Chapter 10

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The next morning, Ezra and Sabine woke up at 7 in the morning. They got out of bed and went down stairs and saw only Hera up. "Hey you two are up early." She said. "Yeah we are kind of used to it. Back at the orphanage we didn't have a choice but to wake up early and make breakfast." Sabine said. "Well don't worry I'm always the one making breakfast." Hera said, "by yourself?" Ezra asked "yeah last time I let the boys help me they nearly burned the whole kitchen to a crisp." Hera answered. Both siblings were laughing at the thought. "One of you can help me if you really want to." Hera said. "I can help" Sabine said. "You sure?" Hera asked skeptical about the young girl. "It's true cooking is one of Sabine gifted talents." Ezra said. "Well okay we're making eggs, bacon and pancakes." "Cool lets get started."

While Ezra sat in the living room with Chopper watching TV, Sabine and Hera was cooking breakfast. They had finished making the eggs and pancakes and now was on the bacon. "I'm gonna get more bacon out the freezer, I want you to watch them but be careful okay?" Hera said. Sabine nodded and looked at the bacon. She was staring at the bacon to make sure it didn't burn when she noticed Ezra doing something with Chopper. They were wrestling each other and Chopper was on top of him softly hitting him with his paw. Sabine smiled and gave out a small chuckle at what they were doing. Suddenly she felt a hot stinging on her arm, the bacon had popped her on the arm. "Ah!" She yelled as she felt the stinging pain from the bacon grease on her arm. "Sabine are you okay?" Hera asked turning to her seeing the bacon grease sting her arm. "Here let me see." She said. "Hera it's okay, really I'm sort of used to it." Sabine said as she put her arm in the sink and ran water on it. "What do you mean?" Hera asked. "Well back at the orphanage, me and Ezra got hurt a few times while cooking at the orphanage" Sabine explained. "And they never attended to you two?" Hera asked. "No, the last six years we had to learn how to help ourselves when we got hurt." She answered. "Well here in this house and in this family we take care of one another, we never do things buy ourselves." Hera said. Sabine smiled and showed her the wound. "Well good thing the fire wasn't set high or this would have been a 1st degree burn. We just need to put some ointment on it and it will be fine." Hera said.

After Hera wrapped up Sabine's arm and finished cooking, Kanan and Zeb woke up and they all sat at the table and ate breakfast. "You always were the best cook, honey." Kanan said. "Well I can't take all the credit. Sabine also helped." "She did." Zeb asked suprised. "Better then you two than what I here." Sabine said. "It was one time." Kanan protested. "The stove was on fire and you two burned the food so bad it was as hard as a rock." Hera said and the siblings laughed at the comment and Kanan and Zeb had an embarrassing look on their faces.

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