Chapter 66: Author's Note

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You stared over my shoulder at the dim screen as I typed, almost stupidly critical. You lightly punched me in the shoulder after you read that line. And that one.

"I know what you're thinking. 'So why don't I remember this? Any of this? I never moved to Los Angeles, I never met Mark at my neighbors' place. Bristol never existed, and neither did you or a bomb!'" You scowled at me, furious.

"Hey, (Y/n), why do you think I'm writing this down?" I asked you. I swiveled my chair to look at you.  "Why do you think I never update consistently, or heck, frequently?"

You started to say something, but I cut you off.

"Because you don't remember. You're living in some sort of delusion right now, making you think that you're.. I don't know, how old are you? Whatever. And you sure as heck aren't living where you think you are."

I watch your eyes widen and then narrow. I scratch my nose and turn back to the computer.

"I'm trying to help pull you out of that state of mind. Maybe if I keep an 'Adventure log' or something, it'll spark something in you to help you remember, and get back to your old self."

You exhale sharply, and I feel your breath on my shoulders.

"Everything I've written is incredibly real. You just don't think so.. Yet. But we're trying to fix that. Me, Mark, Wade, Barry, Ethan, Tyler, Sean, even Felix and the Grumps!"

"Unfortunately, I'm a bit.. Behind on this story of yours. While I do find cliffhangers to be enjoyable, I know you don't. You just wanna know what your answer was, and maybe see you two do the ol' undercover private investigations, if you know what I mean." I tried to wink, but instead ended up blinking. You looked at me with a blank expression. "I mean you want to have ssssss-"

Your face scrunched up a little, daring me to continue speaking.

"-ssome lovely games of fetch with Chica.. We'll continue this in another log/book, shall we? After all, what better way to start it than to say the verdict in the first line?"

"I'm sorry, (Y/n).. But I KNOW that you and Mark will figure this out. Probably. But until then, I'll keep writing, you'll keep reading, and life'll be dandy. Hopefully. But you know how she can be."

You look at me curiously. I cleared my throat.

"I gotta go before I give anything else away. Say hi to Chica for me!" You begin to object, but I push you out the door of my house. "I'll catch you later. See ya!"

And with that, you leave my house, and go back to the house you share with the man who used to be your New Neighbor.

P.S. Tick tock...

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