Ch. 16 - A Life-Changing Event

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Chapter 16 - A Life-Changing Event

"Yuran. Mittens." Izuku whimpered, not that he's about to cry, but because of how much he missed his only family, his Golden Retriever puppy, and his Ragdoll kitten. He was gone for like more than twelve hours, and they must be worried sick for whatever happened to him.

It's already past 12:00 noon, and he slept enough time. Also, he already ate lunch because they offered him food to eat.

Before Izuku knew it, the door opened, and out came the two men, accompanied by a mouse person? He wasn't informed that there is another person that's going to join in this interrogation.

"Now that you're refreshed and enough rest, take your time to explain your Quirk." Tsukauchi explained.

"Before we get into this, may I know who is that?" Staring at the mouse person, but it's not a person. Somehow it has a mix of dog, bear, or chimera species.

The small mouse person said, "I do believe you remember the letter I sent you, right?" This clicked Izuku's mind, and his face darkened before saying, "It seems that I remember you, Principal Nezu. Another person who also broke my goal to be in U.A High School into nothing but shattered dreams."

Hearing it just shocked Toshinori and Tsukauchi Naomasa, who looked at the short hybrid person. Nezu was unfazed by Izuku's words. What was even more shocking is that Izuku just said that right in front of a principal. If he is a student of his, he can either be dismissed or expulsion.

Nezu said, "I apologize for my inappropriate thinking." "Don't you think it's too late for you to apologize?" Izuku talked back. "It's never too late for that. You can still pursue your dream to be a hero."

"How ironic that a person who breaks dreams like you telling me to continue my dream. I am doing it, but in my own ways." Izuku retorted.

"Either you can go adequately to pursue your education, or be in jail for a long time."

"Is that a challenge I hear?" Izuku raised his eyebrow when he asked that. Nezu answered, "No, it's a choice you can make."

After that, Izuku went silent before changing his direction of vision from Principal Nezu to Tsukauchi and said, "As for my Quirk, I wasn't a late bloomer. In fact, it was given to me."

"Who gave it to-"

"Let me finish, Naomasa-san. It's very rude of you." Stated Izuku, shutting the detective's mouth before he continued. "As I was saying, it was given to me by not someone, but something." It intrigued the three persons in front of Izuku as they listened attentively and did not dare to say another word.

"It happened a few months ago, on a school field trip. We went to a lab that is called the Quirk Research Lab. Akita Asakura, the name of the one who guides us around the lab, and that is her only role. She was not involved with the incident."

Izuku took a deep breath, calming himself down before he continued. "As for me, I was only taking pictures, documentation purposes for one of my subjects. During those picture taking, I did not know something crawled behind my back and bit me. That thing I'm referring to is a spider."

This shocked the two persons, specifically Tsukauchi Naomasa and Toshinori Yagi. Principal Nezu? What do you think of his reaction? That's right, he was intrigued but had a straight face. The only reason he is here is to listen first and tell the green-haired boy about something important.

"Hey, I don't know how it crawled onto me without me noticing. If I did, then I should've felt a small tug on any part of my clothes, but after a few days, I came to the conclusion that it was above me. Then it started to descend using its web. When it did, it bit me on the back of my neck."

With this, Izuku did what he just told them. And that's putting his right hand on the back of his neck and said, "It didn't hurt for a few minutes until the effect took place. After the bite, I threw the spider to the ground and stared at it with a horrified look. The designs on the spider are unusual. It's not like any other arachnid species I saw on the internet. Not even close to Redback or Black Widow."

Izuku stopped there and started to drink the bottle that was placed on his right side. When the amount is half, he covered the bottle's lid, and placed it back, and stared at the men who were waiting for him.

Without further ado, he said, "When the spider crawled itself fast to a hiding place, I touched the mark where I got bitten. I was confused because it didn't hurt. Spiders that usually bite carries venom or toxic chemicals that can kill a person in a few minutes, but I felt nothing. After that, I saw a small cage with a small door was opened. I consulted one of the lab members and I heard that the spider that escaped is called... the Tokubetsu Spider."

This gives Izuku a flashback from what it seems to be a painful memory after that bite a few months ago. "When they were searching for it, the effect took place. I was dizzy but nonetheless went along with the field trip. It ended around 5:00 P.M and I was not feeling very good. It truly felt like I was shrinking into a tiny ant. Like my bones are like hotter than a volcano."

Tsukauchi and Toshinori flinched from that. They could not imagine what Izuku has been through.

"I was having a nightmare during that time. When I woke up the next day it's completely gone. It's like that field trip was just a nightmare. I was feeling fine, no more pain in my body. I stood up, 100% okay. But when I look at myself in the mirror, my whole body changed." Izuku said, still remembering that change in his body a few months ago.

If the readers thought that Izuku Midoriya was thinking about the 'Big Change' scene in Sam Raimi's first Spider-Man movie, then they are correct.

Tsukauchi opened his mouth, for there was something he needed to say, but Izuku did not let him by saying, "The effect is somehow like a growth spurt, but not in height or appearance because that's the time where I received it."

For Nezu, he kept a straight face, but he was intrigued by it. Of course, the two men raised their eyebrows in interest.

"What kind of Quirk, Young Midoriya?" The No. 1 Hero of Japan asked, making the green-haired boy answered, "At first, I thought it's just one, but turns out... I received two."

