Nare's Cat

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"Hey Seira," Nare started during lunch. "I had another one of those weird dreams again."

"Really?" Is it possible that we had the same dream?!

"Yeah. I saw a girl with brown hair wearing one of those... what are they called again? Uh... Sailor Guardian uniforms... she seemed familiar, like from one of my old books that I got from my mom..."

"How about we look together after school?" I offered.

"Okay. I'm all for it. Two pairs of eyes are better than one!"

"You got that right."

I heard a small meow and saw there was a blue cat nuzzling Nare's leg.

"Cordi, what are you doing here?" she asked.


"Cordelia. She's my cat. I gotta take her home. Sorry, Seira. Tell my excuse to Mrs. Bailey if I'm late!" She then ran off with her cat...

But I don't want to talk to the Algebra teacher!

Poor Seira...

Well, now we've seen Cordelia!

Remember her?

We'll find out more next time!


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