Ch. 31 - A Tiring Day

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Chapter 31 - A Tiring Day


"This is driving me nuts." Miruko frustratingly scratches her head.

Rumi Usagiyama, known as the Rabbit Heroine: Miruko, was having difficulty just reading the paper on the desk.

And what did that paper do to her?


"(Work studies.)" She sank deep into her thoughts again. The same words that she wouldn't expect to put a burden on her shoulders.

"(It's like having your own errand boy watching how you work, but is that considered a team?)"

Sitting in her seat for what seems to be more than an hour, she can't complete the form. She's already holding a pen in her hand and a stamp in the other.

Thinking carefully with justification, she followed her gut. With the deadline of turning in the paper was around the corner, she thought to herself one more time, "(He's the first place in three rounds, I can already tell he had a bunch of offers. Not like he'll choose me. It's not a team. That's right, just think of it as a worker.)"

She mussed over her considerations before finally writing his name on the paper with an official stamp.

"(It's okay. There's no way he'll pick me.)" She submitted the paper via fax to where you ask?

U.A High School.

==Present Day; Awhile Ago==

After they finished choosing their hero names in the future, Aizawa woke up and removed himself from his sleeping bag.

"Alright, here's the new seating arrangement." He pushed the button and the said arrangement was shown on the board.

With everyone sitting, the homeroom teacher started to talk.

"Now that everyone's done with their hero names, we'll go back to the topic of internships."

Beside him, Nemuri stretched her arms upward, releasing energy in an upbeat manner.

"They'll last for a week. As for where you'll have them, those who had offers from pros will be given to your own lists, that way you can choose them for yourself."

"Those who didn't have offers," He held up a paper from the stack he was holding. "Will choose from among forty agencies around the country that will be accepting our interns."

"They all work in different places and have different specialties."

"For example," Midnight joined. "If you're going to an internship with Thirteen, she's focused on rescues from accidents and disasters more than fighting villains."

"Think carefully before you choose." Aizawa notified his class as they were handed papers containing the agencies they can intern.

Kirishima commented, "I want to fight crime in urban areas."

"I hope I can intern at a place with floods." Tsuyu said with a finger on her chin, wondering if there is an agency she specified.

"You have five days before the weekend. You have all the time you need, but make sure you choose your decisions carefully. Dismissed." Midnight waved at them with a smile and Aizawa carried his sleeping bag over his shoulder as they left the room.

Everyone began to look at the papers in their hands. Shoto's eyes as they landed on one agency.

[Endeavor Hero Agency]

His expression went back to normal as he stared at that agency for a moment before searching for other agencies.

==Present; Lunchtime==

All of the students finished eating their lunch for thirty minutes and were on their way back to their respective classrooms.

Momo befriended Itsuka Kendo, whom Izuku fought in the Sports Festival, and she was told that they were given offers and made hero names as well. Itsuka's hero name is Hand-to-Hand Hero: Battle Fist.

"(A suiting name for her and her Quirk.)" Izuku remarked.

Soon, they reached their classrooms and sat back in their own seats, before grabbing their own papers and began to sink deep into their thoughts of whose agency they can intern with.

"Ne, ne," Ashido whined. "Have you guys decided what pro agency you're going to yet?"

"I'm going to Mt. Lady." Mineta declared with full confidence while pointing at himself.

"Mineta-chan, you're thinking something perverted, aren't you?" Tsuyu walked past him.

"Of course not!"

"Well, good luck with her, Mineta." The hero nerd commented.

All close to the said teenager looked at him and were surprised. He was hanging upside down with a string of web attached to the ceiling. He was holding his paper with both hands while his feet are on the web.

"Um, Deku-kun?" Izuku looked at Ochako.


"You're not dizzy?" She asked simply.

"It's quite the opposite, actually." He answered. "Dunno why, but this is making me at ease. It feels normal, honestly."

"With that kind of pose, not to mention the attributes when you got bitten by that spider, you have a lot of endurance with all that oxygen-rich and poor blood going to your head," Momo explained.

Izuku half-agreed with her. She's right about hanging upside down and having all those blood goes to the head, but doubts if he can stay in this pose for that long. It can cause a brain hemorrhage.

Looking back, he scanned the agencies.

He blinked when he saw a certain agency that caught his eyes.

Lowering slowly to the ground, he dropped to his seat and began to write on the paper.

They watched him writing his first agency choice before he moved to the next one.

"Who you picked, Midoriya-kun?" Amelia asked.

"Miruko." He answered.

"What?!" The sudden burst from the girl made most of their classmates turn to her in wonder.

With curiosity went off the charts, they walked towards him and saw him writing Miruko's agency as his first choice.

Eyes widened. They couldn't believe it. She's famous for being a solo pro hero who worked her way to the top without joining or forming any team and never thought of offering an internship to anyone.

