Ch. 33 - Let the Chaos Begin

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Chapter 33 – Let the Chaos Begin


He couldn't believe his eyes. He'd intern under a pro hero after everything that's happened in less than a week.

Unfortunately, even if he was labeled as a Rank A villain, many pro heroes decline their requests.

When he scrolls through social media, all of the topics are about himself and Izuku Midoriya.

Topics containing him having no redemption to become a hero, particularly for the abuse he inflicted on the boy whom he mistook for a pebble.

Then this one topic caused him to lose control.

He had no choice.

His past actions are coming back to haunt him, and he must pay the price.

Then he heard the program's director say that he will be interning under Best Jeanist.

He explained his reasoning.

==Flashback End==

Katsuki Bakugo stood there, his gaze fixed on the night sky.

Memories came and went, making him feel... uneasy. Extremely unpleasant.

After grabbing his phone and opening the Message App, he texted his parents.

When he saw the message that they were fine, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked how he was.

After everything he's done to himself, it's a painful reality that most families would abandon, kick, or leave their children behind because of their actions that reflect poorly on them.

But here they are, still caring for him despite his bravado and arrogance.

He returned to the room where he was supposed to sleep, sharply inhaling.

He sat on the chair instead of going to bed. He began to sink into the train of memories, slouching.

And the majority of them are beating the hell out of his former childhood friend.

Izuku Midoriya.

He raised his arm and looked at his hand.

It was the same hand that invited him to stand.

An offer he should have taken back then.

His pride, however, blinds his heart. That was the end of it.

For the first time, a pained expression appeared on his face as he closed his palm in agony.

And tears began to form in his eyes.

"What... have I done?"

==Kamino, Yokohama==

The site of the mass slaughter eight years ago. They were able to rebuild the buildings in less than a year with the assistance of the pro heroes. Of course, some took turns, such as one group focusing on building repairs and the other on capturing villains, and vice versa the next day.

Despite this, one structure has remained unaltered since the massacre.

It's none other than the League of Villains' hideout.

Shigaraki and Kurogiri are looking at the person Kurogiri invited to their numbers, away from the prying gazes from both residents and pro heroes.

That would be none other than Stain, the Hero Killer.

Kurogiri discovered his location and invited him to some negotiations a while ago.

Shigaraki commented that Stain has a lot of experience as a villain after realizing that these two are the ones who instigated an attack at USJ and wanted him to join their ranks.

"What are you looking for?" Stain inquired.

"For the time being," Shigaraki began. "I want to murder All Might."

"I want to break everything I don't like." He said, holding up a photograph.

Not just any old photograph.

It's a photograph of Izuku Midoriya following her victory in the first round of the Sports Festival.

"Those kids like him. Everything." the villain remarked.

Hearing his intention, Stain said, "I was foolish to be interested."

"You're the kind of person I despise the most."

This piqued their interest.

"Do you want me to join you in your childish tantrum?"

He gradually raised his arms.

"What is the point of killing without conviction?"

His hands were on his sides, ready for the harm that was about to befall the villains.

"(Hero Killer: Stain.)" Kurogiri began to ponder.

"(This man was brought in to help Tomura Shigaraki grow because he is only interested in destruction. However, this is...)" As he and Shigaraki watched Stain slowly remove his weapons, his voice became concerned.

"Sensei." He said in a panic manner, staring at the monitor with a word inscribed [SOUND ONLY].

"This is fine." Said the person on the monitor, who was listening in on the entire conversation.

"It's pointless to tell him the answer. He should consider where he needs to mature." he said, referring to Tomura's development.

"Promote his development. This is what education entails." he explained.

And then all hell broke loose as Stain attacked both villains in a matter of minutes.

"No matter what you achieve, you must have conviction and desire," Stain said as he firmly grasped his daggers, which were planted beside Shigaraki's head.

"Those who lack it and those who are weak will be dragged out." It's natural, which is why it turns out this way."

Tomura struggled to breathe and groaned in pain as he was 'educated'.

After telling Kurogiri to return Stain, the said person told him he couldn't move because his triceps had been cut open.

"It has to be the Hero Killer's Quirk," he reasoned.

"This society was overrun with phony heroes, and the true meaning of it faded with time." "All criminals who flaunt their power should be purged," Stain declared.

He brought his dagger closer to the acting leader's face, but Tomura caught it.

"Wait a second... not this palm." The dagger starts to disintegrate, or more accurately, decay.

The leader glared at Stain, who was caught off guard just before steel disintegrated in an instant.

"Wow, you talk a lot. Beliefs? I have nothing as grand. If I had assumed..." He stopped for a moment, his stare drawn to a nearby torned All Might poster.

"That would be All Might."

Tomura's eyes widened slightly as if he were a psychopath.

