Chapter 43: Car rides are fun, but the destination isn't.

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I followed Lauryn to a car, sitting in the passenger seat while she sat in the back, along with Wade and Bob. Barry got into the driver's seat and we pulled out of the apartment complex.

"Where are we headed?" I asked turning to Barry.

"The LA mall." He answered, not taking his eyes off the road.

"The mall? Really?" Wade questioned, looking over at Lauryn, who was playing a game on her iPhone.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Here, listen." She pulled up twitter.

"Hey b- ugh. Work on your grammar hun... Hey, spelled h-a-y, baes, ending with a z, I'm, no apostr-"

"Give him the phone Lauryn." Barry told the girl. She snorted and handed Wade the phone. Wade started reading.

"Hey baes, I'm heading to the mall right now, gotta get my necklace fixed again, and get my eyebrow pierced. Love you my baes! Xoxo"

"Ugh. That horrid-grammar-useing lil' biiiiiii-t of a jerk." Lauryn said, catching herself mid-word.

"Okay, so she's at the mall. Now what? I asked, turning to see Wade's face turn red as he hit the home button on the phone.

"Please delete that picture..." He whispered to no one in particular.

"Ah, Zuba... You boys were great." Lauryn snickered. "Oh, um, direct hit with two types of reinforcement." She said, expecting everyone to know what she meant.

Barry rolled his eyes slightly. Not out of annoyance, but out of amusement.
"You two will confront her, Wade will record what she does, and bob will call security. She'll get arrested, and then it's all good." The editor translated.

Everyone in the car made a noise of understanding.

"So Lauryns basically playing the part of my girlfriend, in an attempt to do what?"

"Protect (Y/n). She doesn't want to take out you, well she probably does, like, on a date, but, you know what I mean right, hun?"

I nodded.

"Bristol wants (Y/n) dead. Buuuut, if I took the place of (Y/n) by saying we were dating in secret while (Y/n) was a decoy, she'd be piiiii- pretty upset with me instead."

"She'll try to kill you." Bob commented. Lauryn laughed deeply, clearly confident in something.

"Oh honey, I've dealt with her *plenty of times. We go waaaay back." She smiled. "The restraining order is still valid too." She giggled.

Wade looked creeped out. "The restraining order for her or you?"

"She gave me death threats back in school. Pinned me up against the lockers with a swiss army knife two inches from my side."

"She sounds like a real sweetheart." Wade replied.

Barry stopped the car outside of the mall, parking next to a white jeep with flower bumberstickers all over it.

"Behold Bristols machine. That thing wouldn't last a second in a mute city race." Lauryn thought aloud.

I decided to just ignore her statement.

"C'mon hun, we got a fangirl to catch!" Lauryn said grabbing my hand and running into the mall. The others followed behind.

"You might want to close your eyes, Mark." Bob said, catching up to us.

"Uh. Why?" I asked.

Bob pointed to the store sign.


I shuttered. That place was full of mannequins. I hate mannequins.

"There she is!" Lauryn whispered harshly, pointing to a figure with magenta hair, taking a selfie in the main area of the mall, just outside of the store we were in. "Just don't get too smitten with me." The girl pushed up her glasses.

"Trust me, I wouldn't dare."

Barry laughed in response. Lauryn smiled lopsidedly and rolled her eyes, both at me and at her boyfriend. Pulling it together Barry managed a "Ready?"

"Ready enough." I answered.

"Let's go."

Next chapter, things get real crazy, real fast.

I've been watching a lot of Yandere Simulator lately, and something stood out to me.

Nothing and nobody can hold down a yandere. They'll always be after senpai.

Not that any of that matters in this at all... ;P

I gotta get back to my schoolwork now. I'll catch you next chapter. See ya!

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