Ch. 29 - Reality Check

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Okay, I have a small announcement before you read the chapter. This chapter was published in December 24, 2021. Time is 10:30 PM. I was referring the date and time in my country time zone.

Supposedly, I plan to publish this chapter around 12:00 MN to 1:00 AM, indicating that I plan to publish it in the first hour of December 25. But I finished sooner, so I might as well publish in advance as a Christmas Gift to you all.

Also, I would like to announce that I dedicate this chapter to TRAIGON23. Why? Because he promoted this book, but it's Spanish translate and it's audio only. He asked me first and I gave him permission. In return, he give credits to me.

For those who are interested, I will link the video in this paragraph. The link may not work in mobile, but it may work in a laptop/PC.

If you are lazy, I will put the video at the end of the chapter.

So, here it is. This is probably the hardest chapter I ever write, and you shall see why.

Anyways, enjoy the early Christmas Gift.


Chapter 29 - Reality Check


"No need to tell me, Aizawa."

Izuku was walking off the arena, carrying his shredded uniform with eyes all around him.

Present Mic dialed Nezu and held it on Aizawa's ear. Arms wrapped in bandages, he wouldn't let the situation get away so easily.

The conversation didn't last longer than ten seconds as Nezu ended the call.

The hybrid principal of U.A High School took one last glance at the screen where the paramedic team carrying an unconscious ash-blonde teen before dialing a certain department to do a school background investigation on the school where Izuku and Katsuki used to study throughout their whole life.

Aldera Junior High School.

==Participant Waiting Room==

"How dare they..." Gritting her teeth, Miruko left, eyes blazing with anger.

She saw the scars, scars caused by society itself.

The fact that he was bullied because he has no Quirk hammered her home.

Back when she was a kid, children her age were picking on her because she had the features of a rabbit.

Be it verbal or physical assaults, the treatment was never that easy to recover.

However, her strong will to prove them wrong paid off in the end, earning her spot to become one of the top heroes of Japan.

Then, this happened.

Even if he had a Quirk now doesn't mean he'll let bygones be bygones.

No matter what past we all had, we will face it sooner or later.

Walking out of the campus, she look at a nearby building and jumped on the rooftop.

Next destination? Her agency.

What reason? For a better cause.

==Izuku Midoriya==

Meanwhile, Midoriya went back to the waiting room after a medical checkup and a new P.E uniform from Recovery Girl.

Getting to the destination, he sat on the chair and let out a big sigh, tired from the match he had against his childhood bully.

He humiliated him just the way he wanted, but the cost is his vigilante status.

Numerous possibilities came into his mind.

People label him as someone who can steal personal information from the school, causing riots against the education department of U.A High School of why they let him in, branding him a traitor, petitions for expelling him from school, and many more.

But they are useless reasons. Concrete evidence and witness is a must to debate for the boy's fate.

However, if one of those events does indeed happen, then society is already a disaster from day one.

Insult, punish and ridicule him as a society, which can be lead him to become an outcast.

But for some reason, looking back at those childhood years...

It's as if he was an outcast the moment he was born in this cruel world.

Minutes passed by and he's still sitting inside, the noise he can hear is the air conditioner and the muffled noise of the crowds outside.

All of a sudden, he heard a click from the door. Turning around, he saw the person responsible for entering the room.


"Nejire-chan?" Slowly stepping inside, she wore a concerned look.

"How did you know I'm here?" He asks.

"Well, I just had a hunch."

She walked forward and grabbed a seat next to him, her eyes didn't look anywhere but his.

"Feeling okay?" Nejire asks. He answered yes before facing the table and sighed.

His actions are enough for her. He's not okay. Izuku's mind was flying in the air, still thinking of the people's reaction. He was unaware of his senpai sitting right next to him until he felt two hands grabbing his head on both cheeks and was pulled into her arms.

Izuku gasps from the sudden realization, his body shaking from the physical touch.

"Ne-ah-uh-eh-se-se-senpai?!" Asked with his mind quickly shutting down. Her bosom made his cheeks red accompanied by his heart beating faster than usual.

Hado shushed him before she starts to comfort him. Aware of her actions, Izuku closes his eyes at a slow pace, hugging her in return and resting on her shoulder.

She felt something wet land on her shoulder and suddenly realized... her kouhai was crying silently.

A word never came out of either of them.

==Time Skip==

"Arigatō, Senpai." Midoriya thanks his Nejire. Three minutes have passed since the situation and he already separated from the hug.

