Chapter 29: An Unfortunate Tweet

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(A/N: Yes, Mark did favorite my tweet! 'Scuse me while I die...)

*Mark's POV*

'What did I do?' I thought, as I laid on my bed. Alone. Again. Without anyone else. Without (Y/n)...

I looked at my phone clock.
'Six days, ten hours, forty-nine minutes, and eighteen seconds.' My mind told me, almost robotically. I had been keeping track of how long it had been since 'us' became 'me'.

"I suck." I said aloud.

It'd been a long time since I've dated, and none of my past breakups had been like this. She was all I could think about, all I could focus on. Her smile, her laugh... And the tears in her eyes when I broke her heart.

Thank God, I had some videos pre-recorded, but my viewers were getting suspicious at the one-a-day videos from series I recorded with Wade and Tyler. Maybe I should call one of them, they both have girlfriends, so they must have experience with this. (Prolly not being threatened and having one of your best friends deleted, but they gotta know more than I do.)

I had an idea, Bob was married, so he'd have to know what to do. Even if he didn't, I really need all the advice I can get. I quickly pulled up twitter on my phone, scrolling quickly to Bob's page.

Well, where Bob's page should've been.

Instead I found the page Bybyemuyskerm

"What the he-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I saw the one tweet that was posted. It was a photo of a girl with magenta hair, posing awkwardly and blowing a kiss at the camera. The caption read:

@Markiplier tik tok markibaby! i cant let you keep thnkng bout HER, youll forget about *US* XOXO -Bristol💕

I dropped my phone on my bed and bolted out the door. I won't let that happen. Not to (Y/n).

Bristol is not going to rip us apart. Not six days, eleven hours, seven minutes, and twenty-two seconds ago. And definitely not today.

Hold on (Y/n) I'm coming.

Mmmhmmm, I told ya. Nothing lasts forever, except things that were meant to be. ;)

Thanks for reading, and I'll catch you in the next chapter. See ya!

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