Ch. 13 - Taking It Down

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Chapter 13 - Taking It Down

Izuku wore a tired grin when he said that. The late entrance of the No. 1 Hero, All Might, has come to crash the villains' slumber party. He knew All Might being a hero, but a teacher of U.A High School? What does he expect from the Symbol of Peace?

Although, the said person was not alone. He was accompanied by many Pro Heroes. Izuku immediately recognize all of them. Snipe, Vlad King, Present Mic, Midnight, Cementoss, Ectoplasm, Power Loader, and Best Jeanist.

What caught his eyes is the Principal of U.A High School is also here, Principal Nezu. Something broke his eye contact with the new arrival of Pro Heroes. It was his Spider-Sense that disturbed him from glancing at the U.A High School teacher.

He instantly dodged an upcoming punch from the Nomu, but barely. Back flipping two times, Izuku finally had his focus on the Nomu. Well, at least that is what he thought.

At the corner of his eyes, All Might instantly knocked out all the remaining villains that were left inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or U.S.J in short.

"All Might." It came from the hand man, whose focus is now on All Might. This caused Izuku to look at the man, who was accompanied by another face, but surrounded by a dark aura.

"Shigaraki." It looks like the dark purple mist can talk, which does not surprise Izuku, who finally knows the identity of the man with many hands, whose name is Shigaraki.

"I know, Kurogiri. Nomu. kill All Might only. And kid?" Mentioning the dark purple mist's name, Shigaraki ordered Nomu to kill All Might before he mentioned Izuku as a kid.

Izuku was confused about why his name was called out.

"Don't you dare attempt to ruin our plans. Well, if I gotta be honest myself, it would be better if you get killed instantly, or I'm gonna kill you." Izuku's eyes shot open as he knew what the hand man, now known as Shigaraki, meant.

He turned around and saw that All Might is already battling the Nomu.

He watched All Might, who punched the Nomu's face before he hurt its arms. Another punch and the Nomu was sent flying, but the Nomu stood up as if nothing happen to him, which surprised All Might and Izuku as well.

"Just to let you know, this Nomu has special properties like shock absorption and most of all, Hyper Regeneration. He will never die from grenades or the worst explosion, he's a genetically engineered anti Symbol of Peace."

He stopped before he raised both of his arms on each side and said, "As for me? I am Tomura Shigaraki, your worst nightmare!"

Izuku was shocked, as well as All Might and those who can hear what Shigaraki said. That thing right there was created to kill the Number 1 Hero of Japan, or rather the world?!

That's impossible!

"Nomu," Facing the Nomu, Shigaraki continued, "kill those who stand against you."

In the blink of an eye, the thing was in front of All Might in a matter of seconds and punched him. It shocked everyone, especially the vigilante.

He was about to intervene, but he stopped from his tracks, because of Shigaraki's words.

Does he need to stand by? Watching All Might fight against this unstoppable creature? His thoughts were distracted when he saw small clouds coming out of All Might's body. What's happening to him?

His Spider-Sense was going haywire. Whatever happens to All Might does not sound very well at all.

But then, he quickly remembers it wasn't for All Might.

It was for himself.

Izuku turned his bloody tired face, only for him to see a hand that was about to do whatever that is bad. Like really, really bad.

He moved his head to the right, avoiding getting grabbed or touched and decided to punch Shigaraki in the chest with his left fist and it hit its target.

Shigaraki fell backward and coughed up from the attack he received... but not with a little revenge. Izuku felt something that is not funny.

He glanced at his left arm and saw his wrist was decaying? He can even see his muscles and some part of his skin was about to crack.

"(Decay?! Is this his Quirk?)" Without wasting a second, he glanced at Shigaraki, who was now standing up and started to charge at him like a zombie.

"Tsk." Izuku scoffed as he tried to clench his fists, but his left first cannot because of Shigaraki's Quirk effect. His left hand, wrist, and forearm felt so numb from it.

There's only one thing on his mind... he only had three limbs left to fight. Two legs and his right arm. Seeing Shigaraki's fist that was about to make an impact on him, Izuku jumped back before he quickly did a boxing hook on Shigaraki's face.

"Ugh!" Shigaraki felt it. The pain that he got from the vigilante's attack was truly an agony. He never felt this kind of pain. He coughed again... before he laughed again and said, "You got a punch there, kid. But like I said, that's not gonna end me there."

