head.

"Alhamdulillah. " Afzal said.

"What are you doing here Kehara?his room is in the other corner. Why are you here?" Aman asked.

Kehara looked at him and kept staring him for some time. She soon frowned saying," I don't know."

"It's ok. We can sit here for a while. Doctor said we cannot see him for some time. They are doing some tests." Sufyaan said. He again made his sister sit and sat next to her. Kehara was holding his hands tightly. She was still shocked and scared. Sufyaan kept his hand on her shoulder before asking,"what had happen?"

"I had left my file at your house yesterday.  I needed that file today so almost an hour ago I went there to get the file. I found the file in the living room but daddy was not there. So I went in his room to meet him. When I opened the door, I saw him sitting on the bed with his hands holding the bed sheet tightly. He was sweating a lot and looked as if he was in pain. I ran to him and asked him what happened. Instead of replying he said,' la ilaha illa'llah Muhammadun rasul Allah' so I freaked out. It took me some time to think straight. Then I helped him to come out of the house and then to get in my car and then I  brought him to the hospital. Once doctor took daddy I didn't have anything to do and I was alone. I thought of Informing you but then I found Zyva's number first so I called her first. Then I called Aman. Sorry for not calling you bhai."She paused to breath. "I didnt know how to tell you that . I'm sorry."

"It's ok." Sufyaan said softly.

"When can we take him home?" Zyva asked.

"I don't know. Doctor will let us know soon."

"If no one knows then I will inform everyone." Aman said after some time.

Sufyaan nodded his head. They all were sitting together for a really long time. At the time of difficulty having friends and family always helps. Kehara and Sufyaan were blessed to have not only good family but also amazing friends who were always there for them. After some time Sufyaan and Afzal went to the doctor and Aman was still on phone calling everyone.This left Kehara and Zyva alone again. Kehara was trying to divert her mind when her eyes fell on Zyva.  She was looking at a door of a room to their left. Kehara's eyes widened when she realised.

"Hey." Kehara said after taking Zyva's hand in her hand.

Zyva pointed at that room,"Abba was in that room."

"I remember. " Kehara said.

"I really hate this hospital. I know doctors here tried their best but I still lost my father." Kehara didn't know what to say so she just keep looking at her. "When you told me where you were I was really scared. Can we never come back here ?"

"It's a really good hospital Zyva."

"Just for another year? Please."

Kehara hugged her sister in-law, "inshallah none of us will come back here ever again."

"Inshallah and Inshallah daddy will be fine soon."

"I'm sure about that."

Khurshid was in the hospital for next few days. It was a minor attack so he could come home earlier . Kehara was worried for her father and didn't want him to be alone again so she decided to make a schedule so that he was never left alone. She even included Keyaan and Amal in the list of people who will keep an eye on khurshid. Kehara was really scared of losing her father. She was ready to leave her job to be with him always. She was ready to do everything.

Today they brought khurshid back home. Everyone was there at home to welcome him which really cheered him up.

"Why is Kehara not talking to me?" Khurshid asked after Sufyaan helped him sit on the bed.

"Because you said la ilaha illa'llah Muhammadun rasul Allah'

"I thought it was time to go."

"Hmm. So she will make you want that."

"Call her. Kehara! Come here."

Few seconds later Kehara came in the room. She did not look up at her father. Her arms were crossed and her eyebrows high up.

"Kehara come here." Khurshid said after some time.

Kehara did not move or say anything. "Kehara." Khurshid said again but still no response. Sufyaan shook his head before softly pushing Kehara towards khurshid. Kehara turned around and looked at her brother, trying to intimidate him. Sufyaan smiled and looked away. Kehara slowly walked to her father and stood next to his bed, arms still crossed. Khurshid took her hand before saying," you are upset for no reason."

"Oh really? Do you have any idea how scared I was?"

"I thought it was time to go and I was just getting ready."

"You are too mean. You just think about yourself. "

Khurshid smiled before pulling her closer, "You are such a drama queen."

"I'm not a drama queen."

"You are and don't worry. I'm not going to die before seeing Sufyaan's kids."

"In that case, I hope bhai you are not planning kids any time soon."

"Ah!" Khurshid exclaimed loudly which scared Kehara for a second . "You plan kids soon. I will be get better if we have kids in this house."

"Keyaan and Amal are always here." Sufyaan said.

"I want your kids!"

"No, we don't !" Kehara exclaimed. 

"You don't listen to her."

Khurshid and Kehara kept arguing for a long time.  Sufyaan was rolling his eyes every now and then but he was still enjoying their silly fight. Although they were not having a normal conversation they were still enjoying it unknown of the fact that there was someone outside the room listen to their conversation.For the first time Zyva realised that everyone around her had their own kids but even after five years of marriage she was still waiting.....


The reason I'm not updating "Why does it feel so right" is because I made a big mistake and I'm still trying to find a way to correct that. Give me some more time and I will update it.

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