Ch. 26 - Healing

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Chapter 26 - Healing

Within the hallway that leads to several paths, Izuku kept walking while staring at his raised hand.

Thinking about that speech a while ago, he hoped that the speech motivated his opponent Hitoshi Shinso and freed him from the past.

Smiling at his small accomplishment of saving someone, he raised his head to focus on where he's walking.


"Izuku. Midoriya." The sudden call stopped him and turns around, but saw no one. That voice was somehow scary but chill at the same time.

Looking back to where he's heading, he was greeted with silhouettes. Gazing upon them is something that Izuku can't turn away. He felt that if he turns away, they'll disappear.

There's something about those silhouettes. Their eyes are fierce and calm. There are eight of them, staring at the hero nerd. It was like 'Don't Blink Challenge', but it's not a challenge.

Then, Izuku felt the large adrenaline coursing through his body. He felt his power rising each second he stares at the silhouettes.

"(Big bro!)" The sudden voice of Shadow causes Izuku to blink and lose focus. The second he blinks, he was staring at a hallway.

"(What happen there?)"

"(Ah. I-uh... Don't know.)" The boy answered truthfully as he scratches the back of his head, feeling confused than ever.

"(Care to explain why you stopped walking?)" Shadow asked with worry.

"(I was... looking at silhouettes. Eight of them.)"


"(I...)" He paused as he raised his right hand and glances at it. "(Staring at them, I feel like powering up.)"

"(Really?)" Shadow questioned with a shocked tone.

"(Yes.)" Then the hero nerd changed the topic. "(Anyways, we can worry about that later.)"

Proceeding to walk back to his classmates, Izuku was confused at Shadow and the silhouettes.

For those eight figures, who are they? Why are they staring at him? And... why can't Shadow sees what he sees? Is it because Shadow's a Quirk?

That's gotta be it, right?



==Time Skip==

"Ah! Deku-kun!" In the crowd, Izuku was walking where his classmates are until he heard a familiar voice. Looking where the source is, he found his classmates, and the one who shouted his name is Ochako Uraraka.

"Good work." Amelia complimented as Ochako and Tsuyu agreed.

"We saved a seat for you." Tenya pointed the chair in between Ochako and Amelia where Izuku will sit after his battle.

"Thanks." Izuku smiled before he caught Fumikage Tokoyami and Mashirao Ojiro looking at him with a smile on their face.

The smile on the greenette boy's face grew bigger before he went to the reserved seat. After sitting, and right on time, the torches on the area lit up as Present Mic exclaimed, "Thanks for the wait."

"Match number two is these guys!" He pointed to the combatants who are already standing at the arena.

"Oh, by the way, this is a match between two identical Quirks! First off, the Manly and Passionate Steel! From the Hero Course, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu!"

As soon as the 1-B student was introduced, he let out a manly battle cry.

"Then, his rival, the user of Manly and Passionate Hardening! From the Hero Course as well, Eijiro Kirishima!"

"Even our intros are the same?" He lets out a manly tear while hearing his own intro, knowing his and Tetsutetsu are ultimately the same.

In one of the Class 1-A benches, Izuku was holding back his laugh. Chuckling is enough before he said, "No matter how fixed or redundant the matches are, it's still going to be an interesting fight."

"I agree." Tenya approved.

"It's a good thing I brought my notebook." Slightly opening his P.E shirt, he pulled out his notebook and a pencil before he zipped his shirt on.

"Wait, it's inside your shirt ever since the first match?" Amelia was shocked when she saw him doing this.

"Ah, no. I ran back to the waiting room, where I put the notebook and pencil in the locker." He answered.

"Oh, I see." Amelia understood before she turns her head back to the arena, where the fight started.

While his classmates are cheering alongside Class 1-B that are sitting next to them, Izuku's eyes are on his notebook, writing and stopping for a few moments to look at the fight.

Damaging each other was no good due to their defense-boost Quirks, or if that's how Izuku sees it. Neck-and-neck, both are not giving up until one either gives up or got shoved off the arena.

"(It's like watching who is the better sibling of the same Quirk, big bro.)"

"(It looks like it now.)"

Two minutes later, they are still fighting, never giving up until they both punch each other at the same time and fell on their back unconscious, making Present Mic announce the second match ends in a draw.

And before it happens, Izuku and co. were informed that Tenya will be in the waiting room since his match is next.

Seeing the result, Izuku chuckled and copied what Shadow said, "As expected. It's like we're all watching who is the better sibling of having the same Quirk."

To make everything fair, and because their Quirks are the same, it will change to an arm-wrestling match.

The pro heroes in the crowd are complimenting their abilities and Quirks, talking to each other, wishing someone like them would be their sidekick.

"While we wait for them to recover, let's move on to the next match."

Then the screen shows up who are the next competitors.

"Let's see how this match goes," Izuku commented.

"I wonder what fight it'll be?"

The match right now is Tenya Iida versus Hatsume Mei. Although there's something off about Tenya. Why is he wearing a belt?

As soon as everyone asked that same question, the four-eyes boy pushed a button and it showed him using a support item.

This made everyone caught off guard, even Izuku Midoriya, whose eyes are wide open.

Not long after...

"Pfff- HAHAHAHAHA!" Izuku began to laugh as everyone stared at him with utter confusion.

"How smart of you, Hatsume-san. Using Iida-kun as your source of advertising your support items must be very pleasing, huh? I wonder..." He looked around, paying no attention from the stares.

"I have a feeling there are companies, most likely those that can scout Support Course, will whisper and see if they can hire Hatsume-san."

"Same." Amelia said with a smile before everyone turn back to the fight where Tenya is being toyed with Mei Hatsume's 'babies'.

There's one moment where Hatsume turned away from her opponent and saw people, possibly from a sponsorship team, are talking or whispering to each other, possibly about her support items and her determination to show every 'babies' she has.

Time passes by and Hatsume was done showing all her support items and walked away, going out of bounds and making Midnight announce Tenya Iida the winner.

"You tricked me!" Tenya shouted with hatred.

At the arena, she looked away apologetically and said, "I'm sorry I used you."

"I hate you!" Never accepts her apology, he made another hand movement, going up and down repeatedly.

"Yikes." Sympathizing with the Class President of 1-A, Amelia puts her hand on her mouth.

"She'll do anything she can to achieve her goal," Izuku commented while writing that piece of information on a page that contains Mei Hatsume. He stopped after noticing something.

"What's her Quirk?" He asked Amelia.

"I don't know. Probably has to do something with those support items." She answered truthfully, receiving a nod from the hero nerd.

