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Conversations- Bold
Euri&Seku- Bold Italic
Author- Italic
Story- Normal

For now, everything is in Author's POV but it will be mentioned if the POV is being changed.

So, ready for the story?Okay, then Let's Get It

BTS is the biggest boyband in the world and has debuted about nine years ago with seven gems. Recently, they revealed that they are dating each other and are in a polyamorous relationship. Right now they are on their second break after 2019 to spend some time with their family.

Today, Taehyung has called every member to meet with him in person and currently they all are sitting in a private booth in Elegance(a five star restaurant in Daegu)
((I don't know whether it really exists or not. Oh and yes for meeting Tae they have all come to Daegu fyi. Sorry for wasting your time. Let's get back to the story))

"Tae, what happened? Why did you call all of us here?" asked Namjoon.

"Is everything alright? Are you okay?" asked Seokjin, before Taehyung could even answer the previous question.

"Jin hyung, please calm down. See, I am sitting right in front of you and I am perfectly alright. There is no need to panic." reassured Tae, giving Jin a small smile and also placing his hand on top of Jin's own, to calm him down.

"Then, Tae why do you seem so tense on your own birthday?"asked Jimin.(Silly me, I forgot to mention that today is Tae's birthday. Your Author has a forgetful mind. Sorry, don't mind me, please continue reading😁😁)

Tae, who was looking at his hands looked up when he heard the question to see everyone looking at him, concern evident in their features.

"I have something to tell you" said Tae.

"What is it it, hyung? You know right, you can tell anything to us without the fear of being judged"said Jungkook with a soft smile to lessen the growing tension in the atmosphere.

"IamsorrybutIcannotloveyouthemostanymore!"said Tae in one breath and looked at all of them with a sad expression.

"Umm, what?" asked Jimin, looking extremely confused.

"Tae, talk slowly, it's not possible for us to understand your alien language" said Suga.

Tae took a deep breath and then shouted, "I am sorry but I can't love you the most anymore."

"But, why?" shouted the rest in unison, when their mind registered the sentence.

"Be-because there is someone else now" said Tae, in a low face.

"Tae, what are you saying? Are you even listening to your own words now?"shouted Jimin.

"Yes Jimin, I know what I am saying and it is the truth." said V in a calm tone.

"H-hyung, who? Who is that person whom you love so much, that you are willingly to leave us and break our promise of staying together forever!"asked Jungkook, in a broken tone.

Tae looked at all of them and saw how RM and Suga were gritting their teeth in anger, J-Hope was solemnly looking at the ground, Jin was trying to calm a weeping Jimin while having tears in his own eyes, and their Maknae was looking straight at him with a broken look.

Then, Tae started laughing, hard. He was laughing so hard that even the world's biggest maniac will look sane in front of him. All, the members were looking at him as if he has grown two horns.

"Shut up, Taehyung!" said Namjoon in a calm but deadly tone. His tone was enough to scare even the deadliest animal in the world, but it had next to no effect on Taehyung because he kept on laughing.

"I-I still can't believe this, your reactions are hilarious." said Tae, still trying to control his laughter.

"Wait, Tae were you doing a prank on us?" asked Jin, with one eyebrow raised.
(Ooof!I love this expression but I just can't do it. It sucks to be me!)

"No no, I am not doing any prank, I am telling the truth" said Tae, finally calming down after his big laughing fit.

"Then Tae, from which angle does this situation seems funny to you, huh? And who is this person for whom you are willing to leave us! How can you do this to us? This is not fair!" exclaimed Jin while gritting his teeth in anger.

"I don't understand, how can you be jealous of them and who is even talking about leaving? When did I even say I am going to leave you all? asked Tae with an extremely confused look.

"B-but, you were only saying that you love them more than us" said Jimin in a wobbling manner.

"Literally, I was scared of giving the news to a bunch of six-year old children! exclaimed Tae,with a sigh.
(See what I did there;))

"What do you mean by that?" asked Jungkook with an adorable pout on his face.
(Kookie,how am I supposed to write if you guys keep on killing me in each and every line🥺🥺🥺)

"See, I have something to show you" saying this Tae, took out a piece of paper from his Gucci bag and gave it to Namjoon.

The rest of the boys moved closer towards Joon to take a look at what was printed on the paper.

While, they were at it, Tae started reverse counting in his mind....