"Shigaraki!" Too late. The boy was now in front of the masked villain, ducked down, and kicked Shigaraki's chin, making the said person flying up.

Izuku followed as well. Soon, they are at the same level of staring... before he grabbed the back of Shigaraki's head with his right, and kneed him just like what Bumblebee did to a Decepticon named Rampage.

As of this point, Shigaraki went unconscious and landed roughly with his head first while Izuku landed on his feet, still, that glare on his face never faded. The vigilante glared at Kurogiri before he glared at the unconscious Shigaraki and walked away, but not without saying something to the villain.

"Puny villain."

Without hesitation, he jumped into the scene when Nomu was about to punch All Might, who was down on the ground.

Izuku gave Nomu a strong punch, almost to the point that it came from one of the Symbol of Peace's signature moves.

To say that All Might was surprised is an understatement. He saw a kid, but not any kind, just saved him from an inevitable fate, or worse, exposing the truth behind something important to him.

All Might was about to say something, but the vigilante Shadow, or Izuku Midoriya, beat him to it.

"I'm not one of your enemies, All Might. You may know me as the vigilante Shadow who wants to help people in the night. I happen to be near and all of a sudden, explosion came from this building."

Izuku looked at him before he offered his hand to help All Might to stand up.

"I know you'll turn me to the police, because of my acts as a vigilante and illegal use of my Quirk, but let's put that aside," He turned to the Nomu and finished, "and defeat that thing."

As he heard the boy said that, All Might was staring at the black creature, whose eyes are ready to kill someone in sight.

The kid was right. There's more problem than to argue with the vigilante who saved his ass.

"Alright." The boy's right hand was reaching out to him and he accepted it as Izuku lifted All Might with a little struggle, but managed to get him back on his feet.

Seeing that the Nomu stood up and faced them with eyes wide open and full of anger, Izuku and All Might prepared themselves by their battle stance.

The students did not expect this. The famous No. 1 needed some help and that he accepted a vigilante's offer? Before they continued to think about it, small shockwaves were produced from the punches of All Might, Izuku, and Nomu.

The Nomu was at a disadvantage, because of its odd against even. It block All Might's attacks, but was hurt from the vigilante's and vice versa.

All Might threw a punch, but got blocked again. Izuku this time, went behind the Nomu.

The students became the audience. Their full attention is at the battle that is happening right now. All Might and the vigilante Shadow against the Nomu, which of course they don't know what kind of a creature it is.

"So fast." Says the boy who had a yellow full-body suit and gloves that are color white. He had a very muscular build, mind you, but he was astounded and surprised by how the villain can keep up against the two and that the hero and the vigilante are working together at the same time.

"Go beat that ugly bird, All Might!" It was Mineta who shouted, praising All Might, but do you think that he is praising Izuku the vigilante? If you did, then of course..

He's not.

Who would thought that he would cheer Izuku the vigilante? Well, he would not. Mineta was only cheering the heroes, not vigilantes. He despised them just like he despised the villains.

While the other teachers, or heroes, they finished capturing the villains and now are watching the intense fight.

Every second matters.

For Izuku, he was on full offense mode, but what he wasn't expecting was that the Nomu look behind and surprisingly caught Izuku's punch, pulled him and the 15-year-old vigilante received a strong headbutt, making him stumble backward and received a powerful punch to the head.

The impact caused his head to bleed more and started to get dizzy.

He painfully open his eyes while gritted his teeth from the impact as he saw All Might having difficulty against the Nomu's punches. The Nomu? It kept on going and going.

"Nobody can defeat the Nomu. The longer it fights, the smarter it can be." Izuku, even though he's in critical condition, was surprised by what the dark purple mist villain just said. He cannot believe that thing is getting smarter and smarter as time goes on.

He gritted his teeth more and look at the ground while clenching his fist, a small vein was visibly shown on his fists. He needs to end it right here and now, not any second that is about to pass

Is there any other way to defeat that thing?

Just then, the ground vibrated so rough as he look at where it came from. "A hero... can always break out of a tough spot!" All Might shouted as he began to fight the Nomu with everything he got.

Izuku's eyes widened as they punched each other, exchanging blows, but All Might caught the last punch and threw the Nomu down. Then the No. 1 Hero threw it to the forest, which broke some of the trees.

After a few seconds, the battle took place in the air, but it only took about five to ten seconds as All Might threw the Nomu to the ground again.

"Hey, villain..." All Might called out the Nomu, who was slowly standing up. "have you ever hear these words?"

