New Life Reborn

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It has been a few years, mainly 5...since the SCPs from their former home made a new residence into this new one, the one where they are able to be accepted into the public, due to the SCP being integrated there, and being used for peace. And needless to say...they are now enjoying their lives far more than ever before. The Serpent's Hand made this a new home that they began to live in, especially since it is the best possible future that they could ever think of. They have no idea what else to say about this. As such, they began to take residence in order to ensure that the peace of this universe is kept and not disturbed.

The SCPs that escaped the previous universe, now a dead world because of what their foundation had done to it, also made a living here. They have no met any of their possible counterparts, and that is if that they exist inside of this place, but so far, they are enjoying the life that they have. The small kid SCPs are enjoying going to school, being able to act like normal kids for once, some chose to work in some jobs, and some just began to live and enjoy the good life that they have, especially since they are able to finally live very peacefully.

It is now a Saturday, and 2 notable SCP Children are shown to be present inside of a building that is meant to house them of their ages, and are now older. It is none other than SCP-2241, or Cameron, and SCP-239, or Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir. And the both of them...the both of them began to date once they both reached an older age, a year ago, with Cameron being 13 currently and Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir being 14 currently. And notably for Cameron, his powers have grown to much greater levels than before, and is now capable of some new abilities, due to his powers having evolve with age. Now he can conjure and alter any object that he wants to summon, or if he wants to, he can make forcefield, manipulate a person mentally, telepathy, transmute matter, astral project, and has far greater powers over warping reality then before. Of course, his powers are still behind Sigurrós, for she is still more powerful than him, although he is climbing up a bit in the power scale.

The sound of snoring was heard, as both Cameron and Sigurrós are shown to be inside of a bed together, the both of them are hugging one another and are taking comfort in their presence. As they slept, the sunlight shown through the window of the building that they are in, and this caused the both of them to slowly stir. After a little bit, they began to wake up, as they looked up at each other, and smiled, as Sigurrós spoke out.

"Oh...I see you're able to keep up with me in waking up."

Cameron smiled a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, definitely. Morning."

Sigurrós smiled, as she kissed his forehead, and the both of them got up, the both of them wearing their pajamas, as Sigurrós then walked outside and spoke out.

"Do not worry, I'll make us some breakfast...and don't try your attempt at this one, okay?"

Cameron looks at Sigurrós and spoke out.

"Heh...still haven't forgotten that mess that I made with the burnt food I summoned and all of that, huh?"

Sigurrós shook her head, as she spoke out.

"Of course I never forgot. Besides, the last thing that I want is to get ourselves sick to the stomach again."

Cameron looked down at the ground, a little bit embarrassed at this, as he spoke out.

"Man, a suck at this. Really need to get some work done on my powers."

Sigurrós rolled her eyes in a rather playful way, as she teleports in front of him and pats him on one of his cheeks, as she spoke out.

"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure you'll have your chance to do it right someday."

Cameron looks at her and smiled a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Huh...I guess you're right."

Sigurrós nodded with a smile and grabs Cameron by one of his hand and pulls him a bit, as they both prepare to eat some breakfast. Cameron smiled, but he also looked down and felt a bit sad, mainly because he is reminded of the time that he was under the foundation's manipulation...and was tricked into killing actual innocent people, not the monsters he wanted to fight. And because of this, he began to think of himself as a monster, who doesn't deserve to be a hero for what he had done. As such, he cannot help but feel regret for what he had done under his foundation's orders, and kill the innocent people. He does not know how he can make up for this.

But he decides not to think about that for now, and just at least tries to enjoy the breakfast with Sigurrós, as the both of them went to the table. As they went to the table that has some food, Cameron spoke out.

"Let's make this more in for your taste."

He then held his hand out and the table changed appearance , as it now turned into a different style, matching that of Sigurrós' personal taste in appearance, as Sigurrós smiled a bit.

"Now that...I like this much more."

Cameron nodded with a smile, as he and Sigurrós went to the table and began to eat their breakfast that Sigurrós had conjured up with her powers. Although Cameron is not sure how he can be happy after all that he has done, he oddly feels a lot more happy when he is with Sigurrós. Honestly, he feels like he doesn't deserve this at all."


Both Cameron and Sigurrós have now finished breakfast, as they are now walking outside, now wearing some different clothing after changing from their pajamas.

Cameron is shown to be in his clothes, wearing what seems to be red headphones, a red jacket and white shirt, with black pants inside of the city which resembles a place from Japan.

Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir is also present with him, and is wearing witch clothes. Although she is already aware of her true status as a reality warper, she prefers to use this attire because she enjoys it. Besides, it is also cute. Both Sigurrós and Cameron walked, hand-in-hand. And since it is a weekend, they both do not have middle school and instead can hang out for as long as they want. The walked together, as they go around the beautiful city that they are in, and cannot help but enjoy it, the floating islands, the beautiful plants all over that coexists with the buildings, it makes it seem like a genuine paradise.

Sigurrós looks at the area that they are in, as she spoke out.

"Hm...I can't help but continue to admire the beauty of this place."

Cameron nodded his head, as he spoke out.

" too."

But he than looked down, thinking of what he had done. Of course, Sigurrós noticed this and could tell what he is thinking, due to having been discussed by this before, and although she doesn't often see him like this, she has seen him make this expression of guilt on rare occasions. Sigurrós tightened her grip over his hand and spoke out.

"Cameron, don't blame yourself for what happened before. The foundation took advantage of you and tricked you for how young you were back than."

Cameron sighed and spoke out.

"I know, Sigurrós. Doesn't change the fact that I killed people for them."

Sigurrós held his hand tighter, as she spoke out.

"I killed people too, Cameron. You are not the only one."

Cameron nodded and sighed, at least feeling a little bit better. Of course, them having killer people without realizing it, that was one of the reasons that they are able to bond this quickly and date. The other reason why is because both of their parents are bad. Like, when Sigurrós made a wish for her parents alive on a birthday of hers, her father turned out to be horrible, and she had to reverse that wish. Cameron, while his parents are bad to a lesser degree, they were still bad people, regardless. So, they were able to get along very quickly due to their mutual bad luck with their own parents.

As Cameron and Sigurrós kept on walking, they heard a couple of voices from behind them.