"I feel as though I want to utterly crush this lifestyle, in which filth like that gets idolized." A devious grin caused Stain to think twice about killing him, and with a swift movement, an arm attempted to grab his face, but he shied away before it occurred kudos to his years of experience.

He decided to stand up, clutching his right shoulder that had been knifed by one of Stain's daggers.

"My most recent injury was finally mending. You should know we don't have a healer in the party," he scratched his neck, describing his wound as though it were a game.

"Are you willing to accept responsibility for this?"

As Stain questioned him, his eyes narrowed and he realized who he is. "Is that who you are?"

"Huh?" Tomura paused his scratching.

"It appears that our goals are at odds," the Hero Killer continued. "However, there is one point on which we agree. That is, to annihilate the present."

Shigaraki had had enough of his wisdom nonsense and, like a child, shooed the Hero Killer away.

"I'm the type of person you despise the most, correct?"

"I was measuring your intentions." Said the Hero Killer.

"When they're on the verge of death, people always show their true colors." He said as he sheathed his last weapon.

"It's separate, but inside you is an 'ambition', a warped sprout of conviction. The question is, how are you going to bud?"

He then raised both of his hands slightly.

"It might not be too late to dispose of you after I've seen that."

Kurogiri, who was attempting to move his body, felt his limbs finally work.

"Kurogiri," the acting leader was called. "I don't want someone this insane at my party."

The mentioned villain informed him once more that if Stain joined the League of Villains, he would be a valuable asset and hence treated equally.

Kurogiri declared, "The negotiations were successful."

"I've finished my work. Now, return me to Hosu," he said, licking his lips. "There are still things I need to do there."

==The Next Day==

"Grkk!!! " Izuku slid across the gym, resisting the strength of a kick. It's already 11:20 a.m. on the second day of the internship, and it's been thirty minutes since training began.

"Sugoi. To think you can tank all of my attacks. Guess I found a new punching bag. Unfortunately, it will expire in a week," Miruko smirked.

"I suppose you have to say, 'Make the most of it,' huh?"

"And that's exactly what I'll do." Miruko jumped above him and shouted Luna Fall, one of her signature moves, as she attempted to plant Midoriya straight to the ground.

Izuku jumped away quickly, cracking the floor.

Rumi smirked, pleased to see that her punching bag was as quick as a bug.

Izuku, in turn, smiled before lunging at her, and she jumped away in the same way he did.

"I've got you!

The Rabbit Hero is now in the air, upping her right leg.

"Luna Arc!"


She hit the ground once more!

That damn brat!

Looking back, Izuku was close. His left arm was extended towards her, which she took full advantage of.

Clutching it, she pummeled him to the floor with great force before landing a leg drop on his chest.

He struggled to breathe.

"I win," Miruko asserted with a toothy grin before releasing his arm.

Huffing, the student told her he was so certain he'd get her.

"And that's what cost you the game," she explained. "The severity of our duels forced me to act instinctively. You know how you duel Endeavor's son? You did it mostly out of instinct. That's exactly what happened now."

"Well, don't lay your ass down like a log. Get up, we still have time."

The hero nerd struggled to stand up until a kick was about to eviscerate his head. Fortunately, he sank and jumped away. The Spider-Sense comes in very handy too fast.

"First lesson. If you desire to conquer the foes, you shouldn't ever allow them to breathe." Rumi explained.

"Nevertheless, even though you continue hitting, you'll end up wasting a lot of energy. So, utilize your surroundings to your benefit. That's lesson two."

From then on, the sparring practice continued while he was being taught until the clock struck 12:00 n.n.

Knackered from unending experience, she instructed him to prepare a meal for the two of them.

The boy gathered himself up by shooting a web toward the ceiling and scrubbing his sweat with his clothes.

They must, however, first take a bath.

Cause they stink.

==Time Skip==

"Ugh. This sucks." Izuku murmured, feeling numb in all places.

"(This is what I get for interning with a top pro hero.)" Speaking of top pro heroes, Rumi had already left the building, having him stayed behind to re-energize.

"(Actually.)" He took a breather. "(I need to research something.)" He then approached Ken and asked if he could borrow a computer.

Ken granted the permission, citing the desire to better himself as the reason.

Izuku began typing away, forgiving the intrusion of using a computer, to see how he could improve.

When analyzing his fighting style, he was inspired by both All Might and Miruko. It was about time he stepped up.

Perhaps something along the lines of tempo and reflex. For example, trying to add a style of dance. Break dancing?

That's it!

The hero nerd started searching for videos and sending the link to his phone.

"Thank you for allowing me to use the computer." Izuku says as he shuts it down and bows to Ken.

Izuku was on his way to the gym when he clicked the first video link and flipped it to landscape.

He started dancing after that.