"What?!" The detective and the skinny blonde-haired man exclaimed and surprised. It was unusual to have two Quirks, but then again expect the unexpected.

"I conclude that one of the Quirks I received is what I called Spider-Sense, for it can detect any danger that is either coming towards me or that something's about to happen at a half kilometer away. The other one..." Silent is what came next, for Izuku tightly shut his mouth for a few seconds.

"The other one?" This time, the voice came from none other than the principal of U.A High School, Principal Nezu, or Nezu only.

"From what I understand, the other Quirk is somewhat similar to a parasite."

"Parasite?!/(Parasite?!)" Toshinori and Shadow exclaimed. Toshinori was surprised because a parasite is definitely a priority to remove out of someone's body. He does not know how long the parasite was inside the green-haired boy.

As for Shadow, he shouted because it's an insult when Izuku told them that he is a parasite.

"(Apologize!)" Shadow demanded. Izuku quickly said, "(I know! I'm sorry! I don't know what's a better word for you.)"

"(Just think of something, you dunce.)" If Shadow's a person, he would shout his lungs out for his partner to notice.

"(Oh, so now you're Weiss?)" The green-haired boy argued back.

"(Stop changing the subject, idiot. Talk to them at once.)"

"(Okay, okay. Jeez.)" Izuku finally went back to his sense as he faced the three men, who are looking at him with a confused look on each of their faces.

"Sorry, I was talking to my living Quirk and that he doesn't like being called a parasite. It's more like... uh... what's a better word...?"Izuku went silent as he put his finger on his chin, thinking of a better word to describe Shadow.

"A partner?" Nezu asked and Izuku looked at him saying, "Yes, a partner."

"(See? Even Nezu is better than you.)" Mocked Shadow. "(Well, duh. He's a pro hero and a principal for a reason.)" Izuku talked back.

"As I was saying," Izuku replied, "I have not found anything or learned more about my partner, but I do like his company since... well, he's inside my mind. All I know is that I have given the powers of allowing myself to crawl onto the wall or ceiling, sensing danger, just like how any spider walks. I also gained enhanced strength, agility, and speed from that bite."

Mesmerized is something that cannot be underestimated when it comes to the reaction. It is what Toshinori reacted. As for Tsukauchi and Nezu? They both remained calm and still have that aura that is related to an employee getting called by his or her boss.

Nonetheless, they surely listened to every single detail of it that came out of Izuku's mouth. The silent atmosphere only lasted about thirty seconds until the detective spoke, "Thank you for sharing your personal information about yourself, Izuku Midoriya."

"It's a pleasure." Izuku stated, before he nonchalantly said, "So, what should I do now? Gonna arrest or something more torturous?"

"Actually," All eyes are now on Nezu, although Tsukauchi and Toshinori knew what the principal of U.A High School is about to say at the 15-year-old green-haired boy.

"It is your choice if you can go back to education or remain behind the bars of the jail. Due to you being a minor person, most of the villains that were imprisoned, they'll no doubt make your life miserable and can take your life for the sake of their satisfaction." Nezu replied as he jumped on Tsukauchi's lap, then jumped onto the table to have equal eye contact with Izuku.

"Several villains blamed on the vigilante who destroyed their base, morals, or even getting their ass kicked by that. Of course, they're referring to you, Midoriya-kun."

When Nezu said that, Izuku cannot help himself but to chuckle and began to imagine their expression.

However, the mouse/cat/bat/dog, whatever species Nezu is, is not done.

"Due to you never committing serious crimes, except using that Quirk of yours against the laws of the government, I had a chat with several chiefs of police and it has been decided of where you'll be transferred."

The thought of it made Izuku contemplate for the moment before he said, "Is it some kind of a juvenile or prison abroad?"

Nezu answered, "No. Because of you saving the students of U.A High School in U.S.J yesterday and also saved two pro heroes as I said, I talked with the police department and it has been confirmed between the principal of the most prestigious school in Japan and the chief police."

Just then, a smile was formed on the principal's mouse face before he finally said a sentence that may or may not changed Izuku's life.

"You'll be in the custody of U.A High School, where you will remain within the Hero Course and continue your study to become the hero you wanted!"

The silence was replaced after Nezu exclaimed with happiness. Izuku had an expression of unfazed, like no happy or sad reaction, just a straight face.

He blinked a few times before his mind processed what he just heard from the small rodent in front of him.

Just like those students where one of his friends announced the happy news to him, what is his reaction?

"Okay." With no happy reaction, just straight to the point.

"Is... Is this kind of a joke? If it is, I'm not laughing." Izuku was finally taken back and the two men, Tsukauchi and Toshinori, were unfazed by the announcement of the U.A High School's principal.

"I can assure you, Midoriya-kun, this kind of matter is not a joke. You're to be transferred to U.A High School and stay at the Hero Course. Also, you'll be forced as well to move your belongings to the smaller dorms. There is a boarding house already constructed, but the purpose of that is for the students who are needed to be protected from intense raids or attacks by villains towards them, to allow the teachers to keep close surveillance on the students. Although, there is a house built a few feet in front of that boarding house."

Nezu then pointed his finger at Izuku before he said, "Of course, that could only be for you. Why? Detective Tsukauchi here told us about the loss of your parents. If we, the teachers, wanted to keep you safe and cannot be captured by the villains since I know they watched the news, then we'll keep you safe by living within the school campus."