"Yo, Cameron, Sigurrós!"

"There you both are!!"

This caught the attention of both Cameron and Sigurrós, and they turned around to see that it was none other than SCP-4051 and SCP-105, or Rainer Miller and Iris Thompson. They had aged to their early 20s and are currently married, due to the engagement ring that is present onto the ring finger of Iris Thompson, and they have taken the jobs of their own. Cameron and Sigurrós smiled, as they get to see their old friends again.

"Oh, Thompson, Iris. Nice to see you both again."

The both of them smiled, as Rainer spoke out.

"Yeah, nice to see you as well."

Iris then spoke out.

"Now we're having a free day from our jobs. Mind if we can hang out together, like we used to?"

Sigurrós looks and smiled a bit, as she spoke out.

"I don't see the problem with that. Besides, it's been a long time since we had been able to have some fun hanging out together."

Iris smiled, as Rainer spoke out.

"Well, let's go."

He then walked with Iris, as he ushered both Cameron and Sigurrós to come along with them. The both of them followed, as they walked alongside them. Rainer and Cameron smiled with their soulmates, as Iris spoke out.

"So how did you both do? Did you both do well in school?"

Cameron and Sigurrós nodded their heads, as Sigurrós spoke out.

"We did good, and so did Cameron."

Cameron nodded a bit, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, although my grades are not as good as yours. Your grades are one step greater than mine."

Sigurrós smiled a bit, feeling a little bit flattered at this, as Rainer then spoke out also.

"Well, at least you are having a good time. This universe sure makes our lives brighter."

Cameron nodded a bit, as both he and Sigurrós began to run and catch up. As they kept on walking, they looked a saw a familiar ice cream truck passing by.

It was this universe's version of SCP-1386. Iris looked and smiled a bit, as she spoke out.

"Hey, wanna get some ice cream on this, you all?"

Rainer and the 2 middle schoolers looked, and they both smiled a bit, as they nodded their heads. Rainer pulled his own wallet out, as they went close to the Ice Cream Truck. As Iris and Rainer made their orders, both Cameron and Sigurrós looked all over the place to see the view of the town that they are in. They see a lot of people being happy and being filled with joy at the peace that they are in, almost like there is not a single thing in the world that can ruin it. As they looked, Rainer and Iris spoke out.


This made them both look up and saw that Rainer and Iris got their ice creams ready. 4 flavors, one strawberry, one peach, one vanilla, and one cookies and cream. Rainer took the vanilla and Iris took the strawberry, while Cameron took the peach and Sigurrós took the cookies and cream ice cream. They all sat onto a bench and began to eat their treats. As they consumed it, Rainer spoke out.

"Well...on the bright side, at least our universe's Foundation isn't able to enter this place."

Iris nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"Yeah, thanks to the Serpent's Hand being able to close off the way here and disconnecting it back home. So, this place is now an absolute safe haven here."

Cameron nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, definitely is. Wonder how long our lives will continue after all that has happened."

Sigurrós looked down and nodded her own head, as she spoke out.

"Well, let's hope it a long and peaceful one, even if we were to somehow become ageless by some chance."

Cameron nodded, as he continued to eat his Ice Cream. As he did, a voice spoke out to the group.

"Hey, Cameron, Rainer. There you both are!"

This made them both look to see who it is that has arrived.

This was none other than SCP-4128, or Samson Sachs, a former superhero who retired, as claimed by him. He is one of the many anomalies that actively fight against the foundation back in the previous universe before being taken in by the Serpent's Hand. But in spite of this, when he heard of Rainer and Cameron wanting to be heroes, he decided to train them how to fight in a way. Needless to say, Rainer and Cameron sort of see him as a father figure to an extent.

"Oh, hey Mr. Sachs. I see you're doing well."

Samson nodded his head at Cameron, who spoke out to him.

"Yeah, well, feels nice to finally get a break after a long time. You all still doing good?"

Everyone nodded, as Rainer spoke out.

"Yeah, we are. So, is your new job going, Samson?"

Samson looks at Rainer and spoke out.

"You mean the new construction job I took? It's doing well. And my heavy lifting makes doing the job easier. Just glad that I can finally live a normal life for once...even if it is in another Earth."

The others smiled a bit, as Samson spoke out.

"Welp, I should probably get going now. Best I don't get late. See you both later. And Cameron, Rainer, be sure to see me on the weekends so we can confine your training."

Cameron and Rainer smiled and spoke out.

"We'll be there!"

Samson nodded as he ran fast back to the construction job. Rainer smiled and looked at Cameron, as he spoke out.

"Well, it was nice to see him for a bit."

Cameron nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, definitely is nice to be able to meet him again."

Iris and Sigurrós smiled, as they continued to eat their sweet treats yet again, and they are enjoying the time of their lives still. And as they did, a female voice spoke out to them, one that they have not heard of in a very long time.

"Well, never thought I would be able to see you together again."

This made the group look up to see who it is that has appeared...and they are surprised to see who had came to them.

Coming to them is this SCP-4197, or Sarah Veers, who a humanoid anomaly that has some association with Sarkicism, but uses it to help others instead of kill or infect others. She is most notable for her usage of Cytomancy and for using it to heal the wounds and injuries of others, and is currently 37 years of age. And she is not the only one that is present, walking towards them.

In her arms, she holds SCP-2295, who is similar to her, but instead using patchwork organs to help the patient, and is less...gross, in how he helps the patient.

Both SCPs were part of the earth where the Foundation had gone off the deep end and tried to exterminate the human race, as well as kill other SCPs that would try to stop them or be against them. Sarah Veers and SCP-2295 were also a part of this, but they ended getting rescued by the Serpent's Hand, who attacked the base where they were inside of to distract the SCP Personnel and rescue the both of them.

"Oh, hey Sarah, nice to see you again. How are you doing?"

Sarah looks at Rainer, who spoke to her, as she smiled and responded back.

"I am doing...a little bit okay. This little guy here is doing alright as well."

SCP-2295 looked and waved a little bit, as Sarah spoke out.

"Mind if I can join you both?"

Rainer and the others nodded, as Sarah smiled and joined with them next to another bench, as she spoke out to them.