"Anything for my kouhai." She says with a smile. A tired smile formed on the nerd's face.

Then suddenly, he heard a voice in his head.

"It's a promise, once we become cool heroes, we will meet each other once again!"

"(What was that?)" He thought to himself.

"Izu-chan." Nejire calls, interrupting his train of thoughts.

"I want to let you know about something." Her voice changes into a serious tone.

"A day will come when people will call you out again because you made a mistake that people didn't appreciate. Despite everything you have done for them, eventually, they'll hate you."

Izuku bit his lip from the bitter truth at the end. It reminded him of some heroes who did everything they could to save and help the people, but it was still not enough.

"If that happens," She said as she cups his cheeks. "I'll be there to support you."

"When the world speaks ill of you, I'll tell them they're wrong. If they didn't accept it and decided to cast you out, I'll go with you because of their mindset going nowhere."

Then she stopped for a moment while Izuku was listening, amazed at his senpai going through that length to help him.

"Let me carry half of your burden if you can't take it anymore." Said Nejire with a sympathetic smile.

The smile, her eyes, face, they all look familiar to Izuku. Then he remembered a voice inside his head, and for just a second...

He saw a silhouette of a girl. He can't tell because the silhouette's covered in darkness, except for one thing.

Her eyes.



"Izu-chan?" Eyes widened from what she's seeing.

"Eh?" Izuku was confused. He didn't understand why until he felt a cold wet trails on his cheeks. Shivering, he slowly raised his hand and touched it.

There are tears.

But why?

He cried a while ago, but now this?

Nejire attempted to comfort him, but he said, "Nononono, senpai. It's-I-eh-ah-wait, wait." He struggled to find the words he wanted to say while wiping his stained face with his uniform sleeve.

Trying to recompose, Izuku was holding Nejire back with one arm on her shoulder.

"No, you're not-"

"Wait, senpai. Let me say something." He sniffed, and the periwinkle-haired girl heeded.

Taking a few deep breaths, he was able to calm himself before he faced her with slight bloodshot eyes from crying.

"The reason I cried," Izuku went on. "Is that I got a flashback in my childhood years that made me nostalgic and emotional."

Nejire tilted her head mixed with confusion and concern but nonetheless listened to her kouhai.

"It's a fuzzy memory, and I only remember this. 'It's a promise, once we become cool heroes, we will meet each other once again.' She said."


"Hai." Izuku nodded.

"The voice was feminine and I can't see her whole body, except..." He paused.

"Except...?" Nejire muttered.

"Her eyes. Blue... like yours." He said while having eye contact with his senpai.

They stay like that for a few seconds, never looking away from each other. And all of a sudden, he had a glimpse of another memory of the girl in his mind.

A split second of an image of her.

The girl was finally revealed, and soon he gasps. A smile appeared on the girl's face as she responds, "Izu-chan, remember this?"

Izuku saw her raising her hand and letting out a pinky finger, showing the gesture to him. This confused the green-haired teen until his mouth opened and his eyes widened in realization.


Two years after Izuku knew that he is Quirkless.

Here he is, standing within the playground campus with a girl whose face is sad and so does Izuku. Why? Because her parents are going to move to another cheap home, but the girl had an idea.

"How about we make a promise then?" She suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"You said you wanted to be a hero, didn't you?"

A joyous Izuku says, "Yes, I want to be just like All Might!"

"Then how about we promise this: Once we both become cool heroes, we find each other and stating working together! What do you say?" She said as she extended her pinky finger toward him.

"Wait, you want to be a hero too?"

"Of course, I want to be just like All Might too!" The girl answered with the biggest smile she could make.

The green-haired boy stopped and thought a little, the journey to becoming a hero is not really easy. It would take years before they could keep this promise, was this really a good idea?

He looked at her one more time and saw the girl, with her pinky still pointed toward him and one of the softest smiles he had ever seen, waiting for his answer so, without hesitation, he interlaced his pinky with hers.

"It's a promise, once we become cool heroes, we will meet each other once again!" She pulled him into a tight hug, so tight that Izuku was having a hard time breathing.

After a moment, they separated from the embrace and stared at each other, both were blushing lightly but their happiness had completely covered their embarrassment until they were interrupted by a deep voice calling them.

"Izuku! Dear, we're going back home!"