From Izuku's eyes, a spark came from All Might's dominant hand as he raised his arm up.

"Go beyond!" The No. 1 Hero cocked his right arm and shouted, "Plus Ultra!"

The moment All Might hit the Nomu, it's body was almost obliterated, inflated from one of All Might's powerful attacks. It was sent flying upward until it hits the ceiling. The Nomu was stuck on the top, but not for long as it came falling down on the ground that is fifteen to twenty feet away from the No. 1 Hero.

"It's... all... over..." All Might, still standing, was panting, but not visible to everyone... except Izuku, who saw his state. He was not smiling. Then he coughed up some blood.

Shadow, Izuku's vigilante alias, saw the whole battle and was mesmerized by how All Might was still standing and fighting, even if he has a disadvantage against a creature that was created to kill him.

It took a minute to realize that it's over.


Until someone laughed evilly and loudly, causing All Might and Izuku to look at the source with a confused expression on their look. Apparently, they are not the only one. The students were caught by the attention as well.

It was Shigaraki, who was standing in front of Kurogiri, the dark purple mist villain. He kept on laughing before he stopped and said, "You think that's all that it takes to defeat Nomu?"

"Well, you're whole-heartedly wrong about that, my friends."

Their eyes widened as they saw the creature was glowing green. They don't understand at first, but realized the second after that.

Hyper Regeneration.

Then the Nomu slowly walk towards All Might as the Symbol of Peace was ready to go again, but...

Large steams are coming out of his body.

Izuku's eyes are filled with anger and surprise. Surprised that the Nomu endured one of All Might's powerful attacks and frustrated that it is still alive.

"(Is there any other way to defeat. that. god. damn. thing?!)" Izuku shouted in his mind. But he is not the only one who had that kind of thought. The students as well, but in a way that has less curse.

"How? How is that thing still alive?" Kaminari asked, totally shivered of what he and his classmates are seeing. To think that the creature survived from a powerful attack. Is it out of luck?

Yaoyorozu, who had a high intelligence, finally put the pieces together and with wide eyes, she said, "That thing got a Regeneration Quirk."

"What?! It can regenerate that fast?! How is it possible?" Shouted the redhead boy. He, along with everyone are now terrified with the Nomu that can regenerate at extreme speed.

Ochako was terrified as well, but was also concerned about Shadow, Izuku's vigilante alias and not the voice in the green-haired boy's mind.

"(Shadow, All Might, please win.)" She thought, tearing up and begging the two specific persons to win against the monster they are seeing and up against.

As for Izuku, he was trying to stand up but fell to the ground on one knee and gritted his teeth, then his vision was getting disillusioned or like seeing so many Nomus.

Meaning he was about to lose consciousness. But he cannot fall down without even taking down the Nomu.

Apparently. there's a way.

"(There is... a way to defeat it.)" A hurt and tired Shadow said, getting the attention of Izuku Midoriya.

"(What?! Why didn't you say s-) Agh!"

Just then, another wave of pain was flowing through his body, but mainly his head. His eyes are getting blurry and starting to see multiple Nomus again.

"(We're... running out of time. Any... second and you'll be passed out. I'll give ya a clue. Imagine something... that can defeat that Nomu once... and for all.)"

Izuku mentally nodded as he began to imagine what will happen to the Nomu in his mind. Legs are shaking, but persistent enough as he finally stood up on his.

His blood is still dripping down to his neck and went straight to his shirt, but Izuku does not have time to wipe it off. Every second counts as his head and body will soon shut down.

Again, he pictured what will happen to the Nomu inside his mind as he quickly opens his eyes and for one last push, he used all his strength one his right leg and went flying towards the Nomu.

The Nomu was running towards All Might, who was standing there. One more move for the hero and it's all over for him and his hero career. Why? Because his secrets will be exposed to the world.

"(Shit. I guess this is it.) All Might gritted his teeth and embraced the punch that will be given to him by the incoming strong villain.

However, he saw the Nomu's head turn to the left and he followed the direction of where it is looking at... and was surprised.

Izuku was heading straight towards the Nomu. Everyone's eyes are now on him. And by that, it includes the captured villains that are awake, heroes, Kurogiri and Shigaraki as well.

The Nomu saw him coming as it prepared to block, but what it didn't know... the picture of Izuku in his head, the imagination that the vigilante wanted to happen to the Nomu... is about to happen before their very own eyes.