"So...this seems to be a very unique way of living, huh? Living in a new world with the anomalous exposed into the world, I mean."

Rainer nodded his head, as Cameron spoke out.

"Yeah, it is, especially know what..."

Sarah nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"Yes, I do. Honestly, it feels horrible, the Foundation back home betraying us the way they did, killing off so many humans, and even made some of the humans untreatable for even more to fix them."

Iris looks down at the ground, as she spoke out.

"Can't blame you, all the good work you did, and the foundation made sure that it went up in smoke."

Rainer looks at her, and he then spoke out to her.

"Well, how did that make you feel, with what the Foundation did?"

Sarah looked down, and she narrowed her eyes, as she spoke out.

"I felt useless at the time. I felt like I am unable to fix what had happened, and I felt like I failed the lives of countless innocent people, even though I always want to aid people. The foundation betraying me, it made me crush what little faith I had in them, especially since they had betrayed the human race for no reason. And in this is a bit better, but there are still innocent people that needed to be cared for, especially with injures that they can have. But...I never tried to help them this time."

This made the group surprised, as she usually helps the people that she meets whenever they suffer bad injures. So the fact that she did not even try this time is really saying something. Seems she is so haunted by what happened that she felt like she does not deserve to help other people after all the foundation had done, and it really crushed how much hope she can have to aid others.

Sarah Veers looked down, as she spoke out.

"Just wishes there was a way to make me more better than this."

Cameron looked down, before he snapped his fingers, and spoke out.

"Actually, there might be something that can make you greater than this."

This made Sarah Veers look at the both of them, as she spoke out.

"Really? What is it?"

Cameron than snapped his fingers, a bright flash of light came out, and and a familiar machine appeared before both SCP-2295 and SCP-4197, which is none other than SCP-914, as Iris Thompson spoke out.

"This thing can help you. It's said to be able to change objects depending on the dial. In this case, the Very Fine setting. It should be able to give you what you need."

This made Sarah Veers look unsure of this, as she than spoke out, nervously.

"Umm...will this even work for me?"

Rainer Miller nodded, as he spoke out.

"Of course. Me and Iris used it and it made us stronger than ever before. If it can work for them, it will no doubt work for you and the Patchwork Bear!"

Sarah Veers looked at both Cameron and Sigurrós, and after a little bit of contemplating, she finally looks down and nodded her hand, as she then spoke out.

"Alright. Let's try this. I'll put the bear in first."

Cameron and Sigurrós nodded their heads, as they stepped back, and Sarah puts SCP-2295 into the intake booth, as she then looks at the dial, and sees the dial is on the Very Fine setting. After a little but, she then turns the key to the right, and the machine activated, as all 3 of them waited to see what will happen. As the clockworks began to run, both Cameron and Sigurrós began to wonder what new powers the Patchwork Teddy will have. Both Iris and Rainer looked, their hands in their pockets as they look to see what new appearance will come out for SCP-2295. After a little bit, the machine finally stopped, and the Clockwork's Output opened up, as someone came out of it. Then SCP-2295 came out, he looked a little bit larger, almost the size of a kindergartener, and has a lot more patchwork all over his body. This made the duo gawk their heads to the side, as they wander what this newly refined SCP-2295 can do. As this happens, SCP-2295 sees someone, and he recognizes the condition that they have. It is someone who suffers from a condition that he failed to save someone in, Cerebral hemorrhaging. This time, however, SCP-2295 is not going to fail this one again. He goes to the patient, and puts his hand onto his head, before a manhole cover made of patchwork appeared beneath the both of them and opened up, as they went inside, with both Cameron and Sigurrós jumped down into the manhole opening, while Rainer and Iris looked at Sarah Veers, and they spoke out.

" want to go in next?"

Sarah Veers looked a little bit at them and nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"...Ummm...yes, of course."

She goes inside of the Intake booth, her tentacles out, as Rainer goes to the key, and double checking to make sure that the SCP-914 dial is still on Very Fine, before he turned the key to activate it, as SCP-914 closed both booths again and it began to activate, as the Clockworks began to refine SCP-4179 into making her a much more effective versions of her original self.

Both with Cameron and Sigurrós, they are inside of what seems to be a pocket dimension made of patchwork, resembling a doctor building office and work place, with one room having chairs, toys, books, with the other room having a door that leads to the room where the patients rest in the bed, and now, using the Patchwork around him, he can now use it to finally succeed in what he had failed to do, as SCP-2295 got to work. And this time, he finally found a solution to this, as he finally began to work on making a new brain. After a little bit, he finally did it, as he made a Patchwork brain of some sort, in which he then goes to the patient, and inserts it into the head of the patient. At first, nothing happened. But then...the patient opened his eyes, and looked around, and the Patchwork saw that he is alive stills. It made the Patchwork bear happy, far happier than the teddy itself could ever imagine, and is crying a sort of solution from its 'eyes', almost like he finally redeemed itself in what he had failed to do from back than.

Back outside, the Clockworks finally stopped, as it finished refining SCP-4179, as both Iris and Rainer looked to see what will happen. After a bit, the door opens, and Sarah Veers walked out of the Output booth, holding her head and spoke out.

"Well, that was a little bit of a doozy in there."

Iris and Rainer looked at each other. They did not see anything different about her. So what is it that makes her new? They look at Sarah and Iris spoke out.

" you notice any changes about you? Any additional powers you gained?"

Sarah looks down at her hand and closed her hand into a fist, and suddenly...she then reached her hand out, as if trying to grab something from a shelf, extends her pointer finger, as it then changes shape into resembling a sort of scalpel made of bone. It seems that SCP-914 now gave her the ability to utilize not just Cytomancy, but Carnomancy as well, now being able to manipulate her own bodily cells. And with Carnomancy, she can use this power to turn some parts of her body into surgical equipment in order to work on patients. But that is not all that there is to her. Not only can she create another pair of tentacles on her back, which can be quickly sealed up, as well as being able to numb her own pain, the holes inside of her stomach now possesses a sort of extradimensional meatspaces that she can use to carry objects that are of aid for her Cytomancy, as well as rituals used by Proto-Sarkics. And now...she also will likely never be able to age. She is now most likely an ageless being.

She looked around and all over herself, as she spoke out.