No response came from the 15-year-old green-haired boy, for he was thinking about the possible outcomes that will come to him since soon he shall become a student of U.A High School in Hero Course.

But there is one outcome that might happen to him.

If the news about him going into the U.A High School was revealed, then the parents of every student will complain of why they let a vigilante like him enroll in the school of their sons and daughters.

If there is a possible and valid reason, the parents will tell their children to be very cautious of one.

But the positive side is they do not know his face. Well, only for those students that are in U.S.J yesterday.

Nonetheless, Izuku really wanted to finish the study, but if the obstacle before

him is sturdy and large, he had many options. Either go over or around it. But he didn't pick them. Only one option left and that is to face and overcome it. Backing down? He'll just have another year of being played around like a punching bag.

"Guess I have to accept it, huh?" Izuku said with an uninterested or bored tone.

"You can refuse. But if you did, it's not easy on you." Nezu answered, making Izuku sigh of defeat before he said, "Okay. So that's all?" Nezu responds with a few nods, making the statement clear to the boy.

Just then, something made Izuku quickly flick his eyebrows for the realization before him and his head. That realization made him asked Nezu.

"Nezu, are pets allowed inside?"

"And why is that?"

"If I want to live within the school campus, I have one condition. I want to bring my only family, my pets. They're the only ones I have ever since the loss of my Mom and Dad. Please allow them to stay in the dorm with me." Izuku begged.

"Very well. Normally we can't allow pets in the school, but seeing that they're the only family you have, I'll allow it." The mouse person said with a smile, making Izuku let out a sigh of relief before he said, "Thank you very much for the consideration."

"You're welcome, Midoriya-kun. So, rest easy. Today's Tuesday and the class will be resumed on Friday. Ah yes, I forgot to mention that the class you'll be is in Class 1-A, due to you already built up some relationships there."

When Nezu said that, both eyes of Izuku twitched in annoyance as he already who is Nezu talking about. "Tch. Katsuki." He whispered with a vicious tone before shrugging it off and said, "Thanks for reminding that."

"From your reaction, it seems that you don't have a good interaction."

"You think?"

"Sorry for clicking an inappropriate moment for you. Anyways, I will inform the teachers who didn't know this news about you coming to U.A." Nezu replied as he was about to jump off the table, only for him to stopped at his tracks when he heard, "The only question is, will they accept or handle a student who used to be a vigilante? I doubt that a vigilante will be studying with the students, making their parents very worried about their high school life."

"Nice to see that you have a sense of keen eyes. About that..." He looked at Izuku first before he changed his glance to the skinny blonde-haired man, Toshinori Yagi.

"Soon, the media will come here and they will interview you since they were told that you were transported and talked here. All Might here will answer if you're going to jail, which will not happen."

When Izuku heard that, he stared at Toshinori for a few seconds before he heard Nezu saying, "Do not worry. He will never jeopardize your real identity."

"And how do I know if you're telling the truth?" Izuku had a hard time trusting people. Vidal Yagi was the first person to befriend due to her cheery nature, personality, and most importantly... how she almost resembles his late mother, Inko Midoriya.

"Young Midoriya," Toshinori spoke. "There's a reason why I wanted to save you. And I want to say it now."

The No. 1 Hero walked towards the green-haired boy until he is now facing the 15-year-old boy. After that, Toshinori told something right on Izuku's face. "Never have I ever been so desperate to save someone so important after what I told him years ago. Sure, it is easy to save others. But you..."

Since Izuku was still sitting on his chair, Toshinori kneeled down on one knee to have eye level with the boy, and said, "You asked me that if Quirkless can become heroes, and I wanted to protect you by saying that they cannot become heroes. I said that because-"

"Because it will gain you more popularity?" Izuku interrupted him. Toshinori had a saddened look while shaking his head left and right saying, "No. It's just that I don't want to see the helpless get killed without knowing what was happening around them."

"There is one time where my wife got almost killed because she got captured without knowing what I did to some villains that I defeated. I saved her, but the cost of it makes me more responsible and that I dedicated my life to protect the Quirkless people no matter what but..."

Toshinori did something the boy wasn't expecting.

He pulled Izuku in a hug, surprising the boy. "To say and put you down without even knowing that you are Quirkless is the gravest mistake I have ever done in my whole life I realized that more people went to the same situation as you, and I was blind." Toshinori paused before he continued his speech.

"Blind to the fact that I wanted to create a society, where people smile without a doubt. I unintentionally created a world where people become too dependent on me, on other heroes, but especially me. They rely on me, but stopped relying on themselves or others. I saw how people are calling me like I am some kind of a god to them. But no, I'm not even a living god like you said. There are times where my smiles are the ones that I hide my fear behind."

This shocked Izuku. Who would've thought that his idol was looking deep into the society, looking deep and said the truth behind those smiles? Those smiles the green-haired boy always sees when he was just a child back then.

"No matter how much I try, I can't save everyone." Izuku felt something on his shoulder. Wetness. Then he heard a sound.


Izuku didn't dare to turn. What came next made him surprised. All Might was hugging... and began to cry.

"I'm just a hero, wanting to save those who are in danger. I know I can't do it all alone. That's why I wanted to say, even if you broke the rules for a long time, for the sake of saving people in the night, from the bottom of my heart, and for those you saved, and from me... thank you."

