Chapter 5.

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It's a small Chapter so adjust!

Jazaki Allahu khairan bushy for editing! Love you!


"Uncle Sufyaan what is the meaning of  pagal?"

Sufyaan smiled,"Hello Manal. How are you darling?"

"Hello uncle. I'm fine! Thank you. How are you?"

"Fine as well. You look lovely in this yellow dress."

Manal looked at her dress before smiling widely,"Thank you!"

"What were you asking?"

"Oh yes. What does pagal mean?"

"It means mad."

"Haw! Amal called me mad! AMAL!" Manal screamed before she started walking towards Amal.

Sufyaan's eyes widened before he looked at his wife who laughed at his reaction.

"Amal is everyone's target today." Zyva said, who was combing Iiman' s hair.

"Cannot blame them. Amal is being really rude and mean nowadays. "

"That's because she is sick.  She thinks everyone will hate her because she is sick so she is being bossy to hold them close to her and to get their attention ." Khurshid said as he entered the room.

"She told you that?" Sufyaan asked his father.

"She told me she was worried that everyone will hate her because she is sick. So I jointed the two things together."

"But this way  everyone will become her enemy. Both Keyaan and Manal are angry at her. Even they are small kids. They don't know what is happening. " Zyva said.

"That's why we are here. We need to control Amal and also make Keyaan and Manal understand that she is sick." Khurshid said while sitting down on the chair.

"Khuna what happened to Amal baji?" Iiman asked immediately.

"Nothing darling. She doesn't eat that's why she is weak. That's it."

"She eats! I saw her eat!" Iiman exclaimed immediately. Amal was eating few minutes ago so she was confused why Khurshid said that. According to her Khurshid was lying and she was shocked.

Khurshid smiled,"she eats less. You should also finish your food or you will fall sick."

"I eat!"

"Good girl!"

"Iiman done! Look how good you look with your hair tied up." Zyva said.

"But I like open hair." Iiman said while standing up.

"Look how good you look." Zyva said as she made Iiman look in the mirror which was on the wall next to them.

"Good? Are you sure? "

"Yes. You look beautiful. " Khurshid said.

"I will go and show my hair to everyone." Iiman said before running out of the room.

"What are the kids doing?" Zyva asked to no one in particular. 

"Playing with clay." Sufyaan replied.

"I will take them to the park in some time. So take care of them for an hour, I will go and sleep till then." Khurshid said when he stood up.

"Ok." Sufyaan said shaking his head.

"Did you take your medicines? " Zyva asked.

"One Kehara is enough." Khurshid said when he left the room.

Zyva smiled looking at Sufyaan. Sufyaan smiled at her before sitting next to her. After some time he rested his head on her shoulder and Zyva immediately rested her head on his before closing her eyes. Soon Sufyaan closed his eyes as well. They were sitting quietly,  enjoying the cool breeze. It was a busy day and they were tired even though it was just three in the afternoon. Handling three kids and a don was not easy but they still liked it when they come and stay with them. Even if it was hard they loved it, they wanted it.

"Mamujaan look Keyaan is not listening to me!" Came Amal crying voice.

"She is again and again hitting me with the ball."

"She also pushed Keyaan!"

"Manal stay out of this!" Amal cried again.

Sufyaan and Zyva opened their eyes.

"I'm fine!" Iiman shouted because she didn't want to be the odd one.

Sufyaan took a deep breath before standing up and extending his hand towards Zyva.

"And that was the most peaceful minute ever. I didn't expect peace for so long but that was great. I think they are improving.  Great work."

Zyva started laughing before she took Sufyaan's hand and stood up. Holding each other's hands they left the room to solve the biggest war of the century. 


"And then Amal tried to throw the ball at Keyaan but Manal kicked the ball away which made Iiman fall but she was still smiling." Sufyaan said with a big smile on his face making his best friends laugh.

"Amal is getting really violent these days. I need to do something about that." Aman said, concern evident in his tone.

"Yeah we have to before she gets out of control." Sufyaan agreed.

"I think she is just irritated or maybe that is just reaction of her medicines." Afzal said.

"Her medicines are not that strong and she does not have such a big disease that would affect her behaviour. " Aman replied.

