Chapter 2

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Maki Nishikino's POV

The moment I got home, I went straight to the kitchen to cook something to eat. Don't get me wrong but I know how to cook now unlike before. My cooking was bad before. Even Nico said so. So I forced myself to learn how to cook because I'm all alone here in my house. I can't really depend on ready-to-eat food so I learned how to cook. But I'll never reach Nico's level of cooking.

I decided to cook pasta instead of cooking something I can't really finish. In fact, I'm not that hungry. I just want to eat something.

I prepared the ingredients. The pasta itself, tomato sauce, and some ground meat to at least add flavor to the sauce.

I boiled some water for the pasta. I left it and went to the living room. I know I'm not supposed to leave it but I want to rest for a while.

A picture frame caught my attention. I picked it up. I smiled. My last memory of μ's. But that picture also made me tear up. I wonder how's the others doing. It's been a while since I last heard from Hanayo and Rin.

I almost forgot that I was cooking sonething. I rushed to the kitchen and just barely made it. The water was already boiled so I put the pasta in. It will take a while for it to finish.

I made the sauce next. I mixed in the tomato sauce with the ground meat. I even added some celery in it.

When the sauce was finished, I waited for the noodles to be cooked. After a few minutes, it's finally done. I mixed the sauce with the noodles and put it on a clean plate. I brought the pasta to the living room and sat on the couch. I turned on the television and tried to find anything to watch.

The idol channel or whatever it is caught my attention.

"It's been a few years since μ's disbanded right? Yet many of their fans still listen to their own composed songs. μ's really has a strong impact whenever they perform. I heard that only one of them continued her idol occupation."

Really now? Idol occupation?

"She's Nico Yazawa, the one and only Nico Yazawa who is also the top idol in Japan. No one can stand up against her. Not even her rivals. We asked her if she already has someone that she loves."

I waited for the next thing that the reporter or announcer or whatever will say.

"She said that she loved someone else before. Back when she was still in μ's. And that someone is Maki Nishikino "

What the hell?! Nico really said that?! Geez! That's embarrassing!

"Here are the not so exact words of Nico: 'Yes, of course I loved Maki-chan. I even loved her more than my own life. But then, Maki-chan wanted to become a doctor right after she graduates so I decided to stay away from her because I think I'll just be a bother to her."

My chest starts to hurt. Is this pain? Or even guilt?

" 'I wanted to be with Maki-chan forever. The thing is, I never heard a word from her after I left. Not a text nor call nor email. I finally decided to forget all about her because thinking of her will only make me lonely. So, Maki-chan, if you're listening to this, I want you to know that I don't love you anymore."

No. Nico-chan... I..

"Aww, that's a sad story. Well folks you heard what she said. She doesn't love Ma-"

I turned off the television. I started crying so hard because of what I heard.

"Nico-chan, how could you say that?"

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