Chapter 6

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Once Ezra and Sabine was checked out of the hospital they walked to Kanan's car got in and began to drive off. After sometime pasted both the siblings stomachs was growling. "You guys want something to eat?" Kanan asked. "You wanna know if we're hungry?" Ezra asked. "Yes why wouldn't I want to know" "It's just no one has ever asked us that and we never got to eat any good food at the orphanage."Sabine answered. Kanan felt sad for the two and wanted to treat them to something special. "Hey you guys ever had a Subway sandwich before?" He asked. Both siblings shook their heads no. "Then this will be first best thing you tasted in a while." Kanan said. Both Ezra and Sabine looked at each other confused and thinking the same thing 'what's a Subway?'

They later parked outside a Subway place and walked inside. "Welcome what will you be have today?" The man behind the counter asked. Sabine and Ezra looked at each other then at Kanan. "It's okay you two just tell him what you want on your sandwich and he will have it ready." He said. Ezra let Sabine go first and she stared in the glass to look at all the pieces of food. She told the man she wanted ham, turkey, steak and cheese on her sandwich and the man got they first set of toppings and put they sandwich in an oven. "And you?" He asked Ezra. Ezra thought for a moment and decided to get creative with his sandwich. He asked for pepperoni, ham, turkey, steak, and cheese on his and the man started making the sandwich and put it in the oven. When both sandwiches were cooked he asked if they wanted vegetables on their sandwiches. Sabine asked for lettuce and tomatoes and Ezra said he didn't want any on his. The man wrapped the sandwiches up and Kanan paid the man and they walked out.

They sat on a bench outside and began to unwrap their sandwiches. "Alright here goes nothing" Sabine said and they both took a bite at their sandwich. Their eyes widened in surprise. "So how is it?" Kanan asked. "Wow! It's amazing." Ezra said taking a few more bites. "I've never tasted anything this good before." Sabine added also taking more bites. Kanan watched in amusement as the siblings ate their sandwiches whole and smiled. "Come on you two lets get going" he said and they started to walk back in the car.

During the car ride Sabine was getting tired and laid on Ezra lap who in return put his arm around her. Before Sabine could sleep she wanted to asked Kanan something. "Um Kanan?" "Yes Sabine" he answered. "Who lives with you at your house again?" She asked. "Well first it my wife Hera, she really kind and I know she is gonna love both of you. Then theirs our son Zeb, he's ruff around the edges but I think you guys will like him. Then theirs our dog his name is Chopper and he is a German shepherd, be carful with him he is a feisty mutt." He explained. Ezra and Sabine gave a small laugh about Chopper. "So what's your house like?" Ezra asked. "It's big, enough room to go around. We live right next to the woods and it is always so peaceful." Kanan said. Sabine yawned and said "sounds nice can't wait to get their" "me too" Ezra said and they drifted off to sleep. Kanan watched as Sabine fell asleep in her brothers lap and Ezra asleep leaning against the window. He smiled and got out his phone to take a picture and then call his wife.
"Hey love" Hera said threw the phone. "Hey honey, I'll be home in a little bit and I'm bringing over two new editions to the family." "Really what do they look like?" She asked excited. "I'll send you a picture." He said and send the picture. "Are they siblings?" She asked "yep" "awwwww they look so cute I can't wait to meet them" Hera said filled with excitement. "Me neither these two have been through alot. I'll explain when I'm home." "Okay see you later love you." "Love you too." He said and ended the call.

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