Chapter 19.

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Belated happy birthday my love AnImperpectMuslimah !!!! I wish you life time of happiness and love!

"I'm sorry."

"You should be."

Sufyaan looked at his wife, with eyebrows high up. That was not how Zyva usually behaved. Yes, Zyva was not someone who apologised Sufyaan after every fight or who was the first one to cool down alway. No, there were many times when Sufyaan cooled down first and had to do something to make her smile but she never said that.

"What?" Sufyaan said, not believing what he heard. He apologized because he thought he was rude but she also thought Zyva was wrong and was expecting an apology in return. He wasn't expecting her to beg for his forgiveness but he was expecting her to say something like, "even I'm sorry. I should have not reacted that way." And then they would have lived happily ever after, but Zyva just changed the script and he didn't like that.

"I agree. I made a mistake. I should have not doubted you. But what did you do? Do you realise what you said?"

"Do you realise what you thought?"

"My thoughts did not reach you through me. I did not say that out loud to you!"

"Well, you told everyone except me."

"I did not tell everyone about it! I expressed my concern to my cousin who also happens to be my good friend. I could not do that with your sister or Noor! Noor is your sister's best friend and I didn't want them to have secrets because of me."

"And that somehow reached your cousin."

"Was that my fault!?" Sufyaan looked away as he didn't have a good reply. That made Zyva more angry so even she looked away. Both of them didn't know what they were doing was right or wrong but they were just angry, too angry at that moment.

"Why do you always get upset when it's about him?" Zyva asked, after a minute, softly, although she didn't intend to.

"Why else do you think?"

Zyva looked at him, trying not to shout. "You need to understand that I have nothing to do with him. Even years ago he was interested in me, I was never interested in him. And if he says that he will marry me after you leave me." Sufyaan slowly turned his head to face her, his eyes narrowed slightly. Zyva who was about to say something saw that and paused. Sufyaan was looking incredibly cute and funny at the same time. His look said how much he hated that thought and that he didn't like Zyva saying that, but in a cute way. His eyes looked really cute and attractive. Zyva tried really hard not to smile or stay angry but he keep looking at her with that face and his cute eyes. Zyva could not take it anymore and smiled widely. This made Sufyaan frown as he didn't understood what happened suddenly. He thought they were having a serious conversation but her smile confused him.

"What's so funny?"

"Your face." Zyva said, turning around, as she didn't want Sufyaan to see her smiling. Sufyaan made a face before narrowing his eyes again. "Are you going to keep smiling or we will continue our fight?"

"We will continue." Zyva said, trying not to smile.

"Then stop smiling and turn around."

Zyva nodded her head before smiling one last time. She then took a deep breath and made a straight face before turning around to face him.

"Ok. where were we?" Zyva asked, not looking at him.

"I don't remember. You started smiling because you thought my face was funny." Zyva looked at him. He again narrowed his eyes at Zyva and Zyva started giggling this time. "Ok, what is happening?"

"You have a funny face."

"Excuse me." Self obsessed Sufyaan found it little offensive but he knew she was not being serious.

Zyva looked down, trying hard to stop smiling. Her smile broke the ice between them. They cooled down a little bit. Sufyaan thought she was no more mad at him or less mad at him so he rolled his eyes before he started walking towards her. He took her hands in his when suddenly Zyva exclaimed.  "Oh yes!"


"I was saying even if he wants to marry me after we get divorced, you think I will marry him?"

"You think I will leave you for that disgusting thing to happen!?"

Zyva looked up at his face and saw jealousy written all over it. She could not help but smile again. "What's so funny?"

"You are really cute."

"What?"Sufyaan asked, frowning, confused as to what was happening.

She smiled again,"I just felt like saying that."

"In the middle of world war 3?" Zyva giggled, looking down at their hands. She didn't know why she was suddenly laughing and smiling. It was out of her control. Maybe she had enough of crying and stressing. Sufyaan looked at their hands, too. He tightened his grip on her hands.

"You left your parents' house, your country, your rich luxurious life, a comfortable life and a lot for me. I will never forget that. I think I'm in debt. I will never leave you until I pay it and I don't think I will be able to repay it even if I serve you my whole life.  So there is nothing to worry about. I'm not leaving you. Not even over my dead body."