"Wow...I...I know you said that you can make me much better with this machine, but this is beyond what I had expected from this."

She looked at herself and smiled, as she spoke out.

"Thank you all. Perhaps this will prove useful for both me and the bear. Now, let's go."

She then extended the tentacles on her back and lifted upwards, the tentacles now seem to have a much greater range than ever before, far beyond the length that they normal were only capable of. She went elsewhere, taking SCP-2295 with her, perhaps this time to make a new life for herself to do. Rainer and the others looked up, he then spoke out.

"Nice one, Cameron. I think using SCP-914 really raised her self-esteem much greater than before. Now she is back in the healing business like she is always meant to do before."

Cameron nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yep, but much better than ever before, since she is now refined."

Cameron nodded, as Iris spoke out.

"Hey, we best finish our Ice Cream before it melts."

Everyone, hearing this, agreed to finish their ice creams,  it wanting for it to get melted and for them to not finish it. That is the last thing that they want from their treats. As they consumed the sweet treat, Cameron then telepathically spoke out to Sigurrós.

'Should we go and astral project ourselves to Sarah, see if she's now far better at her job than before?'

Sigurrós smiled a little bit, as she then spoke out.

"Now that, I will agree on."

Cameron smiled, as they continued eat their ice cream. Some mosquitos came and tried to get close to them, but Cameron made a force field that the Mosquitos bounced off of, as they continued to eat their ice cream in silence.


Well, they finished their ice cream, and they hung out with Iris and Rainer for a little bit longer before they were done. Needless to say, they have had a lot of fun with them. After that, they went back home and sat inside of their room. As they looked around, Cameron waved his hand, and the door and windows disappeared, yet the room remained lit despite the fact that the lights aren't even on. Cameron looks at Sigurrós and spoke out.


Sigurrós nodded her head, as she and Cameron closed their eyes, both their red and blue auras surrounded the both of them, their eyes glowing as well.

Both Sigurrós and Cameron then astral project, as their spirits left their body and they began to fly to wherever Sarah is at. Both Cameron and Sigurrós flied to wherever Sarah is at, and luckily, Sigurrós' powers still work inside of the astral plane. She grabbed Cameron and teleports to where Sarah is at. Now they are inside of what seems to be a doctor's room, and there, they get to see Sarah in action, and she is doing in insanity good job. Her own tentacles sunk back inside of the holes in her own stomach, as she then pulled out an object used for her rituals. She then turned her index finger into a scalpel, and made incisions into the patient's chest, as she then changed both the index and middle fingers into tweezers in her other hand, as she then pulled out some tumors present. She then made a symbol on the lung, in order to keep the lungs from bleeding, before she then made the extra pair of tentacles come out and began to work on the cells of the lungs, as she began to fix the mistakes in the cell's instructions. After she was done, she slid her hand across the incision, and the wounds closed automatically. After that, she than snapped her fingers for the next patient, this one having a tapeworm in his heart and is slowly getting killed by it. Acting fast, she then made a symbol of sorts around the area of where the heart is, allowing the patient to live without his heart. She then made an incision into the chest, and pulls out the heart as she then used one of her tentacles from her stomach to pull out the tapeworm, before she puts it in a jar. She turned one of her index fingers into a scalpel, and carved a sarkic symbol onto her hand, this time numbing the feeling of pain, and she then puts it back inside of the body, and the veins reconnected to the heart. But she was not done yet. She then began to squeeze and release for a minute, before she was done, as the heart began to pump again. She then slid her finger across the wound, which sealed it up. She looked at the her that contains the tapeworm, and luckily, she also took notice of the eggs that are inside of the body, and luckily took it out as well. She then wrapped one of the tentacles around the jar that holds the tapeworm, luckily sealed inside of a metal jar, as she puts it inside of the holes that lead into the meatspace, which resembles a sort of endless cave of meat and sinew.

The patient, luckily, made a full recovery and felt better, as he jumped up, now feeling health and well. Sarah smiled, as she left the room and takes out the jar and puts it onto the counter for the others to take, as both Cameron and Sigurrós smiled and went back into their original bodies, as they felt happy that Sarah finally was able to feel useful again.

"Well, at least Sarah is feeling much better again. She seems to be having a good time, even."

Cameron said, as Sigurrós nodded her head, as she then spoke out.

"Indeed she is. And now, it'll help her save lives much more faster and much more efficiently than ever before. Even though this world is far more of a paradise, having more people to help in it, it seems to be a much greater thing for the entire world as a whole."

Cameron nodded his head, as he looked down and thought to himself.

'Maybe I did change the world a little bit by helping this one person become more efficient at saving lives than before.'

Cameron looked down at the ground, as he then waved his hands a bit, and both the doors and the window returned back to where they belong, as the natural light seeped back into the room, the unnatural light in the room disappeared. Sigurrós looked at Cameron and smiled, as she leans her head against Cameron's shoulder and smiled, as she closed her eyes and feeling happy on his presence. Cameron smiled himself and learned his head as well, feeling comfort in Sigurrós' presence.

Of course, they both had forgotten that they left SCP-914 in the middle of the area that they are in, and Cameron spoke out.

"Wait...did you get rid of SCP-914?"

This made Sigurrós' eyes widened, as she realizes that she had forgotten to do that when Cameron had summoned it.

"Oh no! We need to go back, fast!!!"

Cameron nodded his head, as he then snapped his fingers and teleported away, in order to find SCP-914...unaware that someone is going to be using it.

Back with SCP-914...

SCP-914 is shown to be in the middle of the area was summoned by Cameron, and many people passed by it. However, one humanoid SCP is present and took notice of it, becoming intrigued by what it looked like, and the SCP is show to be a sort of female anomaly that had a unique trait about her, in which she has a TV Screen in the place of a human head of sorts.

Arriving is none other than SCP-3090, or Ms Mad about Video Games, real name Heather Mason, is an SCPs that belonged to a series of Little Misters that are created by a group of interest called Gamers Against Weed. She belonged to the same earth that Rainer's group had belonged to the other Earth, along with her other brothers and sisters that joined her. They were rescued by the Serpent's Hand and hid among the crowd, among witj the other anomalies and normal humans that were also rescued by them. Needless to say, what had happened made her rather unhappy with what has happened, and in a way, she just wants to forget all that had happened, and hopefully move on with her life.