"What the hell did you do to get her attention?!" Mineta screamed while Denki grabs the boy's shoulders and shook him violently.

Tokoyami commented, "It takes more than meets the eye."

Tenya, who was quiet the entire time, was staring at his paper before settling it down and wrote the agency he chose.

"Iida-kun." Amelia called him.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Who'd you go with?" She asked with a smile.

"Sorry. I can't tell you." He answered with a noticeably strained smile.

"It's okay." She observed his gestures and the tone of his voice as well. There's no doubt about it.

Meanwhile, Momo approached Izuku and asked him a question.

"Midoriya-kun, I want to know your opinion." He looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"From who?"

"Uwabami. She's one of my options to intern with." She stated.

"Ah, her." He readjusted his position. "She's a hero and a celebrity at the same time, but she's more focused on fashion look. Don't get me wrong, I liked that she's still helping people, but in recent years, her work is more on being a celebrity, a model to the media."

"I see." Momo frowned, disappointed by the painful truth. "Do you see any agency that can help me?"

She handed her paper to him as he looked at every agency that are offered to her. One agency caught his eyes as he looked at her and said, "Fatgum's agency."

Then he started to explain how Fatgum's Quirk is somehow similar to hers. Both needed a lot of food to eat for their Quirk to be of use.

Weaknesses are that in Momo's case, she would tire out depending on how big the atomic configurations and the tools she needed to create. As for Fatgum, Fat Absorption, is that it won't do any good if he had a slim body.

"I see." She nodded gracefully. "I might gonna help Kendo with her offers."

"She's more on GunHead if I suggest." Izuku said.

"Un. Arigato." Then she dashed off.

"Who'd you go for, Ochako-chan?" Tsuyu asked the mentioned person.

"I'd go for GunHead, too. After fighting Bakugo-kun, I want to gain experience in close combat so that I can fend off the villains by myself sometimes."

Her friends smiled at her.

When Izuku heard her last statement, it reminded him back at the USJ. Back then, she doesn't have any experience in clashes, not to mention they were fighting against experienced villains and her Quirk was not suitable for fighting.

"I still haven't seen through the agencies yet. I hope there's one agency I can go to help with the floods." Tsuyu wondered what agency she can fit in.

Just then, Amelia poked the boy's shoulder, changing his focus on her.

"What's wrong, Kawakami-san? You got someone?"

"Yeah. I'll go with Ryukyu's agency."

"That's great." He smiled at the agency's choice.

"But that's not the point," She stated with seriousness in her tone. "It's Iida-kun. He's going to intern with hero agencies near Hosu City."

He realized what she was telling before glancing at the class president, who was silent all the time.

There's no doubt about it. Tenya was thinking about one thing.

Avenging his big brother.

He was about to approach him, but the ringing of the bell interrupted. Soon, their teacher entered the room, and the class lessons resumed.

==Time Skip==

The bell rang as everyone let out a huge sigh of relief. School's over today as Tenya stood up quickly and left in a swift motion.

"(I'm too late.)" Izuku frowned. He attempted to stop Iida from chasing the Hero Killer if not for the bell at the end of lunchtime.

Then, he realized something so late.

Tenya wanted to hunt down Stain.

And Izuku himself didn't realize of wanted to chase the killers that happened years ago at Kamino, Yokohama.

The place where his father, who he hasn't met up or talked to in his whole life, died.

He grimaced at the memory, but what happened if he did it in Iida-kun's shoes right now?

His train of thoughts pulls him back to reality when Ochako asked him if they wanted to go home together. The same goes for Amelia Kawakami.

Izuku realized they have no knowledge of him living within the school campus. Just right around the corner and that's it.

He told them that they can go home first. They asked if it's okay, and he said yes. Slightly convinced, they waved goodbye and went home.

In the faculty room, Aizawa, with bloodshot eyes, was checking the papers that are submitted to him that have agency choices.

"(It seems most of them have finally chosen where to intern.)" He checked another paper. It was Iida's.

[First Choice: Manual Agency; Hosu City]

[Second Choice: -----]

[Third Choice: -----]

"(There are better heroes for him to intern.)" He blinked, double-checking that first choice.

"Hosu City... Don't tell me." Aizawa's eyes narrowed.

He caught up to what the class president is doing.

Eyes closed, he rested his arms on the desk and thought, "(Iida. If you're going do what I think you're going to do, you'll get a lot of punishment the week after.)"

Back in the classroom, Izuku was left alone, still thinking about the same problem this morning.

He had to go to the support department later, and need to create his own hero costume there, or even better someone can help him with it.

"(Power Loader might've left now.)" It's time to leave the room.

He was about to walk after closing the door, but the boy paused. There's something that caught his vision.

