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Signe had calmed down, although she was still crying. Jack let her go, and she immediately walked over to me. We both set Amethyst gently down in the water, and she immediately sank down.

Signe wiped her face. "I'm sorry... for everything." She sniffed. "I'll go now. You guys are finally rid of me, after all these years."

She tried taking a step forward until Jack grabbed her arm. "No. Stay. Talk to us."

She stared at him for a second. "Okay."

We sat on rocks nearby, staring at the water, where Amethyst had just been. I eventually turned to Signe with a sympathetic smile. "Talk to us, Signe. Talk about her."

She sniffed again. "I don't know if I can..."

"Talk about your favorite memory with her." Remy said quietly. "What did you two like doing together?"

Signe smiled, looking through her memories. "I remember the night she made a picnic for us. She said Jess and Patton usually make all the food because they're the best cooks in the clan, but she made everything herself. I was really reluctant to try it, but I did, and it was really good. She brought me a gift, too. A necklace." She reaches around her neck and undid the clasp to the necklace she was wearing- a simple, silver chain with a single sunflower charm on it. "She knows how much I love sunflowers. She asked Ethan to make it for her. She gave it to me and then asked if I could be her girlfriend. I immediately said yes." She looked at us. "What about you guys?"

Remy smiled to himself. "For me, I think it was the day I was born. I'm surprised I even remember it. She picked me up, smiling, and I laughed. She showed me to everyone. She was proud to be a big sister, and she was the best one I could ever ask for."

Jack went next. "When she was two months old, Mark and I took her out to the pool in the backyard. We didn't know what she was, yet, but we figured she would be a hybrid, like us. We convinced her to go in, but when she tried, her feet hit the surface. She literally just stood on the water. She was scared, but we convinced her it was okay. It took a while, but eventually she was able to get into the water. She's wasn't a real siren, yet- she didn't have a tail."

"I remember when Remy was born, and we all made a pillow fort in the living room." I laughed quietly. "We took up the whole space, but no one really minded. She seemed really happy, and she laughed with us for hours."

"You all seemed really close." Signe sighed.

"That's how a family should be."

She took a deep breath, then turned to Jack. "Jack, listen, I'm sorry-"

"Don't." Jack softly commanded. "It's my own fault things ended up this way."

"Don't try to stop me." Signe almost whispered. "I brought myself in this mess." He looked up at us. "I wasn't even going to do anything when I took you and Amethyst. I was going to try and scare you, then let you and everyone go. I was sick of being angry. I didn't even know you were pregnant, and that's why I performed the c-section when you went into labor." She looked at her hands. "I don't know what came over me at the trade-off. I don't even remember why I left Amethyst behind. I wasn't going to hurt you, either, Mark. When I told Amethyst that I regretted everything I ever did, I meant it."

"And we believe you." I said to her. "I never doubted that."

She turned back to the water. "I don't understand how. There are a million good reasons why you could've executed me up on that roof. But you didn't, and I don't know why." She was silent for a second before her eyes grew wide and she stood up. "Something's happening in the water."

We immediately stop up, walking to the water's edge. When I looked down, I couldn't see anything, until I saw a flash of gold. "What the hell is that?"

Suddenly, the water moved back to the center, and the gold light moved up. A huge bubble of water came above the water, glowing brightly. In a split second, the water popped, and a mermaid appeared. She had purple-black ombré hair with a matching tail and shirt. She opened her eyes, gasping for air, and we stared at her purple eyes. She fell onto the water, laying on the surface on her back. Her tail turned into a pair of legs that wore black leggings and sandals.

Signe took a step toward her. "...Amethyst?"

The woman looked up at her, catching her breath. She smiled. "Signe."

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