Inko called him, signaling him and her that it's time to go. He won't ever forget the days they played. It was one of the most memorable moments of his life as a kid.

The two kids waved to each other before they went to their own ways.

==Flashback End==

He came back to his senses as he look at Nejire with a shocked look, putting the pieces all together, her showing the pinky finger and the memories from his childhood years.

"Senpai... you're..."

"That's right, Izu-chan. I'm the girl whom you promised with."

His eyes widened as his mind began to clear up but, without giving the green-haired boy time to think, the periwinkle-haired girl threw herself into the teen's arms and hugged him tightly, weeping in his chest while her tears stained the P.E uniform he was wearing.

Izuku wasn't better either, as he returned her hug with one of his own, he also began to tear up. The person he has been searching for years was right there all this time, hugging him as her life depended on it. The only thing he could do right now was let the tears flow again and smile.

"Nejire-chan." He said her name.

"I am here," Nejire responded, copying the iconic line All Might used to say when saving citizens.

After hugging and appreciating each other's comfort and affection for a few minutes, they parted with sad smiles and stained faces.

"How long has it been?" Midoriya asks.

"Nine years."

Izuku was six and Nejire was seven when they played together. To think she had an amazing memory despite her usual attitude.

"To think that we see each other again five years ago, but we didn't know each other that time." A depressed tone came out of his voice.

"I don't blame you. A lot of time has passed, a lot of things have happened, even I can't remember most of it. It would be surprising if both of us did! But now, we're here. And you're finally my kouhai." Says Nejire. A chuckle leaked out of the hero nerd's out.

"You really surprise me." The greenette boy affirmed, confusing his senpai.

"Anyone in your place would be mad, yet you're being kind to me..."

Nejire could only smile at the boy's words, which just proved his point and made him even more confused.

Taking her hand off his face and grabbing his own hand, Nejire gave him an emotional gaze along with one of the brightest smiles she can make.

"After all these years, how could I possibly be mad when I finally found the person whom I promised with?"

Izuku was simply amazed. She really held no grudges towards him, even when she should. This made him really happy but also...

"Despite you being a curious senpai, that was really cheesy." He teased, causing Nejire to blush and can only respond that it was.

Silence filled the room as they continue to stare at one another, both assimilating every single detail of the other's face. Nejire counted his freckles and was dazzled from his eyes while Izuku compared her irises to the prettiest of skies and appreciated the cute smile on her face, adding cute points more than sexy points.

Wait? Sexy? What?

Get that mind out of the gutter!

"Hey. C-Could you get a bit closer?" Nejire stuttered, her face was redder than tomatoes. Midoriya followed her eyes, pushing himself close to her.

"W-What's the matter?"

What happened next caught him off guard. Really off guard. She gave him something.

That's right, Nejire Hado and Izuku Midoriya's First Real Kiss!

Izuku never had a lot of physical contact with a female, except his mother. His emotions flow greatly and his thoughts are on her soft lips.

His heart beating faster and faster, and it felt like he was about to explode.

Eyes slowly closing, Izuku places his arms around her waist, not breaking the bond any moment. It's heavenly... or maybe more than just heavenly.

Her sweet, tender lips, her perfume, the tempting smell of her hair, it's a perfect kiss for the boy who melted from Nejire's warm, soft lips.

They stayed like this for a while before the necessity of air broke them apart, and brought them back to reality. Nejire had a big, deep blush on her face while she avoided eye contact and Izuku? Well, he was being Izuku...

His brain simply shut down.

His eyes were wide, his face was completely red and he stuttered with every attempt of speaking while he stared at the girl in front of him.

Izuku tried to say something but became a stuttering mess.

"You're welcome." She said before pulling her finger away from his mouth but he still held that embarrassed stare.

"D-Don't give me that look... It's my first time." She said. Izuku responded that it was his first time as well before asking a question of what did it mean to her.

An embarrassed smile formed on her face but musters the courage to do it. Grabbing both of her kouhai's hands, she looked deep into his eyes and said the words that were kept inside of her for years.

"It means... 'I want you'." The boy blushed.


Nejire looks away from the embarrassment. She wanted to take it back, but this is the farthest she go and can't let this opportunity be wasted.

If she did, things would become very awkward for them if they meet again.

"Ever since we first met, I wanted to get closer to you, wanted to know what you liked and disliked, wanted to be by your side. As a kid, I never really understood these feelings, but right now I can."