All of a sudden, Ochako rose up from her seat and said, "I gotta go, guys. I have to prepare for my next match."

"Okay. You can do it, Ochako." Mina said gleefully and received with a smile. After she left, Katsuki Bakugo left as well.

Next match? Oh yeah...

"Without further ado, let's go into the next match! First off, he's good, but what's with that plainness he just can't get rid of? From the Hero Course, Hanta Sero!"

"That's mean," Sero said while stretching his arms with a nervous expression.

"Versus! The student who got 2nd place in both rounds, you're one strong kid! No wonder you're in the recommendation! Also from the Hero Course, Shoto Todoroki!"

As soon as Shoto's name was mentioned, his eyes were covered by his hair, not showing any emotions.

Izuku, who finished writing, closes his notebook and focused on the match, or more specifically on Shoto Todoroki.

==A Few Minutes Ago==

Shoto Todoroki was walking down the hallway, going to the path where it leads to the arena. He stopped all of a sudden as soon as he takes a turn to the left.

"You're in the way." He said with such seriousness. In front of him is an object that's blocking his way to the arena.

That object is a person.

That person is a Pro Hero.

That Pro Hero is...

Enji Todoroki.

Also known as Endeavor.

Endeavor is in his Pro Hero outfit, giving a serious look that's mixed with anger at his 'son'.

"You're acting disgracefully, Shoto." Says the flaming garbage that made him who he is right now.

Ignoring what his old man said, he resumes walking. "If you used your left side the entire time, victory is within your hands already in the obstacle course and cavalry battle." Endeavor stated.

Receiving no response, he responds, "Stop this childish rebellion already. You have to surpass All Might. It's your duty. Do you understand?"

Every word that comes out of Endeavor's mouth is making Shoto grit his teeth, more agitated and angrier.

"You're different from your siblings. You are the greatest masterpiece." The No. 2 Hero of Japan commented.

"Is that all you can say, bastard?" Shoto asked with a venomous tone, not stopping or looking back at his dastard father.

"When I fight, there's not a fraction of my mind that I will use your power. I'll win and advance to the next round using my Mom's power only." The boy declared as Endeavor looked away with a permanent seriousness on his face.

"Even if that works for now, you'll soon reach the limits of that power." Endeavor said.

==Flashback End==

"Ready? Start!" Present Mic started the match.

"I know I can't win this one..." Sero stretched his head and neck before he made the first move.

"But I'll do my best instead of giving up!" He declared as he launched two tapes from each of his elbows and wrapped his opponents both arms and legs.

Cutting down one tape, Hanta Sero used the remaining as a way to pull Shoto out of the arena.

"A surprise attack aimed to push his opponent out of bounds. Don't you think that was the best choice for this situation? Go get him, Sero!" Present Mic cheered.

A few seconds left and Shoto's out for the count until he raised his head, giving a devilish glare at Sero, and said, "Sorry."

For a split second, his right foot slid, producing ice at a very fast pace. Sero saw it coming and bit his lip, accepting his loss already.

The next thing everyone felt is an earthquake, vibrating against the floor, literally shocking the civilians and pro heroes within the stadium. Even Present Mic was awestruck as his shades slid down a little bit with a large gaping mouth.

Those people behind Sero were lucky, but also shocked and scared.

They all felt it. The sudden chill to their spine was all because of Shoto letting out his anger.

You can imagine every pro hero, including the Big Three, is awed by the overwhelming power of the son of Endeavor.

The only ones who didn't faze or eyes widen only are Endeavor, Izuku Midoriya, and... Miruko.

Endeavor scoffed as he saw this act.

The ice from Shoto Todoroki covered half of the stadium. It's a good thing that the people behind Sero didn't get caught.

"Don't..." Present Mic muttered. "Don't you think that's too much?"

Midnight, however, wasn't lucky. Her right side, including the whip she's holding, was frozen. Still shivering from the coldness, her voice didn't waver as she asked, "Sero-kun, can you move?"

"Um," Sero answered. "I think it's totally... obvious... Ow..."

Just hearing those words and the situation he's in already prove the result of the third match of the tournament's first round.

"Sero-kun is immobilized! Shoto Todoroki-kun will advance to the next round!" Midnight announced.

There's a moment of silence until one pro hero puts his hands into a prayer formation and said with sympathy, "Do-Don't mind..."

"Don't mind!"


The crowd began to shout in unison, cheering up for Hanta Sero. For the immobilized Sero, he was happy and sad at the same time.

Even the first-year classes are shouting with the crowd. Izuku didn't participate in the choir as he stood up and left, his eyes are focused on Shoto Todoroki. This went unnoticed by his classmates due to him suddenly standing up and him never saying a word a while ago. He is totally focused on the match.

"Sorry. I went overboard." Shoto apologized as he walked forward and touched his classmate's chest with his left hand, creating steam while he was looking away with sympathy.

"I was angry."

As for the family of Yagi, they were bewildered by Shoto's power that the only thing that came out of Toshinori Yagi is this.

"Oh my God..."

Under the eyes of the crowd that started to chant 'Don't mind' unprompted was Shoto Todoroki, melting what he'd frozen himself with his left hand. The eyes of Izuku Midoriya were telling him, even after showing tremendous power to the world, Shoto is very sad.

==A Few Minutes Later==

"Excuse me." Izuku excused after opening the door that is meant for students whose match is next. The room he's about to enter is [Player 2 Waiting Room].

Inside is the person whom he wanted to meet. Ochako Uraraka.

"Oh, hey Deku-kun."

"Hello, Uraraka- Wait." Izuku noticed something off. "Hey, are you nervous? Your eyebrows are wrinkled?" He asked worryingly.

"My brows?" The face she's showing is menacing. Her eyebrows are furrowed and her eyes are glaring at him.

"Ah, I'm sorry. It's my nerves. Probably reached to my brow." She said embarrassingly as she scratched the back of her head.

"Yeah, I can see that since you're up against Bakugo, after all."

"Yup." She sighed. "To be honest, I'm really scared." Her voice cracked, showing her nervous emotions.

"Hey," Izuku called her attention. "It's okay to be scared. The fact you're here and finally going up against him just shows how courageous a girl you are." Cheering her, he received a wholesome smile from the bob-cut-haired girl.

"Thank you, Deku-kun."

Then all of a sudden, the voice of Present Mic echoed. "Let's take a few minutes as Shoto Todoroki will clean everything up!"

A sigh of relief came out of the girl's mouth, knowing a few minutes to relax was extended.

