Chapter 7: Confessions

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It was about 6:00AM the next morning, when you were woken up by a knocking (more like slamming) on the door to your apartment. You were not a morning person, and you were certainly not pleased to be woken up this early.

You groaned and rolled out of bed. You ran a comb through your hair and swished a little mouthwash to make yourself presentable for whoever was knocking on the door. The banging never ceased the whole time you were prepping.

'Just stop already... I want to go back to sleep.' You thought as you lumbered sleepily to the door.

'Whoever is on the other side of that door isn't going to stop all the racket until I answer are they?'


'Apparently not...'

You whipped the door open to reveal a very tired looking Mark looking at you with worried eyes.

"Hey. I, uh, I'm sorry about what the fans did yesterday. They see me with one girl and they go crazy. Or when I'm with Yami... But really, I'm sorry it embarrassed you, I didn't think-" He started, but you interrupted mid-apology.

"Mark-" You sighed "I really don't care anymore. I scroll through your comments, I was one of those crazy shipping fangirls-" It was his turn to cut you off.

"You WERE one of those fangirls? You aren't anymore?" He asked, looking more, interested? Was that the word? You couldn't decide.

You gave a soft snort and plopped down on your sofa. Mark raised an eyebrow.

"You know what. Forget it. I'm prepared for you to leave me forever." You snapped. He looked shocked.

"What do y-"

"I'M NOT JUST A FANGIRL ANYMORE, OKAY! I WAS BEFORE, I HAD A CRUSH ON YOU SINCE 2012, BUT SINCE," You screamed before you took a deep breath to calm down.

"But since I met you in person, and hung out with you for the first time, then second, third, fourth, blah, blah, blah, I know this isn't a crush anymore."

Mark's usually upbeat self melted away. "Then what is it (y/n)?" He asked you quietly.

"Mark... I-I-I'm in love with you." You stuttered. Seeing the blank expression he had on his face made you nearly burst into tears.

"Oh." Was all he said before he abruptly stood up and walked out your door without another word.

Well... That seemed a tad harsh Mark. XD I have three more chapters pre-written currently, and I'll try and post one every day. Also, guess what shaggy haired dork of author may make an appearance in a few upcoming chapters. ^3^ I will not serve a huge role, it's not like I'm gonna be Mark's girlfriend or something... *awkward snort giggle* I'm just there chatting with you for a bit. ANYWAY, thank you for reading, commenting, and voting, and I will see you next time. See ya!

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