Two words shook Izuku's world. This is very weird for him. Most of his life he was being played, dejected, you know how bullying is. It greatly affects one's life emotionally.

So, when Toshinori said those words again, the first one is from Vidal, Izuku was conflicted. Perhaps all he ever received in his life is the negativity of the society. Toshinori's actions and words as of this moment made Izuku feel a warmth he had not felt in such a long time and it made him feel happy, which is strange.

It took about three minutes for Toshinori to control his emotions. He released the hug and started to work on his 'waterworks'. Izuku, who was being embraced the whole time, hugged back.

"People can change, and so are you." Those words came from Nezu, who was talking to the green-haired boy. This made Izuku reflect on something. Will the class he shall be with, except Katsuki Bakugou, accept him?

Maybe they will, maybe they will not.

Nobody knows until Izuku finds out soon.

He can imagine something that can contribute to the U.A High School, not for the people that has Quirks, but for the Quirkless society as well.

"Nezu-sensei," He called out the mouse person. "I have a suggestion, but I don't know if you and the teachers will ever approve of it."

"Go on. Ask it away."

With Tsukauchi and Toshinori still there, the 15-year-old boy started to talk to the principal of U.A High School about the suggestion Izuku wanted. They'll be living witnesses.

==Time Skip==

"I see. Not bad, Midoriya-kun. U.A's about teaching young generations to become heroes and improve the school's vision and mission.I'll try to talk with the government about this suggestion you have." Nezu replied, satisfied by what he just heard from Izuku Midoriya.

"Glad that I made your interest on my suggestion skyrocketed on your expectations," Izuku stated.

"Actually, that's the missing piece that's been on my mind all day and all night.I'm glad that you helped me."

Izuku produced a small chuckle before he said, "Anytime, Nezu-sensei."

The reactions of Toshinori and Tsukauchi? They smiled at the boy's suggestion and witnessed it. What about it? Well, Izuku suggests adding a department to the U.A High School that is only for the Quirkless students who dreamed to study at one of the best schools in Japan.

Mind you, there is no Department for the Quirkless children. General Department would be close, but they have no student records of students with no Quirk.

Izuku suggested this because he wanted to give hope to the next generation and the next. He does not want them to end up being bullied because they cannot go to the school they want, which is the U.A High School.

Nezu needed to allot more spaces, knowing that it needed to be expanded for a department that can be called reality for children who wanted to study at U.A, even if they're Quirkless.

U.A High School's all about teaching young ones to become strong and independent heroes, but Izuku's suggestion made Nezu think more. The school's also about never crushing the dreams of people.

"Thank you again, Midoriya-kun. All Might here will transport you back to your house." With that, the session ended.

"That is after All Might finished interviewed by the reporters."

Or not.

==Mie Prefecture==

In this place, a certain bob cut brown-haired girl lived in an apartment alone. Why was she alone? Her parents went to work that is why.

Did they watch the news about the U.S.J Incident? You damn right they did. Do they know about her unfortunate fate twisted by Shadow, Izuku's vigilante alias? Damn, right you are.

She told them about it last night and they were shocked that she almost got raped by an old man in a true role of a villain, but she quickly assured her that the vigilante Shadow saved her, making them give thanks for saving their daughter's hero career and life.

The only problem is, she didn't tell them what he looked like. She's still traumatized by the incident. Heck, everyone was traumatized as well. I mean who would not? That painful expression on his face was still in her mind. Her parents left not too long ago. She stared at the wall clock and it said '2:00 P.M'

"(It's been an hour since they left.)" She thought to herself. She was thinking about the savior's current conditions but was interrupted by a buzzing sound from her flip phone.

Opening it, she saw multiple messages coming from her friends. Especially her close friends,

Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyoka Jirou, and Tenya Iida. Those are the names she saw first. She opened Tenya Iida's inbox first and it said, "Uraraka-san, are you still okay from what happened yesterday?"

A smile was formed on her face as she texted the messenger, "I'm okay, Iida-kun. Still traumatized, though, but I'll be fine. Don't worry about me."

It took five to ten minutes for her to end the conversation of her friends before she closed her flip phone and went to the living room to turn on the T.V. When she did, the first channel she saw is the news. It was some news about weather and such, you know the drill is when it is afternoon news.

Then, her phone buzzed again as she opened it and saw a new message from...

Amelia Kawakami.

Opening the new message, it said, "Ochako-chan, are you okay? I heard the news about what happened yesterday and that I was told that you almost got raped. Is it true? Please tell me it's not true."

The girl, now known as Ochako Uraraka, started to press the buttons right away. "I'm fine, Amelia-chan. Still traumatized, but thanks to Shadow-kun, I'm still here. If he's not here, then I don't know what'll happen to me."

She sends the message and waited for the response. Speaking of response, Amelia sends her own message and it said, "Thank God you're okay. I'm sorry that I didn't attend yesterday or else I would fry those villains like pork chops."

Seeing the message made Ochako to text, "Nonsense. You're sick and it's right for you to stay in your house."

Then the text for a few minutes until Amelia messaged her with a text that says, "Okay. I'll leave you be. You still need rest after that incident. If there is a chance that Shadow and I will meet, I'm gonna say thanks for saving my friend."

"I hope so. Anyways, have a good day and rest, okay, Amelia-chan."