==Time Skip==

"Hah... Hah..." Wiping away sweat, Midoriya completed three of ten videos.

"I guess it's time to take a..." As he approached the door, he was greeted by two people.


Miruko snarled, "Never thought a brat would have it in him."

"I would've arrived first to say that we'll go right into sparring," she grumbled before looking down to her left.

"And this small grumpy, short-memory old man just walked into my agency like it was no big deal."

"Eh? Who is he? " The elderly gentleman inquired.

"Stop acting stupid, geezer! You know who I'm talking to!" She screamed at him.

"Do you know him, Miruko-sensei?"

"Of course I do. Gran Torino, he's your stepping-into-someone's-house old man. A one-year former U.A High School teacher. I'm not sure why, but all I know is that he applied for and received a hero card solely to use his Quirk for free."

"A former U.A High School teacher?" He repeated.

"What is your name?" The old man fixed his gaze on the boy.

He was initially skeptical. The question appears straightforward, but he needs to be precise. Izuku responded with no further notion.


"Huh? What exactly did you say? "


"I can't hear you. Speak louder!"

A vein popped at the side of the boy's forehead. No wonder why the Rabbit Hero is annoyed.

That being said, he shifted his attention to the heroine.

"Sensei, shall we start sparring?"

"Yeah, let's-"


As he dodged a quick attack, his Spider-Sense shot through the roof.

"(So fast!)" thought Izuku. It was the old man, according to the source.

His expressions show a serious look, which is very different from what he showed earlier.

"I've seen your battles." Gran Torino said sternly to Izuku. "Let's see if you're any better than you were at U.A High School."

Izuku's demeanor changed with a smile that crept across his face, from shocked to determined.

"Thank you."

"Tsk. Taking the spotlight." A grumpy Miruko observed. She decided to lean back, arms crossed, and see how far the boy could go.

Gran Torino took advantage of the first move, flying towards the boy, who avoided it.

Bounced on the floor, then the wall, before launching at Izuku, who dodged it yet again.

The boy's instincts and reflexes impressed the man. Nobody can avoid his attack twice in a row, let alone once.

"I'm astounded, boy. No one can dodge my attacks this quickly." He said.

"I suppose I met your expectations?"

"No, not yet. I'll have to give it my all." He lunged at him. Izuku assumed he'd attack from the wall, but he'd vanished.

His body suddenly moved on its own and jumped back, before him is Gran Torino hitting the floor.

"(He changed direction in mid-air? His Quirk must be speed-related. The velocity must be like a jet.)" The boy realized what his Quirk is.

His Quirk must be a jet engine.

This is going to be difficult.

He's like dealing with a human-sized housefly, but this housefly is armed with an unlimited fuel rocket designed to physically and mentally harm him.

If he behaves like a housefly...

"(It's time to act like a spider.)" Those were his final words as he began shooting lines of webs at point-blank range while dodging Gran Torino.

"You have a plan, huh." The old man noticed. "Too bad it won't work on someone like me." He started to cut the threads of each web Izuku attempted.

"Then I'll have to do it faster." He said, pausing and bending his knees.

He spins in the air, twisting his body and rapidly firing webs.

"Web Blossom!"

Instead of web shots, they are all web linings. During this action, both pro heroes are evading in case they got in the way.

"Nice try, but it won't stop me," Gran Torino says, reaching for his head.


But then he felt a slight resistance in his hand before realizing it was covered in the web.

"(How did he-)" The old man returned Izuku's gaze, which moved his left hand. He was caught in a web that was attached to the ceiling.

"(I see.)" He realized it at the end. Because he was about to grab him on his right, he didn't notice Izuku was hiding his left side, directing his attention on him, but he was unaware of his surroundings.

Another line of web shot his left foot, catching him off guard. Then comes his left hand, followed by his right foot.

If Izuku thought he had him, he was correct, but not yet finished.

He grabbed all of the webs and threw them at Gran Torino one by one. At his knees, hair, and chest, as well as his cape.

Following this sequence, he jumped onto the web and wrapped the old man like a cocoon, leaving only his head exposed.

Rumi examined his battle style, which she found to be impressive. He created an environment of numerous webbings, just like she told him so that Gran Torino couldn't move in any direction.

As a result, he was forced to pursue the boy, who, in turn, caught him off guard. And he used all those webs to keep Gran Torino from escaping.

"To think I've been defeated by a youngster." Gran Torino said, his voice devoid of defeat. He seemed pleased with the outcome.

"You did well, boy. Can you please do me a favor and get me out of this?"

"Yes, sir." The boy said as a scythe-like weapon appeared on his left side, snipping away at the webs and thick silk on Gran Torino.

The old man sighed and exhaled a sigh of relief.