"Musutafu Smash!"

Shouting with everything he had, he was surrounded by green electricity and the skin in his right arm began to lit. Izuku punched the Nomu's block but it did not stop.

Soon, a nasty sound of bone cracking can be heard throughout U.S.J. It was so loud that everyone except the Nomu and Izuku shivered.

Then... Nomu's forearms bend... and Izuku punched its chest... and its body inflated from the force and power that came out of Izuku's right punch.

It send the Nomu up to the sky and bent the metal ceiling way above before... they heard another loud cracking sound coming from... the Nomu. It was stuck for a few seconds, before the Nomu began to quickly descend to the ground.

Soon it created a small earthquake and a crater just in front of Izuku, who did not stare at the Nomu when he either punched it or seeing it going down.

His hair was covering his eyes as he was panting and breathing heavily along with his trembling body and his right arm is all purple and so much blood that is coming out of his arm... and it hurts like hell. For Izuku, he felt like so many large needles or nails that impaled his right arm... and the pain excruciating.

Eyes widened and jaws dropped to the ground, for they have witnessed the impossible. Izuku Midoriya, a vigilante and a teenager, defeated the creature that was created to kill All Might.

It only twitched, but that's it. It never even tried to move. Soon, there is blood coming out of its body.

All Might's face had a surprised expression. Right in front of him is a vigilante... who finished off the Nomu. He still had that expression before he heard a voice.

"No. No... No! No! No!" It came from Shigaraki, who began to scream and shout like a child. "He cheated! He used cheat! Nomu is created to be powerful than All Might!"

He ranted like a child... or like a gamer, if you want to know. Like, a person just lost because to a cheater, where in fact the cheater is a pro in a specific game. Addictions in gaming is totally bad to health, mind you.

Shigaraki was addicted to wanting to win in his own terms. But to see the Nomu defeated by just a vigilante... it is not what he totally expected.

Those who saw Shigaraki's anger, they cannot see his expression, but Shigaraki's eyebrows furrowed and his body was trembling in anger.

Izuku did not yet fell down, but was only panting... before he looked at Shigaraki.

"Heh... maybe I'm... stronger than... All Might..." With that, his conscious has reached its limit and fell down to the ground. Even though what he said is a bluff, Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and All Might would be surprised if it came true.

Izuku surely has the balls to say that... and it made Shigaraki look like a boiling kettle and shouted, "That's it. I'll kill you!" Even that he had a concussion on his head, he went straight towards the vigilante, but...


A gunshot was heard.

It went through Shigaraki's legs and arms. It made him stumble and fell forward. The sound of a gunshot came from Snipe, who pulled the trigger of his revolver, who was far away from the battle.

You might be wondering how the bullets hit its marks. It is his Quirk, Homing. Homing allows Snipe to control the trajectory of his projectiles with perfect precision. In this case, he is a Major League Hero or M.L.H in such cases that are related to guns.

You could say that he is a Major League Gamer or M.L.G, but considering his position and that it is a formal case, he is an M.L.H.

"Tomura!" Kurogiri shouted and protected him by shielding him with the dark purple mist he have. As of now, Shigaraki's full name was revealed as he gritted his teeth.

"Tsk!" That was all he said before he turns around to look at All Might, who was still standing, and shouted, "Symbol of Peace, All Might! I have failed this time, but next time, I will kill you along with that vigilante brat! Remember that!"

With that, Shigaraki was consumed by Kurogiri and the dark purple mist disappeared before their eyes.

It was silent for a few seconds as every people's shoulders relaxed, including All Might.

If the Space Heroine: Thirteen was still awake and did not get knocked down or some sort, she would have sucked that dark purple mist into nothingness. But no. As of this situation, she, along with the students' teacher, were unconscious.

After what the Pro Heroes deal with, what they fought against, it's an experience that the students are not ready for yet.

They were still young, and for them to have this in such an age that is not appropriate for them. This day truly traumatized them. But something inside them was sparked.

Their eyes were focused on All Might, but mostly on the unconscious vigilante.

It's almost impossible that a vigilante's power can rival the No. 1 Hero. They were staring at him with their mouths slightly opened.

As of this moment, even though it's unexpected, but it was bound to happen. Bound to happen that they'll be in danger any time soon... and that is now.

But the spark inside their heart, it's something new, similar to how they react to the rookie heroes that entered the super-powered society.

They have witnessed history. History has been made, for the one and only...


Izuku Midoriya.

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