Izuku looks around and saw a monitor screen showing Shoto Todoroki still melting the large icicle of ice.

"(She watched the match.)" Izuku mentally said. Turning his face towards Ochako, he saw her gripping her left wrist with her pinky standing out. She was really scared, shaking and clenching tightly doesn't help her nerves.

Then, he asked something that made Ochako face him. "Do you want help?"

"Knowing Bakugo in the past, and knowing about this Sports Festival, he will go all out against you. It doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl, he'll give it all since this is about giving everything we got." He explained.

"But," The hero nerd halted. "I have a plan. A plan for you and your Quirk against Bakugo. I know it's not enough, but..." In his hand, he laid the notebook on the table and slide it next to Ochako. "Here. The plan that you can use."

Izuku was staring at her with a smile. They both stared for a moment until she got her answer.

"Thanks, Deku-kun." She said with a sad smile. "But I don't need it." The answer made the boy raised his eyebrows.

"You're always amazing, Deku-kun. Including everyone else. But out of all our classmates, you stand out the most, because this amazing side of you is showing out more." Ochako explained.

"During the cavalry battle, I thought it's easier to communicate and team up with friends, but right now... I realized that I might've been trying to rely on you."

"That's why..." She stood up. "When Iida-kun challenged you and that student whom you fought a while ago, it made me feel more embarrassed."

"Uraraka-san..." He stood up as soon as she was about to go out, readying herself for the match.

"That's why it's fine." Ochako stopped at the front of the door, not facing him as she continued. "Everyone's trying their hardest and do whatever they can. That means we're rivals, right?"

She turns around and despite her shaking, she still showed a thumbs up at Izuku Midoriya, her classmate, her rival, and declared.

"Let's meet at the finals."

The boy was standing there, awestruck by how brave Ochako is. The courageous act despite the nervousness getting the best of her shows one thing...

Izuku smiled and said, "Like what you said about my nickname." A smile formed on his face.

"You can do it, Uraraka-san." Hearing this made her smile bigger, never noticing her heart rate is beating faster after her ears catching another amazing inspirational speech from the former vigilante.

Her Classmate...

Her Rival...

Her Savior...

Her Hero...

Izuku Midoriya, known as Deku.

"Thank you again." With that, she opened the door and left the room. Staring at the door for a few seconds, his vision changed to the screen where the ice is gone and he thought.

"(It's time.)"

Instead of going back, he stayed in the room, not wanting to miss every second of the match that's about to happen now.

Then he heard Present Mic shouting. "Now then, the ice is finally gone, time for the fifth match to start!"

The screen showed the combatants. Two different genders, two different personalities.

At the Class 1-A benches, Tsuyu said with a worried tone, "This might be the most disturbing match-up."

"I almost don't wanna watch it..." An uneasy Jiro complained while caressing both her arms as if removing the coldness of this incoming match.

"(You can do it, Ochako-chan.)" Mina prayed with a worried look, hoping that their best friend wins this match even if she's at a disadvantage.

"(Show 'im what you got, Uraraka-san. Give it your all!)" Thought Izuku, cheering for the girl who's about to go toe-to-toe with his childhood bully.

"He was kind of famous in middle school! This isn't the face of a regular person! From the Hero Course, Katsuki Bakugo!" Present Mic announced loudly.

"Tch. 'Kind of famous' my ass." Izuku whispered under his breath with hatred.

"Versus!" Present Mic paused and whispered. "She's the one I'm rooting for. Also from the Hero Course, Ochako Uraraka!"

The feeling of the crowd watching upon her is nerve-wracking indeed. Despite the situation, she's able to calm herself, relaxing by closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

"(You can do it, Ochako.)" She thought to herself. "(Ignore the crowd and the noises, just... focus.)" Inhaling and exhaling, she opened her eyes and met with the eyes of a fearsome warrior.

"Fifth match, start!"

"You're the one who can make things float, right, Round Face?" He asked, giving her a nickname that made her face scrunched up.

"If you're gonna withdraw, do it now. You won't get it off with just an 'ouch'." He declared with his hands hidden in the pockets.

The declaration made her sweat drop, hesitating to answer as they stared at each other for a few seconds.

"Withdrawing is not what I want!" She ran towards her foe who stood and still have their hands in their pockets.

"That's right." Whispered under his breath, Izuku smiled. "A swift attack is what she'll do for the first attack."

Then someone opened the door and he was met with a familiar face.

"Huh? Izu-kun?"

"Oh, hello, Kawakami-san."

"What are you doing here?"

"I got lazy going back so I thought that I'm gonna stay here since it has a monitor screen where every student who entered here and the other room can watch the match."

"Oh really? I didn't know that." She entered the room, looking at where Izuku's watching.

Back at the arena, Ochako was closing the distance between themselves as Katsuki slowly raises his right hand, preparing to strike.

"Then, die." Katsuki said. It may faze Ochako, but the determination in her didn't make her retreat or so.

Then, he pulled his right arm, making the girl notice. "(Here. If I dodge here...)"

Sparks coming out of Katsuki's palm as he blasts his opponent who was a foot away.

This attack made Ochako stumble back and shielded herself with her forearms.

"Did he blast her?" A scared Mineta asked. You can see the discomfort looks on every face of Class 1-A.

"Even though you're fighting a girl, you're not holding back or showing mercy, do you, Bakugo-chan?" Tsuyu commented with a straight face.

The clouds from Katsuki's attack didn't disperse as the bob-cut-haired girl muttered, "No good. Even if I knew it, I couldn't react faster."

Katsuki went into alert mode as he listens and watches carefully where Ochako will emerge from the black smoke.

He heard no footsteps as he exclaimed, "Come on out."

All of a sudden, at the corner of his left eye, Ochako emerged. "Don't underestimate me!"

He blasted her head-on. As if he got her, what he attacked is a P.E uniform, shocking him.

This time, from behind, Ochako truly appeared.

"(I got him!)" She said in her mind as he was a few inches away from touching him.

However, the boy quickly turned around and again, used his Quirk to counterattack, sending Ochako flying and tumble a few rolls before she regained stability.

"He attacked after he saw her?" Sero asked with a shocked look.

"With that kind of reaction, it doesn't matter if there's a smokescreen," Denki responded with discomfort.

"With Uraraka unable to activate her Zero Gravity unless she touches him, she's at disadvantages with Bakugo's reflexes."

Back at the arena, it was slightly filled with black smoke as Katsuki swiped the smokescreen in front of him, gaining him the full view of his opponent who charges forward.