"I will. Thanks."

With that, the chat ended.

Ochako laid her flip phone beside her and when she looked at the news, the news about the Vigilante Shadow was now showing.

She was surprised, but nonetheless, dropped her sense of surroundings and focused on only one thing. That is the news about the captured vigilante Shadow.

The female news reporter said, "As of now, the results are finally in. The vigilante Shadow will no longer be behind the bars. Instead, the chief of police, along with the principal of U.A High School, had a conversation awhile ago... and it is now confirmed that the vigilante will now be in U.A High School's custody."

Then the screen showed Toshinori Yagi, in his buff form, being interviewed by a male reporter who said, "All Might, are the rumors true about the vigilante Shadow going to be in U.A High School? If it is, then what will you say to the students' parents that the vigilante will be studying along with them?"

Due to the male reporter looking like a child to All Might, he could only stretch his right arm upward with a mic he is holding, for him and for everyone to hear what the No. 1 Hero of Japan will say.

All Might did not hesitate to answer as he right away said, "Yes. You have heard it before your ears and eyes that the vigilante Shadow will now be studying at U.A High School. Now before you guys say something about this, I met this vigilante before. Way back like he was still a kid."

You can imagine the shock on every people who were watching this in person or on TV, including Ochako Uraraka.

"(All Might met him before?)"

==Aichi Prefecture==

Somewhere in this place. There is a mansion that was well-built and well-constructed for a long time even today. It has never been destroyed nor demolished.

About the land that a rich person inherited? Imagine the land size of a castle. That's how big it is. If a person was invited by that rich person, all they can see is one road, very tall, black metal fences that have spikes on top, and one gate if that person sees one in the distance while walking.

But mostly that person can see are trees. You cannot see that mansion unless you were invited.

So, in that mansion, three people are living in it. A father, a mother, and a daughter. They raised their daughter with intelligence and beauty. One can say that she is the reincarnation of the goddess Aphrodite.

They have maids and butlers around because they are rich. So, what is the reason for them being involved in this chapter and situation? Well, they are all in the living room, watching the news about the vigilante Shadow going to be in their daughter's school, U.A High School.

They listened carefully to every word that All Might is talking about and they were surprised that the No. 1 Hero of Japan knows the vigilante when the said person was just a kid.

"(He knew Shadow-kun?)" The daughter asked herself internally, she was about to think deeper, but All Might interrupt her.

"Before they all think and ask, 'Did I do this?' 'Why is he bad?' 'Why did he turn to a vigilante?' Well, my fellow people in Japan, that is one of the reasons why I wanted to help him. I still do not know why he became a vigilante, but rest assured, I will do whatever it takes for him to become a hero he wanted."

"I think I know why, it is because he was treated as an outcast, a piece of garbage if you ask me."

You can imagine some people who were watching around Japan or the world that they are silently laughing.

"But..." His voice turned into a serious, which caught the people's attention.

"Just because he is an outcast doesn't mean he is one of them. I do believe that one of the reasons he turned into a vigilante... is because he was bullied."

This made the atmosphere to the people who are watching him get tensed. They were all silent because of what they heard. Did they hear it right? That the reason why Izuku became a vigilante is that he was bullied?

"I tried to make people happy... but why does it seems that they are hurting their brothers and sisters? It's not right. Well, please keep this remind, my fellow people. They are humans like me... and like you. Do not make them look like they needed to be saved by heroes like Endeavor or me. Let me tell, if you ever treat others like that, you are worse than a hero... worse than a vigilante or a villain... Do not let Shadow's social status fool you. Just be careful, but let me assure you that he is a good little fellow."

Then, there is a moment of silence for everyone to process what they just heard from All Might. It looks like they are going to have a life lesson imprinted in their head for a very long time.

"That is all, folks. Now if you excuse me, I gotta have a naughty fish to catch." With that he ran and jumped away from the scene, making the interviewer looked at the camera and said, "That's all there is to it."


"Yes, Dad?" The daughter, now revealed herself as Momo Yaoyorozu, looked at her father, whose appearance is around thirty to forty years old.

"If that vigilante ever lands on the same class as you, do not get close to that vile human, you hear me?"

"Yes, Dad." She said without hesitation, but inside... she was sad. She, along with her classmates and All Might are first witnesses to see Izuku's face. It was excruciating to see the pain on his face. Not only that, but she has also known her father for his strict attitude.

"Come on, honey. You already heard All Might. He's not much of a threat." That beautiful voice came from her mother, Mikoto Yaoyorozu. Unlike her father, Mikoto is one kind, caring person, which is... not the opposite of her father, named Takahiro Yaoyorozu.

Takahiro indeed loves his daughter, but his nature and personality made Momo get a little distant from him. Not to mention that he was always busy. This made their relationship go rocky for her whole life. Only her mother, Mikoto, is the one Momo can rely on the most.

The mother is the one who teaches her life lessons, you know how it is. If you're going to ask who is more stressed, is it the mother or the father? The answer is both of them, yet they are dedicated to making their daughter have the happiest life she can ever have.

"It doesn't matter, once a villain or vigilante, always stay that way. They will never change. That's how the world is." The father said in a stern voice before he stood up from the couch and went back to his working station, or working room.

This caused the butlers, maids, the daughter, and mother to frown at his attitude. There is one thing they are all thinking about.