"Finally, I can move again." He said, looking up at the student who towered over him at 5'6".

"Did you hesitate?"

The student was taken aback by the question.

"Sir, never."

"Good, because if you dare to hold back, I'll whoop your a$$." Holding back because I'm just an old man is worse than calling me an old man."

After hearing his statement, the boy's shoulders stiffened.

The man took a breather before continuing his speech.

"Hear me when I say don't slack off?"

"Sir, yes."

"Then I've got nothing left but to see your skills and abilities." he said as he was about to leave the room. But then...

"I forgot something." He turned around.



"What is your name?"


That's Izuku hitting his head on the ground, while Miruko grumbled in frustration. If he does it again, she'll kick him out of the building.

Izuku responded by standing up.

"Midoriya. Izuku, Midoriya."

Gran Torino's brow furrowed.

"Midoriya?" He hummed in curiosity as he whispered the boy's family name.

"Is there something wrong, Gran Torino-sensei?"

"Nope. Nothing. Please give it your all, kid. "

"Yes, sir," he said with a broad smile. Gran Torino nodded and told the two that he was leaving the building.

Miruko cast a glance at the intern as soon as the elder pro hero was gone.

"Hey, brat," she said to him. "Since you're done with time, your time with me is up next," she said with a smile.

The boy's spine shivers just looking at that smile. Her smile reminds him of Katsuki Bakugo, except the female version is a pro hero with far more experience.

"However, I need to take a- Whoa!"

He ducked down just in time to avoid a Rabbit Hero kick.

"Stop moaning and start fighting!"

Gran Torino was walking down the streets with a cane while screams of pain erupted from the gym inside Miruko's agency.

His eyes are slightly downcast as if he's lost in his world.

His thoughts are on the boy, Izuku. Particularly his surname.

"(Where have I heard that name before?)" He pondered for a moment before reaching the end.

"Bah! Who cares? It's probably just my ears." He said, wiping his right ear with his pinky finger and focusing his gaze ahead of him.

Unbeknownst to him, it was much deeper than he had anticipated. The boy's destiny will come sooner rather than later.

==The Next Day==

Just a brief backstory.

On Monday, June 21, students began to choose who they would intern for.

Saturday, June 26th, is the first day of the Internship.

The third day of the internship is today, June 28th, which is Monday.

Every student's progress can be described in three words.

Hell on Earth.

Tsuyu Asui, too. Her first two days are focused on physical fitness, with exercises to strengthen her limbs and tongue.

Consider it similar to Physical Education, but more professional and intense. That's how she feels.

And thank goodness her training is finished. Later that afternoon, she will begin capturing villains in the sea or nearby seashores with the crew and the pro hero.

Momo, weary and yet motivated, is finally being mentored by both Fat Gum and Suneater, but mostly Fat Gum because Tamaki does not like people occupying his private boundaries and it has been known to cover behind Fat Gum at times, which the said pro hero laughed.

Amidst Tamaki being the senpai, Creati finds his behavior funny.

Before actually heading to the underground train station, Ochako and Itsuka followed Gunhead, with whom they work.

That is until they heard about fugitives causing havoc in the train station.

They dashed towards the specified location and attempted to apprehend the villains.

In another location, Death Arms and Kyoka Jiro are on a rescue mission at the same time. They are accompanied by police.

"There are five hostages. They are guarded by four people. "Two on the bottom... two on top, guarding the high points."

One of her jacks is on the ground near the door, and the other is on the wall.

"Do you have any suggestions for getting them out?"

The chief inquired of the two.

"There are numerous windows above. "Get two of your men there and ready for the signal," Death Arms said. He looked around. It was a small abandoned gym that had been used by a company that had recently gone bankrupt.

They both nodded and proceeded to their destination after spotting two officers.

It only took five minutes because every second counts.

"Are you two in place?"

He said to the officers in hushed tones.

"I'm in the position." One of them stated.

"I'm almost there." The other continued.

"You'd better hurry."

"Yes, sir," he said.

There is some parkour and such on his part. It's a good thing this gym was close to the nearby shops.

And, yes, everyone in the area has left the area and is watching the scenario from fifty feet behind the lane that the police have created.

The officer radioed, "I'm here, sir."

"Alright. "Please describe what you see."

"There are two people in front of us."

"All right, I'll give the signal," the chief of police said.

The officers pulled out their stun guns.

"Ready? " They were aiming at them.



The two kidnappers were alerted by the distorted sound of pain. They were tased.

The front door reverberated with a loud sound.

"Raise your hands!"

The outcome was short-lived.

This appears to be a simple task, but it could be more complicated than it appears.

They move on to the next crime scene after congratulating SoundBlast and Death Arms.

"(I'm going to puke after this.)" Her stomach clenched from the stress.

