(A/N) *Awkward cough*

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^Reading my last update like-^

Well... The last update was.. Something.. Wasn't it?

*awkward cough*

Now that I slept until 2:00PM, and ate about 24 pounds of food, I'm ready to go! I have another chapter in the works, (two actually) that I'm making sure are actually half-decent.

You girls (and guy) deserve something good after my... Whatever my last update was.

Thank you for putting up with my bull shrimp.

Another note about the last.. Thing. I didn't realize I switched from English to Dutch and Dutch to English. I do speak both languages. (I am Dutch, but my family moved to America.) Basically that Dutch gibberish translated into:

"I've been watching it for so long that I don't even know who I am!"

"Yeah. Tomorrow is the day! Because the other seven were not."

Sorry 'bout that. I'll stick to English in my story. I'm not going to be all "Hey, guess what, now I'm really going to mess with your emotions by writing in a language most of you don't understand!"

I'm not THAT much of troll. And that's coming from someone who's lemon and smut chapter legitimately only said the words 'Lemon' and 'Smut' XD I'm still proud of that. (*gets pumped* Yeeh, I'm a frickin' smartass! Yeah!)

Okay, okay, okaaaay. I'll quit this nonsense and give ya an actual chapter really soon, alright? Cool.

I'll catch you then. See ya! ~Lauryn

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