Chapter 56: Reuniting and Splashing

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(A/N: I couldn't find a picture that fit the chapter mood, so here's the Septic Sam I gave my sister for Christmas)

Everything was muffled. You heard people talking, but you couldn't make out what they were saying. Your body felt like it was made of lead. Even if you tried, you couldn't get your body to respond.

'I.. I can't even open my eyes..'

More indecipherable speech echoed around you.

You realized a strange sensation was moving through your body. Lips were on yours.

Forcing air into your lungs.

You coughed, coming back to reality. You could make out what everyone was saying, but you still felt weak and unable to move at will.

Still, you were alive. Someone had saved you. You knew who it was. You coughed again, and your savior pulled away.

"M-Mark?" You asked weakly.

"Uhhh... I know ya've been through a lot, but.. Last time I checked, Mark didn't have green hair and 'in Irish accent." A high voice answered. Loudly.

That snapped you out of your daze.

"Jack! What the heck! Why were you kissing me?!" You shouted, looking at the Irishman sitting next to you.

"I was just trying ta save your life! Ya know, so you didn't DIE!"

"(Y/n).." Mark interrupted, grabbing you and holding you tightly against him. "I love you. I love you. I love you." He repeated, almost desperately.

"Mark. I was so worried about you." You whispered into his chest. Mark grabbed the sides of your head and pressed his lips against yours.

It was incredible. Being back in your lover's arms, your lips connecting, and just being together.

You pulled away for a moment. "I love you to Mark. I-"


You both turned, to see Sean smiling at you, his hands clasped under his chin.

"Dammit Jack!" Mark groaned at Sean, who couldn't help but react to the scene in front of him.

Mark got to his feet and walked to the energetic man. Sean backed up, taking a step closer to the pool.

"Mark, we can talk about thi- Mark pl- Mark! MARK!"


Mark stood, smiling slightly at the site of Sean cursing and splashing around in the pool.

"Now stop being the comedic relief, and let (Y/n) and I have at least one fricking moment!" Mark shouted, more amused than angry.

You looked around. The others were nowhere to be found. You felt the icy sensation of fear crawl up your back.

"Guys, where are all the others?"

Sean climbed out of the apartment complex pool. He held his legs to his chest and looked down.

"(Y/n).. Everyone else... Died." Sean's voice cracked a little.

It felt like your soul had shattered. Molly, Wade, Barry, Bob, even that other one. Everyone else you'd made friends with was dead.

Everyone who had protected you, cared for you, and entertained you, was gone. Obsolete. Destroyed. Had moved off to another realm. In eternal slumber. Headed over to the Far Shore.

You started to sob. Drops of pool water fell in sync with your tears.

Everyone had died because of you.

You had gotten involved in something risky from the start, and in doing so, you caused so many deaths. You were the true killer.


"What the hell! Don't say stuff like that!" Mark snapped at Sean, who was once again neck deep in pool water.

"(Y/n), (Y/n).. It's okay! Everyone is okay! They're all inside getting patched up. Sean was just being an ass." Mark assured you. He scooped you up and held you against him.

"Yeah." You sniffed "He is."


"We gotta get you to the hospital. You landed in the pool okay, but the was a lot of glass and debris, you got cut up pretty bad. It didn't help when Jack tried to pull you out, he kinda dragged your face on the cement.."

You hadn't even noticed the stinging sensation on most of your face. Placing a hand on your cheek, you felt warm liquid. Pulling your hand away, you saw that it was indeed blood.

"Yeah." You squeaked, your voice raising an octave. "That'd be good."

"Oi! Not without us you're not! I'm not going to take care of everyone here on my own!" A familiar voice shouted.

"Hey, Lauryn." You greeted the geek, who was holding a roll of medical tape. Part of her face was hidden by gauze, covering a cut from her forehead to her cheek. Blood was starting to show through the bandages on her face.

"Someone get in here and help me with Wade." She commanded. Sean stood up and walked towards Lauryn. "Congrats Sean, you're the lucky one who gets to hold the gash shut while I stitch it up!" Lauryn exclaimed, a little to enthusiastically. Sean turned pale.

"Oh, gooooooody.. I'm so glad I volunteered fer that job." The Irishman mumbled, following her inside to building.

You watched to two go, wondering how you ended up with all these loons. Turning to Mark, you felt like you should get something off your mind. It had been bugging you for a while.

"Mark.. Shouldn't there be a ton of police here by now?" You asked your boyfriend.

"It's hard to send police out if they're all dead."

"Bristol killed every officer in L.A? Really?"

"Apparently." Mark paused, thinking. "I bet she was great at GTA."

"If she was, she's not anymore." You sighed with relief. Finally, it was over. Bristol wouldn't be after you anymore.

"I'm so glad she's gone. I can die happy now.. Hey, that reminds me, shouldn't we get going to the ER? I'm getting dizzy from blood loss." You added.

"Oh, sh- yeah! Let's go." Mark picked you up bridal style, and carried you to the building. Mark popped his head in the doorway, then immediately back out, grimacing.

"Ah, the wonderful life of an EMT!" Lauryn sang as she walked outside, wiping her hands on a partially-burned cloth.

"M'kay, Sean's gonna bring the car around, we're gonna load everyone up, and we will be golden crispy. Ooh, speaking of crispy, I wonder if any bits of Bristol are still arou-"


'Oh, I'm way past freaked out..'

Lauryn pouted. Sean speed-walked out of the half, destroyed building, shaking his hands and muttering various "icks" and "eews".

"Wienie." The rainbow-glasses wearing girl mumbled, shaking her head. Her once-frizzy hair was slicked down after being blown into the pool.

"Hey Mark," you prodded his chest gently with your finger "can I tell you something?"

"Of course. What's going on?" Your lovers dark eyes focused down on you. Your head was on his shoulder, but you could still hear his heart beating. It's steady rhythm was soothing.

"I am so ready to go back home."

Yes, I bet you are.

The story isn't over yet, there's a bit more, and then I'm going to add "What happened after" chapters for each character/person.

My apologies for the lack of updates. I was kind of lacking motivation for the past few weeks. (Depression + Highschool online) It's getting better, I should have another update out soon-ish.

Oh, I have been writing something else in my free time, which has yet to be published on wattpad.. Noragami x Reader Oneshots! I currently have three parts done, and I'm working on one more and a cover. I'll let you know when it's up, if you even care.

(For whoever requested an all-Yukine book, that won't be happening. However, I do have a multi-part Yukine oneshot started as a compromise.)

Uhhhhhh... That's all I got right now. Catch you next chapter! See ya!

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