"Too slow!" He blasted her again, causing the students of Class 1-A to have a look of sympathy, disgust, horrified and many other expressions as the match between a boy and a girl go on.

Another explosion was created at the bob-cut-haired girl as everyone thought that they're watching a horror movie.

Kyoka Jiro and Amelia Kawakami covered their face with both of their hands, showing that the match is too much for the two. This includes Momo Yaoyorozu, who was in the other room.

The Big Three also had a sad and worried look as they thought in sync, "(Poor Girl.)"

"(That little bastard.)" Miruko complained, gritting her teeth as she, too, watched the ongoing battle.

Explosion after explosion, everyone began to whisper of bad Katsuki Bakugo is fighting against a girl.

Izuku even had a rough time, but he didn't dare to look away. The battle continues until Izuku noticed and thought something that made his eyes widen.

His expression changed and a smile appeared on his face as he thought, "(Atta girl. Don't give up, Uraraka-san. Just a bit more.)"

Where was Izuku going with this?

We're about to find out.

"Her substitution didn't work earlier, and she's struggling as time pass on." A worried pro hero stated.

Neito Monoma, whose arms are crossed and smirking at the same time, sighed before he looked at his classmate and said, "He's an idiot."

As he said that, another explosion happened at the arena, indicating that Katsuki blast Ochako again.

Then pro heroes began to shout at Cementoss by stopping the match or that the ash-blonde boy goes too far.

At the arena, Ochako was reaching her limits, but still fought head-on as she looked up and saw the villain glare of her foe.

With slight bruises and sweats covering her body, she stood up and face him, only to get a blast on her face.

"I... can't watch..." One female pro hero had her face covered with both hands. Sure not watching it is brutal, but hearing the explosions knowing the girl is getting hurt repeatedly is terrifying.

"Oi!" One male pro hero stood up with anger on his look because of the unfair match.

"How can you say you want to be a hero like that?! If there's such a huge difference in your abilities, then hurry up and send her out of bounds!" The combatants ignored the complaint and focused on fighting each other only.

"Yeah!" Another troublemaking pro hero stood beside the first complainer. That troublemaker's a female pro hero at that.

"Tch. To think they noticed this type of bullying to those with Quirks, but never paid attention to those who bullied the Quirkless." Izuku angrily whispered. Amelia heard him as she turn around and said, "You know those pro heroes are busy all the time."

"Yeah, but the middle school where I and Bakugo went studying is so disrespectful to the Quirkless. Even the teachers support the bullying, going against their rules that bullying is not allowed within the school premises. From the first day I was bullied in school, it was clear that the school is a fucking hypocrite."

"Oh, God." Amelia had her hand on her mouth hearing the sad, horrific childhood past of her classmate.

After hearing the story what the two heard next is a large chant of booing from the crowd.

"There's booing part from the crowd. But to be honest, I feel the sa- Pugha!" He was interrupted with an elbow attack from his co-emcee, Shouta Aizawa.

"An elbow?! What're ya doing?!" Present Mic grumbled as he adjusted his shades. Aizawa, considering his recovering state, grabbed the microphone directly to his mouth and announced, "Was that a pro saying he's playing around? How many years have you been a pro?"

Hearing a dissing statement caused the booing to fade quickly.

"If you're saying that with a straight face, then there's no point for you to watch the Sports Festival anymore. Go home, and look into changing careers!"

Izuku heard the declaration of his homeroom teacher and began to smirk. Those pro heroes deserve it.

"Bakugo is already being careful because he has acknowledged the strength of his opponent who has made it this far." Eraser Head explained. "It's because he's doing everything he can to win that he can't go easy or let his guard down against Uraraka."

At the arena, Katsuki narrowed his eyes and thought, "(Not yet. She's still standing!)"

A determined face can be seen on Ochako despite her panting and sweating from every attack she endures.

Correcting her position to stand up, Ochako spoke, "Thanks, Bakugo-kun..." She raised both her hands before she continued. "For not... letting your guard down..."


Hearing it made Katsuki raised his guard and alertness as Monoma said, "It can't be helped from where Bakugo is, but it's so humiliating for a pro in the stands to not notice it. She lowered her body every time she advances, for he doesn't know that she's storing weapons."

"Because of Bakugo's relentless attacks, she kept him on using it for reducing his vision," Izuku explained as if continuing what the blonde-haired boy wanted to say.

Closing his eyes, he added one more sentence. "To keep him from detecting it." He can imagine what Neito is seeing right now.

Looking up, Monoma's classmates followed the direction of his vision and saw numerous rubbles in the sky.

"I'll take the win!" Ochako's fingertips touch against each other, producing a faint sound. This is the cue where the rubbles were pulled down thanks to the Earth's gravity.

"Meteor Showers?!"

"(Got 'im.)" Izuku smirked.

Katsuki looked up and saw many sharp rocks dropping at him at a fast velocity.

Seizing the opportunity, Ochako gave it all and ran forward. "(With this much debris, whether he's evading or counterattacking, there's always an opening!)"

The rubbles are falling faster and closer.

"(At that moment, I'll get him with my special move!)" Katsuki raised his left arm upwards and Ochako was getting closer as she touched her fingertips again and lunge forward.

"(I'll win.)" Then, flashes of Izuku motivating her went through her mind. "(I'll win and fight Deku-kun in the finals!)"

Stretching her arm forward, she was close to touching him... until a few sparks appeared on the boy's left arm.

The next thing they see is a very large explosion that causes huge wind. Ochako was seen flying and rolling a few times before it stopped.

The amount of Katsuki's Quirk power was a flabbergasting scene for the crowd, pro heroes, and the students as well.

The rocks are of no more. either turned into pebbles or blown away by Katsuki.

Ochako was absolutely in shocked as she was really struggling to stand up, but seeing the plan didn't work, her body was giving out quickly.

She heard the Explosion Quirk user spoke.

"Since you're friends with Deku, I thought you'd be up to something. That was close..." He whispered that last part and his left arm was slightly shaking.

"In... one shot..." She muttered, horrified by the power she witnessed. "(I did everything I could... and it's still... not enough?)" Having a hard time along the way, she stood up with her back facing her foe.

"Let's get serious then, Uraraka!" Finally, after counterattacking, Katsuki Bakugo was running towards the bob-cut-haired girl.

Her hand clenched as she thought, "(If it were Deku-kun...)"

"(You can do it, Uraraka-san.)"

Again, another image of Izuku came running through her mind.

"(He wouldn't give up!)" She turns around and faces the boy who's a few feet away from her.

The gap was closing and they're about to go for another one.

