Chapter 2: Squeeeaaak...

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Your neighbor opened the door, looking quite frazzled. It took you roughly half a second for you to realize the man was.

It was Mark.

It was MARK! You wanted to jump up and down and scream with delight, but instead you found yourself stuck to the spot, mind completely blank. You just stood there looking at each other for a good 30 seconds before Mark asked slowly "Can I help you with something?" and ran his hand through his hair.

"I-I-Um, you see, sir, I mean Mr. Fischbach sir, I uh, heard a crash sir... And uh... Yeah." This is how you acted around your idol? How smooth. You wanted to slap yourself. But you couldn't if you tried, you were so paralyzed by the fact that MARKIPLIER was standing right in front of you.

"Oh the clank?" He asked with a little laugh. "Yeah, I was having some trouble with my computer and I had to get under my desk, and I hit my head and knocked my screen over. It's all fine." He smiled kindly, his brown eyes meeting yours. Your cheeks flushed, and you started to regain confidence.

"Haha, yeah. That's good! I mean that everything is fine! Not that you hit your head! That's not good! I'm so sorry..." You responded, before mentally facepalming yourself.

"No, no, it's fine. I got ya. So you-" Mark was cut off by an incoming Skype call. He responded by screaming "SHUT UP!" behind him. You couldn't help it, you laughed out loud. "What?" He asked.

"I was just thinking about your 'SHUT UP NURSE!' thing you do sometimes. It's one of my favorite jokes of yours... That's all." You muttered sheepishly. A small smile crept onto your face when you saw the happiness on his when you mentioned it.

"Yeah, it seems to be the only decent thing to come out of a game that stressful." He smiled at you, and your insides fluttered a little.

"Not as stressful as Vanish I assume." You joked, a sly smile on your face. He shook his head and chuckled.

"Don't even bring that game up... Hey, you want to come inside and sit down instead of standing around in the hallway?" He asked you, afterward your mind had popped like a balloon due to your fangirl self losing it for a moment.

"Y-yes sir! Thank you!" You exclaim before gingerly walking into his apartment and marveling at it. He shut the door and you couldn't help but say "Squeeeaaak." under your breath.

"I heard that!"

That was chapter 2, and next chapter the story will actually progress. I'd like to thank you for reading, and I do hope you enjoyed it. Well see ya next time!

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