"(When will he learn?)"


"Looks like it is going to be very hard to kill that vigilante, Shigaraki." Said the dark mist purple individual, who grabbed the remote controller and turned off the small television before him... and the person he called Shigaraki.

"Man, and here I am, so excited to find him and kill him before my very own hands." Said the man who began to scratch his neck in annoyance until a voice joined in.

"Now, now, Tomura. Hold that revenge until it's the right time. I have heard that there's a special event that will happen soon. It'll be a good advantage for us because we can now scout those... future heroes. Who knows? Maybe that vigilante Shadow will participate... No, scratch that. He will participate."

This calmed down Tomura Shigaraki. If he wants to kill the vigilante, then he needs to be smarter to know what are his strength and power.

"If you say so, Sensei." He said admittedly.

==Shizuoka Prefecture==

In one of the apartments, two persons were silent all the time, for they have listened to what All Might said not only for them but for everyone else.

"Well, looks like I'm gonna be careful, huh?" Said the red-haired girl whose face and voice are both worried expression and tone.

"From the looks of it, honey. I do not know if that boy is going to be in your class or not. It's a fifty-fifty chance because there are only two classes in the Hero Courses, right? But then again, who knows?" Said the girl's mother, who was considerably worried that her daughter might be in danger because of Shadow, Izuku's vigilante alias.

But then again, judging from how All Might describe that fellow, it should be fine.

"No worries, Mama. That will never stop me from becoming a hero." The girl said, showing her toothy smile with no worries.

The mother returned the favor before she said, "I do hope your Dad was alive back then."

"Yeah. I hope he's proud of how I go." The red-haired daughter dejectedly said as she was engulfed by her mother's arms, having flashbacks of the loss of her father years ago.

"He's always proud of you, honey." The mother sweetly said that, comforting her daughter no matter what by always saying and staying positive. Even though they lost half of who they are because of the father being passed away, they will continue to live on and have a happy life but will remember him always.

==In a Red Ford Mustang car==

"That's quite smart of you, Toshinori-sensei." It was Izuku who said that while looking outside with his head resting on his right hand.

"Is my guess correct? I didn't mean to let out your secret. I know you were bullied. I mean, I said that because it's obvious to every Quirkless person." All Might, in his true form, was nervous while focusing on the road. Nervous that he just ticked off the young boy.

Then, a sigh came out of Izuku's mouth before he said, "What's done is done. Let's focus on what was more concerning. Can't rewind the past, so it's better to change today than tomorrow. Be it past, present, or future, the past is history, the future is a mystery, and today? Today's a gift. That's why it's called 'Present'."

"Hm..." Toshinori hummed, internally surprised by the boy's wisdom. However, Izuku noticed that they are not on the same street where he needed to be dropped off, so he asked, "Where are we going?"

This surprised the No. 1 Hero of Japan before he's sweating bullets and spoke, "I, uh, forgot to mention. If you're going to live on the school campus, you might as well need to fill out the application and get you an I.D. Security is tight, you know."

Izuku never said anything, which made the skinny blonde-haired man get more nervous before he heard, "You should've told me earlier. Never mind. Let's just wrapped this up, so that I can go home, go bed."

"Yeah. Let's."

With that, Toshinori drove to U.A High School while Izuku slept on his hand for the whole time.

It took more than an hour for the green-haired boy to get his student I.D from principal Nezu.

After that whole interrogation, Izuku had no more energy as soon as he got home..


Only for it to replenish back as he was tackled by his family, the 2-month-old male Golden Retriever puppy named Yuran and the 3-month-old female Ragdoll kitten named Mittens.

A wholesome smile was formed on his face as he saw how they truly miss him for a day.

Yuran was barking and wagging his tail happily, Mittens was purring and snuggling on his arm. It showed how much they truly missed their owner, or in better case, their big brother who gives them love and attention.

Izuku struggled to get up, because of their affection towards them, but nonetheless, he stood up successfully and worked on cooking foods for him and for them.

It was now 7:00 PM and Izuku had finished cleaning the dishes. He was currently in his own room, laying on the bed with Yuran and Kittens. He was using the new smartphone. It was given to him by All Might.

Why? Of course, he's the No. 1 Hero of Japan, for God's sake. He might be a billionaire or a millionaire, because of it.

What is a brand? It is an Oppo. Well, if there's a copyright in fanfiction, let's name it Po-Op in case it happens. All Might was endorsed or what people called... Celebrity, Idol, or Hero Endorsement.

After scanning the features of his new phone, he wasted no time to put it on the small table, whose height is the same as the bad, covered his body with a large white blanket, and went to sleep.

Of course, Yuran and Mittens jumped out of the way and went right back to his arms, for them to sleep beside their owner. Soon, they sleeping the rest of the night away, and ready for a new day.

==Next Day==

It's June 2, 8:00 A.M in the morning, and currently, Izuku started to pack up his things that are only necessary. His shorts, clothes, laptop, phone, Yuran, Kittens, you know how it is when moving to a new house. Before that, he received a message from the principal himself that someone will help him move his things to the U.A High School campus.

He woke up at 7:21 A.M and the message was around 7:45 A.M. You can imagine the stress he was getting just packing up things for a new house.


'Beep' 'Beep'

The sound of a car beeping loud can be heard outside as he went outside and saw... one black car. Then two doors of the car opened and two persons revealed themselves before Izuku Midoriya.