"(No. Don't think, Kyoka. If you think you're gonna do it, you'll definitely gonna do it.)" Encouraging herself, she held it back and moved on to the next mission.

Tenya Iida was awaiting the go signal from Manual. Furthermore, they work for his agency.

The lessons he learned from them continue to bother him.

He was aware that Stain would have to pay for his actions. But his words left him perplexed.

His head trembled. It's not the right time to exact revenge, and you need to start paying attention to Manual.

But he didn't realize that he would solve the issue as soon as possible.

==Time Skip==

"Yosh. That's it for the sparring."


Groaning, Izuku felt like everything is spinning around.

Slowly standing up, Izuku asked a question.

"So, is everything done for today?"

"Of course not."


Izuku fell forward, a resounding noise emanates from his face against the floor.

"We're gonna go to Hosu City to fight villains."

The location caught the boy's attention.

"If possible, there's a chance of us meeting the Hero Killer."

His mind went to Tenya. There's... no, it's a hundred percent chance that he'll chase after him.

"Say, didn't your classmate have a brother?"

"Yes. He's the younger brother of Ingenium."

"Huh. And did he intern with any hero near it?"

"As a matter of fact, yes."

"Damn, he's really sticking with the revenge plan."

"I hope not. It'll get him into more trouble." Miruko nodded, agreeing with what Midoriya said.

"Anyway, take a light break and we'll get going immediately."

"Yes, Miruko-sensei." Wiping off the sweats with a towel, they both went to the dining room and ate some food before telling everyone they're gonna take off.

==Hosu City==

The sun was setting, the sky's getting darker, and somewhere at the top of a water tower sits the Hero Killer: Stain.

Lying and waiting, a portal appeared behind him, and out came Tomura Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

"Hosu City seems nicer than I expected." Shigaraki commended, but no excitement within his tone. "So, what're you gonna do?"

"I will reform this city. To do so, I require more victims." Stain said with his tongue sticking out.

"Is this what you meant the other day when you said you had business to take care of?" Kurogiri questioned.

"I see you're someone who understands." Stain stood up.

"Hey," Shigaraki hoisted his arm and held onto his injured shoulder. "What're you trying to say about me?"

"The title 'Hero' is given only to those who have accomplished great deeds." Stain stretched his arms out like a saint as he responds.

"And yet there are too many. Too many acts like heroes but are money-worshippers. Until this world realized its mistakes," He clutched the handle of the sword on his back.

"I will continue to appear." He jumped off and unsheathed his weapon, leaving the two villains on the water tower.

"He talks all high and mighty like that, but he's trying to start a grassroots movement, huh?" Tomura began to scratch his neck.

"He's so noble I'm gonna cry."

"You shouldn't make fun of him, Shigaraki." Kurogiri notified him.

"The reality is that in all the cities where Stain has appeared, the crime rate continued to decrease. And some critics attribute this to a rise in heroes' consciousness and shoot him down, though." The leader scratches his neck forcefully as he heard the news.

"Well, ain't that just wonderful?" A cheery Shigaraki said.

"Heroes are working hard to bring down the cost of food, huh? So, the 'hero killer' is also a 'hero breeder'!"

His shoulders slumped before crossing his arms.

"It's too roundabout." He stated lackadaisically. "We just can't agree at a basic level. And to top it off, he annoys me."

He faced Kurogiri. "Kurogiri, bring out the Nomus."

A large portal formed behind them, revealing three Nomus.

A winged Nomu, a strength buff Nomu and... a skinny Nomu.

"You think you can get away by stabbing me? If I want to kill you, I can just kill you. Simple as that. It'll be a wild contest. I'll crush your honor and your pride, senpai~." Shigaraki threatened as he unleashed chaos in Hosu City.

==Time Skip==

The night came by quickly as possible as two people are seen above.

"We're almost there!" Hopping from one building to another, Rumi Usagiyama and Izuku Midoriya are nearing their destination.

That is until they saw a large smoke in front of them.

"Trouble's here." Rumi stated as she was heading towards them, but Izuku interrupted.

"Wait. Over there, sensei." The heroine stared at where he was pointing at.

There, at the train tracks, a large figure made a hole and have someone in its feet.

"Kuso. Kiddo, you take care of that, I'll go to the smoke! I permitted you to fight!"

"Understood!" They separate ways to stop the chaos. The train never stopped, but the boy was determined to stop it.

He noticed something about the figure, but have to get a closer look.

Catching up, he shot a line of web on the invader's back. The figure turned its head for the boy to see...

"A Nomu?!"

His surprised moment dropped as the said Nomu, whose appearance is blue-colored skin and a thin body, threw a piece of metal from the train to him.

With ease, he dodged and webbed it to a nearby wall before launching his attack by pulling himself to it and delivering a kick to the face.

