Chapter 14: Back at Home

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When I got back it was already 10 am. As I walked in my dad started yelling. "What the hell you bïtch?! You were supposed to be here at 8!" He yelled in his drunken state. "I'm sorry dad. I lost track of time."

Long story short I now had a black eye, a bloody nose and bruises on my wrist. I decided to go to the mall. I rolled down the sleeves of my Abocrombie and Fitch shirt and then ran over to the mall with 10 dollars that I had saved up.

"Hey Clover! Your really into the sunglasses inside look, huh?" Said Damian walking over to me with Janis and Regina with him. They both looked at me concerned. "Ahem yeah. I er think the lights in this mall are urm way too bright." I lied awkwardly. They all looked as if they didn't buy it though. "Oh okay I guess. Well are you heading?" Replied Damian. "Oh I was just er window shopping." I replied. "I didn't think you were into shopping." Said Regina curious. "Well the gym is closed and it's really boring at home so here I am." I replied.

We all looked around a bit and ran into Jason and Gretchen on a date. It was painfully awkward to be a part of.

At around 3 I was sat in Regina's car as she drove me home. "Are you okay? You look a bit pale." She said looking at me as there was a red light. "Yeah." I said. When we got to my house I saw dad waiting for me. I would rather Regina not witness this. "Actually could we go to your place?" I asked just before she pulled up outside my house. "Oh sure." Regina said driving by.

I texted dad to say I would see him tomorrow at noon. The rest of the car ride was uncomfortable.

Soon we were at Regina's house and I breathed a sigh of relief while Regina just gave me a confused look. But she let me in anyways.

"Hey so could maybe explain to me why your acting so weird?" Regina asked. "What do you mean?" I asked pretending to not know what she was talking about. "Well your black eye, wearing sunglasses indoors, sleeves rolled down although it's like 50 degrees, your abrupt departure, how uncomfortable you were in the car and why you don't like hugs. Like seriously none of us know that much about you." Regina said slowly like I was a child being asked to say sorry.

I took a deep breath. "Well I really don't think that's any of your business." I said as calmly as I could. "Of course it fvcking is I'm your best friend." Regina yelled. "Okay well then explain why you and what's-her-name broke up." I said. "Because she cheated on me. Now you need to tell me one thing." Regina compromised.

"Well my abrupt departure was because I promised my dad I would be home at 8." I replied truthfully. Regina nodded. "Okay I believe that. But I actually cared about that very little." She replied. "Well you only told me one thing." I retorted. Regina just sighed.

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