Chapter 10: Regina's Confession

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At break in the cafeteria Regina called for attention. "Ummm... Hey listen, I thought I would tell the whole school something. Just so there's no confusion. What I'm trying to say is well... I'm kinda am... Well err into girls." Regina said uncomfortably. There were a few gasps. And there were some cheers from some girl jocks.

Inside I was so pleased. "Who would have known that Regina George was gay hey? The homophobic Regina George." Janis smirked. "Oh shut up." Regina laughed. Man, her laugh was beautiful.

10 minutes later everyone had gone back to normal. "Hey Clover?" Asked Regina. "Yup?" I replied. "What annoys you?" She asked.
"I'd tell you that why?"
"I dunno. I'm bored."  Soon Regina was thinking up ways to annoy me. Finally she pinched my cheeks, "How's our little cute innocent Clover? Have you been a good 'ittle virgin?" Regina cooed. I growled. Regina just smirked. "So that's what annoys you is it innocent one?" She asked.

Even though she just came out the closet Regina somehow found herself a girlfriend. So at lunch they were SUPER annoying doing couple stuff. They are even going to Spring Fling together which 2 weeks away. You might be wondering why I'M not out yet. Well if anyone asks then tell them if not then I won't.

"Hey." Said this random guy to me. "Hi. Do I know you?" I said as politely as I could. "No I'm Kyle."
"Oh I'm Clover. Lovely to meet you."
"You too. Listen I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe go to Spring Fling with me. I mean I get it if you don't that's totally..." He started. "No it's okay. I would like to go with you."

The reason I went with this Kyle guy is well I had no one else to go with. But if it made Regina jealous in this process then all the better right. It's like 2 birds with 1 stone.

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