"I-is this t-true?" asked Joon in a weak voice, while all the other members were looking at Tae, disbelieving eyes.

"Well, that's a doctor's report, so it's true. I am indeed pregnant with our child." stated Tae, while calmly looking at them.

And, then the chaos finally started.

Hobi was the first one to spring out of his chair but while doing so, rather than pushing the chair backwards, in his excitement, he sent it a little sideways right towards Jimin who was sitting beside him, causing Jimin to howl in pain which sent Namjoon in a panic mode and in his panic, Joonie jumped from the chair and fell on top of Jungkook who was sitting right beside him and while trying to control himself Namjoon kicked one of his foot backwards causing the entire glass of Soju to fall on Jin, who was sitting beside Jk. Tae and Yoongi, who were sitting opposite to Namjoon, just watched the drama unfold with tired eyes and a long sigh.
(I honestly don't know what I just wrote right now)

If looks and words could kill, then it surely looked like Namjoon would be buried six feet under the ground by now, from the way Jin was glaring at him

Poor Joonie was trying his best to hide behind his chair completely forgetting the fact that he was at least 3 feet taller than the chair, so it could never hide his giant form.
(Seku-Poor Joonie, I feel so sorry for you. I know how this feels, Euri makes sure to always reminds me every day, even if I do forget by any chance.
Namjoon- I am so sorry my fellow living being. Now, I am actually comparing myself with a dog because of Jin hyung*sigh*
Euri- SEKU!
Author- ENOUGH!
Characters Back to the Story, now!
Euri! Balcony, now!
Seku! Cage, now!
Extremely sorry for the interruption
*bows down to apologise *
The rest- The Duality!
Yah! What are you all doing here? Go back! ;))

"I swear Namjoon, today I am going to ki......."said Jin but was soon interrupted by Tae.

"I can't believe it! This is just unbelievable! Simply unbelievable! I-I just a-announced that I am pregnant and look at you all, you guys don't care about me at all!" said Taehyung and burst into tears.

"Taetae, I am so sorry. See, I was about to come to you only but this god of destruction ruined everything" said Jin while hugging Tae and glaring at Namjoon.

"Umm, Tae is already having mood swings?" whispered Jimin to Jungkook.

"Well, what else do you expect? Tae is carrying the child of Jin hyung, not only that, the child also has the genes of Hoseok hyung and Namjoon hyung. I didn't expect anything less from them." replied Jungkook.

"Tae, is indeed carrying our child, isn't he. I still can't believe it. Taetae! I love you!" while saying this or rather shouting the last part, Jimin ran towards Tae and almost squeezed him to death.

"That's well and nice and I also love you but now give me banana milk. I am craving for it" ordered Tae and sat down on his chair, like a King.

*Time skip after finishing their date*

The seven members were now driving back to Seoul to their house because they have rejected the idea of letting Taehyung stay in Daegu because apparently, Tae is extremely clumsy and he cannot take care of himself. And, not to forget, none of the members want to let their second-youngest lover go out of their sight for even a moment especially while carrying their child.

"Taetae!" called Namjoon softly to his tired lover who was almost on the verge of closing his eyes.

"Yes?" asked Tae.

"Why didn't you show us the report in the beginning, only? What was the need of all this drama?" asked Joon, confusion evident on his face.

"Oh that! That's because, if I told you in the beginning itself, then how exactly were the armies supposed to be entertained?" asked Tae with a small smirk on his face.

Namjoon and, the rest of the boys, who were all listening to their conversation were now looking at Tae with confused faces.

"Meaning?" asked Suga.

Then, Tae took off his chain that he was wearing around his neck and slowly opened the locket, with a big smirk on his face.

Everyone was shocked to see that inside the locket, there was a hidden camera with a microphone attached to it.

"TAE!" shouted everyone and then started tickling him.

"Hahaha, S-stop!" "I just wanted Armies to know your reaction to the New Member!"

Well, what do you say, Let's leave them to it.

THE END for us but for them it's just the beginning of a new adventure with their

And, That's a wrap of New Member.
If, you have any queries or want a Q/A of the characters, then just message me. I will definitely try to answer your doubts.
Love Yourself
Author Loves You

P.S.- Just wanted you to know, that you are unique and beautiful. And, you all are extremely precious to me. 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞

Question of the Day:
What is the first BTS song you streamed?
Mine was Christmas Tree. You guys should definitely hear that one even though it's a solo song of V.


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