Zyva looked at Sufyaan with her eyes wide open and her mouth a little open. This time her expressions made Sufyaan smile. He looked away for a second before looking at her again. He saw something white on her right cheek. He used his left hand thumb to rub it off, slowly and gently. 

"Wow." Zyva took a pause. " You really said that? Quite hard to believe."

"Kehara wrote it when we got married.  She wanted me to say that to you on our wedding night."

"Why didn't that happen? And wow you still remember that?"

"I found the peice of paper she wrote that speech on yesterday and read it, but I remembered most of the part as Kehara kept repeating it again and again and again!" Zyva giggled, thinking how sweet her sister-in-law was. " And why that didn't happen was, because it is not something I would say. You were surprised, weren't you?"

"You got a point."

Sufyaan raised his eyebrows making Zyva smile again. They were quiet for a while before it got too silent and Sufyaan decided to say something.

"I guess most of those things are the things Kehara wanted Aman to say but as he didn't, this happened."

Zyva smiled,"then you should have given it to Aman bhai."

Sufyaan made a face,"I don't like to see him as my baby sister's husband but as my friend."

"Oh God, Sufyaan! How many more years are you planning go behave like that? They have kids now!"

"And you had to remind me that."

"Uff! Come on you love their kids."

"Stop, will you."

"When are you planning to grow up?"

"What do you mean? I'm a mature adult."

"This is exactly why we cannot have kids. Allah knows I already have a big kid so he decided to have mercy on me."

"I guess we don't have kids because you can never concentrate on one thing. We were fighting, remember?"

"You were the one who made that funny face and distracted me."

"Funny face you find cute." Zyva narrowed her eyes before smiling again. That smile made Sufyaan feel better. "You are smiling a lot today."

"I haven't felt good in months. Now I feel better. Good actually."

"Why did you stress so much?"

Zyva nodded her head,"Now that I think about it I think I was more upset about living without you than living without kids."

"You don't have to worry about it Zyva. I will not leave you. And if you don't believe in my love then believe in my hate. I hate that idiot cousin of yours, a lot. so I will never leave you because I will die before he could marry you."

Zyva smiled wider,"you are not really making sense, you know that?"

"This topic ruins my brain function."

"Then don't talk about it. I don't like this topic."

"Me too."

Zyva smiled making him smile too. Zyva looked down at their hands again. She was feeling a lot better than she was feeling ten minutes ago. She haven't felt like that in months. She felt at ease and at peace. She was finally calm and was thinking straight. She thought of all that Sufyaan said and that could not stop her from smiling. She looked up at Sufyaan again and found him looking at her already.

"I'm sorry." She said, making a cute face.

"You should be."

Zyva narrowed her eyes,"very funny."

"It actually it."

Zyva narrowed her eyes again making Sufyaan smile this time. He pulled her closer and hugged her. Zyva hugged him back before closing her eyes. It made them both feel better. They both were stressed and angry but now things started to fall in place. They both started to feel alive again.

"Next time talk to me before assuming." Sufyaan said after a while.

"I promise. But next time don't say anything like that."

"I promise."

"If you do, I will kill you."

Sufyaan chuckled,"sure."

Zyva took the deepest breath she ever took before tightening her grip on him. Suddenly, without Zyva realising, her eyes started to tear up. Within few seconds Zyva started crying. Those were the tears she was holding in for too long and this was the end of her patience. Sufyaan slowly rubbed her back.

"It's ok. Everything is fine. I'm not going anywhere. And I'm not letting you go anywhere, too." Zyva kept crying, so Sufyaan kept talking, trying to make her stop but she didn't stop for a really long time.

They disagree a lot, they argue a lot, they fight a lot but they love each other a lot. It was difficult for pull them apart. Even big fights like this one didn't work. There were a lot of reasons for them to disagree,to argue and to fight but they had many more reasons to stay together, love being the biggest reason. They didn't know how many more times they will fight, how many more things will make them cry or how many more people will come in their way but they knew one thing,

It's impossible for them to live without each other..........


While writing this chapter I didn't know this will be the last chapter, until I wrote the very last sentence. I thought we still have 4-5 chapters left but I guess I don't have anything else to say.

I don't know about you all but this really made me emotional. I was not expecting them to leave me today. I will miss them so much. I love Aman and Kehara a lot but Sufyaan and Zyva are my first love. I'm not joking! I'm really trying hard not to cry!

Epilogue will be updated tomorrow InshaAllah.

I wish they could stay a little longer.....

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