Until... the girl fell down, stopping Katsuki from advancing and Present Mic announced what happened.

"Damn... it..." She cursed under her breath. "My body... can't do... what I want..."

"Ochako..." Amelia had her hand on her mouth, terrified and worried for her friend, including the Class 1-A girls.

Slowly, she's starting to crawl forward.

"I... I can still..." While crawling, she saw her parents smiling and heard them.

"I appreciate the thought, Ochako. But as your parents, we would be even happier if you pursue your dream. When that happens, you can take us on a vacation."

"(Mommy... Daddy...)"

Those are the last thoughts before her eyes are starting to blur, losing consciousness, losing control. Before she accepted the result, she mumbled, "I'll... become... a hero..." On point, her vision was consumed by the darkness.

Katsuki was standing there and saw Midnight coming to the scene, checking Ochako. Knowing this, she announced with her eyes closed, "Uraraka is unconscious. Bakugo advances to the second round!"

Then loud cheers erupted from the crowd.

Midnight called the emergency robot and told them to escort the very tired Ochako Uraraka to Recovery Girl.

Taking a breath of relief, Izuku's body relaxed. He was stiffed at the last moment. Walking to the door, he said, "I'll go check on Uraraka-san."

"Sure thing, Izu-kun."

"Good luck on your match, by the way."

"Thanks." With that signal, he opened the door and left the room with his mind on one location.

Recovery Girl's Temporary Nurse's Office.

Walking down the hallway, he was met with an angry expression. You know who it is.

His childhood bully, Katsuki Bakugo.

Eyebrows furrowed, Izuku's expression is an angry look, glaring back at the ash-blonde-haired boy.

They never said a word until the hero nerd broke the tense atmosphere. "Nice match." He said with such hatred.

"You're looking for a fight, huh, Deku?!"

"As much as I love to, we can fight at the arena. That is if you're beaten by someone."

"Like hell those fucking extras will defeat me. No one will." Katsuki stated. His pride is getting the best of him.

"We'll see about that." The green-haired boy scoffed and continued walking. But Katsuki called him.

"Oi, shitty nerd." This prompted Izuku to stop but never turn around.

"That was your idea, wasn't it? That damned desperate plan? You're really getting more annoying than ever, huh? What the fu-"

"It's not my plan, you stupid fuck." He turned around with a glare, full of a tenacious aura.

"The next thing you'll say is 'The fuck did you say to me?!'"

"The fuck did you say to me, Deku?!"



"Thought so." Turning his body around, Izuku continued. "All of it, Uraraka-san planned everything, thinking about how to beat you. If you think that was more annoying, it's because she's leading you around by the nose."

A 'Tsk' can be heard under Katsuki's breath. Izuku looked away and went back to where he's heading.

"Don't you dare lose the next match, or else it's very unfitting of you." As he declared, Izuku left and went towards the Temporary Nurse's Office while Katsuki stood there with a never-ending glare before he went to where the Class 1-A are.

For Izuku, he saw the place not far, but the door opened and Ochako Uraraka left the office.

"Uraraka-san." Picking up the pace, he called her.

"Eh? Deku-kun? Why aren't you with the others?"

"I wanted to check if you're still kicking."

"Oh, uh... As you can see, I'm still standing, and tired as well." Ochako yawned as Izuku checked her condition.

Bandages on her arms and one on her left cheek, and have a little stamina left. It's amazing after giving everything she got, this enormous endurance is what no other girls have, but that doesn't mean they can't do it unless they try.

"Come, let's get you to a room where you can rest for a bit."

"Thank you as always, Deku-kun." With that, she followed the hero nerd and was lead to a room next to the [Player 2 Waiting Room].

Entering, they sat across each other, nothing to say.

"(This is... getting awkward.)" Izuku was slightly gritting his teeth from the embarrassment of how silent the atmosphere is.

"Man, I lost." Ochako was chuckling with a smile while scratching the back of her head, but the boy saw right through it. It was forced.

"I got carried away at the end thinking I could do it, damn it." Izuku didn't utter a word as he only stared at her.

"Bakugo-kun is really strong! Guess I need to work harder than before!" She pumped her fist in frustration.


"Ah..." That's what came out of Ochako's mouth, seeing that Izuku kept looking at her.

Giving up, she sighed and respond bitterly, "Look, Deku-kun. I'm okay, really. You can stop worrying about me."

"Says the girl who tried to be cheerful when she said that," Izuku stated making the girl flinch a bit.

"Uraraka-san. It's okay. You can let it out." He assured.

"But if I did, then it shows I'm not strong."

"I agree." That didn't help her. "But it shows how courageous and brave you are."

"Huh?" She was confused when he said that.

"Yikes. Wrong words to say." He coughed to correct his statement. "What you did out there, knowing the odds are really against you, you stood your ground and fought valiantly."

"You have seen where your Quirk and strength can take you. You can go beyond your limits. But." He paused. "You can't go ahead as you want. Stopping won't hold you back. It makes you rest and saves a lot of energy."

"It's better if you let your emotions out." A small smile formed on his face.

"Failure is a stepping stone to success, no matter what. There are times where a hero breaks down because of something. It shows that not all heroes are just flashy or saving people at all costs. It shows that they're human too."

Ochako was listening to his advice, speechless is the correct word for her situation right now.

"Remember this, Uraraka-san. It's okay to cry."

Her eyes are now showing tears. As she looked down and cried. Sniffling and sobbing, she can't control or held back the emotions rising in her heart.

Seeing this, Izuku stood up and sat beside her, grabbing her shoulders to get her attention.

"Uraraka-san." Ochako looked at him with puffy eyes and already wet stained cheeks. "It's okay to cry." He repeated.

She sniffed. "Deku... kun..."

It was at this moment where he pulled her to his arms with her head resting on his chest. Paying no mind to his shirt getting stained, Izuku comforts her, caressing her back and her hair.

Never saying a word, the room is filled with the girl's weeping noise.

Even though Izuku interacted with a girl this close, Nejire Hado at that, Ochako's sadness overcomes his shyness. Comforting her is his priority right now.

When everything is too much for a person or they feel like a failure, they're finding someone who can rest their head, letting out every problem towards their friend.

Ochako needed someone...

And Izuku was there for her, answering her calls.

"I'm... sorry... I failed you..."

"Shh..." He shushed her continuing to comfort her.

"No matter what you do, Uraraka-san, you are amazing."

His statement is enough for surprising the girl. Izuku, her friend, is here to lessen the pain she's feeling until now, making her cry more. Unknown to her, Izuku was looking down at her, smiling wholeheartedly...

