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I woke up slowly, my naked body pressed against the mattress and Jack's sleeping form. I quietly sighed, enjoying the feeling and smell of Jack. I thought back to the wedding, to last night, to our conversation with the seer.

I sighed again. There was a reason why I didn't tell Jack what I was thinking. I didn't want to worry him over a vision that might not happen. Besides, it would just lead to conversations that I don't think we're ready for.

Jack tightened his arms around my waist as he started to wake up. I rested my hands on the small of his back and kissed his hair. He looked up at me with his electric blue eyes, smiling. "Good morning." I whispered to him.

"Morning." He said back. He climbed on top of me, leaned down, and kissed my lips. "What're we doing today?"

I put my hands on his hips. "Whatever you want, babe."

"Really?" He leaned down again, keeping his face close to mine. "Because I could do this all day."

"So could I." I pecked his lips. "But we should go out and do something."

He grinned. "Can we go for a swim?"

"Sure. There's a pool nearby we can use."

He hopped off of me, putting on a pair of boxers. "Then get ready! I'll go start breakfast."

I threw the covers off of me, getting out of bed. "No, I'll go start breakfast. Remember the last time you cooked?"

He blushed. "I've gotten better!"

I laughed. "Good thing you're cute, Jack." I put on my own pair of boxers. "Go ahead and get dressed. I'll be in the kitchen."

I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I started a pot of coffee before frying two eggs and making pancakes. I was separating everything onto two plates when Jack entered and sat at the table. I gave him a plate before walking to the refrigerator and pouring blood into two wine glasses.

He grinned at me when I walked back over. "Why so fancy?"

I grinned back. "We're half vampires, Jack. If we have to drink blood, might as well do it in style."

We ate, showered, and dressed together before walking outside and to the pool. Jack put our stuff down on two beach chairs, and we both took off our shirts. We looked at the water, seeing that it was about the same size as the one at home. I took Jack's hand, and we both jumped into the cool water.

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