He walked back and faced the door, checking it with his fresh, wide eyes.

Looking up and down, he was analyzing the imprinted word [Class 1-A].

His eyes landed on the letter A and stared at it for a moment before it hit him.

"I got it." Izuku whispered before pulling out his phone and took a picture.

After that he ran to the U.A's Development Studio, hoping he would catch up to the mentioned pro hero.

Thanks to the previous tour from the day he was enrolled in U.A High School, he knew the way there.

He reached the said place where Power Loader's shop is.

Reaching for the handle, his Spider-Sense kicked in and jumped back at the same time the door exploded.

Landing on his feet with his hand holding a strap of his backpack, he heard a thud in front of him, but the dust clouds from the explosion make it harder for him to tell who it is.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow." Let out a feminine voice that caught the boy's ears. The tone, there's no doubt about it. He kneeled down and checks the person.

"Hatsume-san? Are you okay?" He asked with worry.

"Yeah, it's a normal occur- Hm?" The person, now known as Hatsume, looks up and stared at a familiar face she wouldn't forget.

"It's you! The Ten Million Points Guy!" He blinked at the nickname, confused, but instantly recognized why she called him that.

"Yeah. Izuku Midoriya's the name." He offered his hand.

"Still gonna call you Ten Million Points Guy." She grabbed his hand and was hoisted up to her feet before patting the dust on her shirt.

Izuku blushed when her... bossoms slightly jiggled as she does that.

"So, what you here for?" She asked him, failing to notice the reddened cheeks on his face.

"Oh, um, i-is Power Loader-sensei here?"

"Nope. He left already." Hatsume answered.

"I... see. I wanna ask him if there's an equipment where I can use to make my own hero outfit."

"What equipment are you- Wait." She halts. "Why won't I make you one?"

"Thanks, but I'll make one myself."

"Eehhh?" She was astounded. Izuku's the first person who declined her offer.

"Well, after I finish making it, maybe you can help with some adjustments." Izuku said.

"I'll hold you for that." She said before gesturing for him to come inside.

Izuku inhaled some smoke and coughed a few times before surveying the room.

Some parts are scattered around the floor before the pink-haired girl gathered them in her arms and dropped them onto a table.

Izuku caught a glimpse of a large pile of junk. Taking a clear look, they're not junks. It's a pile of support items.

"You made all of this?"

"Yeah. Made all of them as soon as I enrolled."

"Wow." He said before adding, "It takes a lot of patience and will while doing the trial and error. I admire that."

"Uhm," She hesitated. "If you're here for sightseeing, you might as well leave since I'm busy."

"No, no, no, I'm at fault for that. Just don't mind me and go do your own work. I'll find my own."

"Alright." Then they went to their workplace.

==Time Skip==

"Finally." Izuku stretched his arms. With some help from Mei Hatsume, his work is finished within the day.

Yellow-colored arm braces, and his newly sown jacket.

Checking the time, he was shocked.

"9:00 PM?! It's way past curfew." He turned around and saw no one.

He's confused but realized something.

"Oh yeah, Hatsume-san left for a while."

Standing up, he began to pack up and clean his workplace, but the door opened in a flash.

The boy was met with Higari Maijima's eyes, better known as Power Loader.

"Power Loader-sensei."

"Oh, Midoriya? What're you doing at this late time?" The pro hero asked.

"I came here to find you if there's any equipment I can use to make my own hero outfit, but you left according to Hatsume-san. But thanks to her, the work lessened for both of us. She helped me, and I helped her in return."

"I see." After that, he told Izuku the reason why he left. A meeting with the teachers from every course. Then, he looked around. "Where's she now?"

"She left."

"How long?"

"Around thirty minutes or so."

Maijima shakes his head. "That girl's gonna get a mouthful from her parents. Again."

"(Again?)" The boy blinked. So she was doing this from time to time.

"Anyways, it's time to close. Pack your things." He said and received a 'Yes, sir' answer from the hero nerd.

Although, Izuku requested a bag for him to keep the support items he made to which the hero agreed.

It didn't take long until he store all of it inside the bag before waving goodbye to Higari.

He was finally home after a tiring day both in and out of the class.

After feeding Mittens, Yuran, and himself, they retired to the boy's bedroom and decided to call it a day, but not before taking one last look at the equipments made by himself

(Inspired by edCOM02)

==Miruko Agency==

Rumi already finished beating the villains on the way back, yet she can't take a break.

She always had this anguished look as if something was tormenting her on the inside.

"(Damn it, damn it, damn it!)" Those same words kept repeating in her head for a while now.

Then, the faxes came in, catching her by surprise, but nonetheless stood up quickly and towards it

"(Why am I so worked up?)" She thought to herself.

"(Alright, alright, alright. Keep calm, and breath at ease. It's not something to be excited about. It'll be fine.)" She reassured.