They are Midnight and Snipe.

The green-haired boy did not utter a word, for he only saw them walking towards him. When they are now in front of him, Midnight said, "Looks like it's us that are going to help."

"Figures. I'm almost packed up." Izuku stated.

"Anything you need?" Snipe asked.

"A mic, small keyboard, dog, and cat foods, that's all. Well, come in. It's a little messy." Izuku opened the door, gesturing them to go inside, which they did. When the two teachers are now inside his house, they scan the interior structures.

They went to the living room, only for them to see a puppy and a kitten.

"That's your family?" Midnight asked, not wanting to insult the boy. "Yup. Now, could you help me here?" He said it out loud. He was in the bedroom when they went to the living room. They followed his voice and saw him putting something on luggage. Two of them, which is enough to be fitted at the back of the car.

"That's all?" Midnight asked, wanting to know if there are more. "Yup." Izuku nodded as he answered as Midnight proceed to grab the full packed luggage and went outside.

"What can I do, uh," Snipe went silent because he still does not know the vigilante's real identity. This caused the green-haired boy to say, "Izuku. Izuku Midoriya."

"So, Midoriya-kun, is there anything I can help?"

"Done. Here." Izuku gestured the pro hero to bring the last luggage to the car. When that is all finished, they all stood at the car, waiting for Izuku Midoriya. To their surprise, they saw him holding Yuran like they are going on a walk and Mittens is inside the large cat backpack.

"What?" Izuku asked for he saw their expressions.

"We were not informed about it." Midnight still in awestruck that he is will bring them to the campus. Inside, she was squealing and excited that she can caress those fluffy furs of Yuran and Mittens.

"Well, now you know." Izuku's statement made them lose their surprised trance as they saw him enter the back door with Yuran first, followed by him. With that, they, too, went inside the car.

While that is happening, Izuku took one last glance at his house, then took one more glance at the house beside his. That is right. That house belongs to the Bakugo Family, where his childhood bully, Bakugo, is living.

After that, the engine began to rev and Snipe started driving back to the one place where he will live from now on.

U.A High School.

Along the way, he opened the cat backpack to let Mittens free, but only for the Ragdoll kitten to meow in fear. She also began to pant like a dog, well that is because she is afraid of where she, her owner, and her friend to go to an alienated place.

Yuran also began to paint, but nonetheless, Izuku caressed them with tender love to make them calm down, and it worked.

It didn't take too long for them to close their mouths and snuggle on their owner's chest and arm.

Izuku gave a warm smile at them as he kissed their foreheads to show how much he loved them before he opened his own backpack, grabbed the new smartphone and earphones, and plugged it.

He opened his Oppo smartphone, pressed the music icon, and scrolled the music he wanted to play.

Yes, last night he downloaded more or less thirty songs, and they were organized. The name of the artist is the name of the artist's album like this.

[Name: Happier feat. Bastille]

[Artist: Marshmello]

[Album: Marshmello]

Just like that, but the mentioned song is the one Izuku was playing. What a coincidence, huh?

To him, old songs are better than new songs, because there is the true meaning behind those lyrics of each song. New songs, however... they do have meanings, but... it is mostly... involved sexual activities, mainly for men and boys.

Izuku was interrupted when a voice called out his name. "Midoriya-kun." The voice came from Midnight. Izuku removed the earphones and heard her, "Is singing your hobby?"

"Yeah." He replied.

"Think you can sing for us?" Midnight teased.

"No." A quick answer was received.

"Come on, just this once." She begged.

Knowing that she's curious is big as her... drive, a sigh came out before he admitted. "Okay." A smirk of victory emerged from the teacher's face.

Unexpectedly, Izuku gave Midnight his smartphone, confusing the Rated-18 Heroine. She was about to ask him, but he beat her to it saying, "There is a playlist that contains songs that I covered."

This surprised Midnight. Snipe was bewildered as well but kept silent even though he was driving.

Midnight stared at the songs inside the playlist called 1Dekiru5 Songs.

This caught her attention as she narrowed her eyes on the word '1Dekiru5'. It felt like she has seen it before, but where is it?

"Ah." A silent response came out of Midnight's mouth. It took a moment for her to realize... Izuku Midoriya... is a YouTu- I mean HeroTuber.

She never dared to ask, because she is smart enough to see that. There are times where she saw that word when she opened HeroTube.

Thinking about it made her shake her head left and right and direct her eyes on the songs he covered.

All of them are pretty interesting, but there was one song that caught her eyes.

[High Hopes]

Midnight pressed the song and turned the volume up, for her and everyone to hear his voice.

Had to have high, high hopes for a living

Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing

Didn't have a Quirk but I always had a vision

Always had high, high hopes

(High, high hopes)

Had to have high, high hopes for a living

Didn't know how but I always had a feeling

I was gonna be that one in a million

Always had high, high hopes

To say that they were bewildered by his voice is underrated. Their world shook when the green-haired boy reached the highest notes he can get at the end of the song, but they could say that-

"To let you know, I may have used autotune for a little bit, but mostly it's the range of my voice." Well, that idea went out the window.


Because Midnight and Snipe are sure that Izuku was using autotune the whole time. But those opinions of theirs are nowhere in the atmosphere when Izuku began to sing High Hopes. They were surprised again, for the voice behind them is almost as the same as the recording.