She took a deep breath continued in a loud voice. "I love you, Izuku Midoriya! Please let me go on date with you! Go everywhere we want! Will you," She slowed down at the end. "Be my boyfriend?"

Izuku couldn't believe it.

She confessed!

He knew that he had a zero chance of getting a girlfriend, because of two things.

One, his appearance is plain and girls nowadays wanted boys who look handsome.

Two, he's a nerd.

But here he is, confessed by Nejire Hado. His senpai was, if not, the most beautiful girl of U.A High School.

Izuku saw her waiting for a response and he had to give her one. Putting embarrassment aside, Izuku looked at those beautiful eyes of hers.

Declaring from the deepest angle of his emotional heart, he answered, "Yes, senpai."

She gasps and began to cry with joy before leaping into his arms, officially declaring their relationship.

Midoriya's day was like a roller coaster. Scratch that, his whole life was a roller coaster. He's been through the most painful experiences than any kids have.

Suicide-baiting is the worst of them all.

And yet, here he is.

Studying at the prestigious school after being 'saved' by All Might,

In the end, Nejire Hado saves the day.

==Time Skip==

With fireworks exploding in the sky, all of the students, minus Tenya Iida, are on the arena battle with Midnight.

"Here are the winners." Present Mic announced in an unusual normal tone. He wasn't feeling himself right after that last match.

The same goes for most pro heroes and the classes of the first year.

A large screen shows the top three students.

Third - Shoto Todoroki

Second - Katsuki Bakugo

First (Winner) - Izuku Midoriya

Midnight was feeling it, too. She didn't like this, but the show must end in a flashy way. Mustering all her courage, she slashes the air with her whip and said, "Let's give these students a round of applause for their hard work to reach the top!"

On cue, a large rectangular hole opened behind her and smoke covered the identity of the top three students.

The standings raised higher and Izuku was first to be revealed, followed by Bakugo and then Shoto Todoroki.

Normally, it's a battle for third place since Ibarra and Shoto lost respectively. But the girl, who saw the power of Endeavor's son's power before her match, surrendered in peace.

Surprisingly, the ash-blonde-haired boy stood there with his head hung down, never creating a tantrum.

Seems like the dog has been put down for his irresponsible actions from day one.

"And to present the medals, there's none other thaaaaaaann..."

"I AM HERE TO AWARD THE WINNERS!" The said person jumped high in the air for everyone to see.

"The Number One Hero, All Might!"

The spirits of everyone rose up. Smiling and roaring with happiness, the Number One Hero landed a few feet away from Midnight.

"I talked over you." She apologized in a whisper. But it seems that Yagi was trembling as well.

Then a conversation began to spread within the crowd.

Saying that the first years are lucky to have All Might watch over them and more.

"Now then," She said, "Shall you do the honors of rewarding the winners by starting with the third place, All Might?"

"I shall. Thank you." Handing him the medals, he walk towards Todoroki who got third place.

"Congratulations, Young Todoroki." The boy slightly bowed, allowing Toshinori to put the bronze medal on him.

"For you to use your left side at the end of your match against Young Midoriya, it's amazing until it last."

With eyes looking down, the boy responds, "I still have something to settle, but... it's an eye-opening experience."

Raising his head, his face looks different. Staring, Shoto continues, "I want to be a hero like you."

All Might's smile grew big as he stated that his look is completely different than before.

Slightly bending, he gave the boy a hug and a pat to the back before saying that he will ask for no further details, he can solve the problem on his own, and on top of all that, he's proud of him.

Standing back, All Might went to Katsuki, who was silent all the time.

"Just fucking get on with it." The teen scoffed. The hero stared at him for a few seconds, still having a smile on his face just before he knelt down at the boy's eye level.

The movement caught the ash-blonde-haired boy's attention as he look at All Might grabbing his wrist, and places the silver medal on his palm.

"I can see a potential in you, but that potential went to waste because of your unjust action in the past and today." The hero responds.

Thankfully, they are in an open area and the crowd is too far away to hear a conversation between Katsuki Bakugo and Toshinori Yagi.

But from the battle against that Midoriya kid, they seem to have a gist of the possibility of what'll happen to the boy's future.

"I was informed by Nezu that later Eraser Head shall escort you to his office after the Sports Festival." He added, earning a twitch of eyebrows raised from the boy.

"Please, reflect on your actions, Young Bakugo." All Might plead before standing up.

He walked to the last person who got first place.