However, she also is face-to-face with the Clockworks. Although she did not see how it worked, she had heard of it from overheating it from Iris and Rainer, the latest SCPs that had been taken into the Serpent's Hand. And needless to say, she cannot help but feel intrigued and even excited, to use it onto herself. She clenched her fist and smiled, as she looks at the Clockworks right before her very eyes. She then decided to see what it could do.

She grabbed onto a rock of some sort, and turns the dial to Rough, and, after a little bit of struggle and confusion on how to activate it, she twisted the key, and the SCP-914 machine activated, as the booths closed and it turned on, as it began to do what it usually does to those that are out into Rough. After a little bit, the booths opened, and showed nothing but tiny chunked and the rock that was once inside of the booth. Now intrigued, she placed a small stick, and placed it on 1:1. She turned it on and SCP-914 activated, as it then began to do what it does onto the stick. She gawked her head, as she felt very curious of what it will do. After a little bit, the booths opened her again, revealing some small bit of hey that is at the same amount of weight as the stick. This made SCP-3090 a bit more excited. She then room out something from her pocket, an iPhone 12, which a human had dropped in the middle of the street back in the previous earth, as she puts it in Fine, and turns on the machine, as it begins to activate and try to improve the iPhone that is placed inside of the Intake booth.

She watches as SCP-914 is activated, and she wants to know what will happen to the iPhone. She looks and crossed her arms, as she waits for the machine to be done with refining the iPhone. Of course, she is not sure what it will change into, she is is just going to watch. After a little bit, the Clockworks was done refining the iPhone, and it opened up, revealing a miniature helicopter made of cogs, wires, circuits, as well as some holographic blades that are present, that spin and fly up. Now this made Heather far more intrigued, and now she cannot hold herself back for a little bit.

SCP-3090 was now far too excited, as she wanted to see what happens if she goes inside of it, but not before she changes the dial back to where it was before. Not wasting a chance, she turns the dial to Very Fine, and turns the key, while at the same time running at the Intake Booth, which then closed up with her inside. SCP-914 activated, as the Very Fine setting began to change Heather and refining her very being into something else, something far more advanced than she ever was.

Both Cameron and Sigurrós teleported, but saw that SCP-914 had activated. Cameron looks and facepalmed, as he spoke out.

"Welp, my fault that someone is now using it. What in the world was I thinking of forgetting it?"

Sigurrós looked at the sight that is before their very eyes, as she spoke out.

"But who is even using it?"

They looked, as SCP-914 continued to stay activate for an additional minute. After a little bit, SCP-914 then began to slow down, before it finally shuts off, and the Output is done. This made both Sigurrós and Cameron concerned, as they have no idea what is inside of it. Then, the door opened, and Heather came out of the Output, now having grown taller to 7 feet, with clearer skin, a better figure, and the TV head that she has now looks far more advanced than before, almost looking just as advanced as the technology that the entire universe that she is living in is. The color of her face facsimile is now is cyan color with red eyes, as well as the fact that she has electricity sparking all over her body. She looked around and at herself, and she felt excited, as she made a cat face of some sort present. Cameron and Sigurrós looked confused, as Sigurrós spoke out.

"...Heather? What are you doing here? Were you using the Clockworks?"

Heather nodded her head, as she spoke out to Sigurrós.

"Yep, I was doing that! And I feel amazing!!"

As she said that, her eyes became wide both eyes each gain a black spiral and the pupil becomes a cyan electric marking on both of her eyes, as both Cameron and Sigurrós felt hypnotized. Realizing what she has doing, she stopped and closed her eyes, and both Cameron and Sigurrós snapped out of it, as Cameron spoke out.

"Woah, seems SCP-914 did a lot on you."

Heather nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"Well, does feel cool to be like this for once!"

She raised her hands in excitement, but as she did, an electromagnetic type of field appeared around her, as metal began to float around her body. An actuality, she's using an electric form of telekinesis to an extent that allowed her to do this, because some of the objects she lifted aren't metal. Seeing this, she stepped back and lowered her hands, as the fell back down to the floor. This made both Cameron and Sigurrós curious, as they spoke out.

"Uh...what else can you do?"

Heather looked at her hands, as she clenched it, before she jumped high and extended her hands down a bit, as electricity sparked out from her palms, as she began to fly into the air. This made both both Cameron and Sigurrós surprised, as she then extended her hand to make a sort of electromagnetic shield to protect against projectiles. She then fired a bolt of electricity into the air, which hits a tree and cuts off the branch, which made her nervous and spoke out.

"Woah, I did not think that my new powers were going to be dangerous."

She then accidentally fired a rocket-like electric blast in the form of electricity, which exploded very dangerously. She then floats back down and lands onto the ground, which made a crater, showing she's now physically more stronger, as Cameron and Sigurrós spoke out.

" that all you can do here, Heather? I wonder if there's more."

Heather looks down at her hand, and spoke out.

"I think I can do more."

She then looks around, and sees the helicopter that she had made with SCP-914, as she then made a lighting appearance out of her hand, but instead of shocking it, pulled it towards her. She then clenched her fists, and blades molded from lighting appeared, as she sliced some tree branches, which cut through them with ease. As she looked, she then noticed an adult male on the ground, his leg seems to have been broken. Wanting to see how far she can use her lighting. Going to him, and surprisingly, it healed his leg, which is something that is rather unexpected. Needless to say, Heather cannot help but feel a little excited at what else she can do. Wanting to test it even more, she looks and sees a phone and a computer. She held her hand out, and the 2 pieces of technology merged. It seems she can now manipulate technology into however she wishes, even being able to augment and make her own unique pieces of tech into her own wishes. Taking a new chance, and somehow sensing an electrical mechanism thar she can use, as well as the nearby machinery around her, she then suddenly turned into electricity and vanished out of sight, disappearing from view. This made both Cameron and Sigurrós looked concerned yet impressed, as Cameron spoke out.

"She's gonna go nuts with this, isn't she?"

Sigurrós looks at him and shrugged a little bit, as she then spoke out to him.

"Perhaps she will. Let us just hope that it is something harmless and does not go too far with what new powers she's gained."

