Chapter 59: Pins and Needles

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{A/N: This is a very crappy chapter, but I needed to update, and distract myself from my Panic Attack. Enjoy!}

About twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the room's doorframe.

"Excuse me.. Are you with Wade Barnes?" A pleasant sounding nurse asked from the doorway. Her long strawberry blonde hair was pulled back, and she has smile lines almost etched into her face. However, she wasn't smiling now.

"Yes, I'm with him. Is he going to be okay?!" Molly shouted slightly. The nurse put her head down.

"He lost a lot of blood, and he needs transfusions and a kidney transplant. Whatever he did to get in his current condition, he should never do again. Mr. Barnes shouldn't even be alive right now, to be honest. He's real a trooper, isn't he?"

"Yeah.. He is." Molly muttered. You placed a hand on her back in an attempt to comfort her.

"Luckily, we have a kidney donor in the OR right now. She also needed pins in her arm to fix a broken bone. Unfortunately, she seems to have taken medications before arriving here, and is unable to be a donor of blood too. Do you know of anyone who might have this blood type?" The kind nurse held out a paper and clipboard to Molly. You leaned over her shoulder to look as well.

Molly shrugged. You had an idea, no a feeling, that someone might be okay with trying to help.

"Excuse me, but I'd ask the short asian man in the waiting room if he'd be willing to help." You commented to the older woman.

"Is he this blood type?" She passed you the paper.

"Yep. Lauryn had us go over all our health information, and stuff before... Before the accident happened." You replied.

"You really think Mark would help?" Molly asked, perking up slightly.

"Wether he wants to or not, he's going to. If he says no, I'll kick his ass until he says yes. Not that I think it'd ever come to that." You responded to the blond woman.

"Excellent! I'll go get him right away! Oh, my name is Joan, and I'll be doing your IVs today. I'm going to go ask, Mark, I think you said his name was, then I'll be back to give you both some pain killers."

"Thank you." You mumbled. Your face still stinging, even though about half an hour had past since a certain loud, green-haired man dragged you out of the water.

'I'm going to destroy him for that..'

"Who do you think is the donor?"

"Hm?" You jerked yourself back to reality. "I dunno, maybe it was Patricia?"

A knock interrupted you. Joan walked in, wheeling IV bags.

"All righty girls, I have some nice meds for you. You're going to have fluids and some Morphine.." She paused and chewed on her cheek for a moment. "Try not to be loud like your friend was."

You and Molly exchanged knowing glances.

"So.. WAde.." Molly attempted to bring up casually, yet her voice cracked slightly. "What's hIs stAtus?"

"He's looking better, sweetie. You were right-" Joan pointed to you "that nice young man was more than happy to help, and the donor should be out soon."

"Who's the kidney donor?" You asked, even though you felt that you knew who it was already.

Joan wiped your arm down with rubbing alcohol, and messed with the equipment.

"You two should know. The lil' EMT trainee, Lauryn *****/Lys *********. She hopped right up. When she heard she could get pins and help someone at the same time." Molly furrowed her brows.

"Great, now my boyfriend is part Lauryn..." Molly muttered, almost silently.

"Ha! I know that attitude. Ever since she came in with a stress fracture from playing Smash Brothers, that girl and Barry have been a combo ever since." Joan readied the needle.

"Barry claims- Just a little poke.. Good job - that he can't let her out if sight for more than a couple seconds."

She put a cotton ball and a strip of medical tape on your arm, then moved to Molly. You scratched your nose as Molly had her's done.

"Anyway, about twenty minutes of that, and you should be good to go home!" Joan packed up her supplies and headed out the door.

Your brain started to feel like whipped cream.

"I'll be back to take that stuff out. Then you can see your boys again!"

'Yeah.. I'm gonna see Mark gain.. Cool. It'll be great 'n stuff. Yeah..'

The exhaustion from the past few days hit you like the roof of a house. You drifted off to sleep, ready to have things be normal again.

Kind of a filler chapter, I know. I just need to do something right now. (Anxiety and Panic disorder SUCKS)

I haven't been updating because I've been.. Preoccupied. My doctor added a new medication, thinking it would help my depression, it did the opposite, and now my life is kind of falling apart.

I'm behind in school, my family hates me, I'm horrifically depressed, I've been panicking for three hours strait, and I've gotten four hours of sleep this week. (Darn you, Mirror-Touch Synthesia!)

I feel guilty for not updating, trust me. I'll try to do better, but my life has kinda gone to hell right now. I'm going to my Psychiatrist tomorrow, and I'm going to have him take me off this medication.

Sorry again, and I'll catch you next time. See ya!

P.S. On top a building a promise was said, that something would happen if you both were not dead.

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