"Young Midoriya," He said as Izuku leaned his head slightly. "You've become strong and yet you are still a young teenager. I'm looking forward to the future where you can lead a lot of future heroes to success."

After placing the gold medal, Izuku lifted his head and smiles. "Never thought I gonna say this, but thank you, All Might," Midoriya says. "Thank you for saving this worthless Deku of a person."

"Don't berate yourself, Young Midoriya. The will to train harder than everyone just shows you wanted to become a hero even though you used to be Quirkless." All Might stated.

Izuku was given a hug and a pat as All Might stayed true to himself, saying he's proud of him and very lucky to save someone like Izuku Midoriya, who's almost got taken in by the darkness.

The boy shed no tears, but his heart was pounding quicker. Inhaling the air, he calms himself as soon as they separated.

Then, Izuku felt a sensation of déjà vu and asked Toshinori, "Is there something you gonna say to them?"

"I think I'm gonna say to them of thanking for all their hard work." The hero answered.

The boy chuckled. "I think they wanna hear a one last Plus Ultra." He replied.

He followed the boy's suggestion, but he have something to say to the students at the arena. Twisting his upper body, he faces the students and said, "They are the first-year winners of this year's Sports Festival! Anyone here could have ended up on these podiums. It's just as you saw. Competing! Keep on competing! And climbing even further! The next generation of heroes is definitely sprouting!"

People listen intently, the same goes for Tomura Shigaraki with half-opened eyes cringing and irritated from the hero's speech.

All Might raised his left arm, pointing his finger to the sky, and declared, "So, I have one more thing to say. Everyone! please say it with me!"

"Ready... Go!"


==Time Skip==

"Thank you for tagging with me, Tsukauchi-san." Nezu said with a smile.

"You called me and it is a duty to investigate the case." Detective Tsukauchi replied back.

The two of them were on their way to Aldera Junior High. The U.A's Principal wanted to do a background check on both the Bakugo kid and the school. He had a gut feeling that something's not right with how the said boy behaved within the school campus. It didn't do well with him.

He thought about asking the young Midoriya's opinions but decided to go against it for now and must see the dark truth before his fresh eyes. Asking him would be the last, to avoid taking sides.

Doing it alone will take time, and so he contacted Naomasa Tsukauchi of the Police Force to help him investigate the school.

Even though Nezu could tell if a person he's listening to is lying or hiding information, the detective was a hard-working person and had good senses, so he may pick up hidden information he might miss.

Already on the school campus, they're walking in the hallway leading to the office.

Reaching their destination, Tsukauchi knocks on the door and heard an invitation on the other side.

Entering the room, they were greeted by a middle-aged man, overweight and bald with a horrible sense of fashion.

Nezu was wondering how can someone wear a light-colored tie on a light-colored suit, but decided to ignore it.

It was one of the general office codes that all the staff, including the principal, should wear proper uniforms. The middle-aged man was informed of Principal Nezu coming to the school a while ago. Nezu called the man.

He did tell him he's going to do a background check on the students, but never mentions who and that he'll also do a school background.

Of course, that was two hours after the end of the U.A High School's Sports Festival. The man have enough time to change but dared not to, showing a lot of ignorance of the dress code in the business world.

"Good afternoon, Principal Nezu." The principal said, yawning.

"Good afternoon to you as well, Principal Youta." The hybrid bowed down, showing respect despite the latter's lack of attitude.

"We're here to ask a few questions about your previous students," Tsukauchi stated, pulling out his notepad and pen before he sat on the chair with Nezu still sitting on his shoulder.

"Can you tell us more about Katsuki Bakugo?" Nezu asks, his paws playing nicely on his lap.

The moment he heard that person's name, he lightly chuckled and responds. "He's a very good and talented student. His drive for heroics was well known around the school."

Slightly leaning, Nezu asks about the said boy's behavior. Was Katsuki aggressive towards others?

"I'm sorry," Principal Youta apologized in an honest tone. "Any reports about his behavior did not reach towards me."


The tingling sensation of his Quirk causes Tsukauchi to write it without any emotions rising to his expression, only keeping calm and listening to the conversation.

"What about cursing? Threatening students? Or using his Quirk in the public?" Nezu asked in a curious tone.

"Those things were never reported to me, too." Youta shakes his head.


"Thank you for the time. You don't mind if I and my friend would check the school archive of last year's batch? For a quick check-up of their grades?"

