Chapter 22: Views And Someone New

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"Two point five MILLION VIEWS?!" You yelled, startling Mark so much that he almost dropped your phone.

"Yeah... That... sucks." Mark said quietly. You groaned and flopped down on the couch, face down in a pillow.

"Hwwh awre th cmmnments" You asked, your voice muffled by the pillow. You glanced up to see a confused Mark. "How are the comments?" You repeated, as you rolled onto your back.

"You don't wanna know."

"Great. Just great."

"Look, this is just some community drama, it'll prolly die down in a few weeks. It is the most kind community on YouTube. This is just the difficult group... Don't stress out about it." Mark murmured, stroking your hair.

"Too late."

"Hey, it'll be fine." He said reassuringly.

Something about the way he said it, it just, made you believe him. It was always like that. Anything Mark believed, you believed too.

"Well, I need to take my mind off this with caffeine. I'm going to Starbucks. You want anything?" You asked him. Mark shook his head.

~~~ Time skip to Starbucks ~~~

You clambered out of your car and looked around, making sure nobody (the other fangirls) recognized you.

The bell on the door jingled as you walked though, and soon you were engulfed in delicious coffee smell.

"Hey you!" A voice called out, causing you to jump a little. You relaxed when you realized who it was.

"Oh, hey Lauryn."

"Ya having a bit of anxiety? If you are, I'd recommend decaf." She giggled, snorting a little. When she saw you weren't laughing along, a worried look crossed her face. "Okay, I may not be the roundest gumball in the machine, but I can tell something's wrong. Sit down and spill it."

You told her everything, the stream, the hate, the video, the views, all that had been worrying you.

"If it's any consolation, I didn't watch it." Lauryn said, smiling awkwardly, trying to make you feel better. She looked over your shoulder as the bell on the door rang.

"Uh, hun... I'd suggest you pretend to be invisible. Someone just came in, and I'm pretty darn sure you aren't going to want to talk to them..."

Oh ho ho! Someone new is joining in the drama? Or maybe they've already played their part in the drama... I wonder who it could be?

Yes, Lauryn is back as well. I wanted to be in the story more. It is MY story. (Well, it's about you. You know what I mean!)

Also, do any of you lovely readers have the name Bristol? I just need to know so that no one has the same name as a *clears throat* future character. ;P

Well, that's all for now. I'll catch you in the next chapter. See ya!

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