The Nomu fell on its rear and Izuku grabbed one of his legs and threw it out with force.

"Everyone, calm down!" He yelled to the crowd. "Call an ambulance and police. Hurry!" He hoped that the people inside the train listened. He knows that they're surprised and panicked by the attack, but he didn't have any choice.

That's his last heed to them before rushing to the Nomu who was falling to the streets with citizens.

The Spider-Sense caused his head to look down. Two people, a woman, and a man are about to get crushed by the falling Nomu.

Shivering with adrenaline, the boy propelled down and grabbed the Nomu, and changed direction by kicking him to the road.

Izuku landed on his feet as the crowd watched the scene.

"Guys, get away as far as you can!" He told them and some followed his instructions, but others took out their phones, which enraged the boy under the mask.

"Don't stand there and record it! Get away! Your life is in-" He abruptly stopped when he felt the immense danger to his left and saw a fist collide with his face that sent him flying to the wall, and causing a crater in it.

The crowd screamed in fear before staring at this... disgusting figure. The exposed brain with eyes attached to it, the length of this villain, it's so... freaky.

"Kuso..." Cussed under his breath, Izuku emerged with blood trickling down his face and his mask was damaged from the impact of the punch.

Anymore damage and it will involve his face. The boy lunged towards the Nomu who anticipated his approach and swung a left hook.

However, Izuku knew it would happen even without the help of the Spider-Sense.

He changed his course by simply timing his hand to land on its forearm and avoided the attack.

With enough air, he stretched his leg out and delivered an axe kick to the brain.

The skinny Nomu was writhing in pain as it hold its head. The boy made some distance between themselves, and it looks like it was a critical hit on the said brain.

But that didn't stop the Nomu as it made eye contact with him while the crowd are running away in the background.

"(Good.)" The boy thought, seeing them evacuating the scenario happening in front.

Unconsciously, the side of his mouth curled up.

Be it the danger, or the challenge he's about to face as the Nomu roared before charging at him.

At Rumi's side, she had a large smile. A predator one at that. Chaos was everywhere in her surroundings. The people running away, a large fire, and then this.

"Looks the uglier brother's here." She eyed the creature. Standing like a wall, bulkier and black-skinned, there's no doubt. It's the bulky Nomu.

And how does she know it's a Nomu? Amongst the heroes who have seen the pictures of the USJ Incident, she was one of them.

And this one seems to be stronger than the USJ Nomu. And she's up for the hunt and the thrill of the danger.

"Cavalry's here." She muttered before readying up. The bulky Nomu saw her and slowly walked to her.

Bending her legs, she jumped at it and performed a roundhouse kick, expecting the Nomu to block it.

And it did. The Nomu used its arm to block, but the strength of her leg caused it to drop its guard.

She spun and blew a back kick with her left side, and it staggered the Nomu.

Then, she clicked her tongue.

"Well, aren't you a sturdy fella." The recoil from hitting both its head and arm is describable. She felt like she kicked a denser and harder brick wall.

"Hafta take you down quickly." Rumi said to herself before the battle began.

Somewhere at the top of a building, two villains are watching the scene unfolding before them.

"Now this," Shigaraki laughed. "Is a good game to watch."

Somewhere near the large fire where Miruko and the bulky Nomu are fighting, Manual received reports of Nomu appearances and was heading towards it.

Towards the fire everyone was facing.

He then told Tenya to accompany him, to which the boy agreed.

But his mind... is on a certain someone.

"(Could he? No. He's not the type of person to do that.)" He thought.

They kept running and both passed a dark alleyway which Manual failed to notice.

But Ingenium's kid brother didn't.

He stopped and faced it, staring for a few seconds before realizing it.

"Manual!" He called out.

"He's here."

"What?" It took a moment before realizing what the boy meant.

"No, I wouldn't let you."

"I'm not going to fight him, but I'm sure he's onto someone."

"And how would you know?"

"Because that's what he always does. Please, send reinforcements to my location, I have to get to him before it's too late!" With that, he charged towards the dark alleyway but failed to hear Manual's pleas.

Cursed under his breath, he pressed his headgear and said, "My internship said that he found the Hero Killer: Stain and believed that the said killer is on someone right now."

"Any evidence to know if it's him?" Said the voice coming from his headgear.

"No, but he told me to send reinforcements quickly. I'll send you the location." He told the direction and was confirmed before going off the call.

Then, he has the hardest choice to make.

He looked to his left and see the large fire before changing his attention to the front, the dark alleyway where Tenya Iida believed that Stain's here.

With his teeth grinding against each other, he finally picked it.

"(Iida-kun. Please, come back safe.)" He prayed as he run towards the fire.

Tenya Iida began his hunt by pulling out his phone and sending his position to his friends in the hopes that they would interpret it.