"Yes, sure." The principal complied as he stood up and was about to get a portfolio of the student's grades from the shelves, but stopped in his tracks.

"What section would you gentlemen like to check?" He turns around to face them.

"Katsuki Bakugo's section, sir." Youta nodded and began to find the portfolio. He found the portfolio and searched for the section where Katsuki used to study.

He found it and gave the contents to the men as they went to another chair to sit and placed them on the table.

Youta accompanied them, visible sweat pouring down his plump cheeks as he observe them finding Katsuki Bakugo's records.

Nezu lifted some papers in his paws. The principal of Aldera Junior High saw it. He got what he was looking for, but what were the other papers in his other paw for?

"Is there something the matter?" Youta asks.

No response.

They are still checking it with their fresh eyes and could not believe it.

Slowly placing the papers back, Nezu stared at Youta and said, "I've seen the results."


The hybrid creature closed his eyes before opening them.

"My day is ruined." He said with a smile, sending shivers through Youta's spine.

His statement doesn't match that!

The aura behind the smile is rather evil. Not that evil, it looks like a smile that holds a grudge, or mostly an expression that's ready for their revenge.

"I have checked the grades and it is rather unfair that the remarks of Katsuki Bakugo are excellent, and Izuku Midoriya is above average. Whereas, young Midoriya's grades are higher than Bakugo's."

Nezu's eyes squinted in disbelief. "These results show that the teachers hired here have a fragment of biased thoughts. Could it be that Midoriya is smarter than Bakugo? Is he better than him? Or is it... because he's Quirkless?"

Principal Youta gulped, sweating heavily from the statement and questions he was being asked.

A disappointed sigh came out of the rat's mouth before he stated, "I'm sorry for the future of this school, but it has to be discontinued. Talk more, you, the current and passed staffs that used to be here will face worse consequences."

"Yo-You can't do that! The futures of these students! What will happen to them?!" Huh, looks like he still has heart.

"Rest assured, they will be transferred to better schools. The tuition fees they paid to study will come back to them and we will take responsibility," Nezu reassured.

Gritting his teeth, Youta stood up, ran away, and attempted to escape.

Nezu glanced at the detective who nodded and pressed a button on a hidden earpiece.

"The principal's trying to escape. Execute Plan B."

While that's happening, Principal Youta was running, dragging his chubby ass throughout the hallways.

"(This can't be. This can't be happening!)" He thought to himself.

It's happening buddy, but you don't seem to get the concept.

You either quit to become a hero, or live long to become a villain. However, that doesn't seem the case. Because of his selfish ways, he lives to become a villain.

He finally reached the school gate but was met with a nightmare.

"Ara? Running away like a coward? Pretty sure that defines you." Miruko smirked. She was blocking his path, accompanied by numerous policemen, shields, and guns aiming at the principal.

"You know," The rabbit heroine began to walk. "I hate bullies. But what did I hate more?"

"HHHHIIIIII!!!" The man shriek in fear as he stepped backward, but was met with a palm grabbing his face and was pulled to the floor face first.

Grabbing his arms, she placed them on his back and connected them. Nowhere to run.

While putting her weight on her knee, she leaned forward to his ear and says, "Corrupted schools staining the minds of the kids."

Then the police army enter the premises and soon enough, they captured the staff.

"Now then," Miruko said. "Order your henchmen to tell the kids to pack their bags, go to somewhere within the school campus and contact their parents."

He was trembling and she noticed it.

"Accept your unsettled fate."

==Time Skip==

Sunset came by and the arena was already empty. The crowds had left the school campus. As for the first-year students, they were sent back to their respective classrooms after a long break of replenishing their energy.

"Good work." Aizawa compliments the class.

"Tomorrow, there will be no classes, but feel free to watch the Sports Festivals of your senpais tomorrow and on Saturday. I'm sure that the pro heroes who watched the Sports Festival will recruit you, but we'll consolidate everything and announce it when you get back."

Minus Katsuki Bakugo and the absent class president Tenya Iida, everyone's eyes are on their teacher as he addresses the kids to rest well and get some insights from the competition.

"Hai!" They agreed in sync.

"Then, you are all dismissed." Standing up from their seats, they began to chat amongst themselves. However, the ones who didn't stand up are the two long-time, used-to-be childhood friends.

"Deku-kun," Ochako grabbed his attention. "Aren't you going home?"

"Ah, I will, but Aizawa-sensei have something to talk to me."