Izuku only finished it at the chorus after verse one. He took a moment to breathe air. It was not easy to match the tone that is the same as the one on the smartphone.

"Guess I sang the acoustic version of it." He said with a mixture of pride and embarrassment in his voice before he asked, "So, how does it sound?"

Both of the teachers didn't answer. Well, for Snipe, he needs to focus on the road, or else they might get into an accident, but he never rejected the thought that the boy does have a nice voice.

As for Midnight, she was silently having an awegasm, for she never heard such a beautiful voice. Let alone a grown man with a handsome look and nice vocals. For ladies, if they had found a man whose face is not only handsome but also has an intelligent mind and a hard worker? Wow, he is the man for her.

Midnight was struggling to find such words, but her fluttering heart told her not to. The silence gave way to the green-haired boy as he said, "Guess I, uh, need to practice more since it's bad, huh?"

"It's the opposite of that, Midoriya-kun. You have a nice voice." Snipe said that, complimenting the green-haired boy's talents.

"I'm more than just satisfied. My ears are blessed." It was Midnight who stated it as she returned the smartphone back to its owner. You could say that she had an eargasm the whole time listening to the music. But what struck their mind is the certain lyrics 'Didn't have a Quirk, but I always have a vision.'

"Thank you." He then plugged in the earphone jack on his smartphone and the earplugs on his ears. He swiped the screen to the left three times because there is a category on it.

[Songs] [Artist] [Album] [Playlist]

He was now on the Playlist tab and pressed the playlist called...

[Nostalgia Songs]

He played the first song before he carried Mittens, who was curled up at his right side, on his lap and scoot to the right seat, that same gesture when he was about to take a rest, for he needed more energy after that gruesome fight against the Nomu.

==Time Skip==

"So, this is it?" Izuku asked for he was staring at the new house. Big, but it only had a ground floor.

"Yup." That voice came from the green-haired boy's right side. The voice belongs to the mouse person, the principal of U.A High School, Nezu.

Yes, they have arrived and are now within the school campus. In front of them is a new house just a few blocks away from U.A High School's main building.

With the hybrid walking towards the door and opened it, Izuku followed along with Midnight and Snipe. They all scanned the house. The first room they saw is the big living room with a large screen T.V with a GL brand logo on top of it.

Yuran wasted no time to run forward, only for him to halt his tracks because he was attached to a chain leash. Izuku saw how excited the Golden Retriever puppy is, so he knelt down and unleashed the beast.

Just kidding. Removing the chain from the puppy's collar, making Yuran run ahead of them and barked happily.

While in kneeling position, Izuku began to lay down the cat backpack. Pulling the zipper, he allowed the Ragdoll kitten to go and explore their new house.

Of course, the girl kitten was afraid, but nonetheless stepped outside and looked around cautiously, bringing a smile on everyone's smile.

"Let's unpack your things," Ordered by the U.A's principal, all of them agreed and followed him to the door located on the left.

Actually, there are three doors on the left side. Nezu took the middle door and opened it, only for them to see a large table with a double size bed.

This raised Izuku's eyebrows. He observed the room and saw that there are two pillows. Is there a person who is going to be his roommate?

"Before you asked me, Midoriya-kun, you're the only person who's going to live here. Thought that you wanted to be more comfortable." Nezu proclaimed. Looks like that answers the 15-year-old boy's unofficial question, but nonetheless was satisfied by it.

"Thank you." And with that, they started to unload the boy's belongings and filled the bedroom with the necessary needs.

It took about ten minutes until they finally finished. After that, Izuku walked towards Nezu and asked a question.

"Since I'm going to live here, who will provide electricity and financials for me?"

"U.A will provide and improvise that problem."

"So, that means you're going to solve the issue?" Izuku clarified.

"I'm not the only one, Midoriya-kun. I do need help, no matter what. Everyone needs help." Nezu answered while staring at the soul of the boy's green orbs.

Izuku cannot deny the fact that everyone does need someone, but for him? No one helped him. Even though he called and cried for help, not a single soul was there to accept his cry of desperation, except his late mother.

"Thank you for helping." Izuku nonchalantly said, grateful that he got the necessary needs provided by the school.

"It is the least we can do to save your life, career, and become the hero you wanted to be. I'll give you free tuition fees."

"And what's the catch?"

"Just study well and get all Grade A in every subject. You can do that, actually. Just don't get below Grade B. We won't force you to study hard, do it in your own pace." Nezu answered.

"I've been through worse. I can manage my time in studying, although I do need help whenever there is something I can't understand in one of my studies."

A smile was formed on the principal's mouse face before he said, "Then you know what to do when you're lost in thoughts all alone."

"I know."

"Okay, I should get going. Tomorrow, go to the office so that we can measure you for your school and P.E uniforms. Actually, since you arrived here, Midnight will guide you to the office and that you can take a tour of the school. You can train at the P.E Grounds, just give me the call, and I will grant you permission to use it." Nezu said before he started walking towards the door.

Before he even leaves, he turned around to look at Izuku and said, "Welcome to U.A High School... Izuku Midoriya."

The mentioned song that is played by Midnight and sang by Izuku, which is High Hopes, was created and released by himself. Some artists are not in this Fan-Verse, mind you. Incoming songs that will either be played by someone or sing by Izuku will be his.

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