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"I'm happy to congratulate you all on an amazing high school career. Now, I officially conclude this graduation ceremony, and I introduce all of you to this year's graduating class of Woodrow High."

Cheers erupted from the students in front of us as they all took their caps off and threw them in the air. They filtered out of the auditorium and outside of the school. Jack, Remy, and I fought our way through the mob, over to where Amethyst was talking to two of her friends- members of a nearby clan.

"Oh, yeah, we should definitely go camping!" One announced. "Tennessee, maybe- I heard it's beautiful in the early spring."

Amethyst giggled. "I'll have to talk to my dads about it. Hey, you two up for coffee in the morning?"

"Always. See you later, Ams!" The two walked away with a wave.

Remy attacked Amethyst with a hug. "Congrats, sis!"

She laughed, hugging him back. "Thanks, Remy. Good luck coming here in four months."

He pouted. "Thanks for bringing it up."

Jack laughed, putting a hand on his shoulder. "It'll be alright, Remy. Just drop my name, and you'll be graduating as the valedictorian."

I smirked. "Or drop my name and have everyone stay away from you."

"Why didn't you tell me this?" Amethyst whined.

I gave her a sideways hug, messing with her hair. "Because you weren't nervous about high school."

One of the girls from earlier ran up to Amethyst. "Hey, everyone. Ams, you're bi, right?"

"Pan, but close. What's up?"

"So. There's this guy that I know in a nearby district. He's a senior now, and single. I think you two could totally hit it off-"

"Stop, Angie." Amethyst let me go. "I'm not interested."

"Come on, Ams. It's been two months, and you still haven't gotten over her. I think it's time-"

"I said no, Angie."

Angie huffed. "Fine." She walked away.

I nudged Amethyst. "Hey. You alright?"

She sighed. "She's been trying to get me a partner for the last three weeks."

"You'll get back into dating on your own terms." Jack said. "Now come on! We have a Taco Bell to get to!"

We started walking, and Amethyst took my hand. "Look to the right. Don't make it obvious."

I took a quick look that way. There was a huge crowd with graduates and their families, but there was no mistaking the brown hair and green eyes that stuck out like a sore thumb. I looked at Amethyst. "Has she been following you?"

She nodded. "She's been watching me at the house and when I'm out in town."

"Is that why you haven't moved on?" She nodded again. "Okay. I can see why."

"What should I do, Father?"

"I'll talk to her. If she's watching you at home, she's watching from the forest. I'll find her."

"Don't scare her away." She begged. "I want to talk to her again."

I smiled at her. "I know. And I won't."

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