"I see. I hope nothing bad happens to you." She said before waving goodbye to her friend with a smile.

Soon the students left the room by group or by themselves until three remaining people stayed.

"Midoriya, Bakugo. Follow me." Hearing him made them stand up and grab their bags before following Eraser Head.

The atmosphere was tense and very awkward. Neither of the two students ever muttered a word despite them walking side by side, only walking.

Soon after, they reached the Principal's Office. Teachers of Class 1-A are present, and so does Principal Nezu.

They all form like an arc, eyes locked on the students, but mostly on the unruly teenager Katsuki Bakugo.

But the deal is that Katsuki Bakugo was the only one who'll be in the office. So why is Izuku Midoriya involved?

"Bakugo, you already know why you are here with Midroiya, right?" Nezu asked and received nothing but a nod from the said boy, which leads to go straight into the case.

"With what you have demonstrated in the Sports Festival, the probations towards you are clear. A hazardous Quirk that can permanently cause major damage to a person can lead to a life-changing event." Nezu stated.

"Hadn't not for Midoriya's Regeneration-related Quirk, he can be deemed blind after you attack him right into his face. And you would attack him after realizing he's blind."

Katsuki Bakugo slowly narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brows.

"And," The principal continued. "I've done an investigation regarding both you and Midoriya's grades in your old school, Aldera Junior High."

Reaching under the desk, he pulled out of what seemed to be official papers.

"The contents in these papers is that the school supports bullying, the staffs' ignorance to help, and most of all, ignored the law of avoiding the usage Quirks in public. Through the use of advanced technology and forensic Quirks, we've managed to recover a lot of security footage that your old schools deleted."

"Although," Nezu said. "It's not in public, you have destroyed a lot of the school's property by harming Midoriya wherever he goes within the school premise." He listed the types of furniture the boy damaged.

"Midoriya." He called.

Taking a deep breath, and exhaling, Izuku Midoriya responds. "Bakugo destroyed most of my things that contains my analysis on every hero I observe in person, internet and in T.Vs. I believe there is punishment under his actions of invading a person's privacy and belongings."

The teachers nodded at his statement as it was one of the laws made by the government to make peace with each other.

Glancing at his childhood bully for the last time, he dropped the bomb. "Bakugo tried to suicide-bait me, telling me if I want a Quirk, I should jump off the roof and pray to the gods above that I will get a Quirk in the afterlife."

Jaws dropped and eyes widened from the horrifying revelation they heard before themselves.

"Is... Is this true, Bakugo-Shonen?" All Might asked with a terrified expression. Katsuki stared at the number one hero with a depressed look, but also carried a shocking emotion. All Might's smile wasn't there. In fact, it was like he's staring at the monster.

That monster is himself.

Biting his lower lip, he admitted that he did say that sentence.

The teachers grimaced, disgusted by the dark truth. Midnight had her mouth covered by her hands, Aizawa had his eyes closed, Ken Ishiyama, or Cementoss, had his face turn to the side, looking away from Katsuki Bakugo.

Same goes for Hizashi Yamada. The remaining teachers had their heads down, their eyes were covered by their bangs.

"I really hate to say this, Bakugo." Nezu shakes his head. "You had potential. You really do, but your ego and pride get the best of you. You squandered the opportunity to do the right thing. Just an hour ago, I've submitted everything to the Hero Public Safety Commission. It is official, Katsuki Bakugo, you are an A-Rank Villain."

Just like that, Katsuki Bakugo was shattered. Eyes closed, he was miserable and disoriented from the harsh truth.

"Rest assured, you are not alone in this large ship. A large number of your former classmates are in it. They may not receive a villain ranking, but the incidents were inscribed in the documents and in their student backgrounds. The staff has been arrested for aiding villainy acts. The media hasn't released the details for now, but Aldera Junior High School is now dissolved."

Every second passing by, the ash-blonde-haired boy was doing everything he can to hold back the emotions but failed to do so as tears finally came out of his tightly shut eyelids.

Unaware to him, Izuku had his head slightly looking away.

"Just to let you know, Katsuki Bakugo." Nezu added. "Izuku Midoriya vouched for you. He knew what it feels like to destroy someone else's dream even if he didn't do anything wrong directly or indirectly. He had no wish to inflict that kind of a pain to anyone."


"What happens to me now?" Katsuki asks in between his sobs. He seems to have calmed down.