Away, from the chaos is another chaos.

"So noisy. The fools have come out, huh? Guess I'll deal with them later," Stain says from somewhere in the alleyway, his attention drawn to loud noises, particularly those coming from his right.

He shifts his focus to the man he's grabbing by the face, who is battered and fatigued from battling him. And the way he holds him is dangerous. "Right now, I'll do what needs to be done."

"Ugh. Can't move... my body..." A muffled voice came out from the man. His eyes filled with pure terror, knowing he can't do anything to move his nerves.

"You bastard... Go to hell," he cursed.

"If you call yourself a hero, you should select your last words carefully," the assailant remarked, lowering his face but not his sight.

Slowly, he raised his sword and prepared for the plunging of the fake hero until he heard loud footsteps coming from his right.

Iida was present when the assailant swung his sword at him. The kid just avoided the onslaught when the sword caught his helmet.

Tenya grabbed one of the hero's arms before swiping Stain's grip away. Stain, though, sticks his leg out, tripping Tenya to the ground a few feet away.

The one saving grace is that the boy saved the hero from death.

Just a glimpse and the younger Iida recognized the hero. It's Native.

"Native! Status?" he inquired immediately.

Native responded, "I'm paralyzed... it's his Quirk."

Stain inspected the intruder's figure, a child dressed in recognizable armor, but ignored it.

"Run along, kid. I have my own standards, but if you insist on interfering with my work, you must realize you're just another target on the list." He said.

"Why should I flee when someone's life is at stake?" Tenya responded. "Would it be worth it to cure my brother's condition if I murder you?"

"(Brother?)" Stain pondered. He returned his gaze to the child until he recognized who he was referring to.

"You're Ingenium's younger brother," Stain stated, making Tenya cringe. The boy's hero suit is a dead giveaway. At first, Stain thought it was just some crazy fan of Ingenium, but what are the odds that this crazy fan is the recently retired hero's little brother.

"I gotta hand it to him. He may be a hero, but that doesn't stop me from my goal."

"Which is?" The boy asked, and received no answer.

"One last warning. Stay out of my way." Stain threatened.

"I refuse." That one answer is all he wrote. A moment of silence, before going in for the kill.

"You leave me no choice." He lunged at him, and Tenya barely avoided it.

"(Damn it.)" The boy thought. If he thinks that his brother's fast, then that doubt rises. Stain is faster than the two of him.

Jumping from wall to wall at high speed, the young hero tried to find an opening, but the hero killer wouldn't let him.

And just as the sword was about to pierce through his left shoulder, Tenya leaned to the side, grabs Stain, tucked in a fetal position with both feet on the man's chest, and kicked him as far as he can.

It did make some distance, but Stain's recovery was quick. Meanwhile, Tenya carried Native on his back and sprinted the hell out.

Stain chases them as Iida struggles on escaping, mainly because of Native's weight and inability to move.

He pressed a button on his helmet and said, "Need reinforcements, quickly! Can't escape him for long!"

His voice was loud enough for Stain to narrow his eyes.

"No witnesses." Predicting the boy's lane, he threw a knife, grazing Tenya's right leg, and toppled to the ground.

The chase ended with Native just a few feet away from the boy and Stain grabbed the blood-stained knife and licked it.

Tenya suddenly felt his body stop. With all his strength, he attempts to stand up but failed.

"With little to no experience," Stain walked towards Native while speaking to Iida. "You sure survived longer than these amateurs."

"Why?" The boy asked. "Why can't you give them another chance?"

Stain hummed in amusement. "I'm surprised you tried to convince me. You're the first person to do it. But sadly, they wasted it as soon as fame took over their mind."

"Face it, kid. That's reality. If you don't agree, then might as well rethink what you've been doing your whole life."

He stomps on Native, who groaned in pain. As soon as he was about to impale his life, he quickly dodged a beam of fire that was aimed at him.

"(That fire...)" Iida immediately recognized.

Stain clicked his tongue before saying, "One after another."

"Guess I was a little late to your party." The voice came from a certain student.

"The son of Endeavor." Stain commented.


"I won't let you kill more people, Stain." Shoto declared.

"Try me if you can."

==Izuku's Location==

Izuku is being followed by the Nomu as he retreats.

The young boy's strategy involves switching the location of the battle. The commotion began in Hosu, where Miruko went.

The aspiring hero looked up when he heard a loud screeching sound from above and saw a winged Nomu flying directly toward him.

Izuku knew what to do, so he changed his course, webbing at the wall to avoid being struck.

The two Nomus collided with one another.

Izuku claimed, "They have some sort of grudge against me." He didn't waste any time and kept moving in the direction of the enormous fire as the two Nomus recovered and pursued the boy.

