9. Spill the Tea!

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Starie's POV

That day, Yeonjun exchanged numbers with me. My mom picked me up and I went home.

The whole weekend, I spent most of the time thinking about Yeonjun.

Was he always that nice?
Since when was he so haw- i mean good looking?

These thoughts lingered around my mind the whole weekend.

Now, I'm at school listening to my classmates giving a presentation.

And finally it was my turn. I kept on stuttering the whole of my presentation because I kept getting distracted by Yeonjun the whole time. He didn't do anything. I was the one who was getting distracted.


Changbin's POV

Hmm... Starie us stuttering. Something's up for sure.

Ayo Author! You did something?

Author: Maybe, maybe not. It's a surprise! And I'm sure you'll love it!

Alright Author, Cya!

Hmm... What is the surprise?...


Yeonjun's POV

I kept stuttering the whole presentation because I was getting distracted by Starie

Ugh... What's going on?


Changbin's POV

It was lunch time and Starie sat right beside me.

"What's up with you?", I ask Starie.

"What do you mean?", she asks me as if she doesn't know anything.

"You stuttered during the presentation", I tell her as I sigh.

"Um.. So you know....", she started and told the whole story that happened on Friday.

OH MAH GAWSHH!! Author!! I love so much! This is the best surprise ever.

Author: hehe

"And Binnie, I think I like him", Starie says.


"Who you like?", Yeonjun's voice interrupted. Looks like he came along with his friends and my brother and gis friend Taehyun.


Yeonjun's POV

My heart shattered upon hearing Starie's words. She likes someone?

What's going on? Why am I bothered?


Author's POV

Little does yeonjun know, someone likes him too. *winkeu~*

Changbin: SO DO I!


*pushes Changbin and Kai back into the story*


A/N: Changbin's happy! Starie's confused and Yeonjun's sad and it's about the same topic.

The 15th chp is prolly the biggest so far lol.

and im planning to release thunderous ones book in amazon as an e book just add more details. Will let ya know.

pterhan, it seems dat the non ff book i was planning to upload was similar to an alr existing book saurrr imma tell ya when i release the thunderous ones detailed version ^^

Anygays, I lob changbin in the story so much. <33

Bye for now.
CiaO ✌️

(P.S. this is my biggest author note lmao)

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