Chapter 47: Bang Bang

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*Bristol's POV*

Trying to struggle with those two brutes leading me away was pointless. Trying to fight would just get me tazed. Again. I've been a wanted woman for years. Handcuffs are like bracelets to me now. The reason I've made it so long was because everyone who even knew who I was didn't dare say a word. (Or if any guy tried too, they'd win a plastic trophy that they could have a little fun with at night, and then I'd vanish without at trace by morning.)

What I'm trying to say, is that I have my experience with this type of thing. I'm a GTA character in real life.

'I'll bide my time. I'll play it just like the last few times.'

I've always had beef with that Laurene girl. She got me arrested before, and something tells me she pulled this little stunt to do it again.

My sweet little Markimoo would NEVER choose to be with a brat like her. We were destined to be together! Markibristol, no, no, Bristiplier!

But there was that one clue, that one piece that told me this was a setup.

The stream. (Y/n) said she wasn't his girlfriend, when I accused her of lying, she went nuts. As if she was defending a lie. Then what do you know? Mark posts a vlog saying he has a girlfriend, and says her name. And, (Y/n) didn't even know who Lauryn was then.

'(Y/n)... (Y/n) is evil...' I thought as I was escorted out of the building.

'She took him, and she still has him... I'll take him back. She'll see. I've been in cuffs before, and Lauryn knows I've gotten out of them. I'm coming Markisweetie... I won't let that evil (Y/n) have you.'

My entourage opened the police car door. I internally smiled.

"N-no! Not again! I can't go back! I-"

I went limp, pretending that I'd passed out. As soon as the two cops bent down, I swung my feet up and nailed them both in the jaw. I scrambled up, seeing the skinnier cop wiping his bloody mouth, and the other had a gun pointed at me.

"Get. In. The. Car." The cop stated. I kept looking right at him, neither of us making a move.


I laughed. He raised an eyebrow.


"Excuse m-" He didn't finish the sentence, but I can't blame him since I kicked him in the hard candies, causing him to drop the gun. Handcuffs can't hold me back.

I grabbed it, turned around and shot the other police officer. Turning back to the guy who was clutching his crotch, I kicked him down onto the ground.

"You're... A murder!" He huffed.

"Maybe so. But you think I care?" I asked, taking great pleasure in my own smartness.

He just looked at me. I readied the gun and pointed it at him.

"See you in Hell."

A shot rang out through the ever-busy LA. I heard sirens, and trust me, that's never something you want to hear when someone is laying dead in front of you.

I ran as fast as I could. My gorgeous magenta hair flowing in the wind. The pixel "M" on my hand was a constant reminder of my quest.

Ducking into an alleyway, I waited for the sirens and lights to pass.

"I'm coming Markibaby... She won't win because..." I smiled. "This is far from over."

I cocked the stolen gun I was holding at my hip.

"Very far."

Everybody's favorite psycho is back! ... Uh, where'd she go? ... Well, just be careful. Because time might be running out.

You can achieve anything, but some only have a small time limit to do it.

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