"(It's just a letter of me not getting a temporary worker.)" After this, she grabbed the paper and read the contents with fresh eyes.

Disregarding some of it, she focused on one important part which was in the last paragraph of the letter.

[We are delighted to announce to you that Izuku Midoriya chose you as his first choice to intern under and accepted your internship for a whole week. The internship will start at...]


==Five Days Later==

"You all have your costumes, right?" Aizawa asked, not to his own class, but to the other class as well.

That's right. Both Class 1-A and 1-B are together since they are instructed by their homeroom teachers.

Where they are now is at the train station with all of their costumes in their bag.

Sekijiro Kan, known as Vlad King amongst the students of U.A and the media, advised them to not wear their hero outfits in public unless instructed to.

"Yessir!" And excited Mina raised her bag in the air.

"Speak clearly, Ashido." Scolded her teacher.

"Yes, sir." Her tone turned to a dejected one. She lost her spirit after that scold.

"Suit you right." You-know-who insulted the pink-skinned girl, who heard it and was clearly devastated.

"You really gonna be an asshole to her, huh?" Izuku protected his classmate.

"Yeah, that's unmanly of you." Eijiro commented with a sour look.

"If you're going to be the next Katsuki Bakugo, be my guest." The hero nerd raised his fist, ready to punch.

Vlad King stopped them. "Midoriya, restrain violence in the public, and Monoma, mind your attitude and manners."

"When it comes to business, the first impression is important, so fix that attitude right away." Sekijiro glared at his student.

He knew that Monoma's talented and smart, but he's got to fix that attitude of his in proper working order.

While that's happening, they're attracting some unwanted attention and both classes stopped them before it went worse than before.

"The hell, Monoma?" Setsuna Tokage was looking at her classmate with an utterly disgusted expression.

"If there's a way for him to cease insults, I'll gladly take it no matter the cost." Tetsutetsu stated.

Looking at their expressions, it's clear like the sky above that they had enough of Monoma's shit.

Even Ibarra, the Christian girl of 1-B, prayed to the Lord of punishing Monoma for his actions and guide him to the right way.

"A friendly reminder," Aizawa caught their attention. "At the end of the internship, every hero whom you interned with shall report to the school of your activities. So, no slacking and work your ass off. You can go now."

The teachers received a loud 'Hai' before they all dispersed.

While Monoma received an earful from his peers, most of Class 1-A started to talk about they're going and some asked to join along the way since they're going the same path.

None are as silent as Shoto and Tenya. The class president immediately left but was caught up by Izuku, Ochako, Tsuyu, and Amelia.

"Iida-kun." Ochako called him.

"If you ever feel hopeless, make sure to let us." Amelia said with the girls nodding in concern.

Izuku was last and never thought he would say this, but here he goes.

"Friends help each other, right?"

The class president of 1-A stood there for a moment before turning around.

"Yeah." He uttered with a pained smile, and the group evidently know that feeling.

The boy then resumes walking as the group still staring at his figure walking away from them.

"Sure hope he's alright." Itsuka and Momo entered the conversation. Mostly everyone in Japan knows about the news of Ingenium's sudden retirement.

"Yeah." They never took off their eyes from Tenya.

Soon, all the students joined, with worried expressions.

The eyes of the teachers are on the boy as well.

By then, Tenya was gone from their sight and Izuku sighed.

"Such a coincidence." The sudden voice made them jumped as they turn around to see a certain hero approaching them.

They were shocked at the appearance of Miruko.

"What's with those gloomy looks? Scared of getting your asses kicked? You bet that's what we'll do. Well, some of us." Miruko smirked.

Despite her being 5'2 feet tall, their spines shivered at the tenacity the Rabbit Heroine brought. She really is a badass through and through.

"So, brat." Rumi eyed Izuku. His body stiffened when they lock eyes.

"I should punish you for putting me through hell." She said, indicating her being worked up for getting Izuku as her intern.

"Uhm... S-Sorry?"

"Bet your ass you do. Now, come on, we got no time to waste. Wear whatever you have and beat some villains on the way back. You dare do something crazy and I'll give ya a beating."

Then she walked away with Izuku following. The group of students felt relief and thought at the same time.

He's screwed.

Miruko was gaining attention. She heard murmurs like 'How did Miruko accepts an intern?', 'Is he a member?', 'Did she finally team up?'

That last one irritated Miruko. Like hell, she would team up with anyone.

Once they're out of the station, Miruko jumped to a nearby building, surprising the hero nerd.

"What strength." Izuku murmured to himself.

He aimed at the wall and let out a string of organic web and pulled himself to the air.

Then he realized already. He pulled himself high enough for him to have a height level with the building where Miruko landed, and this?

This is his first-time web-swinging.


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