"It's most certainly that you would be in prison. But there is another option." His head raised with bloodshot eyes. A glitter of hope faintly shines within those irises.

"Ketsubutsu High School has a lot of programs and one of them has rehabilitation for villains. I could contact them with ease to let them know about you, and recommend you into their custody following your sentence." The principal stated.

This was it. This is his lifeline. The only chance to become a hero again, but he could do it differently this time.

"It's obvious I can't fucking decide on what I can do. Just do whatever you want with me." He considered. A sad smile formed on Nezu's face as he responds, "Your parents have been contacted and All Might will escort you to the police. For now, goodbye, Katsuki Bakugo."

Then, All Might walked forward and was about to escort his former student, until someone grabbed the ash-blonde boy's attention.

"Hey." The voice came out from the hero nerd's mouth. All Might and Katsuki turned around and saw tears coming out of the green-haired boy's eyes.

"I wish you a better recovery..." He paused. "Kacchan."


It felt like years to hear that very own nickname, and at the same time, it accompanies a nostalgic aura.

Bakugo's eyes slowly widen. They stayed there, staring at each other's eyes. One was showing empathy, concern, and care while the other was showing a look of realization.

A realization of how Deku shows support and help to a villain like him. Possibly that's the last push before Katsuki slowly looked away and resumes to leave the room.

Midoriya was gazing at the door before he felt a warm touch behind him and arms around his neck and rested on his chest.

Slowly rolling his head to the side, he saw the face of his teacher, Midnight, resting on his shoulder with a sad smile and eyes closed, soothing the boy's life with however she can do.

After all, he's her student. If there's a problem coming from a student, a teacher would do whatever they can to help.

Wiping away the tears, Izuku took a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling to relieve himself.

So many events came to him on the same day, it was too much, and yet Izuku was handling it carefully.

A few minutes, Mitsuki and Masaru entered the school premises and hugged their only child before hugging the green-haired boy, apologizing for what their son and the school had done to him. They were informed that Aldera Junior High was dissolved.

And soon, time passes by quickly in a blink of an eye.

Morning came by and Izuku received a text message from the principal of U.A High School. An offer for him to watch Nezu personally destroy Aldera Junior High School.

Accepting the invitation, the boy began to cook breakfast for him, Yuran, and Mittens. Instead of taking a bath first, Izuku only changes his outfit. Wearing pants and a shirt that says 'Shirt'.

Slightly chuckling from the humor, he pets his family before leaving the house and was met by Nezu himself.

Asking if it's okay for him to hop onto his shoulder, the hero-nerd teen answered he doesn't mind and soon, Nezu climbs onto his shoulder before telling Izuku to walk to the gate.

That is until the boy realizes that today's Friday and it's the day for the second-year students' Sports Festival. Many reporters or media-related people will ask him numerous questions, but Nezu reassures him that there are policemen who will guard them on the way out.

Once the gate opened, they're met with media. Thankfully, a lot of policemen were there to stop them.

Nezu pointed where the car they can get into.

Izuku heard many questions but pays them no mind as they successfully entered the car as the driver stepped on the accelerator and hunched forward over the steering wheel.

They reached their destination a few minutes later. Izuku remembered the street. Looking to his right, he saw his old school, Aldera Junior High before he heard of a loud, noisy engine of a vehicle.

He caught a glimpse of an industrial vehicle. Getting a better view by leaving the car, he saw a crane with a wrecking ball. Nezu scurried onto the crane and asks the boy, who gave the principal the go signal before walking away for safety as the wrecking ball swung back and forth until it reached its momentum and a loud thud echoed through the air.

The impact was strong that it vibrates the ground and a lot of bricks were destroyed and fell.

It was only the beginning until a few minutes later...

Aldera Junior High was finally destroyed.

Izuku Midoriya watched the whole situation. No words came out of his throat. He was unconsciously holding his breath from time to time.

For some reason, he felt sad and happy at the same time. It was indescribable. Maybe it's better if that's the way it goes.

Glancing one last look at the place where the school used to be, he inhaled and exhaled, releasing the tension in his shoulders and heart before looking at the skies above.

Thankfully the sunlight was translucently blocked by the clouds.

The long-time problem he was facing his entire life was gone.

If a problem was solved...

Another would appear sooner or later.


Okay, guys. That's the chapter. And here is the video of the topic I announced before the start of the chapter.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Stay safe, be happy, and be positive.

And remember, guys.

Go Beyond!

Plus Ultra!

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