Cameron shook his head, as he spoke out.

"Let's get rid of this before anyone else decides to use it."

Cameron then held his hand out at SCP-914, as it lifted up and vanished back to wherever it came from. After that, Cameron and Sigurrós teleported both herself and Cameron back home, really needing a break from that suddenly happening.

A little bit later...

Well, Heather did something odd alright. She somehow manage to hijack a lot of TV screens at once and appeared in many different video games simultaneously at once, wearing different outfits in this as well. The duo have watched this happen on their screen in the news, and needless to say, Cameron and Sigurrós are not sure whether to be pleased or to be interested of what happened.

"So...oh boy, how in the world did I make a mess like this? All by just mere neglect?"

Sigurrós shrugged a little bit, and as that happened, the TV Screen turned on, which made the both of them look, and then they see Heather's facsimile of a face appeared, with a smile present.

"There you both are!"

This made the both of them surprised, as she appears in front of them and is now in the room, which made them both spoke out.

"Oh, Heather. I see you're back already. So...anything new for you?"

Heather nodded, a little bit excited, as she spoke out.

"Yep!! The people who makes games came to me and told me that I have a job to act as an improved in order to make their games better! Thanks to you both bringing in that machine, I'm able to do a lot better than ever before!!"

This made them both scratch the back of their heads, but decide to not call out on that being accidental, and just go with the flow of it. She even made a short video appear on the screen of one of the games that she had done, as she spoke out.

"Now I won't have to worry about anything else!"

As she did, suddenly the screen shows a phone call of some sort, as she then gawked her head, before she grabs her face screen, the phone call somehow changed into electricity, as she then inserts it into the TV, as she looks and sees that one of the people working at her new job is now calling her. 

"Oh, Mr. Jameson! Is the new game you want me to ready?"

Mr. Jameson nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yes, it is! Where are you?"

Heather spoke out to what seems to be her boss.

"Oh, I am at the house of the people that allowed me to be this good! I'm just here to thank them for giving me this chance at the new job I'm in."

Mr. Jameson nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Well, I guess that's fair enough. But come back right now, okay? Don't want to make people wait more!"

Heather nodded her head, as she turns and spoke out to them.

Well, goodbye for now. I'm on my way Mr. Jameson!"

She turned into lighting again, and vanished back to her workplace, as both Sigurrós and Cameron looked at where she once was, the TV shutting down the instant she left, as Cameron spoke out.

"Well, hopefully she'll be able to enjoy her new life, just like we are."

Sigurrós smiled and kissed him on the cheek, as she spoke out.

"Yes. Hopefully so as well. And now, we can have our alone time."

Cameron smiled, as both Sigurrós and Cameron went back to their rooms to enjoy their presence together by themselves. Needless to say, things are looking up for all of them, and will make sure to leave a pleasant life from what had happened before.

4 months later...

In another part of the city, there is another couple that is also filed with enjoyment of being in the presence of one another, as they are shown to be hugging one another in a bed, with one lying on top of the other. The sun shown through the window, as it showed that the people inside of this one is none other than SCP-590, Thomas Bright and SCP-166, Epon.

As the sun shines, Epon opened her eyes, as she looks to see the sleeping face of Thomas. She smiled, and being on top of him, she lowers herself to his face, as she spoke out.

"Rise and shine, my love."

She then kissed him on the cheek, and this made him stir in his sleep. After a little bit, he then opened his eyes slowly, as he looks at Epon, who is smiling down at him. Smiling back, he spoke back to her.

"Oh, morning Epon."

Epon then hugged him tightly, and lifted him up a bit, as Thomas hugs her back as well. As they did, Epon looks at him in the face and kisses him on the lips, much to his surprise, but he decides to just kiss back and go along with it. After a little bit, Epon and Thomas stood up, as he spoke out.

"So uh...want me to cook breakfast for you?"

Epon nodded her head, as she spoke out to him.

"That would be nice for you to do so."

Thomas nodded with a smile having formed, as he stood up, stretched a bit, before he walked out of the room and began to cook for Epon, as well as for himself. He then goes into the kitchen and began to bake some stuff for himself and for Epon to eat, the food having little inorganic additives as possible, so that it does not cause any sort of potential problems. Although Epon has been refined by using SCP-914, he is not sure if the condition is still there, so he wants to do this just incase. After a little bit, Thomas was finally finished with cooking the food for them both. He puts them onto plates, and he then spoke out.

"Okay, I'm done."

She goes into the room, and she looks to see the food that he has made, being able to make some sandwiches, as well as a salad and all of that sort of stuff, as she spoke out.

"You always know how to make something good for me, Thomas."

Thomas smiled a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Well, i have been practicing for a whole, plus I still haver't forgotten how to cook before he became an SCP. So that is at least something."

Epon smiled and nodded a little bit, as she spoke out.

"Well, let's dig in."

Thomas and Epon began to eat their breakfast, as they enjoyed the taste of the food that they are eating. Even thou if they are a little bit haunted by what has happened to them before back at their Earth, they handled it a bit more compared to Cameron and Sigurrós, who are still young. Plus, Thomas is already traumatized by what had happened to him before, so he can't be further hurt like this. And also, seeming because of the Clockworks, Epon has not aged for the past few years. Like, she did age to the physical age of 20 after a whole year inside of this universe, but after the next few years, she didn't. Seems that the Clockworks has made her ageless to an extent, making her similar to Thomas' own ageless status. But Thomas does not care. In fact, he is still fine being with Epon after all that has happened. And the fact that she is looking more beautiful than before, really adds to this look of hers.

They, like Iris and Rainer, had been married and Epon even has a wedding ring that is present onto her ring finger, and the both of them lived without any issue or anything else at all, nor even an argument. They both had a very stable and happy relationship.

After they were done eating Breakfast, Epon stood up and spoke out.

"Umm...Thomas. Do you think we can walk outside for a bit? I want to meet up with some of our old friends and see how well they are doing in the life that we have."

Thomas looks and nodded his head slowly, as he then spoke out.

"Of course. Besides, it would be nice to also speak to them for a little bit."