With tears leaking out.

They say that a friend is always there for you, but few people said, 'Close friends are always there, to comfort you and to be by your side as they felt your pain'.

That's what Izuku is doing. When he went to U.A, never did he encounter a bubbly, cheerful girl other than Ochako Uraraka herself. Nejire Hado was different. She's a cute airhead.

Seeing her smile and positive attitude every day, made him feel bubbly inside.

While Izuku is comforting Ochako, the Explosion Quirk user is back at the stands with his 'extra' classmates.

"Oh, Bakugo!" Sero shouted, calling the arrived boy. "That was tough, huh? Playing the bad guy."

"Even if it was because of the match-up, you played an amazing villain, Bakugo-chan." Tsuyu commented with a finger on her chin. Kyoka was staring at the mentioned boy with a worried look.

"Shut up and be quiet!" Katsuki growled at them with his hands in his pockets.

"But man, I can't believe you were able to aim such a huge blast on a frail girl." Kaminari pointed at him.

Scoffing at their comments, the Explosion Quirk user boy looked down with his eyes darkened and muttered, "What part of her was frail?"

==A Few Minutes Later==

"Feeling a little better?"

"Yeah, thanks again, Deku-kun." Ochako said, her breathing was slowly getting back to normal. Her eyes are still leaking out tears, but Izuku was helping her, wiping the remaining tears with his thumb while wearing a sad smile.

"You... wanna go back?" He asked if she's in the condition to go back to the stands where their classmates are watching and sitting.

"Nah, let me stay here for a few minutes."

"Okay." Giving her the space and time she needed, he accompanied her instead of leaving her alone. Izuku knew that leaving her alone is good, but it wouldn't hurt her if Izuku can stay here for a little longer.

Luckily, this room even had a monitor screen for them to watch the current match. Momo Yaoyorozu versus Amelia Kawakami.

At the arena, Present Mic shouted, "Ready?! Start!"

"(I'm up against Kawakami-san, whose Quirk can pierce through any solid materials depending on the heat she'll let it out.)" Momo thought. "(I can't create a shield since it will get destroyed. Then, there's only one way to beat her.)"

"(This is gonna be tough.)" This time, it was Amelia who said that internally. "(I can't let out too much heat or else I'm gonna pierce a hole through a thick wall. I gotta be careful letting out my Photon Beams at her as well. What to do, what to do, what to do?)"

Amelia was interrupted when a rope was coming in her direction. Rolling to the side, she dodged the attack from the Class President of 1-A. Looking at where she is, Momo was running at her full speed.

Amelia's hands are in the air, facing her foe as she let out weak beams in which the raven-haired girl dodged to the left. The beams hit the wall and it didn't pierce, but it did a lot of damage by making the spot go deeper.

"(Shit.)" Amelia cussed. "(Just as I thought, I can't go all out or else I'm in trouble. Then, I'll do what Izu-kun will do in his first match.)"

She ran to Momo who was surprised at her move. Momo tried to do the move Sero did, by wrapping Amelia with her created rope and pull her out of bounds.

Unfortunately, the redhead girl caught the rope with her hands and pulled Momo within her distance. A foot away from each other, Amelia ducked under Momo's right side and her arms snaked around the class president's abdomen, turning around pushed the raven-haired girl.

She was pushed near the edge of the arena. Knowing the predicament she's in, Momo needs to get out of there immediately.

Looking back, Amelia was in very close range. Momo tried to grab her but failed because Amelia grabbing her wrists. Twisting her body so that her back is facing the edge of the arena, Amelia threw her opponent out of bounds in the same way Izuku did to his rival Hitoshi Shinso.

Except while Momo was dropping in mid-air, Amelia released her grasp, making Momo land on her backside. Not on her back, but on her butt.

"Yaoyorozu is out of bounds! Kawakami will advance to the second round!"

Hearing the winner, and just like always, the crowd cheered. Momo stared at the ground, really disappointed. Her confidence and battle spirit were destroyed.

Then, she saw a shadow overcoming her body as she looks up and saw her rival offering her hand with a sad smile.

"Sorry, Yaomomo." Amelia apologized.

"It's a good match against you, Kawakami-san." She accepted the offer and was pulled up.

"Likewise." Amelia saw the forced smile Momo formed on her face before she left the arena, going back to her waiting room.

"(Poor girl.)" Izuku thought sadly before he stood up and said to Ochako, "I'm gonna help Yaoyorozu-san."

"Sure thing, Deku-kun. Help her as you did to me." Ochako smiled widely as Izuku returned the favor as he left the room, looking for the mentioned girl for a few seconds until he found her, sulking against the wall, hugging her legs as if she's miserable to her parents.

Her parents are totally watching her match. And the fact that they made her through the recommendations and lost within a few seconds is utterly disappointing. It really hit her hard.

"Hey." Izuku walked over, she looked at him and quickly wiped her tears before asking, "Hey, Midoriya-kun. What's up?"

"You don't have to act tough, I know what you're devastated." He spoke, making her flinch and look down with obvious depression on her face.

"I... thought I can do better than that, but... she beat me so quickly." Momo sadly said as the hero nerd sat next to her.

"You can let it out. I'm all ears." He compassionately said.

"Do you... think that I deserve to be here? After that match?"


"But I didn't do anything to-"

"You did something indeed." He interrupted her speech. "Creating a rope, trying to wrap things up quickly is a good one. Although her quick thinking is faster than yours."

"Even so, it's so embarrassing..." She hid her face.

"I... can't say anything about that, but you are one of the best students in our class." He praised.

"Only in intelligence and knowledge, but with a Quirk? I'm useless, no matter what!" She snapped.

"Hey." He said in a deep tone making the girl stopped her rambling and she saw him staring at her seriously.

"Don't sell yourself out. At least your match-up is not someone like Bakugo or Todoroki-kun."

She paused after listening to that statement before she replied, "But, even if I did. I have no match against them."

This time it was Izuku who went silent for a few seconds before he asked her. "Hey, when it comes down to that kind of fight. Who's gonna win, the brain or the brawns?"

"Of course it's obvious, the brawns will win."

"Nope." He disagrees with her answer. "There are times where brawns will win, but mostly it's the brains who won. Why do think I won the match? Or how did Ochako almost caught Katsuki at the last minute?" He asked her, referencing both himself and the bob-cut-haired girl.

"It's because we are thinking. Finding ways on how to beat the other. Amelia has some experience with close-range combat. She did it because she can't control her Quirk and she knows that she can't always depend on her Quirk. Strength is nothing when the brain is nowhere to guide it."

