Nightmares and Cuddles

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Peter jerked awake, his chest heaving. It's just a nightmare, he told himself. No one's dead, no one blames you, it's all okay. He rolled over, his heartbeat picking up. But what about May? What if something's happened to her? What if she's sick or injured or... dead?  His vision blurred, black dots dancing in front of his eyes. A sharp pain pierced his chest, causing him to gasp for air as he tried to get comfortable. He couldn't move, couldn't think, couldn't breathe, couldn't live. He took a shuddering breath, forcing his breathing to even out.  Five things you can see. Okay. He let his eyes adjust, making out the outline of his desk, the laptop a dark rectangle against the wall. Okay. My desk, my laptop, the curtain, the door, my hands. His ears pricked up, picking up his rapid heartbeat and ragged breathing, along with the few cars driving past and the soft growl in his stomach.

Eventually, Peter calmed down enough for him to stretch out. He crept towards the window, pulling the curtain back just enough for the faint glow of the city to inch across the floorboards. Lights flickered below him, winking against the dark backdrop. The occasional car slipped by, the quiet whir the only sound in the beats of silence. Peter inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with the cool air. He dropped the curtain, grabbing a pillow and an Iron Man plushie and slipped out the door. The cold floor met the bare sole of his foot, sending goosebumps springing up on his arms, but he ignored them, walking on. He reached the closed door, the faint heartbeats of Tony and Pepper pulsing through the air. He sighed, relieved as he placed a hand against the door to steady himself. It opened and Peter stepped back, startled. Tony sat up and Peter had to suppress a small smile at the man's Spider-Man pyjamas. 

"You okay, kid? FRIDAY said you had a bad dream."

Peter nodded, staring at his feet. 

Pepper shared a look with Tony and shifted to the edge of the massive bed, pulling the blankets back. "Hop in," she said, gesturing to the space between her and Tony. Peter hesitated, squeezing the plushie close to his chest, but he climbed in, wriggling under the toasty covers. Pepper pulled the blankets back and Peter relaxed, sinking into the mattress. He blinked lazily at the ceiling, illuminated by the faint glow of Tony's arc reactor. Curling into a tight ball, he closed his eyes, drifting into a deep sleep.


Pepper grunted as the alarm rang. She glanced over at the small ball curled underneath the blankets, stray chestnut curls peeking out. Tony looked up at her and grinned, bringing a finger to his lips. Peter rolled over, stretching his longs legs out. His big eyes twitched and he curled up again, his arms tightly curled around the Iron Man plushie that neither of them had seen the night before.

"Hey Pete," Tony said, running calloused fingers through Peter's locks. "It's time for school."

"Five more minutes Dad," Peter mumbled, batting his mentor's hand away. His eyes shot open as he realised what he said. "Oh gosh."

Pepper laughed as Peter buried himself deep into the bed. "Come on, up you get." She pulled the blankets off and Peter hissed, his face bright red.

"But it's warm," he whined, reaching his feet down into what little of the sheets remained on the bed. Tony snorted and grabbed his intern, slinging him over his shoulder. 

"Breakfast time, then off to school. Gosh, you're lighter than I thought."

Petter harrumphed, pulling a face as he bounded against Tony's back. Tony marched out to the kitchen, sitting Peter down at the counter. "Toast or cereal?"

"Toast, please."

Tony smirked and pulled out a loaf of bread, slotting a handful of slices into the toaster. "So. Dad." He chuckled as the teenager emitted a dejected groan. Peter rested his forehead on the cool benchtop, waiting for Tony's lecture.

"I like it. Has a nice ring to it."

Peter sat up, an eyebrow raised. "What?"

Tony ruffled his hair despite his protests. "I like you calling me Dad. It fits."

Peter stayed quiet. A smile crept up onto his face and he looked up shyly. "Really?"

Tony nodded. The toaster popped and they both jumped, Peter giggling as Tony placed the toast on a plate. "Now for a good cup of morning coffee. I'm nothing without it." The man reached for the mug Peter slid over, muttering a thank you as he took a sip.

"If you're nothing without the coffee then you shouldn't have it."

Tony spat the coffee out, staring at Peter from over the rim of the mug. The boy looked up from where he was buttering the toast, giving him an innocent smile.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"If you're nothing without the coffee then you shouldn't have it."

Tony gaped at Peter, who placed the knife down and reached for the mug. Tony snatched it back, giving Peter a disapproving look. "It's mine."

"So was the suit." Peter took a bite, looking like a chipmunk with one cheek stuffed with toast.

"But I made the suit."

"I made the coffee."

Tony was convinced there was a loophole. He needed the coffee. He was nothing without it. Peter took the mug from Tony's hands, ignoring his protests about coffee being the one thing that kept him awake, apart from Peter crashing through the window announcing a new injury.

"Well, maybe if you got enough sleep, then you wouldn't need the coffee." 

Tony glared at Peter. "Y'know, sometimes you suck."

"I know." Peter dusted the breadcrumbs off his hands and placed his plate in the dishwasher. "Deal with it."

"Ooh, He got you there, Tony." Pepper walked in, giving her husband a quick peck on the cheek. "Ugh, I have a meeting in a few minutes and I haven't woken up yet."

Peter handed her the mug of coffee, giving Tony a smirk at the man's aggressive arm-waving.

"Why does she get the coffee!?"

"Because she knows how to live without it."


"Because she's Pepper." Peter hugged her. "Enjoy the coffee."

"I will." She ruffled his hair. "Have a good day at school!"

"Why does everyone mess up my hair? NO TOUCHING, DAD! STOOOOP!"

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