Thomas and Epon then went to each other, as they held hands and began to walk out the door, as they walked outside, Epon's hooves are still bare and step onto the ground, as she continued to walk and move forward. As they continued to walk forward, they looked to the side and see Sigurrós hanging out with her friends, SCP-040/Fiona, SCP-134/Stella, and SCP-191/Madeline, Al of whom had grown up, with Madeline getting her prosthetics in order to fit her new age, and these new ones are far more comfortable than the ones she had. Sigurrós seems to be having a lot of fun, but Epon decides to not intrude and just leave her be.

As they continued to walk, they looked and encountered a familiar face in the crowd. It was Cain, and he was shown to be talking with Deimos, as Epon spoke out.


This made Cain turn around and look to see Epon approaching him. Smiling a bit, Cain spoke out to her.

"Hello, Epon. I can see you are still as pleasant as ever."

Epon smiled, as Thomas spoke out.

"Nice to see you again, Deimos. You doing good?"

Deimos nodded his head, as he smiled at Thomas.

"Of course I am, and being worn my brother is making my life all the better."

Thomas smiled, as Cain spoke out.

"Sans with mine. Although, Abel may still not like me, but...he is at least now changed to be speak to me, at least on neutral terms, and isn't attacking anyone else."

Thomas than spoke out.

"Well, since he has the SCP-2639 people to constantly challenge him, and they themselves have been refined by SCP-914 at the Very Fine setting, they are doing good themselves at satiating a desire for a challenge. So, it at least satiated his bloodlust a little bit."

Cain nodded, as Thomas spoke out.

"That reminds me, where's Mr. Redd?"

Deimos, hearing this, spoke out.

"Oh, about that...I heard that he has gotten a girlfriend of some sorts after he is done training with Leora on how to fight. I believe she called her self, Sarah Veers."

This made Thomas surprised, as he spoke out.

"Oh, I've heard of her. She's an SCP like us, SCP-4197, who uses her powers to heal the sick and injured. Didn't think that she'd be able to get a boyfriend on the form of Mr. Redd."

Deimos raised an eyebrow, as he spoke out.

"Hm, never knew that."

Then, the sound of running was heard, as he spoke out.

"There you are, Deimos."

This had made Deimos and the others turn around in order to see who it is that has arrived, and it is actually someone that Deimos is rather familiar with for many thousands of years ago.

This very strong man is none other than SCP-4793, or Stele, a Greek Warrior who became a Demigod by Ares, the God of War, as well as the father of both Phobos and Deimos. The God of Terror and Stele, having reunited during the refuge of the Serpent's Hand, reunited, and although Stele did not remember Deimos, although noting he did feel familiar, Deimos has never forgotten him, and told him about how he knew it. This made Stele remember who he once was, although he felt a little bit unhappy with what had happened to him. Despite this, Deimos and Stele had been good friends after all those years, and even now has not changed. They are still friends, even after so many thousand years.

"Hello, Stele, my old friend."

Stele nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"It has been a very long time, since we have last met."

Stele nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Indeed it is. And I see you have your friends with you."

Deimos nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Shall we have a walk together, Stele?"

Stele nodded his head, as he began to walk with Deimos, Cain, Thomas, and Epon. As they did, they heard the sounds of fighting, and they look to see Abel fighting with the SCP-2639-A trio, as they both seem to have a lot of fun. Stele looks up and spoke out.

"Abel seems to be having a little too much fun with what he is doing."

Cain nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Indeed he is. At least he is having fun and is not killing other people. It is at least allows him to satiate his bloodlust a little bit. Now he has become much more reasonable, and even returned to acting as a shepherd at times.

Stele nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Well, good for him in a way."

He then hugged himself for a little bit, as he looked down and remembered that he fought against him last time, back when he was still is normal self and not when he had been enhanced by the Very Fine setting. It was one of the toughest fights that he had gotten himself into, and even though he had tried to get him to back off and stand down, he was relentless, and this made Stele kill go for good measure. But he came back still, although Abel does find Steke to be a worthy opponent in a way, and as such, would hope to fight against him again. Cain sort of sweatdrop a little bit, as he spoke out to him.

"Still remember what my brother had done to you before?"

Stele nodded his head, as he closed his eyes and spoke out.

"Of course. I prefer that I do not go through this again. The last thing that I want us to fight against him, and then lose when he is at now stronger then before. And if he decides to choose me to be his opponent again, I won't have any idea what to do."

Deimos looked down at the ground for a little bit, before he then snapped his fingers and spoke out.

"I might have something for you, incase you were to face Abel again, and if he tries to make you into his opponent."

This made him curious, as Deimos then spoke out.

"I'll be right back."

He then teleported, as Cain floats into the air and looks to see Abel still having as much fun as he usually is, and it makes him curious as to how he can fully satiate his bloodlust and finally learn to be bored of it and be peaceful again. He just hopes that he can finally become good again, and be the brother that he had once known of him as in the past. As he thought of that, Deimos returned with the Clockworks, which he pulled out from the portal that he made, leading into his pocket dimension, although he only placed SCP-914 into it after he took it from the Wanderer's Library, which he still kept it in.

Stele looks at Deimos, who then spoke out to him.

"This machine was able to make Abel like this thanks to it enhancing him far beyond possible. And this can do the same for you, just in a different way. Of course, you will still maintain your sense of self, but you will gain some new powers in return. Do you want to go in and try it?"

Stele looks at the sight that is before his eyes, and is a little unsure of this at first. But after a little bit, he sighed and nodded his head.

"Yes. I know I would usually stay out of this one, but for this one, I will make this a sort of 'just-in-case' sort of scenario. Let us do this."

Deimos nodded his head, as Stele goes inside of the Intake, and Deimos, checking to see that the dial is on the Very Fine setting, confirms and turns the key, as the Intake and Output booths closed, and the clockworks activated, as the machinery activated, the Clockworks beginning to refine Stele into something far greater than he once was. Everyone watched in order to see what will happen, as they are anticipating that it will be a cool power that he will make. After a little bit, the Clockworks had finally finished, and Stele, he came out of the booth. And he lost mostly the same as he was before...with one major different on his back. Coming out from his back are 3 pairs of bladed spider legs that are golden in color, and he is shown to be floating. This made him surprised, as he did not expect that, but he is not complaint, as he looks around himself.

"Huh...this is not what I expected. Is this some random chance for me to have this?"