Momo was looking at him, listening while her mouth was open in awe.

"I know you can't depend on your Quirk, but you can help yourself by some self-defense training program. That way you don't have to worry about it when it happens again." He said with a smile.

"However," He made the atmosphere intense. "I must say, your Quirk is far from useless. I mean, come on, you can create almost everything like you're a goddess sent from above." He smiled widely, complimenting her Quirk that made her blush.

Knowing the damages has done, Izuku slowly looked away with a blush of embarrassment while scratching the side of his side. This sight made Momo giggled and thought it was cute.

Izuku's serious expression when it comes to the battlefield completely disappeared after this short circuit moment of his.

"Thank you, Midoriya-kun." Smiling warmly, Izuku looked at her and saw that she's back to normal. Smiling back, he stood up and faced her, offering his hand to help her stand up.

"Yaoyorozu-san, with this loss, you can either think about it for a long time, or you can prove yourself to grow better, smarter, and faster than now."

"You know how to brighten a woman, Midoriya-kun. For me, that is." She raised her hand and landed on Izuku's, who pulled her up gently.

"I just wanna help those who need comfort, that's all."

"And you did." Smiling at each other, it felt like an eternity for them to stare at each other's eyes.

"Deku-kun! Yaomomo!" Someone in the distance interrupted their moment as they saw Ochako waving at them.

"Oh, Uraraka-san. You feel better?" Momo asked the bob-cut girl.

"Yep, better to go back to our friends."

"Yeah. They must've noticed I've been gone for a while. Shall we go back?" Izuku questioned the girls and they agreed to go back.

"Hey," Momo called his attention, but it also got the Zero Gravity Quirk user's attention. "Thanks for helping me again, Midoriya-kun."

"No problem."

"I forgot. Thanks, Deku-kun."

"With pleasure, girls." He smiled back at them, knowing that they're slowly recovering from their loss as they head back.

==Time Skip==

"Onto the seventh match of the first round!" Present Mic announced the next match right now as two combatants are already on the arena with the torches on each corner lit up.

"Is something going to come out of those horns? Let's found out now! From the Hero Course, Mina Ashido!" The noisy emcee introduced the pink-skinned girl who was stretching her arms at the back of her head.

"Versus! The girl can almost grab large things with those enlarged hands. Also from the Hero Course, Itsuka Kendo!"

"Let's have a friendly match, Ashido-san." Itsuka said with a smile while cracking her knuckles.

"Hehe. Likewise." Mina answered as Present Mic shouted, "Ready? Start!"

The pink-skinned girl used her Acid Quirk on her boots filled with holes, making her skate to the side.

"(Ashido-san and Kendo-san's match...)" Izuku thought while writing information about the Class 1-B student. During the Cavalry Battle, he saw a glimpse of Itsuka Kendo's large hands and Present Mic's introduction about her gave away.

By the way, the trio is back to their friends. They sat close to each other with Izuku in the middle, Ochako on his right and Momo on his left.

"(They both have disadvantages. For Ashido-san, she has to avoid the range of how Kendo-san can try to grab her. On Kendo-san's side, she must avoid those acids. Dunno how painful those acids are, but even if Ashido-san's at a huge disadvantage, this is going to be an interesting match-up.)" He smiled as he took glances from the match while writing.

At the arena, Mina dodged an attack from her opponent, who tried to grab her but failed. After dodging, she produced acids and it flew towards Itsuka Kendo. Noticing this, the orange-haired girl dodged, but some small amount of acid landed on her shoulder, melting her uniform and slowly revealing a small part of her skin.

Gritting her teeth, Itsuka charged at her rival. Ashido was skating as fast as she could, having the idea of making the Class 1-B ran out of stamina.

"(She's tiring me out.)" Itsuka noticed. "(Guess I'll try this one.)" Her fists grew big as she raised them to the air and slam it down with enough force.

The force is enough to make a small earthquake, even the crowds felt it. Mina Ashido almost lost her balance, but Itsuka brought down another one. This time, Ashido completely fell to the ground.

Trying to stand up as fast as she can, she was too late as her body was engulfed with Itsuka Kendo's Big Fist. Knowing this, she produced acids through her hand, sizzling the skin of the Class 1-B's student as she recoiled in pain.

"Agh!" Itsuka released her grip, letting go of Mina who charged at her. Also noticed that Mina melted the small sides of her pants since she had no choice but to use that strategy.

Since she had no time to recover her palms, she dodged the incoming acids and shoulder bashed Mina, who fell down landing on her butt. For Mina, it hurts like hell, but she had no time to wail.

Once she saw the large hands of her opponent, she knew she's in big trouble, pun intended, especially when she's in a dangerously close range. Rolling away, she managed to escape from what seemed to be the end of the match.

Failed to do so made Itsuka charge at her, but this made Ashido threw a blob of acid right below her neck. The melting of her uniform results in a slight reveal of her chest, presumably a small leakage of her bra, making one of her enlarge fists cover her front body in embarrassment.

"(Yes, yes, yes!)" The baby of Class 1-A was drooling, showing that sick perverted smile as she saw Itsuka covering her chest.

Kaminari was silent, but you can see the redness on his cheek.

But then, they felt it. It's menacing and scary. It shuts their perverse thoughts until it's nothing.

"Hey, Deku-kun, what're you looking at?"

"I thought I just saw a fly and it's really making me irritated."

Back at the arena, Itsuka thought to herself, "(I made a mistake on that part.)" She only got one large hand left due to the other using it to cover her exposed chest.

"Sorry, Kendo-san! I had no choice but to do that!" Mina apologized with a bitter smile.

"No worries." The orange-haired girl paid no mind since this is a match and every pro heroes is watching what are the Quirks these students in the tournament have.

At least that trick is allowed.

Her left hand was slightly okay, but still, she needed to win this match, but what to do?

She charged with high alert. Seeing the distance, the pink-skinned girl shoots out a blob of acid again, but Itsuka predicted it and dodged the attack.

Mina's jumped backward and so did the Big Sister of Class 1-B. Then, the orange-haired girl's hands grew and successfully grabbed her opponent and lightly threw Mina Ashido out of bounds and rolled a few times before slowly stopping.

"Ashido was thrown out of bounds! Kendo will advance to the second round!" Just like always, the crowd roared for the result of this seventh match.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch." Mina was whispering in pain, struggling to stand up. Slight cuts can be seen from her arms. The landing was nasty and the leaves are not sharp, but enough to cut someone by some circumstances.

"Sorry about that." Itsuka was standing there with a sad smile and an outstretched hand towards her opponent.