"It's not physical. It's psychological. She told daddy that she was scared that everyone will hate her because she always goes to the doctor.  So he thinks she is doing that to get everyone's attention. "

"That is possible. " Aman said nodding his head.

"Then make her understand that no one will hate her and definitely won't leave her because of that." Afzal said.

"Daddy is working on that."Sufyaan said.

"Good idea. Let the grandparents work on this. She is close to all of them so she will listen to them."Afzal said

"That is a good idea. I will talk to my parents." Aman said before giving a smile.

"So it was a tough day for you." Afzal said to change the topic and to distract Aman.

"Not really. They definitely fight a lot but they are too adorable for a tough day." Aman and Afzal smiled at that. "You know what actually happens. Amal and Manal start as a team and fight with Keyaan but mid way the team changes and Amal ends up alone. Iiman on other hand will be dancing around their fight. She doesn't give a damn about them. I love her attitude. "

Sufyaan's eyes were shinning with excitement as he talk about the kids of his family and friends. Aman and Afzal exchanged glares. Aman shook his head in a no but Afzal didn't listen to him and asked,"so why don't you have your own?" Aman closed his eyes, angry that Afzal didn't listen to him. Sufyaan on the other hand just smiled, looking down. That made Afzal frown and he asked," Do you guys have some medical problem or it was your five year plan?"

"Afzal!" Aman exclaimed immediately. 

"Do you think I have nothing else to do than make a five year plan? What am I? The government? "

"Hey planning is important!  When you have a baby unexpectedly you are shaken financially as well as mentally. " Afzal said.

Sufyaan narrowed his eyes,"I will tell that to Fadi when he grows up."

"Afzal I told you to keep quiet."

"You guys talk about my five year plan?"

"I was just curious Aman. Plus I wanted to help Sufyaan if it's a medical issue." Afzal looked at Sufyaan before asking,"So what is it Sufyaan? "

"I don't know. We never really thought about it."

"What does that mean?" Aman asked.

"Now you want to talk?" Afzal asked Aman.

"Shut up." Aman said, looking at Sufyaan.

"I mean we never really talked about that. Few days back was the first time we ever mentioned to each other that we want kids."

"That's ok I guess." Aman said after a while.

"Yeah. We were just curious. We thought maybe you are suffering alone."

"Who is this we? It was Afzal. I didn't even think about it."

"He doesn't care about you." Afzal said shaking his head slowly.

Sufyaan smiled,"Thank you Afzal. Means a lot."

"I'm always here for you. Even if no one is here."

Aman narrowed his eyes,"Is that what you say to Yamina?"

Afzal smiled,"jealous."

Aman rolled his eyes,"can we work now?

"Afzal didn't you have a meeting?" Sufyaan asked.

"What meeting?" Afzal asked but after few seconds his eyes widened. "Oh shit!" He jumped up from the chair and ran out of the room to the meeting room, as he was late for his meeting.

"He is an item." Sufyaan said.

"He is still fun." Aman shook his head.

"Yeah he is a joker."

Aman smiled,"Forget him. Amal wants to stay at your place tonight."

"That's ok. But why? Is something wrong?"

" I don't know she came in my room in the morning and asked my permission."

"Amal asked your permission? Are you sure she didn't threatened you?"

Aman smiled,"I'm shocked as well. Maybe she wants to tell you something and I want to know what that is, so can we do that?"

"I will pick her up while going home."

"Thank you."

"But wait. I have to meet Brutus at six." Sufyaan said, smiling at the nickname Afzal gave Raiyan.

"Why are you meeting Raiyan?"

"He called me yesterday. I don't know. But he was sounding really off."

"I hope he is fine."

"It was shocking to get his call. After almost three years, right?"

"I met him last year but that was a coincidence and for just a minute."

"Let's see what he has to say."

"That's interesting. Why will he come back in our lives?"

"You think he is planning something?" Sufyaan asked, frowning.

"What? No. I just said that but." Aman paused. He thought for a minute before saying,"now I think maybe. His Brother is evil."

"But he is not. We know what he did last time."

"I know he is a good guy but still. This call means something."

"All I want to know is why he called me out of everyone else."

Aman nodded his head,"yeah."

"I will pick up Amal and then go, meet him. Is that ok with you?"

"Yeah. That's fine."

Sufyaan raised his eyebrows,"Now let's wait and see what Raiyan and Amal has to say."

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