In a matter of seconds, the wingless Nomu was closing the gap.

"(This fucking chicken...)" Izuku fired a line of web at the chicken's face in a fit of rage, pulling it to the ground as he heard a nasty, loud thud below.

Izuku didn't stop, though. The Winged Nomu was repeatedly hit by his webs until it finally stuck to the ground.

"(That'll stop him at the-)" The Spider-Sense interrupted him as he looked back and met with the skinny Nomu. With a fast reflex, Izuku went out of harm's way.

"That was close." Web zipped towards the wall, Izuku's getting close to the fire.

He can hear the people screaming and scurrying away in front of him.

He was horrified to realize that he was guiding the Nomus in their direction.

And they will be imprisoned in Hosu City right now, which is a living hell.

Izuku changed his mind and chose to pull the pursuer at the shadowy passageway to his left after cursing under his breath.

The enemy charged at him and successfully caught him, but Izuku set himself up to be hit, sending a shockwave of pain through his body.

Ignoring it, Izuku caught a glimpse of an alleyway at his left. Grabbing the Nomu's wrist with the pure intent of throwing it at the said alleyway.

He did it effortlessly and simultaneously felt shocked. Was it the rush of adrenaline or the desire to quickly remove the Nomu from the public's attention?

He kicked the Nomu in the stomach with a nasty blow after shaking off those ideas and charging at him while tucking both of his legs. Izuku jumped, sliding against the concrete, and extended his right leg.

The Nomu was already attempting to stand back up when Izuku stopped it. At least, that is what he believed when his leg drop attack was blocked.

In a quick flash, it grabbed his leg and threw him to the ground.

Shadow knew what was about to happen and acted as an airbag on Izuku to cushion the damage. The boy aimed his left arm at his enemy as Shadow stretched out to grab the Nomu's face, causing it to unhand its grip and furiously wipe whatever it was on its face.

"Thanks, bro."


Quickly standing up, Izuku brought his arm down, pulling his foe to the ground. Then, he took a step back, jumped in the air, reeled his arm back, and provided a nasty punch to the exposed brain, resulting in a high-pitched shriek from the Nomu.

Next thing he knew it instantly stood up and flailed its arms in an unfashionable manner, possibly the huge pain to the brain caused by the hero-in-training.

Izuku narrowly escaped it, but he wasn't prepared for what happened next. When the Spider-Sense made him turn around, he saw a set of claws that were about to grab hold of his right shoulder. Which, as it dug into his suit and his skin, did its job.

Izuku was familiar with the assailant.

The winged Nomu is here!

It's unbelievable that it managed to claw its way out in only a few seconds.

Izuku clenched his teeth as he heard the sound of its hind legs carving through his shoulder blade and it felt like knives. Two, three, or maybe even more, it can't hide the fact that it hurts.

"Kuso!" Izuku cursed before webbing the Winged Nomu's face. It lost its hold on him as Izuku pulled the web and delivered a strong punch. The skinny Nomu tackled the boy in a coordinated attack.

"Gahh!" Yelled out in pain. Despite the Nomu's appearance lacking muscles, he internally remarked that he was hit by Train-kun. A few seconds later, he was sent to the wall, causing a large crater on it.

Midoriya was driven to fight back despite the enormous blow and suffering multiple fractured bones. Or else, he is aware of what's going to transpire.

And because the Nomu was pinned to him, the challenge was already in his face. He can't move his body due to the lack of space.


His mind suddenly comes up with a ridiculous idea.

With sheer purpose, he bit the Nomu's finger, ripping the skin away in the process. The powerful entity felt it and stumbled back in agony, letting the winged Nomu inflict further danger.

The greenette kid was prepared for that to happen and kicked the opponent in the jaw with a left roundhouse kick.


As it bounced away, there was a loud crack. Its damaged jaw was known to the boy.

"Pweh!" Izuku spat the skin to the floor before wiping his mouth with his gauntlet.

He leaped into the air, releasing two strands of web at the ground while glaring at the enemy in front of him. He pulled back and had his legs pointed at the Nomu while firmly grasping them.

Crossing its arms, it anticipated the attack and had its arms crossed, the same way it had before. But this time, the outcome is different. It broke through the Nomu's defenses with enough force to break its arms and plant its body on the ground.

The kid grabbed the Nomu's face and effortlessly threw it away.

"(I hope everyone's out of harm's way.)" Izuku thought.

"Midoriya-kun?!" The sudden calling of his name snaps him out of his train of thought as he looked to his left and was shocked to see them here.

"Iida-kun?! Todoroki-kun?!" Not only his classmates but also recognized Native as well. They're both down on the ground, bleeding a lot.

"(Who caused these injuries?)" He thought before looking back, and another shocking revelation hit him.


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