Mina chuckled and said it didn't matter since it's a friendly, but go-all-out match. Accepting the offer, Itsuka escorted her to Recovery Girl as the last match is next.

"And now, this is the last match for the round! After that, we'll take a five-minute rest before going to the second round!" Present Mic exclaimed.

"Without further ado, here are the last fighters!" The screen showed the appearances of the last two students.

"The assassin from Class 1-B! From the Hero Course, Ibarra Shiozaki! Versus! Sparking Killing Boy! From the Hero Course as well, Denki Kaminari!"

"Um, excuse me for the interruption." The student from Class 1-B raised her hand worriedly. "I only came here to find victory, not taking someone's life."

Blinking, the people who heard her were surprised. "In the first place." She started as the light upon her shines brighter. "I wished to enter U.A High School not for evil reasons, but for the salvation of others."

"I'm really sorry about that." Present Mic apologized.

"Thank you for your understanding." She bowed with understanding.

"(Class B have this kind of people, huh?)" Kaminari sweatdropped as he listens to their conversation.

"(Well,)" He started another topic inside his head. "(She's got huge eyes, pretty face and she looks like she's strong, too.)"

Then he fist-pumped, feeling more motivated than ever. "(I'm gonna discharge all of my electricity here, right? But then, she's pretty and cute as well...)" He doubted going all out against a girl.

He's not like Katsuki Bakugo, who go all out against his opponent, but the thought of him destroying the motto 'Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!' makes him think twice about not giving everything he got.

"(I've gotta ask her out sometime.)" He declared inside his head of wanting to date his opponent.

"A-Anyway, start!" The emcee stuttered loudly.

"When this is over, wanna grab a bite to eat? I'll comfort you if you have me." He quickly made a move on her, confusing the innocent girl.

"This match will probably be over in a second!" After saying a declaration like that, he emanates a lot of electricity.

With a smirk, he said the name of his attack. "Indiscriminate Shock... 1.3 Million Volts!" Aiming at the ground, lots of electricity is coming at his opponent at full speed.

Looking at this, Ibarra turned away with her hands intertwined. Then her hair began to move and formed a large shield before it cuts down for the right size of protecting her. The ultimate attack of the humanoid Pichu failed as he was surprised and letting out an 'Eh?' weird sound.

Then he saw something was burrowing underneath the cemented ground and soon he was engulfed with her hair, immobilizing the mind-fried opponent of hers.

"In an instant! I repeat, it was decided in an instant!"


"The winner of this match and shall go to the second round is Shiozaki!"

The crowd smiled and roared loudly for the last quick match of the first round.

"Ha." Ibarra sighed in relief. "I was able to make the most of the opportunity I was given." She said with grace.

"Good job, Shiozaki!" Awase said proudly of his classmate advancing to the next.

"Well, it was expected." Tsuyu said with a blank face.

"Man..." Kyoka was scratching the side of her head, shaking for their classmate's move.

Then a voice was heard from the side.

"What's that? Didn't he say he'd settle this in a second? That's strange, he was defeated in a second, wasn't he?" It was Neito Monoma looking at them with a look that's mockingly disgusting while laughing at Kaminari's failure.

"(Okay, that's it. This guy's toast!)" Shadow said angrily. Izuku agreed with his partner's statement as he stood up and walked towards the blonde-haired boy calmly.

"Oh, you're approachi- Guhack!" In a swift move, Izuku karate chopped the side of the boy's neck. At a corner of Monoma's hair, he saw partial skin, most notably a hand in a karate chop look as well.

Looking over, he saw the girl who won against Mina Ashido.

"Ah, Midoriya-san."

"Hello, Kendo-san. Sorry for knocking him down so fast."

"Oh, you did? Well, thanks again. Sorry about that as well."

"No problem. Oh, also Monoma." He said looking down at the unconscious boy.

"I know you're knocked out, but if you're still awake right now, listen to this. If you continue that sentence, you're gonna be in a world of pain." He said with a straight face as the Class 1-B looked at him confused and surprised.

What was Monoma gonna say again? They didn't catch it.

"I'll tell it to him once he's awake," Itsuka said to him as he responds. "Thanks."

With that, he went back to his seat and the eyes of his classmates, except the bully, are on him.

"What was he gonna say, Midoriya-kun?" Amelia asked with confusion on her face.

"P.T.S.D. That's what." The hero nerd simply said. For those who don't know the acronym, it's Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

"Wait, you met him before?" Tenya asked.


"Then why did you say that?" This time it was Kyoka who questioned Izuku.

"Just to scare him off, I guess." He answered blankly.

"I... see." They didn't buy it, but they ask no furthermore questions as Present Mic shouted, causing the crowd to jump from the sudden shouting.

"How can I forget about that?! Thanks for reminding me, Eraser Head."

"Just shut up and get on with it!"

"Yeesh. Cold as always! Anyways! I found out that this isn't the last match! We still have another match! The match between Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Eijiro Kirishima! The battle will be an Arm Wrestling Match!"

==Time Skip==

"Winner, Kirishima! He'll advance to the second round!" Midnight announced as Kirishima roared in victory.

"Damn, metal fatigue..." Tetsutetsu said while holding his right forearm in pain. "I should've eaten more iron!"

Just then, the redhead boy walked to him as Tetsutetsu looked up and saw him smiling manly.

"It was a good match." Hearing those words, Tetsutetsu smiled back and took the hand of Eijiro Kirishima, signifying that it is indeed a good match. Or in better words... a manly match.

(You can throw me out after this chapter ends.)

"So youthful!" Midnight began to fangirl as seeing this scene in front of her while Cementoss paid no mind.

"Now that we've got who's advancing to the next round, it's time to shuffle them up again!" Present Mic shouted as the screen showed who are the participants in the second round.

Shuffling the names, it continued for five seconds until it stopped and showed them who are the combatants on each match for the second round.

"(Kendo-san, huh?)" Izuku thought, looking at the screen thinking about his opponent. This is the same for everyone as well.

"(Soon enough, Bakugo, Todoroki-kun, I'll meet you two.)" He then looked at Katsuki and Shoto who are sitting alone on the far side of their respective stands. They both saw his stare and looked back.

"(Don't you dare lose.)" Izuku thought.

"(I won't lose my match this round, Midoriya.)" Shoto said inside his head as if telepathically responding to Izuku's statement.

"(Deku... I wanna crush you so soon.)" Katsuki angrily thought while glaring at the bullied.

For the hero nerd, he has two issues to solve.


He will fight them at the last rounds.

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