Deimos shrugged, as he stepped out, and Deimos puts away the Clockworks into his pocket dimension. As that happens, Stele spoke out to himself.

"Hopefully Abel does not take notice that I am-"

Then, he felt a hand roughly grab the back of his shirt from behind, and he realizes what this meant, as he spoke out.

"Oh no."

He is then pulled up, and as if in reaction to his distress emotional reaction, the clouds split and swirl around him, forcing the person behind to let him go, as he spoke out.

"Well, seems like you got some new tricks up your sleeve."

Stele turned around to see Abel, his arms crossed, as Stele spoke out.

"Abel, do you not have some opponents already? I'm pretty sure that I am not needed."

Abel shrugged a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Well, I do, but...I already saw you with your refinement. Do not worry, I will not do a fight to the death against you...since neither of us can die. No...I want us both to know how far you can go."

This made Stele surprised, as he clenched his fist, and when that happened, he summoned a sword...made of what seems to be magma that is solid. Seems his ability to change objects into sword and shield has changed. Now he can use an ability similar to what Abel has, except that the weapons are hot when striking. Abel smiled, as he spoke out.

"You go first."

Stele looked, before he swung his sword and struck Abel, who blocks it with his own sword. He is launched back, before Stele launched a fireball at Abel, who summoned a rocket to counter it, before he made some shadowy clowns of himself that attacks Abel, who destoryed then with ease. But as that happened, Abel is suddenly covered in flames and is flung to the side, as Stele seems to be using a fiery variant of telekinesis in order to send him far away. Stele then summoned an axe and shield, in which he charged at Abel, who flies towards him and clashes blades with him. Stele got a bit mad, which made his flames stronger, as he then breathed fire onto Abel, who moved out of the way. He is then surrounded by a sphere of flames and launched bombs made of fire, which exploded Abel and disorientated hm a little bit. Then, Stele then did something unexpected, as he then made a pocket dimension for them both to fight in, as to not cause any bad damage to the surrounding area.

Everyone looks up and are all a little bit concerned, but Deimos, with utmost confidence, spoke out.

"They will both be fine. They cannot kill each other even when they go all out. Plus, their refinement may have made them unkillable."

Thomas and Epon looked a bit unsure, but they decided not to go any further than that. As that happened, a voice spoke out.

"Oh, there you both are."

This made everyone turn around and they look to see Mr. Redd, and is shown to have Sarah Veers next to him, her tentacles out, as Deimos spoke out.

"Hello Mr. Redd. And you are..."

Of course, everyone knows who she is, but they decided for let her speak, as to not creep her out or something.

"Oh...well, you may have heard of me, but I am Sarah Veers."

The group nodded their heads, as Redd and Sarah held hands together. Thomas spoke out.

"Oh, you both onto a date or something?"

Redd blushed a bit, as his tentacles whipped a bit, Sarah's did as well, but they nodded, as Sarah spoke out.

"Umm, of course we are. Besides, I can't help but be attracted to him in a way. Especially since he is just...very nice."

Redd looked down, as he spoke out.

"At least as nice as I can be...especially know."

Sarah nodded, as she held his hand tighter, remembering the time when Redd talked about being under the influence of another entity and did something horrible to his sister, Ms. Sweetie. At least she is able to see that he truly is a good person. She goes and kisses him on the cheek to make him feel better, as Mr. Redd spoke out.

"Anyway, I just came to see and visit where Leora is at, since I heard that she had gained a boyfriend of her own."

This made the group surprised, as Leora came and spoke out.

"Woah, there you both are."

This made the group turn to see Leora, who is holding the hands of another boy, having long black hair and green eyes, and having a nervous and shy expression on his face, as Leora spoke out, her golden wings flapping.

"Been wanting to see you all."

This made the group surprised, as the boy next to her, no doubt her boyfriend, spoke out to her.

"Oh...uh...are these people your friends, Leora?"

Leora nodded her head, as Thomas spoke.

"Oh, nice to meet you. What's your name?"

The boy, a little nervous, still spoke out.

"I' name is Franklin."

Thomas nodded, as he spoke out.

"Nice to meet you."

Mr. Redd nodded, as Cain lands back onto the ground gently, as Leora smiled a bit and spoke out.

"It makes me so happy to see you all again after a long time!"

Epon nodded her head, as she spoke out as well.

"It is good to reunite as well."

Redd smiled, as their tentacles turned and wrapped around one another, as if not wanting to let go, as Epon spoke out.

"Well, since are together, how about we hang out and have fun?"

The group nodded with a smile, as Redd spoke out.

"Of course. Too bad my brothers and sister are not here to be with us, they are busy with their own stuff."

Sarah Veers looked at Redd and spoke out.

"Well, who knows, maybe when they are free, you will have the chance to be with them again."

Mr. Redd nodded his head, as he tightened his hand around her, and spoke out.


Sarah nodded, as Deimos then spoke out.

"Well, let me get my brother first."

He vanished away for a bit, before he brought back Phobos, as Phobos spoke out.

"Oh, I am joining in this, sweet."

Deimos nodded with a smile, as he spoke out.

"Of course, my brother."

Cain looked and spoke out.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let us go out?"

The group them began to hang out somewhere at a random place that they will be going to. As they walked along, Epon and Thomas held their hands together, as Thomas spoke out.

"Surprisingly how we can all be together in such a single new world..."

He looks down and spoke out to himself.

"Wonder if my older brother, Jack, made it and is trying to find me."

Epon looks at him with a sad look, but she kissed him on the cheek, and spoke out.

"Do not worry, Thomas. If by chance, you might be able to find him again someday. After all, you made to find your sister, did you not? If you can find her, then Jack will no doubt find you."

Thomas looked down at the ground for a little bit, as he than spoke out.

"Yeah, maybe you're right in this one, Epon. I might be able to find him again someday. I have all the time that j need to be able to see him again, especially since I can't age, and my brother is immortal."

Epon nodded, as she then turned him around and kissed him on the lips, stopping for a little bit, as Thomas returns the kiss. They both let go, before they then decided to run back and catch his worn the group, so that they do not glory them. Even though they are far away from their original home, they are at leash able to enjoy the life of the new home that they are born inside of right now. The life that they are very perfect.

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