new-old people

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Platan P.O.V.

I walk straight to the a royal guard that just came back from his investigation, he's pretty kind but can have few angry issue, but that's not much of a problem. Anyways back to this royal guards i see him as he sees me and walks to me.

???: oh hello Platan, I heard you have some report to tell about your mission earlier today.

Platan: hello Gun, and yes I do have reports of it. 

Gun: good then lets go with the other royal guards, so we can talk about this.

Platan: right.

Gun, his full name is Gun the 3rd, as I mentioned before he came to this place out of nowhere and the princess later on gave him as warrior position so he can be trained and of course he got the royal guard position for his work. He did said strange things when we meet him like, something about his past that he decided to forget and start off as a new person and that this is the third time he has changed after being gone (in other word dead and reincarnated) for strange reason but likes who he is now as he is a new person.


We are sitting along with royal guards but right now there isn't a lot, since few were injured.

Platan: well what did you find in the investigation?

Gun: I found a hidden computer in a room and decided to find info of Sector XI

Platan: did you find any info?

Gun: no nothing new just the same thing about Sector XI's plan, nothing new they must have got rid the rest of the info before we came.

Platan: i see, they were one step ahead.

Gun: most likely. What about you? during your mission did you find anything or anything happen?

Platan: well obviously we had to deal with Sector XI's admin, Clawshot. He was a bit of a pain with his talking and distraction, of course we stumble into this man name Bloodster.

Gun: Bloodster? who is he?

Platan: I dont know, but he's also going after Sector XI alone, and he didn't bother helping us that much as he works alone as he said.

Gun: I see well I guess that's all for now, I will talk to you later. I have to go to the princess.

Platan: okay


Bloodster P.O.V.

Im walking out in the field hunting monsters which are pretty much dieing, which I'm glad since I don't have to deal with them later on when I'm going after Sector XI -sigh- the annoyance of just mentioning their name over and over

???: Uncle Bloodster! *jumps onto Bloodster*

Bloodster: woah, there Slaughtar. I didn't see you coming

Slaughtar: hey uncle, how you been?

Bloodster: I been good and dealing with trouble.

Slaughtar: *giggles* just like always

Slaughtar, a high schooler and she is my neice, her mother is Trasma who is my girlfriend's sister of course Trasma is single so don't ask how she got pregnant. Also my girlfriend die on a dangerous incident because of some bad guys but either way Slaughtar pretty much looks up for me sometimes she like what I do that's for sure.

Bloodster: so what do you want?

Slaughtar: I came to see and also my mom is calling you as she found a perfect entrance to sneak in the Sector XI.

Bloodster: great, then let's go to the lab.

Slaughtar: hehe, okay. Did you fight one of the admins during your mission?

Bloodster: yes, but he got away as I give him a number of pain.

Slaughtar: oh that's pretty awesome. Anyways I hope you stop their plans sooner.

Bloodster: don't worry those bastards will soon be turn to dust.

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